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class SpotStruct_mysql extends SpotStruct_abs
     * Optimize / analyze (database specific) a number of hightraffic
     * tables.
     * This function does not modify any schema or data
    public function analyze()
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE spots');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE spotsfull');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE commentsxover');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE commentsfull');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE spotstatelist');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE sessions');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE filters');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE spotteridblacklist');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE filtercounts');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE users');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE cache');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE moderatedringbuffer');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ANALYZE TABLE usenetstate');

    // analyze

    public function resetdb()
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE spots');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE spotsposted');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE spotsfull');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE commentsxover');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE commentsfull');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE spotstatelist');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE spotteridblacklist');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE filtercounts');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE reportsposted');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE reportsxover');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE cache');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE moderatedringbuffer');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE usenetstate');
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1');

    // resetdb

    public function clearcache()
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('TRUNCATE TABLE cache');

    // clearcache

     * Returns a database specific representation of a boolean value
    public function bool2dt($b)
        if ($b) {
            return '1';
        } // if

        return '0';

    // bool2dt
     * Converts a 'spotweb' internal datatype to a
     * database specific datatype
    public function swDtToNative($colType)
        switch (strtoupper($colType)) {
            case 'INTEGER': $colType = 'int';
            case 'INTEGER UNSIGNED': $colType = 'int unsigned';
            case 'BIGINTEGER': $colType = 'bigint';
            case 'BIGINTEGER UNSIGNED': $colType = 'bigint unsigned';
            case 'BOOLEAN': $colType = 'tinyint(1)';
            case 'MEDIUMBLOB': $colType = 'mediumblob';
        } // switch

        return $colType;

    // swDtToNative

     * Converts a database native datatype to a spotweb native
     * datatype
    public function nativeDtToSw($colInfo)
        switch (strtolower($colInfo)) {
            case 'int(11)':
            case 'int': $colInfo = 'INTEGER';
            case 'int unsigned':
            case 'int(10) unsigned': $colInfo = 'INTEGER UNSIGNED';
            case 'bigint':
            case 'bigint(20)': $colInfo = 'BIGINTEGER';
            case 'bigint unsigned':
            case 'bigint(20) unsigned': $colInfo = 'BIGINTEGER UNSIGNED';
            case 'tinyint(1)': $colInfo = 'BOOLEAN';
            case 'mediumblob': $colInfo = 'MEDIUMBLOB';
        } // switch

        return $colInfo;

    // nativeDtToSw

    /* checks if an index exists */
    public function indexExists($idxname, $tablename)
        $q = $this->_dbcon->arrayQuery(
            'SHOW INDEXES FROM '.$tablename.' WHERE key_name = :keyname',
                ':keyname' => [$idxname, PDO::PARAM_STR],

        return !empty($q);

    // indexExists

    /* checks if a column exists */
    public function columnExists($tablename, $colname)
        $q = $this->_dbcon->arrayQuery(
            'SHOW COLUMNS FROM '.$tablename.' WHERE Field = :fieldname',
                ':fieldname' => [$colname, PDO::PARAM_STR],

        return !empty($q);

    // columnExists

     * Adds an index, but first checks if the index doesn't
     * exist already.
     * $idxType can be either 'UNIQUE', '' or 'FULLTEXT'
    public function addIndex($idxname, $idxType, $tablename, $colList)
        if (!$this->indexExists($idxname, $tablename)) {
            //if ($idxType == "UNIQUE") {
            //$this->_dbcon->rawExec("ALTER TABLE " . $tablename . " ADD " . $idxType . " INDEX " . $idxname . "(" . implode(",", $colList) . ");");
            //} else {
            $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ALTER TABLE '.$tablename.' ADD '.$idxType.' INDEX '.$idxname.'('.implode(',', $colList).');');
            //} # else
        } // if

    // addIndex

    /* checks if a fts text index exists */
    public function ftsExists($ftsname, $tablename, $colList)
        foreach ($colList as $num => $col) {
            $indexInfo = $this->getIndexInfo($ftsname.'_'.$num, $tablename);

            if ((empty($indexInfo)) || (strtolower($indexInfo[0]['COLUMN_NAME']) != strtolower($col))) {
                return false;
            } // if
        } // foreach

        return true;

    // ftsExists

    /* creates a full text index */
    public function createFts($ftsname, $tablename, $colList)
        foreach ($colList as $num => $col) {
            $indexInfo = $this->getIndexInfo($ftsname.'_'.$num, $tablename);

            if ((empty($indexInfo)) || (strtolower($indexInfo[0]['COLUMN_NAME']) != strtolower($col))) {
                $this->dropIndex($ftsname.'_'.$num, $tablename);
                $this->addIndex($ftsname.'_'.$num, 'FULLTEXT', $tablename, [$col]);
            } // if
        } // foreach

