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1 day
Test Coverage
 * ToDo:
 *    Noubb tag handling
 *    closing tags van config zouden gechecked moeten worden
 *    ...
class SpotUbb_parser
     * Current parser state
    private $curpos = -1;
    private $inputstr = '';

    public function __construct($inputstr)

    // ctor UbbParse

     * Sets the input string and resets current cursor pos
    public function setinputstring($inputstr)
        $this->curpos = -1;
        $this->inputstr = $inputstr;

    // setinputstring

     * Returns true when there is a new character available.
    public function hasnextch()
        return $this->curpos < (strlen($this->inputstr) - 1);

    // func. hasnextch

     * Seeks one character back in input string.
    public function seekback()

    // func. seekback()

     * Returns the next character, but don't improve the 'cursor'.
    public function peekch()
        if (!$this->hasnextch()) {
            return false;
        } // if

        return $this->inputstr[$this->curpos + 1];

    // func. peekch()

     * Returns the next character in line, or false when EOS.
    public function nextch()
        if ($this->curpos >= (strlen($this->inputstr) - 1)) {
            return false;
        } // if


        return $this->inputstr[$this->curpos];

    // nextch()

     * Returns current position in string.
    public function getpos()
        return $this->curpos;

    // func. getpos()

     * Is current character the opening of an UBB tag?
    public function startofubbtag()
        return $this->inputstr[$this->curpos] == '[';

    // func startofubbtag()

     * Is current character the closing of an UBB tag?
    public function endofubbtag()
        return substr($this->inputstr, $this->curpos, 2) == '[/';

    // func endofubbtag()

     * Returns the contents of the closing tag (only the closing tag).
    public function fetchendtag()
        $endtag = '';
        $this->nextch(); // skip the slash

        while ($this->hasnextch()) {
            $ch = $this->nextch();

            if ($ch != ']') {
                $endtag .= $ch;
            } else {
            } // end tag is complete
        } // while

        return $endtag;

    // func. endtag()

     * Returns the contents of the given parameters.
    public function fetchparams($namedparams)
        $paramstr = '';

        while ($this->hasnextch() && ($this->peekch() != ']')) {
            $ch = $this->nextch();

            $paramstr .= $ch;
        } // while

        /* we override the $namedparams because the old generator allowed
                   named parameters, while the first character indicated it didn't */
        if (!$namedparams) {
            $namedparams = strpos($paramstr, '=');
        } // if

        /* if we were supposed to get named params, parse them into an array */
        if ($namedparams) {
            /* First split all strings on spaces -- not 100% correct
               (what if we get a quoted string with spaces..? but will do
               for now */
            $pairs = explode(' ', $paramstr);
            foreach ($pairs as $key) {
                $tmp = explode('=', $key);

                if (count($tmp) > 1) {
                    $params[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];
                } else {
                    $params[] = $tmp[0];
                } // else
            } // foreach
        } else {
            $params = explode(',', $paramstr);
        } // else

        return ['arenamedparams' => $namedparams,
            'originalparams'     => ($namedparams ? ' ' : '=').$paramstr,
            'params'             => $params, ];

    // func. fetchparams()

     * Returns the contents of the opening tag (only the opening tag).
    public function fetchopeningtag()
        $tmp['tagposition'] = ($this->getpos() + 1);
        $tmp['tagname'] = '';
        $tmp['params'] = ['arenamedparams' => false,
            'originalparams'               => '',
            'params'                       => '', ];

        /* Get the tag name, tagname ends upon either an ] or a space */
        while ($this->hasnextch()) {
            $ch = $this->nextch();

            /* tag is being closed, be done with it */
            if ($ch == ']') {
            } // if

            /* tag is getting parameters, be happy ... */
            if (($ch == ' ') || ($ch == '=')) {
                $tmp['params'] = $this->fetchparams($ch != '=');
            } else {
                $tmp['tagname'] .= $ch;
            } // else
        } // while

        return $tmp;

    // func. fetchopeningtag()

     * return new content array.
    public function newcontent()
        return ['tagname' => '',
            'tagposition' => $this->getpos(),
            'params'      => ['arenamedparams' => false,
                'originalparams'               => '',
                'params'                       => '', ],
            'content' => '', ];

    // func. newcontent()

     * returns whether the given element is an empty element.
    public function nonemptycontent($content)
        return !(empty($content['tagname']) &&
             empty($content['params']) &&

    // func. emptycontent

     * Tokenize (...) an UBB string.
    public function tokenize($nowtag = [])
        $curcnt = 0;
        $tagcfg = null;
        $contents[$curcnt] = $this->newcontent();

        if (!empty($nowtag)) {
            $tagcfg = TagHandler::gettagconfig($nowtag['tagname']);
        } // if

