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class Services_Search_QueryParser
     * We need a databse class to be able to properly escape
     * data in queries
    private $_dbEng = null;

     * constructor
    public function __construct(dbeng_abs $db)
        $this->_dbEng = $db;

    // ctor

     * When passed an array with categories, this array is expanded \
     * to contain the fully qualified categories and subcategories.
    public function prepareCategorySelection($dynaList)

        $strongNotList = [];
        $categoryList = [];

         * The Dynatree jquery widget which we use, retrieves its data from ?page=catsjson,
         * for each node in the dynatree we provide a key. The tree could be seen as follows,
         * with the unique key within parenthesis.
         * - Image (cat0)
         * +-- Film (cat0_z0)
         * +--- Format (cat0_z0_a)
         * +----- DivX (cat0_z0_a0)
         * +----- WMV (cat0_z0_a1)
         * +-- Series (cat0_z1)
         * +--- Format (cat0_z1_a)
         *+----- DivX (cat0_z1_a0)
         * +----- WMV (cat0_z1_a1)
         * +--- Source (cat0_z1_b)
         * - Applications (cat3)
         * +-- Format (cat1_zz_a / cat1_a)
         * Basially, you have a headcategory number, then you have a categorytype, then a subcategorytype (a,b,c,d, ...)
         * then the subcategorynumber follows.
         * When you want to select, in above example, a Film in DivX, the keyvalue is simply cat0_z0_a0.
         * However, when you want to select the whole of 'Image', keyvalue 'cat0' would suffice.
         * If users would select categories manually (for example a manually constructed search), it would
         * be more convienent for them to be able to provide shorthands, allowing one to select common category
         * groups more easily. Spotweb wil expand those category selection items to contain the full selection.
         * The following shorthands are allowed:
         * cat0                        - Will be expanded to all subcategoies of category 0
         * cat0_z0_a                - Will be expanded to subcategory A of category 0, but the type must be z0
         * !cat0_z0_a1                - Will remove cat0_z0_a1 from the list (order in the list is important)
         * ~cat0_z0_a1                - 'Forbids' cat0_z0_a1 to be in the list (a NOT will be applied to it)
         * cat0_a                    - Select everything from subcategory A in category 0 (all z-types)
        $newTreeQuery = '';

         * Process each item in the list, and expand it where necessary
        $dynaListCount = count($dynaList);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $dynaListCount; $i++) {
             * The given category can be one of the following four types:
             *    cat1_z0_a            ==> Everything of cat1, type z0, and then everything of subcategory a
             *    cat1_z0            ==> Everything of cat1, type z0
             *       cat1_a            ==> Everything of cat1 which is of 'subcategory a'
             *       cat1                ==> Select the whole of cat1
            if ((strlen($dynaList[$i]) > 0) && ($dynaList[$i][0] == 'c')) {
                $hCat = (int) substr($dynaList[$i], 3, 1);

                // Was a type + global subcategory selected? (cat1_z0_a)
                if (strlen($dynaList[$i]) == 9) {
                    $typeSelected = substr($dynaList[$i], 5, 2);
                    $subCatSelected = substr($dynaList[$i], 8);
                    // Was only as category selected (cat1)
                } elseif (strlen($dynaList[$i]) == 4) {
                    $typeSelected = '*';
                    $subCatSelected = '*';
                    // Was a category and type selected (cat1_z0)
                } elseif ((strlen($dynaList[$i]) == 7) && ($dynaList[$i][5] === 'z')) {
                    $typeSelected = substr($dynaList[$i], 5, 2);
                    $subCatSelected = '*';
                    // Was a category and subcateory specified, old stype? (cat1_a3)
                } elseif (((strlen($dynaList[$i]) == 7) || (strlen($dynaList[$i]) == 8)) && ($dynaList[$i][5] !== 'z')) {
                    // Convert the old style to explicit categories (cat1_z0_a3, cat1_z1_a3, cat1_z2_a3, ... )
                    foreach (SpotCategories::$_categories[$hCat]['z'] as $typeKey => $typeValue) {
                        $newTreeQuery .= ','.substr($dynaList[$i], 0, 4).'_z'.$typeKey.'_'.substr($dynaList[$i], 5);
                    } // foreach

                    $typeSelected = '';
                    $subCatSelected = '';
                    // was a subcategory specified? (cat1_a)
                } elseif (strlen($dynaList[$i]) == 6) {
                    $typeSelected = '*';
                    $subCatSelected = substr($dynaList[$i], 5, 1);
                } else {
                    $newTreeQuery .= ','.$dynaList[$i];

                    $typeSelected = '';
                    $subCatSelected = '';
                } // else