    // createFts

    /* drops a fulltext index */
    public function dropFts($ftsname, $tablename, $colList)
        foreach ($colList as $num => $col) {
            $this->dropIndex($ftsname.'_'.$num, $tablename);
        } // foreach

    // dropFts

    /* returns FTS info  */
    public function getFtsInfo($ftsname, $tablename, $colList)
        $ftsList = [];

        foreach ($colList as $num => $col) {
            $tmpIndex = $this->getIndexInfo($ftsname.'_'.$num, $tablename);

            if (!empty($tmpIndex)) {
                $ftsList[] = $tmpIndex[0];
            } // if
        } // foreach

        return $ftsList;

    // getFtsInfo

    /* drops an index if it exists */
    public function dropIndex($idxname, $tablename)
         * Make sure the table exists, else this will return an error
         * and return a fatal
        if (!$this->tableExists($tablename)) {
        } // if

        if ($this->indexExists($idxname, $tablename)) {
            $this->_dbcon->rawExec('DROP INDEX '.$idxname.' ON '.$tablename);
        } // if

    // dropIndex

    /* adds a column if the column doesn't exist yet */
    public function addColumn($colName, $tablename, $colType, $colDefault, $notNull, $collation)
        if (!$this->columnExists($tablename, $colName)) {
            // set the DEFAULT value
            if (strlen($colDefault) != 0) {
                $colDefault = 'DEFAULT '.$colDefault;
            } // if

            // Convert the column type to a type we use in MySQL
            $colType = $this->swDtToNative($colType);

            // change the collation to a MySQL type
            switch (strtolower($collation)) {
                case 'utf8': $colSetting = 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci';
                case 'utf8mb4': $colSetting = 'CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci';
                case 'ascii': $colSetting = 'CHARACTER SET ascii';
                case 'ascii_bin': $colSetting = 'CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin';
                case '': $colSetting = '';
                default: throw new Exception('Invalid collation setting');
            } // switch

            // and define the 'NOT NULL' part
            switch ($notNull) {
                case true: $nullStr = 'NOT NULL';
                default: $nullStr = '';
            } // switch

            $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ALTER TABLE '.$tablename.
                        ' ADD COLUMN('.$colName.' '.$colType.' '.$colSetting.' '.$colDefault.' '.$nullStr.')');
        } // if

    // addColumn

    /* alters a column - does not check if the column doesn't adhere to the given definition */
    public function modifyColumn($colName, $tablename, $colType, $colDefault, $notNull, $collation, $what)
        // set the DEFAULT value
        if (is_null($colDefault)) {
            $colDefault = 'NULL';
        if (strlen($colDefault) != 0) {
            $colDefault = 'DEFAULT '.$colDefault;
        } // if

        // Convert the column type to a type we use in MySQL
        $colType = $this->swDtToNative($colType);

        // change the collation to a MySQL type
        switch (strtolower($collation)) {
            case 'utf8': $colSetting = 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci';
            case 'utf8mb4': $colSetting = 'CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci';
            case 'ascii': $colSetting = 'CHARACTER SET ascii';
            case 'ascii_bin': $colSetting = 'CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin';
            case '': $colSetting = '';
            default: throw new Exception('Invalid collation setting');
        } // switch

        // and define the 'NOT NULL' part
        switch ($notNull) {
            case true: $nullStr = 'NOT NULL';
            default: $nullStr = '';
        } // switch

        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ALTER TABLE '.$tablename.
                    ' MODIFY COLUMN '.$colName.' '.$colType.' '.$colSetting.' '.$colDefault.' '.$nullStr);

    // modifyColumn

    /* drops a column */
    public function dropColumn($colName, $tablename)
        if ($this->columnExists($tablename, $colName)) {
            $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ALTER TABLE '.$tablename.' DROP COLUMN '.$colName);
        } // if

    // dropColumn

    /* checks if a table exists */
    public function tableExists($tablename)
        $q = $this->_dbcon->arrayQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$tablename."'");

        return !empty($q);

    // tableExists

    /* creates an empty table with only an ID field. Collation should be either UTF8 or ASCII */
    public function createTable($tablename, $collation)
        if (!$this->tableExists($tablename)) {
            switch (strtolower($collation)) {
                case 'utf8': $colSetting = 'CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci';
                case 'ascii': $colSetting = 'CHARSET=ascii';
                default: throw new Exception('Invalid collation setting');
            } // switch

            $this->_dbcon->rawExec('CREATE TABLE '.$tablename.' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT) '.$colSetting);
        } // if

    // createTable

    /* drop a table */
    public function dropTable($tablename)
        if ($this->tableExists($tablename)) {
            $this->_dbcon->rawExec('DROP TABLE '.$tablename);
        } // if

    // dropTable

    /* alters a storage engine (only mysql knows something about store engines, but well  :P ) */
    public function alterStorageEngine($tablename, $engine)
        $q = $this->_dbcon->singleQuery("SELECT ENGINE 
                                        FROM information_schema.TABLES 
                                        WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = '".$tablename."'");

        if (strtolower($q) != strtolower($engine)) {
            $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ALTER TABLE '.$tablename.' ENGINE='.$engine);
        } // if

