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1 wk
Test Coverage
$.address.init(function() {
        function(event) {
            basePATH = location.href.replace('#' + $.address.value(), '');
            if ($.address.value() == '/' && basePATH.indexOf('/?page=getspot') < 0 && basePATH.indexOf('/details/') < 0) {
                var currentSpot = $('table.spots');
                if ((currentSpot) && (currentSpot.offset() != null)) {
                    if (currentSpot.offset().top > $(window).height()) {
                        $(document).scrollTop(currentSpot.offset().top - 50);
                    } // if
                } // if
            } else if ($.address.value() != '/') openSpot($('table.spots a.spotlink'), $.address.value());

var BaseURL = createBaseURL();
var loading = '<img src="' + BaseURL + 'templates/we1rdo/img/loading.gif" height="16" width="16" />';

function initSpotwebJs(BetweenText, AndText) {
    $("a.spotlink").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); });

     * Attach the "TipTip" tooltip behaviour for each SpotLink
    $('.showTipTip a.spotlink').each(applyTipTip);

    attachAdvancedSearchBehaviour(BetweenText, AndText);

} // initSpotwebJs

 * Creates a base url, full path to this Spotweb
 * installation.
 * @returns {string}
function createBaseURL() {
    var baseURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname;
    if (window.location.port != '') {
        var baseURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname+':'+window.location.port+window.location.pathname;
    return baseURL;
} // createBaseURL

// Detecteer aanwezigheid scrollbar binnen spotinfo pagina
function detectScrollbar() {
    var $divDetails = $("div#details"); 
    if (($divDetails) && ($divDetails.offset() != null)) {
        if(($divDetails.outerHeight() + $divDetails.offset().top <= $(window).height())) {
        } else {
    } // if

// openSpot in overlay
function openSpot(id,url) {
    if (!spotweb_security_allow_spotdetail) {
        return false;
    } // if
    if($("#overlay").is(":visible")) {

    $("table.spots td.title").removeClass("new");

    if ($(id).attr('rel') ) {
        return false;
    } //chrome
    var messageid = url.split("=")[2];


    var scrollLocation = $(document).scrollTop();
    $("#overlay").load(url + ' #details', function (a, b) {
        $("#overlay").removeClass('loading notrans');

        if($("#overlay").children().size() == 0) {
            alert("<t>Error while loading this page, you will be returned automaticly to the mainview</t>" + a);
            return false;

            if ($('table.spots').offset().top > $(window).height())scrollLocation = $('table.spots').offset().top - 50;

        $(window).bind("resize", detectScrollbar);

        if (spotweb_retrieve_commentsperpage > 0) {
        } // if

    return false;

 * Refreshes a tabs content when given a tabname,
 * is primarily used a callback for ShowDialog(), so
 * when the dialog is closed, the tab contents is
 * refreshed.
 * @returns void
function refreshTab(tabName) {    
    var tab = $('#' + tabName);
    var selected = tab.tabs('option', 'selected');
    tab.tabs('load', selected);
} // refreshTab

// Open spot in los scherm
function openNewWindow() {
    url = $('table.spots a.spotlink').attr("onclick").toString().match(/"(.*?)"/)[1];;

// En maak de overlay onzichtbaar
function closeOverlay() {
} // closeOverlay

// Sluit spotinfo overlay
function closeDetails(scrollLocation) {

// Laadt nieuwe spots in overzicht wanneer de onderkant wordt bereikt
function attachInfiniteScroll() {
// console.time("2nd-ready");
    var pagenr = $('#nextPage').val();
    $(window).scroll(function() {
        const e = document.documentElement;
        const endOfPage = e.scrollTop + e.clientHeight >= e.scrollHeight - 5;

        var url = '?direction=next&data[spotsonly]=1&pagenr='+pagenr+$('#getURL').val()+' #spots';

        if(endOfPage && $(document).height() >= $(window).height() && pagenr > 0 && $("#overlay").is(':hidden')) {
            if(!($("div.spots").hasClass("full"))) {
                var scrollLocation = $("div.container").scrollTop();
                $("div#overlay").load(url, function() {                
                    if($("div#overlay tbody#spots").children().size() < $('#perPage').val()) {
                    $("tbody#spots").append($($("div#overlay tbody#spots").html()).show());
                    $("a.spotlink").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); });
                    $(".showTipTip a.spotlink").each(applyTipTip);
                    $(" > a").attr("href", url);
// console.timeEnd("2nd-ready");
} // attachInfiniteScroll

// Haal de comments op en zet ze per batch op het scherm
function loadComments(messageid,perpage,pagenr) {
    if (!spotweb_security_allow_view_comments) {
        return false;
    } // if 
    var xhr = null;
    xhr = $.get('?page=render&tplname=comment&messageid='+messageid+'&pagenr='+pagenr+'&perpage='+perpage, function(html) {
        count = $(html+' > li').length / 2;
        if (count == 0 && pagenr == 0) {
            $("#commentslist").append("<li class='nocomments'><t>No (verified) comments found.</t></li>");
        } else {
            $("span.commentcount").html('# '+$("#commentslist").children().not(".addComment").size());

        html = $(html);
        $("a[href^='http']", html).attr('target','_blank');