                 * Createa a string containing all subcategories.
                 * We always loop through all subcategories so we can reuse this bit of code
                 * both for complete category selection as subcategory selection.
                $tmpStr = '';
                foreach (SpotCategories::$_categories[$hCat] as $subCat => $subcatValues) {
                     * There are four possible cases:
                     *   $subcatSelected contains an empty string, it matches to nothing.
                     *   $subcatSelected contains an asterisk, it matches all subcategories.
                     *   $typeSelected contains an empty string, it matches nothing.
                     *   $typeSelected contains an asterisk, it matches all types.
                    if ($subCatSelected == '*') {
                        foreach (SpotCategories::$_categories[$hCat]['z'] as $typeKey => $typeValue) {
                            $typeKey = 'z'.$typeKey;
                            if (($typeKey == $typeSelected) || ($typeSelected == '*')) {
                                $tmpStr .= ',sub'.$hCat.'_'.$typeKey;
                            } // if
                        } // foreach
                    } elseif (($subCat == $subCatSelected) && ($subCat !== 'z')) {
                        foreach (SpotCategories::$_categories[$hCat]['z'] as $typeKey => $typeValue) {
                            $typeKey = 'z'.$typeKey;
                            if (($typeKey == $typeSelected) || ($typeSelected == '*')) {
                                foreach (SpotCategories::$_categories[$hCat][$subCat] as $x => $y) {
                                    if (in_array($typeKey, $y[2])) {
                                        $tmpStr .= ',cat'.$hCat.'_'.$typeKey.'_'.$subCat.$x;
                                    } // if
                                } // foreach
                            } // if
                        } // foreach
                    } // if
                } // foreach

                $newTreeQuery .= $tmpStr;
            } elseif (substr($dynaList[$i], 0, 1) == '!') {
                // For a not, we just remove / exclude it from the list.
                $newTreeQuery = str_replace(','.substr($dynaList[$i], 1), '', $newTreeQuery);
            } elseif (substr($dynaList[$i], 0, 1) == '~') {
                 * For a STRONG NOT, we cannot remove it from the list because want to explicitly
                 * remove those results from the query and we have to pass it in other URL's and the
                 * likes
                $newTreeQuery .= ','.$dynaList[$i];

                // and add it to the strongNotList array for usage later on
                $strongNotTmp = explode('_', $dynaList[$i], 2);

                /* To deny a whole category, we have to take an other shortcut */
                if (count($strongNotTmp) == 1) {
                    $strongNotList[(int) substr($strongNotTmp[0], 4)][] = '';
                } else {
                    $strongNotList[(int) substr($strongNotTmp[0], 4)][] = $strongNotTmp[1];
                } // else
            } else {
                $newTreeQuery .= ','.$dynaList[$i];
            } // else
        } // for
        if ((!empty($newTreeQuery)) && ($newTreeQuery[0] == ',')) {
            $newTreeQuery = substr($newTreeQuery, 1);
        } // if

         * Starting from here, we have a prepared list - meaning, a list with all
         * categories fully expanded.
         * We now translate this list to an nested list of elements which is easier
         * to convert to SQL. The format of the array is fairly typical:
         * list['cat']
         *            [cat]                             -> Head category, eg: 0 for Images
         *                 [type]                     -> Type, eg: 0 for z0
         *                       [subcattype]         -> Subcategory type, eg: a
         *                                   = value -> eg 1 for in total cat0_z0_a1
        $dynaList = explode(',', $newTreeQuery);

        foreach ($dynaList as $val) {
            if (substr($val, 0, 3) == 'cat') {
                // 0 element is headcategory
                // 1st element is type
                // 2ndelement is category
                $val = explode('_', substr($val, 3).'_');

                $catVal = $val[0];
                $typeVal = $val[1];
                $subCatIdx = substr($val[2], 0, 1);
                $subCatVal = substr($val[2], 1);

                if (count($val) >= 4) {
                    $categoryList['cat'][$catVal][$typeVal][$subCatIdx][] = $subCatVal;
                } // if
            } elseif (substr($val, 0, 3) == 'sub') {
                // 0 element is headcategory
                // 1st element is type
                $val = explode('_', substr($val, 3).'_');

                $catVal = $val[0];
                $typeVal = $val[1];

                // Create the z-category in the categorylist
                if (count($val) == 3) {
                    if (!isset($categoryList['cat'][$catVal][$typeVal])) {
                        $categoryList['cat'][$catVal][$typeVal] = [];
                    } // if
                } // if
            } // elseif
        } // foreach

        SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, [$categoryList, $strongNotList]);

        return [$categoryList, $strongNotList];

    // prepareCategorySelection

     * Converts a list of categories to an SQL filter
    private function categoryListToSql($categoryList)
        $categorySql = [];

        // Make sure we were passed a valid filter
        if ((!isset($categoryList['cat'])) || (!is_array($categoryList['cat']))) {
            return $categorySql;
        } // if

