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1 wk
Test Coverage

class SpotPage_newznabapi extends SpotPage_Abs
    private $_params;

    public function __construct(Dao_Factory $daoFactory, Services_Settings_Container $settings, array $currentSession, array $params)
        parent::__construct($daoFactory, $settings, $currentSession);

        $this->_params = $params;

    // ctor

     * Generic render function, the actual processing happens elsewhere
     * in this class.
    public function render()
        // Don't let this output be cached

         * Determine the output type
        if ($this->_params['o'] == 'json') {
            $outputtype = 'json';
        } else {
            $outputtype = 'xml';
        } // else

         * CAPS function is used to query the server for supported features and the protocol version and other
         * meta data relevant to the implementation. This function doesn't require the client to provide any
         * login information but can be executed out of "login session".
        if ($this->_params['t'] == 'caps' || $this->_params['t'] == 'c') {

        } // if

        // Make sure the user has permissions to retrieve the index
        $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spots_index, '');

         * Main switch statement, determines what actually has to be done
        switch ($this->_params['t']) {
            case '': $this->showApiError(200);
            case 'search':
            case 's':
            case 'tvsearch':
            case 't':
            case 'music':
            case 'movie':
            case 'm': $this->search($outputtype);
            case 'd':
            case 'details': $this->spotDetails($outputtype);
            case 'g':
            case 'get': $this->getNzb();
            default: $this->showApiError(202);
        } // switch

    // render()

     * Search the spotweb database for a specific piece of information.
     * @param $outputtype
    public function search($outputtype)
        // Check users' permissions
        $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_perform_search, '');

        $searchParams = [];
        $tvInfo = new Dto_MediaInformation();
         * Now determine what type of information we are searching for using sabnzbd.
        if ($this->_params['t'] == 't' || $this->_params['t'] == 'tvsearch') {
            $found = false;
            // First search on tvmazeid if present
            if (($found == false) and ($this->_params['tvmazeid'] != '')) {
                if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,6}$/', $this->_params['tvmazeid'])) {

                } // if
                 * Actually retrieve the information from TVMaze, based on the
                 * TVmaze ID passed by the API
                $svcMediaInfoTvmaze = new Services_MediaInformation_Tvmaze($this->_daoFactory->getCacheDao());
                $svcMediaInfoTvmaze->setSearchName('tvmaze'); // Indicate tvmazeid usage
                $tvInfo = $svcMediaInfoTvmaze->retrieveInfo();
                $found = $tvInfo->isValid();
            // second search on rid (rageid) if present
            if (($found == false) and ($this->_params['rid'] != '')) {
                // validate input
                if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,6}$/', $this->_params['rid'])) {

                } // if
                 * Actually retrieve the information from TVMaze as long as TVrage is down, based on the
                 * tvrage passed by the API
                $svcMediaInfoTvmaze = new Services_MediaInformation_Tvmaze($this->_daoFactory->getCacheDao());
                $svcMediaInfoTvmaze->setSearchName('tvrage'); // Indicate tvmazeid usage
                $tvInfo = $svcMediaInfoTvmaze->retrieveInfo();
                $found = $tvInfo->isValid();
            // third search on q (showname) if present
            if (($found == false) and ($this->_params['q'] != '')) {
                $tvInfo = new Dto_MediaInformation();
                $found = true;
            // fourth, no search information present, set emtpy
            if ($found == false) {
                if ((!empty($this->_params['tvmazeid'])) or (!empty($this->_params['rid']))) {


             * Try to parse the season parameter. This can be either in the form of S1, S01, 1, 2012, etc.
             * we try to standardize all these types of season definitions into one format.
            $episodeSearch = '';
            $seasonSearch = '';
            if (preg_match('/^[sS][0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->_params['season']) ||
                preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,4}$/', $this->_params['season'])) {
                 * Did we get passed a 4 digit season (most likely a year), or a
                 * two digit season?
                if (strlen($this->_params['season']) < 3) {
                    if (is_numeric($this->_params['season'])) {
                        $seasonSearch = 'S'.str_pad($this->_params['season'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                    } else {
                        $seasonSearch = $this->_params['season'];
                    } // else
                } else {
                    $seasonSearch = $this->_params['season'].' ';
                } // else
            } elseif ($this->_params['season'] != '') {

            } // if

             * And try to add an episode parameter, basically the same set of rules
             * as for the season
            $title = $tvInfo->getTitle();
            if (preg_match('/^[eE][0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->_params['ep']) ||
                preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->_params['ep']) ||
                preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->_params['ep'])) {
                if (is_numeric($this->_params['ep'])) {
                    $episodeSearch .= 'E'.str_pad($this->_params['ep'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                } else {
                    $episodeSearch .= $this->_params['ep'];
                } // else
            } elseif ($this->_params['ep'] != '') {

