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 * Helper function to open a dialog, a couple of parameters are required.
 * @param divid id of a dummy div which should be used to create a dialog
 * @param title title of the dialogbox
 * @param url URL of the HTML content to load into the dialog
 * @param presubmitHook Function to be called when the submit button is pressed
 * @param successAction choice of 'autoclose', 'showresultonly', 'reload'
 * @param closeCb Function which should be called when the dialog is closed
 * @param openCb Function which should be called when the HTML content of the dialog is loaded
function openDialog(divid, title, url, buttonClick, successAction, closeCb, openCb) {
    var $dialdiv = $("#" + divid);
    /* submit button handler */
    if (!buttonClick) {
        var buttonClick = function() {
             * The current 'this' is where the submitt button has been pushed,
             * this means we can assume we are in the form itselve.
            var formdata = $(this).attr("name") + "=" + $(this).val();
            formdata = $(this.form).serialize() + "&" + formdata;
            // actually post the data, use JSON as a result type
                type: "POST",
                url: this.form.action,
                dataType: "json",
                data: formdata,
                success: function(data) {
                     * Upon success (of the HTTP call), we try to find the
                     * dialog again and act upon the chosen action
                    var $dialdiv = $("#" + divid);

                    if ((data.result == 'success') && (successAction == 'autoclose')) {

                    } else {
                        /* If we need to reload the content, reload it, else just show the results */
                        if (successAction == 'reload') {
                        } // if

                        if ((successAction == 'showresultsonly') && (data.result == 'success')) {

                            /* Create the empty elements to show the errors/information in */
                            $dialdiv.html("<ul class='formerrors' style='color=Red;'></ul><ul class='forminformation'></ul>");
                        } // if

                        var $formerrors = $dialdiv.find("ul.formerrors");
                        $.each(data.errors, function(key, val) {
                            $formerrors.append("<li>" + val + "</li>");
                        }); // each

                        // Add the information items to the form
                        var $forminfo = $dialdiv.find("ul.forminformation");
                        $.each(, function(key, val) {
                            $forminfo.append("<li>" + val + "</li>");
                        }); // each
                    } // if post was not successful
                } // success()
            }); // ajax call to submit the form

            return false; // supress standard submit button
        }; // buttonClick
    } // if not defined

     * Define a dialog loader function which also attaches the
     * submit buttons. This will be called when the dialog submit
     * is succesful but the dialog shouldn't be closed.
    function loadDialogContent(async) {
        // Dialog loaded via Ajax
        /* actually load the content */
            type: "GET",
            dataType: "html",
            async: async,
            url: url,
            data: {},
            success: function(response) {
                 * Replace the current HTML content of the dialog with this new content
                var $dialdiv = $("#" + divid);
                $("#" + divid + " " + "#titel").text(title);
                $"dialogurl", url);
                // Save the actual DialogUrl, so we can refresh it later if required

                 * Loop through all submit buttons, and attach a form submit handler to
                 * it. We need this to make sure we know which button was pressed, else
                 * we cannot differentiate between different "submit" buttons which is
                 * rather limitting.
                var $buttons = $(".ui-popup :submit");

                // Call the open callback
                if (openCb) {
                } // if

                // actually show the dialogs content
                // $dialdiv.dialog("open");
                  JQuery mobile loses active navbar button state
                  windows.location.reload() restores that state
                    popupafterclose: function (event, ui) {
                                                                if (closeCb) {
                                                                } // if
                return false; // supress the default action of the link which opens this dialog
            } // success function
        }); // ajax call
    } // loadDialogContent

    // load contents on first run
    return false;
} // openDialog