         * We have to translate the list of sub- and headcategories to an SQL WHERE statement in
         * multiple steps, where the 'category' is the basis for our filter.
         * A testste for filters could be the following:
         *   cat0_z0_a9,cat0_z1_a9,cat0_z3_a9, ==> HD beeld
         *   cat0_z0_a9,cat0_z0_b3,cat0_z0_c1,cat0_z0_c2,cat0_z0_c6,cat0_z0_c11,~cat0_z1,~cat0_z2,~cat0_z3 ==> Nederlands ondertitelde films
         *   cat0_a9 ==> Alles in x264HD
         *   cat1_z0,cat1_z1,cat1_z2,cat1_z3 ==> Alle muziek, maar soms heeft muziek geen genre ingevuld!
         * The category list structure is:
         *    array(1) {
         *      ["cat"]=>
         *      array(1) {
         *        [1]=>                                    <== Headcategory number (cat1)
         *        array(4) {
         *          ["z0"]=>                                <== Type (subcatz) number (cat1_z0)
         *          array(4) {
         *            ["a"]=>                                <== Subcategorylist (cat1_z0_a)
         *            array(9) {
         *              [0]=>
         *              string(1) "0"                        <== Selected subcategory (so: cat1_z0_a0)
         *            }
         *            ["b"]=>
         *            array(7) {
         *              [0]=>
         *              string(1) "0"

        foreach ($categoryList['cat'] as $catid => $cat) {
             * Each category we have, we try to procss all subcategories
             * and convert it to a filter
            if (is_array($cat) && (!empty($cat))) {
                foreach ($cat as $type => $typeValues) {
                    $catid = (int) $catid;
                    $tmpStr = '((s.category = '.(int) $catid.')';

                    // dont filter the zz types (games/apps)
                    if ($type[1] !== 'z') {
                        $tmpStr .= " AND (s.subcatz = '".$type."|')";
                    } // if

                    $subcatItems = [];
                    foreach ($typeValues as $subcat => $subcatItem) {
                        $subcatValues = [];

                        foreach ($subcatItem as $subcatValue) {
                             * A spot can only contain one 'A' and 'Z' subcategory value, so we
                             * can perform an equality filter instead of a LIKE
                            if ($subcat == 'a') {
                                $subcatValues[] = "(s.subcata = '".$subcat.$subcatValue."|') ";
                            } elseif (in_array($subcat, ['b', 'c', 'd'])) {
                                $subcatValues[] = '(s.subcat'.$subcat." LIKE '%".$subcat.$subcatValue."|%') ";
                            } // if
                        } // foreach

                         * We add all subactegories within the same subcategory together (for example all
                         * formats of a movie) with an OR. This means you can pick between DivX and WMV as
                         * a format
                        if (count($subcatValues) > 0) {
                            $subcatItems[] = ' ('.implode(' OR ', $subcatValues).') ';
                        } // if
                    } // foreach subcat

                     * After this, same headcategory and type (Image + Movie, Sound) filters for
                     * subcategories are merged together with an AND.
                     * This results in a filter like:
                     * (((category = 0) AND ( ((subcata = 'a0|') ) AND ((subcatd LIKE '%d0|%')
                     * This makes sure you are able to pick multiple genres within the same category/subcategory,
                     * but you will not get unpredictable results by getting an 'Action' game for Linux when you
                     * accidentally asked for either 'Action' or 'Romance'.
                    if (count($subcatItems) > 0) {
                        $tmpStr .= ' AND ('.implode(' AND ', $subcatItems).') ';
                    } // if

                    // Finish of the query
                    $tmpStr .= ')';
                    $categorySql[] = $tmpStr;
                } // foreach type
            } // if
        } // foreach

        SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, [$categorySql]);

        return $categorySql;

    // categoryListToSql

     * Converts a list of "strong nots" to the corresponding
     * SQL statements
    private function strongNotListToSql($strongNotList)
        $strongNotSql = [];

        if (empty($strongNotList)) {
            return [];
        } // if

         * Each STRONG NOT is to be converted individually to a NOT
         * SQL WHERE filter
        foreach (array_keys($strongNotList) as $strongNotCat) {
            foreach ($strongNotList[$strongNotCat] as $strongNotSubcat) {
                 * When the strongnot is for a whole category (eg: cat0), we can
                 * make the NOT even simpler
                if (empty($strongNotSubcat)) {
                    $strongNotSql[] = '(NOT (s.Category = '.(int) $strongNotCat.'))';
                } else {
                    $subcats = explode('_', $strongNotSubcat);