            } // if

             * The + operator is supported both by PostgreSQL and MySQL's FTS
             * We search both for S04E17 and S04 E17 (with a space)
            if (!empty($title)) {
                if (!empty($seasonSearch)) {
                    if (!empty($episodeSearch)) {
                        $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:AND:+"'.$tvInfo->getTitle().'"';
                        $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:DEF:'.$seasonSearch.' '.$episodeSearch;
                    } else {
                        // Complete season search, add wildcard character to season
                        if (empty($this->_params['noalt']) or $this->_params['noalt'] != '1') {
                            $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:OR:+"'.$title.'" +"Seizoen '.(int) $this->_params['season'].'"';
                            $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:OR:+"'.$title.'" +"Season '.(int) $this->_params['season'].'"';
                        $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:OR:+"'.$title.'" +'.$seasonSearch.'*';
                } else {
                    $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:OR:+"'.$tvInfo->getTitle().'" +'.$episodeSearch;
            if (empty($this->_params['cat'])) {
                $this->_params['cat'] = 5000;
        } elseif ($this->_params['t'] == 'music') {
            if (empty($this->_params['cat'])) {
                $this->_params['cat'] = 3000;
            if (!empty($this->_params['artist'])) {
                $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:DEF:"'.$this->_params['artist'].'"';
            } // if
        } elseif ($this->_params['t'] == 'm' || $this->_params['t'] == 'movie') {
            * Query by IMDB id
            if (!empty($this->_params['imdbid'])) {
                // validate input
                if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,8}$/', $this->_params['imdbid'])) {

                } // if

                * Actually retrieve the information from imdb, based on the
                * imdbid passed by the API
                $svcMediaInfoImdb = new Services_MediaInformation_Imdb($this->_daoFactory->getCacheDao());
                $imdbInfo = $svcMediaInfoImdb->retrieveInfo();

                if (!$imdbInfo->isValid()) {

                } // if

                /* Extract the release date from the IMDB info page */
                if ($imdbInfo->getReleaseYear() != null) {
                    $movieReleaseDate = '+('.$imdbInfo->getReleaseYear().')';
                } else {
                    $movieReleaseDate = '';
                } // else

                * Add movie title to the query

                $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:OR:+"'.$imdbInfo->getTitle().'" '.$movieReleaseDate;

                // imdb sometimes returns the title translated, if so, pass the translated title as well, bu only if noalt <> 1
                if (empty($this->_params['noalt']) or $this->_params['noalt'] != '1') {
                    if ($imdbInfo->getAlternateTitle() != null) {
                        $searchParams['value'][] = 'Title:=:OR:+"'.$imdbInfo->getAlternateTitle().'" '.$movieReleaseDate;
                    } // if
                } // if
            } // if

             * Free search query
            if (!empty($this->_params['q'])) {
                $searchTerm = str_replace(' ', ' +', $this->_params['q']);
                $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:OR:+'.$searchTerm;

             * List movies category by default
            if (empty($this->_params['cat'])) {
                $this->_params['cat'] = 2000;
        } elseif (!empty($this->_params['q'])) {
            $searchTerm = str_replace(' ', ' +', $this->_params['q']);
            $searchParams['value'][] = 'Titel:=:OR:+'.$searchTerm;
        } // elseif

         * When a user added a maximum age for queries, convert it to
         * a Spotweb query as well
        if ($this->_params['maxage'] != '' && is_numeric($this->_params['maxage'])) {
            $searchParams['value'][] = 'date:>:DEF:-'.$this->_params['maxage'].'days';
        } // if

         * We combine the "newznabapi" categories, with a custom extension for
         * categories so we can filter deeper than the newznab API can per default
        $tmpCat = [];
        foreach (explode(',', $this->_params['cat']) as $category) {
            $tmpCat[] = $this->nabcat2spotcat($category);
        } // foreach
        $searchParams['tree'] = implode(',', $tmpCat).','.$this->_params['spotcat'];

         * Do not retrieve spots with a filesize of zero (these are very old spots,
         * which have no NZB linked to it) as they are useless for a API consumer
        $searchParams['value'][] = 'filesize:>:DEF:0';

        if (!empty($this->_params['poster'])) {
            $searchParams['value'][] = 'Poster:=:'.$this->_params['poster'];

         * Gather the preference of the results per page and use it in this
         * system as well when no value is explicitly provided
        if ((!empty($this->_params['limit'])) &&
            is_numeric($this->_params['limit']) &&
            ($this->_params['limit'] <= 500)) {
            $limit = $this->_params['limit'];
        } else {
            $limit = $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['perpage'];
        } // else

        if ((!empty($this->_params['offset'])) && is_numeric($this->_params['offset'])) {
            $pageNr = $this->_params['offset'];
        } else {
            $pageNr = 0;
        } // else