    // alterStorageEngine

    /* rename a table */
    public function renameTable($tablename, $newTableName)
        $this->_dbcon->rawExec('RENAME TABLE '.$tablename.' TO '.$newTableName);

    // renameTable

    /* drop a foreign key constraint */
    public function dropForeignKey($tablename, $colname, $reftable, $refcolumn, $action)
        $q = $this->_dbcon->arrayQuery("SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM information_schema.key_column_usage 
                                        WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() 
                                          AND TABLE_NAME = '".$tablename."' 
                                          AND COLUMN_NAME = '".$colname."'
                                          AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = '".$reftable."' 
                                          AND REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME = '".$refcolumn."'");
        if (!empty($q)) {
            foreach ($q as $res) {
                $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ALTER TABLE '.$tablename.' DROP FOREIGN KEY '.$res['CONSTRAINT_NAME']);
            } // foreach
        } // if

    // dropForeignKey

    /* creates a foreign key constraint */
    public function addForeignKey($tablename, $colname, $reftable, $refcolumn, $action)
        $q = $this->_dbcon->arrayQuery("SELECT * FROM information_schema.key_column_usage 
                                        WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() 
                                          AND TABLE_NAME = '".$tablename."' 
                                          AND COLUMN_NAME = '".$colname."'
                                          AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = '".$reftable."' 
                                          AND REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME = '".$refcolumn."'");
        if (empty($q)) {
            $this->_dbcon->rawExec('ALTER TABLE '.$tablename.' ADD FOREIGN KEY ('.$colname.') 
                                        REFERENCES '.$reftable.' ('.$refcolumn.') '.$action);
        } // if

    // addForeignKey

    /* Returns in a fixed format, column information */
    public function getColumnInfo($tablename, $colname)
        $q = $this->_dbcon->arrayQuery("SELECT COLUMN_NAME, 
                                        FROM information_schema.COLUMNS 
                                        WHERE TABLE_NAME = '".$tablename."'
                                          AND COLUMN_NAME = '".$colname."'
                                          AND TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE()");
        if (!empty($q)) {
            $q = $q[0];
            $q['NOTNULL'] = ($q['IS_NULLABLE'] != 'YES');

             * MySQL 8.0.19 and higher compat
            $q['COLUMN_TYPE'] = preg_replace("/^int\(\d*\)/i", 'int', $q['COLUMN_TYPE']);
            $q['COLUMN_TYPE'] = preg_replace("/^bigint\(\d*\)/i", 'bigint', $q['COLUMN_TYPE']);

             * MySQL's boolean type secretly is a tinyint, but in Spotweb we
             * use an actual boolean type. We secretly convert all tinyint(1)'s
             * to boolean types.
            if (strtolower($q['COLUMN_TYPE']) == 'tinyint(1)') {
                if (is_numeric($q['COLUMN_DEFAULT'])) {
                    if ($q['COLUMN_DEFAULT']) {
                        $q['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] = '1';
                    } else {
                        $q['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] = '0';
                    } // if
                } // if
            } // if

             * We do not properly distinguish between character sets and
             * collations in the spotweb system, so we mangle them a bit
            if (is_string($q['COLLATION_NAME'])) {
                switch ($q['COLLATION_NAME']) {
                    case 'ascii_general_ci': $q['COLLATION_NAME'] = 'ascii';
                    case 'ascii_bin': $q['COLLATION_NAME'] = 'ascii_bin';
                    case 'utf8_unicode_ci':
                    case 'utf8mb3_unicode_ci':
                    case 'utf8_general_ci': $q['COLLATION_NAME'] = 'utf8';
                    case 'utf8mb4_general_ci': $q['COLLATION_NAME'] = 'utf8mb4';

                    default: throw new Exception('Invalid collation setting for varchar: '.$q['COLLATION_NAME']);
                } // switch
            } // if

            // a default value has to given, so make it compareable to what we define
            if (is_string($q['COLUMN_DEFAULT']) && (strlen($q['COLUMN_DEFAULT']) == 0)) {
                $q['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] = "''";
            } // if
            // MariaDb 10.4 returns null as string
            if ($q['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] == 'NULL') {
                $q['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] = null;
        } // if

        return $q;

    // getColumnInfo

    /* Returns in a fixed format, index information */
    public function getIndexInfo($idxname, $tablename)
        $q = $this->_dbcon->arrayQuery("SELECT 
                                            lower(index_type) as index_type
                                        FROM information_schema.STATISTICS 
                                        WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() 
                                          AND table_name = '".$tablename."' 
                                          AND index_name = '".$idxname."' 
                                        ORDER BY seq_in_index");

        return $q;

    // getIndexInfo
} // class