                     * A spot can only contain one 'A' and 'Z' subcategory value, so we
                     * can perform an equality filter instead of a LIKE
                    if (count($subcats) == 1) {
                        if (in_array($subcats[0][0], ['a', 'z'])) {
                            $strongNotSql[] = '(NOT ((s.Category = '.(int) $strongNotCat.') AND (s.subcat'.$subcats[0][0].' = '.$this->_dbEng->safe($subcats[0].'|').')))';
                        } elseif (in_array($subcats[0][0], ['b', 'c', 'd'])) {
                            $strongNotSql[] = '(NOT ((s.Category = '.(int) $strongNotCat.') AND (s.subcat'.$subcats[0][0].' LIKE '.$this->_dbEng->safe('%'.$subcats[0].'|%').')))';
                        } // if
                    } elseif (count($subcats) == 2) {
                        if (in_array($subcats[1][0], ['a', 'z'])) {
                            $strongNotSql[] = '(NOT ((s.Category = '.(int) $strongNotCat.") AND (s.subcatz = '".$subcats[0]."|') AND (subcat".$subcats[1][0].' = '.$this->_dbEng->safe($subcats[1].'|').')))';
                        } elseif (in_array($subcats[1][0], ['b', 'c', 'd'])) {
                            $strongNotSql[] = '(NOT ((s.Category = '.(int) $strongNotCat.") AND (s.subcatz = '".$subcats[0]."|') AND (subcat".$subcats[1][0].' LIKE '.$this->_dbEng->safe('%'.$subcats[1].'|%').')))';
                        } // if
                    } // else
                } // else not whole subcat
            } // foreach
        } // forEach

        SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, [$strongNotSql]);

        return $strongNotSql;

    // strongNotListToSql

     * Prepareert de filter values naar een altijd juist formaat
    private function prepareFilterValues($search)
        $filterValueList = [];

         * We have three kinds of filters:
         *        - Old type where you have a search[type] with the values stamp,title,tag and an search[text]
         *          containing the value to search for. This limits you to a maximum of one filter which is not
         *          sufficient.
         *          We automatically convert these kind of searches to the new type.
         *        - New type where there is a search[value] array, which contain values in the following shape:
         *          type:operator:boolop?:value.
         *        For example, tag:=:AND:spotweb. The boolop is not required, and a shorthand is also available when the operator is left out (eg: tag:spotweb),
         *          we assume the EQ operator was intended.
         *        - Special kind of lists, there are a few values with a special meaning:
         *                 New:0                     (new spots)
         *                 Downloaded:0             (spots which are downloaded by this account)
         *                 Watch:0                 (spots on the watchlist of this account)
         *                 Seen:0                     (spots which have already been opened by this account)
         *                 MyPostedSpots:0         (spots posted by this account)
         *                 WhitelistedSpotters:0   (spots posted by a whitelisted spotter)
        if (isset($search['type'])) {
            if (!isset($search['text'])) {
                $search['text'] = '';
            } // if

             * We can be provided a set of old and new filters, we don't want to
             * overwrite the regular filters, so we take care to append to them
            if ((!isset($search['value'])) || (!is_array($search['value']))) {
                $search['value'] = [];
            } // if
            $search['value'][] = $search['type'].':=:'.$search['text'];
        } // if

        // Make sure that we always have something to iterate through
        if ((!isset($search['value'])) || (!is_array($search['value']))) {
            $search['value'] = [];
        } // if

        // Now we transform the new query (field:operator:value pair) to an exploded array for easier iteration
        foreach ($search['value'] as $value) {
            if (!empty($value) and $value != 'NULL') {
                $tmpFilter = explode(':', $value);
                // Default to an '=' operator when none is given
                if (count($tmpFilter) < 3) {
                    $tmpFilter = [$tmpFilter[0],
                        $tmpFilter[1], ];
                } // if

                // Default to a DEF boolean operator, when none is given
                if (count($tmpFilter) < 4) {
                    $tmpFilter = [$tmpFilter[0],
                        $tmpFilter[2], ];
                } // if

                if ($tmpFilter[2] == 'DEF') {
                     * For some operators it just makes more sense to default to OR when no
                     * default is given, so we do that.
                    if (in_array(strtolower($tmpFilter[0]), ['poster', 'tag'])) {
                        $tmpFilter[2] = 'OR';
                    } else {
                        $tmpFilter[2] = 'AND';
                    } // else
                } // if

                 * Create the actual filter, we add the array_slice part to
                 * allow for an ':' in the actual search value.
                $filterValueTemp = ['fieldname' => $tmpFilter[0],
                    'operator'                  => $tmpFilter[1],
                    'booloper'                  => $tmpFilter[2],
                    'value'                     => implode(':', array_slice($tmpFilter, 3)), ];

                 * and create the actual filter list. Before appending it,
                 * we want to make sure no identical filter is already
                 * in the list, because this might make MySQL very slow.
                if (!in_array($filterValueTemp, $filterValueList)) {
                    $filterValueList[] = $filterValueTemp;
                } // if
            } // if
        } // for

        SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, [$filterValueList]);

        return $filterValueList;

    // prepareFilterValues

     * Converts one or multiple userprovided txt filters to SQL statements
    private function filterValuesToSql($filterValueList, $currentSession)

        // Add a list of possible text searches
        $filterValueSql = ['OR' => [], 'AND' => []];
        $additionalFields = [];
        $additionalTables = [];
        $additionalJoins = [];