         * We get a bunch of query parameters, so now change this to the actual
         * search query the user requested including the required sorting
        $svcUserFilter = new Services_User_Filters($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);

        $svcSearchQp = new Services_Search_QueryParser($this->_daoFactory->getConnection());
        $parsedSearch = $svcSearchQp->filterToQuery(
                'field'     => 'stamp',
                'direction' => 'DESC',

        * Actually fetch the spots, we always perform
        * this action even when the watchlist is editted
        $svcProvSpotList = new Services_Providers_SpotList($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao());
        $spotsTmp = $svcProvSpotList->fetchSpotList(

        $this->showResults($spotsTmp, $pageNr * $limit, $outputtype);

    // search

     * Actually create the XML or JSON output from the search
     * results
    public function showResults($spots, $offset, $outputtype)
        $nzbhandling = $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['nzbhandling'];

        if ($outputtype == 'json') {
            $doc = [];
            foreach ($spots['list'] as $spot) {
                $data = [];
                $data['ID'] = $spot['messageid'];
                $data['name'] = html_entity_decode($spot['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                $data['size'] = $spot['filesize'];
                $data['adddate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $spot['stamp']);
                $data['guid'] = $spot['messageid'];
                $data['fromname'] = $spot['poster'];
                $data['completion'] = 100;

                $cat = '';
                $nabCat = explode('|', $this->Cat2NewznabCat($spot['category'], $spot['subcata'], $spot['subcatz']));
                if ($nabCat[0] != '' && is_numeric($nabCat[0])) {
                    $data['categoryID'] = $nabCat[0];
                    if ($cat != '') {
                        $cat .= ',';
                    $cat .= implode(',', $nabCat);
                } // if

                $data['comments'] = $spot['commentcount'];
                $data['category_name'] = SpotCategories::HeadCat2Desc($spot['category']).': '.SpotCategories::Cat2ShortDesc($spot['category'], $spot['subcata']);
                $data['category_ids'] = $cat;

                if (empty($doc)) {
                    $data['_totalrows'] = count($spots['list']);

                $doc[] = $data;
            } // foreach

            echo json_encode($doc);
        } else {
            // Create XML
            $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
            $doc->formatOutput = true;

            $rss = $doc->createElement('rss');
            $rss->setAttribute('version', '2.0');
            $rss->setAttribute('xmlns:atom', '');
            $rss->setAttribute('xmlns:newznab', '');

            $atomSelfLink = $doc->createElement('atom:link');
            $atomSelfLink->setAttribute('href', $this->_settings->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */get('spotweburl').'api');
            $atomSelfLink->setAttribute('rel', 'self');
            $atomSelfLink->setAttribute('type', 'application/rss+xml');

            $channel = $doc->createElement('channel');
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('title', 'Spotweb Index'));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('description', 'Spotweb Index API Results'));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('link', $this->_settings->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */get('spotweburl')));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('language', 'en-gb'));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('webMaster', $this->_currentSession['user']['mail'].' ('.$this->_currentSession['user']['firstname'].' '.$this->_currentSession['user']['lastname'].')'));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('category', ''));

            $image = $doc->createElement('image');
            $image->appendChild($doc->createElement('url', $this->_settings->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */ get('spotweburl').'images/spotnet.gif'));
            $image->appendChild($doc->createElement('title', 'Spotweb Index'));
            $image->appendChild($doc->createElement('link', $this->_settings->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */ get('spotweburl')));
            $image->appendChild($doc->createElement('description', 'SpotWeb Index API Results'));

            $newznabResponse = $doc->createElement('newznab:response');
            $newznabResponse->setAttribute('offset', $offset);
            $newznabResponse->setAttribute('total', count($spots['list']));

            foreach ($spots['list'] as $spot) {
                $spot = $this->_tplHelper->formatSpotHeader($spot);
                $nzbUrl = $this->_tplHelper->makeBaseUrl('full').'api?t=g&amp;id='.$spot['messageid'].$this->_tplHelper->makeApiRequestString();
                if ($this->_params['del'] == '1' && $this->_spotSec->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_keep_own_watchlist, '')) {
                    $nzbUrl .= '&amp;del=1';
                } // if

                $guid = $doc->createElement('guid', $spot['messageid']);
                $guid->setAttribute('isPermaLink', 'false');

                $item = $doc->createElement('item');
                $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('title', htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($spot['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_XHTML, 'UTF-8')));
                $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('link', $nzbUrl));
                $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('pubDate', date('r', $spot['stamp'])));
                $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('category', SpotCategories::HeadCat2Desc($spot['category']).' > '.SpotCategories::Cat2ShortDesc($spot['category'], $spot['subcata'])));