        /* We enter this function when the current character was an
         * opening brace
        while ($this->hasnextch()) {
            $ch = $this->nextch();

            if ($this->endofubbtag() && (!empty($nowtag))) {
                /* Now make sure the current tag, has to be closed, else.. well.. */
                if (($tagcfg !== null) && ($tagcfg['closetags'] === null)) {
                    // :echo 'Closing tag found for non-closing code' . "\r\n";
                    // var_dump($tagcfg);
                    // var_dump($nowtag);

                } // if

                $endtag = $this->fetchendtag();
                if (array_search($endtag, $tagcfg['closetags']) !== false) {
                    break; // tag is complete
                } else {
                    /* Not the proper closing tag, just append it again */
                    $contents[$curcnt]['content'] .= '[/'.$endtag.']';
                } // else
            } elseif ($this->startofubbtag()) {
                $tmptag = $this->fetchopeningtag();

                /* To properly process this tag, it should not be null */
                if (TagHandler::gettagconfig($tmptag['tagname']) !== null) {
                    $tmpTagCfg = TagHandler::gettagconfig($tmptag['tagname']);

                    if ($tmpTagCfg['closetags'] !== [null]) {
                        $tmptag['content'] = $this->tokenize($tmptag);
                    } else {
                        $tmptag['content'] = '';
                    $contents[++$curcnt] = $tmptag;

                    /* and be done with this tag */
                    $contents[++$curcnt] = $this->newcontent();
                } else {
                    /* Not a proper tag, lets see if we can reconstruct it and ignore it */
                    $contents[$curcnt]['content'] .= '['.$tmptag['tagname'];

                    /* add the parameters (if any) back */
                    if ($tmptag['params'] !== '') {
                        $contents[$curcnt]['content'] .= $tmptag['params']['originalparams'];
                    } // if

                    /* and add the closing bracket */
                    $contents[$curcnt]['content'] .= ']';
                } // else
            } else {
                $contents[$curcnt]['content'] .= $ch;
            } // else
        } // while

        /* and return the result set */
        return $contents;

    // func tokenize()

     * Returns the formatted UBB.
    public function converttoubb($parseresult, $allowedchildren = [null])
        $output = [''];
        $bodycount = 0;

        $parseResultCount = count($parseresult);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $parseResultCount; $i++) {
            /* save the current allowedchildren */
            $saveallowedchildren = $allowedchildren;

            /* first get the tag results */
            if ($parseresult[$i]['tagname'] !== '') {
                $tagresult = null;

                /* Get the configuration for this tag, as it also includes the function
                 * to call when processing this tag */
                $tagconfig = TagHandler::gettagconfig($parseresult[$i]['tagname']);

                /* Are we allowed to run this tag? */
                if (($allowedchildren[0] === null) |
                    array_search($parseresult[$i]['tagname'], $allowedchildren)) {
                    $tagresult = TagHandler::process_tag(
                } // if

                /* If tag result was NULL, the given tag is invalid, so reconstruct it */
                if ($tagresult === null) {
                    if ($tagconfig['closetags'] !== [null]) {
                        $appendclosetag = '[/'.$parseresult[$i]['tagname'].']';
                    } else {
                        $appendclosetag = '';
                    } // else

                    /* add the tag back in */
                    $tagresult = ['prepend' => '['.$parseresult[$i]['tagname'].
                        'append' => $appendclosetag, ];
                } else {
                    /* allow the tags to overwrite the content */
                    $parseresult[$i]['content'] = $tagresult['content'];
                } // else

                /* Now append the allowed children */
                if ($tagconfig['allowedchildren'][0] === '') {
                    /* deny all child tags */
                    $allowedchildren = [''];
                } elseif ($tagconfig['allowedchildren'][0] !== null) {
                    /* all tags are allowed */
                    $allowedchildren = array_intersect($allowedchildren, $tagconfig['allowedchildren']);
                } // else
            } else {
                $tagresult = ['prepend' => '',
                    'append'            => '', ];
            } // else

            $output[$bodycount] .= $tagresult['prepend'];
            if (is_array($parseresult[$i]['content'])) {
                $parsedchildcontent = $this->converttoubb($parseresult[$i]['content'], $allowedchildren);

                $output[$bodycount] .= $parsedchildcontent[0];
                if (count($parsedchildcontent) > 1) {
                    $output = array_merge($output, $parsedchildcontent);
                } // if
            } else {
                $output[$bodycount] .= $parseresult[$i]['content'];
            } // else
            $output[$bodycount] .= $tagresult['append'];

            /* restore the saved allowed children */
            $allowedchildren = $saveallowedchildren;
        } // for

        return $output;

    // converttoubb

    public function parse()
        $parseresult = $this->tokenize();

        return $this->converttoubb($parseresult);

    // func. parse()
} // class SpotUbb_Parse