        $sortFields = [];
        $textSearchFields = [];

        // Lookp table from 'friendly' name to fully qualified one
        $filterFieldMapping = ['filesize' => 's.filesize',
            'date'                        => 's.stamp',
            'stamp'                       => 's.stamp',
            'userid'                      => 's.spotterid',
            'spotterid'                   => 's.spotterid',
            'moderated'                   => 's.moderated',
            'poster'                      => 's.poster',
            'titel'                       => 's.title',
            'title'                       => 's.title',
            'tag'                         => 's.tag',
            'new'                         => 'new',
            'reportcount'                 => 's.reportcount',
            'commentcount'                => 's.commentcount',
            'downloaded'                  => 'downloaded',
            'mypostedspots'               => 'mypostedspots',
            'whitelistedspotters'         => 'whitelistedspotters',
            'watch'                       => 'watch',
            'seen'                        => 'seen', ];

        foreach ($filterValueList as $filterRecord) {
            $tmpFilterFieldname = strtolower($filterRecord['fieldname']);
            $tmpFilterOperator = $filterRecord['operator'];
            $tmpFilterBoolOper = strtoupper($filterRecord['booloper']);
            $tmpFilterValue = $filterRecord['value'];

            // When no match for friendly name -> column name is found, ignore the search
            if (!isset($filterFieldMapping[$tmpFilterFieldname])) {
            } // if

            // make sure the operators are valid
            if (!in_array($tmpFilterOperator, ['>', '<', '>=', '<=', '=', '!='])) {
            } // if

            // make sure the boolean operators are valid
            if (!in_array($tmpFilterBoolOper, ['AND', 'OR', 'DEF'])) {
            } // if

             * Ignore empty searches. We cannot use the empty() operator,
             * because empty(0) evaluates to true but is an valid
             * value to search for
            if (strlen($tmpFilterValue) == 0) {
            } // if

             * When the search is pure textsearch, it might be able to be optimized
             * by utilizing the fulltext search (engine). If so, we take this path
             * to gain the most performance.
            if (in_array($tmpFilterFieldname, ['tag', 'poster', 'title', 'titel'])) {
                 * Some databases (sqlite for example), want to have all their fulltext
                 * searches available in one SQL function call.
                 * To be able to do this, we append all fulltext searches for now, so we
                 * can create the actual fulltext search later on.
                if (!isset($textSearchFields[$filterFieldMapping[$tmpFilterFieldname]])) {
                    $textSearchFields[$filterFieldMapping[$tmpFilterFieldname]] = [];
                } // if
                $textSearchFields[$filterFieldMapping[$tmpFilterFieldname]][] = ['fieldname' => $filterFieldMapping[$tmpFilterFieldname], 'value' => $tmpFilterValue, 'booloper' => $tmpFilterBoolOper];
            } elseif (in_array($tmpFilterFieldname, ['new', 'downloaded', 'watch', 'seen', 'mypostedspots', 'whitelistedspotters'])) {
                 * Some fieldnames are mere dummy fields which map to actual
                 * functionality. Those dummiefields are processed below
                switch ($tmpFilterFieldname) {
                    case 'new':
                        $tmpFilterValue = ' ((s.stamp > '.$this->_dbEng->safe((int) $currentSession['user']['lastread']).')';
                        $tmpFilterValue .= ' AND (l.seen IS NULL))';

                        // case 'new'
                    case 'whitelistedspotters':
                        $tmpFilterValue = ' (wl.spotterid IS NOT NULL)';

                        // case 'whitelistedspotters'
                    case 'mypostedspots':
                        // Only filter on mypostedspots if userid is known (issue #728)
                        if (isset($currentSession['user']['userid'])) {
                            $additionalFields[] = '1 AS mypostedspot';
                            $additionalJoins[] = ['tablename' => 'spotsposted',
                                'tablealias'                  => 'spots',
                                'jointype'                    => 'LEFT',
                                'joincondition'               => 'spots.messageid = s.messageid', ];
                            $tmpFilterValue = ' (spots.ouruserid = '.$this->_dbEng->safe((int) $currentSession['user']['userid']).') ';
                            $sortFields[] = ['field' => 'spots.stamp',
                                'direction'          => 'DESC',
                                'autoadded'          => true,
                                'friendlyname'       => null, ];
                        } else {
                            $tmpFilterValue = '0';
                        // case 'mypostedspots'
                    case 'downloaded':
                        $tmpFilterValue = ' ( IS NOT NULL)';
                        $sortFields[] = ['field' => 'downloadstamp',
                            'direction'          => 'DESC',
                            'autoadded'          => true,
                            'friendlyname'       => null, ];
                        // case 'downloaded'
                    case 'watch':
                        $additionalFields[] = '1 AS mywatchedspot';
                        $tmpFilterValue = ' ( IS NOT NULL)';
                        $sortFields[] = ['field' => 'watchstamp',
                            'direction'          => 'DESC',
                            'autoadded'          => true,
                            'friendlyname'       => null, ];
                        // case 'watch'
                    case 'seen':
                        $additionalFields[] = '1 AS myseenspot';
                        $tmpFilterValue = ' (l.seen IS NOT NULL)';
                        $sortFields[] = ['field' => 'seenstamp',
                            'direction'          => 'DESC',
                            'autoadded'          => true,
                            'friendlyname'       => null, ];
                     // case 'seen'
                } // switch