                $enclosure = $doc->createElement('enclosure');
                $enclosure->setAttribute('url', html_entity_decode($nzbUrl));
                $enclosure->setAttribute('length', $spot['filesize']);
                switch ($nzbhandling['prepare_action']) {
                    case 'zip': $enclosure->setAttribute('type', 'application/zip');
                    default: $enclosure->setAttribute('type', 'application/x-nzb');
                } // switch
                $nabCat = explode('|', $this->Cat2NewznabCat($spot['category'], $spot['subcata'], $spot['subcatz']));
                if ($nabCat[0] != '' && is_numeric($nabCat[0])) {
                    $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
                    $attr->setAttribute('name', 'category');
                    $attr->setAttribute('value', $nabCat[0]);

                    $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
                    $attr->setAttribute('name', 'category');
                    $attr->setAttribute('value', $nabCat[1]);

                if (!empty($spot['subcatc'])) {
                    $nabCat = explode('|', $spot['subcatc']);
                    $count = 0;
                    $subs = [];

                    if (in_array('c2', $nabCat) === true || in_array('c1', $nabCat) === true || in_array('c6', $nabCat) === true) {
                        $subs[$count] = 'dutch';
                        $count += 1;
                    } // if
                    if (in_array('c3', $nabCat) === true || in_array('c4', $nabCat) === true || in_array('c7', $nabCat) === true) {
                        $subs[$count] = 'english';
                        $count += 1;
                    } // if
                    if ($count != 0) {
                        $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
                        $attr->setAttribute('name', 'subs');
                        $attr->setAttribute('value', implode(',', $subs));
                } // if

                $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
                $attr->setAttribute('name', 'size');
                $attr->setAttribute('value', $spot['filesize']);

                if ($this->_params['extended'] != '0') {
                    $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
                    $attr->setAttribute('name', 'poster');
                    $attr->setAttribute('value', $spot['poster'].'');

                    $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
                    $attr->setAttribute('name', 'comments');
                    $attr->setAttribute('value', $spot['commentcount']);
                } // if
                if ($this->_tplHelper->isSpotNew($spot)) {
                    $attr = $doc->createElement('new', 'true');
                } else {
                    $attr = $doc->createElement('new', 'false');
                if (!empty($spot['hasbeenseen'])) {
                    $attr = $doc->createElement('seen', 'true');
                } else {
                    $attr = $doc->createElement('seen', 'false');
                if (!empty($spot['hasbeendownloaded'])) {
                    $attr = $doc->createElement('downloaded', 'true');
                } else {
                    $attr = $doc->createElement('downloaded', 'false');
            } // foreach

            echo $doc->saveXML();

    // showResults

    public function spotDetails($outputtype)
        if (empty($this->_params['messageid'])) {

        } // if

        // Make sure the specific permissions are implemented
        $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spotdetail, '');

        // spot ophalen
        try {
            $fullSpot = $this->_tplHelper->getFullSpot($this->_params['messageid'], true);
        } catch (Exception $x) {

        } // catch

        $nzbhandling = $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['nzbhandling'];
         * Ugly @ operator, but we cannot reliably fix the library for the moment
        $spot = @$this->_tplHelper->formatSpot($fullSpot);

        if ($outputtype == 'json') {
            $doc = [];
            $doc['ID'] = $spot['id'];
            $doc['name'] = $spot['title'];
            $doc['size'] = $spot['filesize'];
            $doc['adddate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $spot['stamp']);
            $doc['guid'] = $spot['messageid'];
            $doc['fromname'] = $spot['poster'];
            $doc['completion'] = 100;
            $doc['description'] = json_encode($spot['description']);

            $cat = '';
            if (!empty($spot['subcatz'])) {
                $nabCat = explode('|', $this->Cat2NewznabCat($spot['category'], $spot['subcatz'], $spot['subcata']));
                if ($nabCat[0] != '' && is_numeric($nabCat[0])) {
                    $cat = $nabCat[0];
                } // if
            } // if

            $nabCat = explode('|', $this->Cat2NewznabCat($spot['category'], $spot['subcata'], $spot['subcatz']));
            if ($nabCat[0] != '' && is_numeric($nabCat[0])) {
                $doc['categoryID'] = $nabCat[0];
                $cat .= implode(',', $nabCat);
            } // if

            $nabCat = explode('|', $this->Cat2NewznabCat($spot['category'], $spot['subcatb'], $spot['subcatz']));
            if ($nabCat[0] != '' && is_numeric($nabCat[0])) {
                $cat .= ','.$nabCat[0];
            } // if

            $doc['comments'] = $spot['commentcount'];
            $doc['category_name'] = SpotCategories::HeadCat2Desc($spot['category']).': '.SpotCategories::Cat2ShortDesc($spot['category'], $spot['subcata']);
            $doc['category_ids'] = $cat;

            echo json_encode($doc);
        } else {
            $nzbUrl = $this->_tplHelper->makeBaseUrl('full').'api?t=g&amp;id='.$spot['messageid'].$this->_tplHelper->makeApiRequestString();

            // Opbouwen XML
            $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
            $doc->formatOutput = true;

            $rss = $doc->createElement('rss');
            $rss->setAttribute('version', '2.0');
            $rss->setAttribute('xmlns:atom', '');
            $rss->setAttribute('xmlns:newznab', '');
            $rss->setAttribute('encoding', 'utf-8');

            $channel = $doc->createElement('channel');
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('title', 'Spotweb'));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('language', 'nl'));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('description', 'Spotweb Index Api Detail'));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('link', $this->_settings->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */ get('spotweburl')));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('webMaster', $this->_currentSession['user']['mail'].' ('.$this->_currentSession['user']['firstname'].' '.$this->_currentSession['user']['lastname'].')'));
            $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('category', ''));

            $image = $doc->createElement('image');
            $image->appendChild($doc->createElement('url', $this->_tplHelper->makeImageUrl($spot, 300, 300)));
            $image->appendChild($doc->createElement('title', 'Spotweb Index'));
            $image->appendChild($doc->createElement('link', $this->_settings->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */ get('spotweburl')));
            $image->appendChild($doc->createElement('description', 'Visit Spotweb Index'));

            $poster = (empty($spot['spotterid'])) ? $spot['poster'] : $spot['poster'].' ('.$spot['spotterid'].')';

            $guid = $doc->createElement('guid', $spot['messageid']);
            $guid->setAttribute('isPermaLink', 'false');

            $description = $doc->createElement('description');
            $descriptionCdata = $doc->createCDATASection($spot['description'].'<br /><font color="#ca0000">Door: '.$poster.'</font>');

            $item = $doc->createElement('item');
            $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('title', htmlspecialchars($spot['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')));
            $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('link', $nzbUrl));
            $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('pubDate', date('r', $spot['stamp'])));
            $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('category', SpotCategories::HeadCat2Desc($spot['category']).' > '.SpotCategories::Cat2ShortDesc($spot['category'], $spot['subcata'])));

            $enclosure = $doc->createElement('enclosure');
            $enclosure->setAttribute('url', html_entity_decode($nzbUrl));
            $enclosure->setAttribute('length', $spot['filesize']);
            switch ($nzbhandling['prepare_action']) {
                case 'zip': $enclosure->setAttribute('type', 'application/zip');
                default: $enclosure->setAttribute('type', 'application/x-nzb');
            } // switch
            $nabCat = explode('|', $this->Cat2NewznabCat($spot['category'], $spot['subcata'], $spot['subcatz']));
            if ($nabCat[0] != '' && is_numeric($nabCat[0])) {
                $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
                $attr->setAttribute('name', 'category');
                $attr->setAttribute('value', $nabCat[0]);

                $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
                $attr->setAttribute('name', 'category');
                $attr->setAttribute('value', $nabCat[1]);
            } // if

            $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
            $attr->setAttribute('name', 'size');
            $attr->setAttribute('value', $spot['filesize']);

            $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
            $attr->setAttribute('name', 'poster');
            $attr->setAttribute('value', $spot['poster'].' ('.$spot['poster'].')');

            $attr = $doc->createElement('newznab:attr');
            $attr->setAttribute('name', 'comments');
            $attr->setAttribute('value', $spot['commentcount']);

            echo $doc->saveXML();
        } // if

    // spotDetails

    public function getNzb()
        if ($this->_params['del'] == '1' && $this->_spotSec->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_keep_own_watchlist, '')) {
            $spot = $this->_db->getFullSpot($this->_params['messageid'], $this->_currentSession['user']['userid']);
            if ($spot['watchstamp'] !== null) {
                $this->_db->removeFromWatchList($this->_params['messageid'], $this->_currentSession['user']['userid']);
                $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_db, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession);
                $spotsNotifications->sendWatchlistHandled('remove', $this->_params['messageid']);
            } // if
        } // if

        header('Location: '.$this->_tplHelper->makeBaseUrl('full').'?page=getnzb&action=display&messageid='.$this->_params['messageid'].html_entity_decode($this->_tplHelper->makeApiRequestString()));

    // getNzb

    public function caps($outputtype)
        $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
        $doc->formatOutput = true;

        $caps = $doc->createElement('caps');