                // append the created query string to be an AND filter
                $filterValueSql['AND'][] = $tmpFilterValue;
            } else {
                 * No FTS, no dummyfield, it must be some sort of comparison then.
                 * First we want to extract the field we are filtering on.
                if ($tmpFilterFieldname == 'date') {
                    $tmpFilterValue = date('U', strtotime($tmpFilterValue));
                } elseif ($tmpFilterFieldname == 'stamp') {
                    $tmpFilterValue = (int) $tmpFilterValue;
                } elseif (($tmpFilterFieldname == 'filesize') && (is_numeric($tmpFilterValue) === false)) {
                    // Explicitly cast to float to workaroun a rounding bug in PHP on x86
                    $val = (float) trim(substr($tmpFilterValue, 0, -1));
                    $last = strtolower($tmpFilterValue[strlen($tmpFilterValue) - 1]);
                    switch ($last) {
                        /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
                        case 'g': $val *= (float) 1024;
                        /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
                        case 'm': $val *= (float) 1024;
                        case 'k': $val *= (float) 1024;
                    } // switch
                    $tmpFilterValue = round($val, 0);
                } // if

                 * add quotes around it when not numeric. We cannot blankly always add quotes
                 * as postgresql doesn't like that of course
                if (!is_numeric($tmpFilterValue)) {
                    $tmpFilterValue = $this->_dbEng->safe($tmpFilterValue);
                } else {
                    // numeric, test if greater max int value
                    if ($tmpFilterValue > PHP_INT_MAX) {
                        $tmpFilterValue = $this->_dbEng->safe($tmpFilterValue);
                    } else {
                        $tmpFilterValue = $this->_dbEng->safe((int) $tmpFilterValue);
                } // if

                // depending on the type of search, we either add the filter as an AND or an OR
                if (in_array($tmpFilterFieldname, ['spotterid', 'userid'])) {
                    $filterValueSql['OR'][] = ' ('.$filterFieldMapping[$tmpFilterFieldname].' '.$tmpFilterOperator.' '.$tmpFilterValue.') ';
                } else {
                    $filterValueSql['AND'][] = ' ('.$filterFieldMapping[$tmpFilterFieldname].' '.$tmpFilterOperator.' '.$tmpFilterValue.') ';
                } // else
            } // if
        } // foreach

         * When all filters are processed, we want to check wether we actually
         * have to process any of the $textSearchFields for which we could run
         * the db specific FTS engine.
         * If so, ask the FTS engin to process the query.
        if (!empty($textSearchFields)) {
             * We group searches per search type, but this means
             * we need to pass several the total amount of added
             * fields to the FTS so it can create unique relevancy
             * field names.
             * For example: search for poster AA and Title BB
            foreach ($textSearchFields as $searchField => $searches) {
                $ftsEng = dbfts_abs::Factory($this->_dbEng);
                $parsedTextQueryResult = $ftsEng->createTextQuery($searches, $additionalFields);

                $filterValueSql['AND'][] = ' ('.implode(' '.$searches[0]['booloper'].' ', $parsedTextQueryResult['filterValueSql']).') ';

                $additionalTables = array_merge($additionalTables, $parsedTextQueryResult['additionalTables']);
                $additionalFields = array_merge($additionalFields, $parsedTextQueryResult['additionalFields']);
                $sortFields = array_merge($sortFields, $parsedTextQueryResult['sortFields']);
            } // foreach
        } // if

        SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, [$filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $additionalTables, $additionalJoins, $sortFields]);

        return [$filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $additionalTables, $additionalJoins, $sortFields];

    // filterValuesToSql

     * Converts the sorting as asked to an intermediate format ready for processing
    private function prepareSortFields($sort, $sortFields)
        $VALID_SORT_FIELDS = ['category' => 1,
            'poster'                     => 1,
            'title'                      => 1,
            'filesize'                   => 1,
            'stamp'                      => 1,
            'subcata'                    => 1,
            'spotrating'                 => 1,
            'commentcount'               => 1, ];

        if ((!isset($sort['field'])) || (!isset($VALID_SORT_FIELDS[$sort['field']]))) {
             * Add an extra sort on stamp. It might be that a FTS engine or something else,
             * has added a requested sorting as well, so make sure we add it to the end of
             * sortfields.
            $sortFields[] = ['field' => 's.stamp', 'direction' => 'DESC', 'autoadded' => true, 'friendlyname' => null];
        } else {
            if (strtoupper($sort['direction']) != 'ASC') {
                $sort['direction'] = 'DESC';
            } // if