        $server = $doc->createElement('server');
        $server->setAttribute('version', '0.1');
        $server->setAttribute('title', 'Spotweb');
        $server->setAttribute('strapline', 'Spotweb API Index');
        $server->setAttribute('email', $this->_currentSession['user']['mail'].' ('.$this->_currentSession['user']['firstname'].' '.$this->_currentSession['user']['lastname'].')');
        $server->setAttribute('url', $this->_settings->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */ get('spotweburl'));
        $server->setAttribute('image', $this->_settings->/** @scrutinizer ignore-call */ get('spotweburl').'images/spotnet.gif');
        $server->setAttribute('type', 'Spotweb');

        $limits = $doc->createElement('limits');
        $limits->setAttribute('max', '500');
        $limits->setAttribute('default', $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['perpage']);

        if (($this->_settings->get('retention') > 0) && ($this->_settings->get('retentiontype') == 'everything')) {
            $ret = $doc->createElement('retention');
            $ret->setAttribute('days', $this->_settings->get('retention'));
        } // if

        $reg = $doc->createElement('registration');
        $reg->setAttribute('available', 'no');
        $reg->setAttribute('open', 'no');

        $searching = $doc->createElement('searching');

        $search = $doc->createElement('search');
        $search->setAttribute('available', 'yes');

        $tvsearch = $doc->createElement('tv-search');
        $tvsearch->setAttribute('available', 'yes');
        $tvsearch->setAttribute('supportedParams', 'q,rid,tvmazeid,season,ep');

        $moviesearch = $doc->createElement('movie-search');
        $moviesearch->setAttribute('available', 'yes');
        $moviesearch->setAttribute('supportedParams', 'q,imdbid');

        $pcsearch = $doc->createElement('pc-search');
        $pcsearch->setAttribute('available', 'yes');
        $pcsearch->setAttribute('supportedParams', 'q');

        $audiosearch = $doc->createElement('audio-search');
        $audiosearch->setAttribute('available', 'yes');

        $categories = $doc->createElement('categories');

        foreach ($this->categories() as $category) {
            $cat = $doc->createElement('category');
            $cat->setAttribute('id', $category['cat']);
            $cat->setAttribute('name', $category['name']);

            foreach ($category['subcata'] as $name => $subcata) {
                $subCat = $doc->createElement('subcat');
                $subCat->setAttribute('id', $subcata);
                $subCat->setAttribute('name', $name);
            } // foreach
        } // foreach
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        } else {
            echo $doc->saveXML();

    // caps

    public function Cat2NewznabCat($hcat, $cat, $catZ)
        $catList = explode('|', $cat);
        $cat = $catList[0];
        $nr = substr($cat, 1);
        $zcatList = explode('|', $catZ);
        $zcat = $zcatList[0];
        $znr = substr($zcat, 1);
        //$znr = min(4,$znr);
        if ($znr == 2) {
            $znr = 0;

        // Als $nr niet gevonden kan worden is dat niet erg, het mag echter
        // geen Notice veroorzaken.
        if (!empty($cat[0])) {
            switch ($cat[0]) {
                case 'a':
                    if ($hcat == 0 or $hcat == 1) {
                        $newznabcat = $this->spotAcat2nabcat();
                        $r = @$newznabcat[$hcat][$znr][$nr];
                        if ($r == null) {
                            $r = '';

                        return $r;
                    } else {
                        $newznabcat = $this->spotAcat2nabcat();
                        $r = @$newznabcat[$hcat][$znr][$nr];
                        if ($r = null) {
                            $r = '';

                        return $r;
                case 'b': $newznabcat = $this->spotBcat2nabcat();

                    return @$newznabcat[$nr];
            } // switch
        } // if

        return '';

    // Cat2NewznabCat

    public function showApiError($errcode = 42)
        switch ($errcode) {
            case 100: $errtext = 'Incorrect user credentials';
            case 101: $errtext = 'Account suspended';
            case 102: $errtext = 'Insufficient priviledges/not authorized';
            case 103: $errtext = 'Registration denied';
            case 104: $errtext = 'Registrations are closed';
            case 105: $errtext = 'Invalid registration (Email Address Taken)';
            case 106: $errtext = 'Invalid registration (Email Address Bad Format)';
            case 107: $errtext = 'Registration Failed (Data error)';

            case 200: $errtext = 'Missing parameter';
            case 201: $errtext = 'Incorrect parameter';
            case 202: $errtext = 'No such function';
            case 203: $errtext = 'Function not available';

            case 300: $errtext = 'On TVSearch no q, tvmaze or rid parameter present';
            case 301: $errtext = 'IMDB information returned is invalid';
            case 302: $errtext = 'Error in fetching spot information';

            case 500: $errtext = 'Request limit reached';
            case 501: $errtext = 'Download limit reached';
            default: $errtext = 'Unknown error';
        } // switch

        $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
        $doc->formatOutput = true;

        $error = $doc->createElement('error');
        $error->setAttribute('code', $errcode);
        $error->setAttribute('description', $errtext);

        echo $doc->saveXML();

    // showApiError

    public function categories()
        return [
            ['name'              => 'Console',
                'cat'               => '1000',
                'subcata'        => ['NDS'        => '1010',
                    'PSP'                   => '1020',
                    'Wii'                   => '1030',
                    'Xbox'                  => '1040',
                    'Xbox 360'           => '1050',
                    'PS3'                   => '1080', ],
            ], ['name'          => 'Movies',
                'cat'           => '2000',
                'subcata'    => ['SD'        => '2030',
                    'HD'                  => '2040',
                    'BluRay'           => '2050',
                    '3D'            => '2060', ],
            ], ['name'          => 'Audio',
                'cat'           => '3000',
                'subcata'    => ['MP3'        => '3010',
                    'Video'             => '3020',
                    'Lossless'          => '3040', ],
            ], ['name'          => 'PC',
                'cat'           => '4000',
                'subcata'    => ['Windows' => '4020',
                    'Mac'                     => '4030',
                    'Mobile'               => '4040',
                    'Games'                => '4050', ],
            ], ['name'          => 'TV',
                'cat'           => '5000',
                'subcata'    => ['Foreign'    => '5020',
                    'SD'                      => '5030',
                    'HD'                      => '5040',
                    'Other'                => '5050',
                    'Sport'                => '5060',
                    'Anime'                => '5070', ],
            ], ['name'          => 'XXX',
                'cat'           => '6000',
                'subcata'    => ['DVD'        => '6010',
                    'WMV'                  => '6020',
                    'XviD'                 => '6030',
                    'x264'                 => '6040', ],
            ], ['name'          => 'Other',
                'cat'           => '7000',
                'subcata'    => ['Misc'     => '7010',
                    'Ebook'                 => '7020', ],

    // categories

    public function nabcat2spotcat($cat)
        switch ($cat) {
            case 1000: return 'cat2_a3,cat2_a4,cat2_a5,cat2_a6,cat2_a7,cat2_a8,cat2_a9,cat2_a10,cat2_a11,cat2_a12';
            case 1010: return 'cat2_a10';
            case 1020: return 'cat2_a5';
            case 1030: return 'cat2_a11';
            case 1040: return 'cat2_a6';
            case 1050: return 'cat2_a7';
            case 1060: return 'cat2_a7';

            case 2000: return 'cat0_z0';
            case 2010:
            case 2030: return 'cat0_z0_a0,cat0_z0_a1,cat0_z0_a2,cat0_z0_a3,cat0_z0_a10';  // Movies/SD
            case 2040: return 'cat0_z0_a4,cat0_z0_a7,cat0_z0_a8,cat0_z0_a9';              // Movies/HD
            case 2050: return 'cat0_z0_a6';                                               // Movies/BluRay
            case 2060: return 'cat0_z0_a14';                                              // Movies/3D

            case 3000: return 'cat1_a';
            case 3010: return 'cat1_a0';
            case 3020: return 'cat0_d13';
            case 3030: return 'cat1_z3';
            case 3040: return 'cat1_a2,cat1_a4,cat1_a7,cat1_a8';

            case 4000: return 'cat3';
            case 4020: return 'cat3_a0';
            case 4030: return 'cat3_a1';
            case 4040: return 'cat3_a4,cat3_a5,cat3_a6,cat3_a7';
            case 4050: return 'cat2_a';

            case 5000: return 'cat0_z1,cat0_z1_d';
            case 5020: return 'cat0_z1,cat0_z1_d';
            case 5030: return 'cat0_z1_a0,cat0_z1_a1,cat0_z1_a2,cat0_z1_a3,cat0_z1_a10,cat0_z1_d';
            case 5040: return 'cat0_z1_a4,cat0_z1_a6,cat0_z1_a7,cat0_z1_a8,cat0_z1_a9,cat0_z1_a14,cat0_z1_a15,cat0_z1_d';
            case 5050: return 'cat0_z1,cat0_z1_d';
            case 5060: return 'cat0_z1_d18';
            case 5070: return 'cat0_z1_d29';

            case 6000: return 'cat0_z3';
            case 6010: return 'cat0_z3_a3,cat0_z3_a10';
            case 6020: return 'cat0_z3_a1,cat0_z3_a8';
            case 6030: return 'cat0_z3_a0';
            case 6040: return 'cat0_z3_a4,cat0_z3_a6,cat0_z3_a7,cat0_z3_a8,cat0_z3_a9';

            case 7020: return 'cat0_z2';

        return '';