             * Explicit requested sorts, are prepended to the beginning of the array, so
             * the user requested sorting always is preferred above any other sorting
            array_unshift($sortFields, ['field' => 's.'.$sort['field'],
                'direction'                     => $sort['direction'],
                'autoadded'                     => false,
                'friendlyname'                  => $sort['field'], ]);
        } // else

        SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, [$sortFields]);

        return $sortFields;

    // prepareSortFields

     * "Compresses" an expanded category list. It tries to search for the smallest
     * (in string length) match which contains the same information.
     * This function, for example, will translate cat0_z0_a1,cat0_z0_a2,... to a
     * simple cat0_z0_a string and other nifty tricks.
     * This is wanted to get cleaner urls, to be more efficient when parsing and
     * to be able to lessen the change we will hit the GET HTTP url limit.
    public function compressCategorySelection($categoryList, $strongNotList)
        $compressedList = '';

         * We process each category, and the matching subcategories, to make sure all
         * required elments are set. If so, we remove the individual elements and
         * add the shorthand for it.
        foreach (SpotCategories::$_head_categories as $headCatNumber => $headCatValue) {
            $subcatsMissing = [];

            // match each subcategory
            if (isset($categoryList['cat'][$headCatNumber])) {
                $subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber] = [];

                foreach ($categoryList['cat'][$headCatNumber] as $subCatType => $subCatValues) {
                    $subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subCatType] = [];

                    foreach (SpotCategories::$_categories[$headCatNumber] as $subCat => $subcatValues) {
                        if ($subCat !== 'z') {
                            if (isset($categoryList['cat'][$headCatNumber][$subCatType][$subCat])) {
                                // process all subcategory values to see if any are missing
                                foreach (SpotCategories::$_categories[$headCatNumber][$subCat] as $subcatValue => $subcatDescription) {
                                    // Make sure the subcategory is actually avaialble for this type
                                    if (in_array($subCatType, $subcatDescription[2])) {
                                        // and if the subcat element is missing, add it to the missing list
                                        if (array_search($subcatValue, $categoryList['cat'][$headCatNumber][$subCatType][$subCat]) === false) {
                                            $subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subCatType][$subCat][$subcatValue] = 1;
                                        } // if
                                    } // if
                                } // foreach
                            } else {
                                // $subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subCatType][$subCat] = array();
                            } // if
                        } // if
                    } // foreach
                } // foreach
                //var_dump ("categorylist");
                //var_dump ("subcatsMissing");

                 * If not the complete headcategory has been selected, we have to
                 * do a tiny bit more work to get the exact match
                if (!empty($subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber])) {
                     * There are three possible situations:
                     * - the subcategory does not exist at all, we select the complete subcategory
                     * - the subcategory exists, but is empty. It means we do not want anything out of it
                     * - the subcategory exists, and is not empty. The items in it, are the items we do not want
                    foreach ($categoryList['cat'][$headCatNumber] as $subType => $subTypeValue) {
                         * Check wether the complete headcat+subtype (cat0_z0, cat0_z1) is selected
                        if (!empty($subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subType])) {
                            foreach (SpotCategories::$_subcat_descriptions[$headCatNumber] as $subCatKey => $subCatValue) {
                                if ($subCatKey !== 'z') {
                                    if (!isset($subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subType][$subCatKey])) {
                                        // $compressedList .= 'cat' . $headCatNumber . '_' . $subType . '_' . $subCatKey . ',';
                                    } elseif (empty($subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subType][$subCatKey])) {
                                         * If the subcategory is completely empty, the user doesn't
                                         * want anything from it
                                    } else {
                                         * The subcategory does exist, but contains only items
                                         * the user doesn't want or need. We deselected them here.
                                         * We can either add the whole category, and add a few
                                         * "NOT"'s (!cat0_z0_a1) or just selected the individual
                                         * items. We determine this whether the majority is
                                         * selected or excluded.
                                        $right1 = (is_array(@SpotCategories::$_categories[$headCatNumber][$subCatKey][$subCatValue])) ? count(@SpotCategories::$_categories[$headCatNumber][$subCatKey][$subCatValue]) : 0;
                                        $moreFalseThanTrue = (count(@$subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subType][$subCatKey]) > ($right1 / 2));
                                        foreach (SpotCategories::$_categories[$headCatNumber][$subCatKey] as $subCatValue => $subCatDesc) {
                                            if (in_array($subType, $subCatDesc[2])) {
                                                if ($moreFalseThanTrue) {
                                                    if (!isset($subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subType][$subCatKey][$subCatValue])) {
                                                        $compressedList .= 'cat'.$headCatNumber.'_'.$subType.'_'.$subCatKey.$subCatValue.',';
                                                    } // if
                                                } else {
                                                    if (isset($subcatsMissing[$headCatNumber][$subType][$subCatKey][$subCatValue])) {
                                                         * We have to make sure the whole category is selected, so we perform an
                                                         * extra check for it
                                                        if (strpos(','.$compressedList.',', ',cat'.$headCatNumber.'_'.$subType.'_'.$subCatKey.',') === false) {
                                                            $compressedList .= 'cat'.$headCatNumber.'_'.$subType.'_'.$subCatKey.',';
                                                        } // if