    // nabcat2spotcat

    public function spotAcat2nabcat()
        return [0 => // Cat0 - Image
                [0 => // Z0 - Movie
                            [0     => '2000|2030',
                                1  => '2000|2030',
                                2  => '2000|2030',
                                3  => '2000|2030',
                                4  => '2000|2040',
                                5  => '7000|7020',
                                6  => '2000|2050',
                                7  => '2000|2040',
                                8  => '2000|2040',
                                9  => '2000|2040',
                                10 => '2000|2030',
                                11 => '7000|7020',
                                14 => '2000|2060', ],
                    1 => // Z1 - Series
                          [0     => '5000|5030',
                              1  => '5000|5030',
                              2  => '5000|5030',
                              3  => '5000|5030',
                              4  => '5000|5040',
                              5  => '7000|7020',
                              6  => '5000|5040',
                              7  => '5000|5040',
                              8  => '5000|5040',
                              9  => '5000|5040',
                              10 => '5000|5030',
                              11 => '7000|7020',
                              12 => '8000|8000',
                              13 => '8000|8000',
                              14 => '5000|5050',
                              15 => '5000|5045', ],
                    3 => // Z3 - Erotic
                          [0     => '6000|6030',
                              1  => '6000|6030',
                              2  => '6000|6030',
                              3  => '6000|6030',
                              4  => '6000|6040',
                              5  => '6000|6000',
                              6  => '6000|6040',
                              7  => '6000|6040',
                              8  => '6000|6030',
                              9  => '6000|6040',
                              10 => '6000|6030',
                              11 => '6000|6000', ],
                    4 => // Z4 Picture (new)
                          [11    => '7000|7010',
                              12 => '7000|7010', ],
            1 => // Cat1 - Audio
             [0 => // Z0
              [0       => '3000|3010',  // MP3
                  1 => '3000|3010',  // WMA
                  2 => '3000|3040',  // WAV
                  3 => '3000|3010',  // OGG
                  4 => '3000|3040',  // EAC
                  5 => '3000|3040',  // DTS
                  6 => '3000|3010',  // AAC
                  7 => '3000|3040',  // APE
                  8 => '3000|3040', ], // FLAC
                 1 => // Z1
              [0       => '3000|3010',  // MP3
                  1 => '3000|3010',  // WMA
                  2 => '3000|3040',  // WAV
                  3 => '3000|3010',  // OGG
                  4 => '3000|3040',  // EAC
                  5 => '3000|3040',  // DTS
                  6 => '3000|3010',  // AAC
                  7 => '3000|3040',  // APE
                  8 => '3000|3040', ], // FLAC
                 2 => // Z2
              [0       => '3000|3010',  // MP3
                  1 => '3000|3010',  // WMA
                  2 => '3000|3040',  // WAV
                  3 => '3000|3010',  // OGG
                  4 => '3000|3040',  // EAC
                  5 => '3000|3040',  // DTS
                  6 => '3000|3010',  // AAC
                  7 => '3000|3040',  // APE
                  8 => '3000|3040', ], // FLAC
                 3 => // Z3
              [0       => '3000|3030',  // MP3
                  1 => '3000|3030',  // WMA
                  2 => '3000|3030',  // WAV
                  3 => '3000|3030',  // OGG
                  4 => '3000|3030',  // EAC
                  5 => '3000|3030',  // DTS
                  6 => '3000|3030',  // AAC
                  7 => '3000|3030',  // APE
                  8 => '3000|3030', ], // FLAC
            2 => // Cat2 - Games
              [0     => '4000|4050',
                  1  => '4000|4030',
                  2  => 'TUX',
                  3  => 'PS',
                  4  => 'PS2',
                  5  => '1000|1020',
                  6  => '1000|1040',
                  7  => '1000|1050',
                  8  => 'GBA',
                  9  => 'GC',
                  10 => '1000|1010',
                  11 => '1000|1030',
                  12 => '1000|1080',
                  13 => '4000|4040',
                  14 => '4000|4040',
                  15 => '4000|4040',
                  16 => '3DS',
                  17 => 'PS4',
                  18 => 'XB1',
            3 => // Cat3 - Applications
              [0    => '4000|4020',
                  1 => '4000|4030',
                  2 => 'TUX',
                  3 => 'OS/2',
                  4 => '4000|4040',
                  5 => 'NAV',
                  6 => '4000|4060',
                  7 => '4000|4070', ],

    // spotAcat2nabcat

    public function spotBcat2nabcat()
        return [0 => '',
            1     => '',
            2     => '',
            3     => '',
            4     => '5000',
            5     => '',
            6     => '5000',
            7     => '',
            8     => '',
            9     => '',
            10    => '', ];

    // spotBcat2nabcat
} // class SpotPage_api