                                                        // and start deselecting the subcategories
                                                        $compressedList .= '!cat'.$headCatNumber.'_'.$subType.'_'.$subCatKey.$subCatValue.',';
                                                    } // if
                                                } // if
                                            } // if
                                        } // foreach
                                    } // else
                                } // if
                            } // foreach
                        } else {
                            $compressedList .= 'cat'.$headCatNumber.'_'.$subType.',';
                        } // if
                    } // foreach
                } else {
                    $compressedList .= 'cat'.$headCatNumber.',';
                } // else
            } // if
        } // foreach

        // and of course, add the strong not list
        if (!empty($strongNotList)) {
            foreach ($strongNotList as $headCat => $subcatList) {
                foreach ($subcatList as $subcatValue) {
                    $compressedList .= '~cat'.$headCat.'_'.$subcatValue.',';
                } // foreach
            } // foreach
        } // if

        SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, [$compressedList]);

        return $compressedList;

    // compressCategorySelection

     * Converts an array with search terms (tree, type, valus) to an SQL statement
     * to be glued to an SQL WHERE query
    public function filterToQuery($search, $sort, $currentSession, $indexFilter)

        $isUnfiltered = false;

        $categoryList = [];
        $categorySql = [];

        $strongNotList = [];
        $strongNotSql = [];

        $filterValueList = [];
        $filterValueSql = [];

        $additionalFields = [];
        $additionalTables = [];
        $additionalJoins = [];
        $sortFields = [];

        // Take the easy way out of no filters have been given
        if (empty($search)) {
            return ['filter'       => '',
                'search'           => [],
                'additionalFields' => [],
                'additionalTables' => [],
                'additionalJoins'  => [],
                'categoryList'     => [],
                'strongNotList'    => [],
                'filterValueList'  => [],
                'unfiltered'       => false,
                'sortFields'       => [['field' => 'stamp', 'direction' => 'DESC', 'autoadded' => true, 'friendlyname' => null]], ];
        } // if

         * Process the parameters in $search, legacy parameters are converted
         * to a common format by prepareFilterValues, this list is then
         * converted to SQL
        $filterValueList = $this->prepareFilterValues($search);
        list($filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $additionalTables, $additionalJoins, $sortFields) = $this->filterValuesToSql($filterValueList, $currentSession);

         * When asked to forget all category filters (and only search for a word/typefilter)
         * we simply reset the filter by overwriting $search with $indexfilter
        if ((isset($search['unfiltered'])) && ($search['unfiltered'] === 'true')) {
            $search = array_merge($search, $indexFilter);
            $isUnfiltered = true;
        } // if

         * If a tree was given, convert it to subcategories etc.
         * prepareCategorySelection() makes sure all categories eventually
         * are in a common format
        if (!empty($search['tree'])) {
            // explode the dynaList
            $dynaList = explode(',', $search['tree']);
            list($categoryList, $strongNotList) = $this->prepareCategorySelection($dynaList);

            // and convert to SQL
            $categorySql = $this->categoryListToSql($categoryList);
            $strongNotSql = $this->strongNotListToSql($strongNotList);
        } // if

        // Check for an explicit sorting convention
        $sortFields = $this->prepareSortFields($sort, $sortFields);

        $endFilter = [];
        if (!empty($categorySql)) {
            $endFilter[] = '('.implode(' OR ', $categorySql).') ';
        } // if
        if (!empty($filterValueSql['AND'])) {
            $endFilter[] = '('.implode(' AND ', $filterValueSql['AND']).') ';
        } // if
        if (!empty($filterValueSql['OR'])) {
            $endFilter[] = '('.implode(' OR ', $filterValueSql['OR']).') ';
        } // if
        $endFilter[] = implode(' AND ', $strongNotSql);
        $endFilter = array_filter($endFilter);

        SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, [implode(' AND ', $endFilter)]);

        return ['filter'       => implode(' AND ', $endFilter),
            'categoryList'     => $categoryList,
            'unfiltered'       => $isUnfiltered,
            'strongNotList'    => $strongNotList,
            'filterValueList'  => $filterValueList,
            'additionalFields' => $additionalFields,
            'additionalTables' => $additionalTables,
            'additionalJoins'  => $additionalJoins,
            'sortFields'       => $sortFields, ];

    // filterToQuery
} // Services_Search_QueryParser