        $("#commentslist > li:nth-child(even)").addClass('even');
        $("#commentslist > li.addComment").next().addClass('firstComment');

        if (count >= 1) { 
        } else {
    $("a.closeDetails").click(function() { xhr.abort() });

    return false;

function postReportForm() {
    new SpotPosting().postReport($('form.postreportform')[0], postReportUiStart, postReportUiDone);
    return false;

function blacklistSpotterId(spotterId) {
} // blacklistSpotterId

function whitelistSpotterId(spotterId) {
    $("input[name='blacklistspotterform[origin]']").val('Whitelisted by user');
} // blacklistSpotterId

function validateNntpServerSetting(settingsForm, serverArrayId) {
    $("#servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_loading").show();

    var formData = 'data[host]=' + settingsForm.elements[ + '[' + serverArrayId + '][host]'].value;

    if (settingsForm.elements[ + '[' + serverArrayId + '][enc][switch]'].checked) {
        formData += '&data[enc]=' + settingsForm.elements[ + '[' + serverArrayId + '][enc][select]'].value;
    } // if

    formData += '&data[port]=' + settingsForm.elements[ + '[' + serverArrayId + '][port]'].value;
    formData += '&data[user]=' + settingsForm.elements[ + '[' + serverArrayId + '][user]'].value;
    formData += '&data[pass]=' + settingsForm.elements[ + '[' + serverArrayId + '][pass]'].value;

        type: "POST",
        url: "?page=render&tplname=validatenntp", 
        dataType: "json",
        data: formData,
        success: function(data) {
            var result = $data.results;
            $("#servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_loading").hide();

            /* Remove existing style and contents from from the string */
            $("#servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_result")
                .removeClass("servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_result_success")
                .removeClass("servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_result_fail")

            if (result == 'success') {
                $("#servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_result")
                    .addClass("servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_result_success")
            } else {
                $("#servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_result")
                    .addClass("servertest_" + serverArrayId + "_result_fail")
            } // else
        } // success
    }); // ajax call om de form te submitten

    return false;
} // validateNntpServerSetting

function postBlacklistForm() {
        formdata = $(this).serialize();
            type: "POST",
            url: this.action, 
            dataType: "json",
            data: formdata,
            success: function(data) {
                $(".blacklistuserlink_" + $("input[name='blacklistspotterform[spotterid]']").val()).remove();
            } // success
        }); // ajax call om de form te submitten
        return false;
    }); // submit
} // postBlacklistForm

// Load post comment form
function postCommentsForm() {
    $("li.addComment a.togglePostComment").click(function(){
        if($("li.addComment div").is(":hidden")) {
            $("li.addComment div").slideDown(function(){
            $("li.addComment a.togglePostComment span").addClass("up").parent().attr("title", "<t>Add comment (hide)</t>");
        } else {
            $("li.addComment div").slideUp(function(){
            $("li.addComment a.togglePostComment span").removeClass("up").parent().attr("title", "<t>Add comment (show)</t>");

    for (i=1; i<=10; i++) {
        $("li.addComment dd.rating").append("<span id='ster"+i+"'></span>");
        sterStatus(i, 0);

    var rating = 0;
    $("li.addComment dd.rating span").click(function() {
        if($(this).index() == rating) {
            rating = 0;
        } else {
            rating = $(this).index();

        $("li.addComment dd.rating span").each(function(){
            sterStatus($(this).index(), rating);
        $("li.addComment input[name='postcommentform[rating]']").val(rating);

    function sterStatus(id, rating) {
        if (id == 1) { ster = '<t>star</t>'; } else { ster = '<t>stars</t>'; }

        if (id < rating) {
            $("span#ster"+id).addClass("active").attr('title', '<t>Rate spot</t> '+id+' '+ster);
        } else if (id == rating) {
            if (id == 1) {
                $("span#ster"+id).addClass("active").attr('title', "<t>Don't give any star</t>");
            } else {
                $("span#ster"+id).addClass("active").attr('title', "<t>Don't give any stars</t>");
            } // if
        } else {
            $("span#ster"+id).removeClass("active").attr('title', '<t>Rate spot</t> '+id+' '+ster);

        new SpotPosting().postComment(this,postCommentUiStart,postCommentUiDone);
        return false;

// Laadt de spotImage wanneer spotinfo wordt geopend
function loadSpotImage() {
    if (!spotweb_security_allow_view_spotimage) {
        return false;
    } // if

    $('img.spotinfoimage').load(function() {
            'width': $("img.spotinfoimage").width(),
            'height': $("img.spotinfoimage").height()
        $('a.postimage').attr('title', '<t>Click on this image to show real size (i)</t>');
    .each(function() {
        // From the jQuery comments:
        if (this.complete || (jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) == 6)) {

    return false;

function toggleImageSize() {
    if($("img.spotinfoimage").hasClass("full")) {
        $('a.postimage').attr('title', '<t>Click on this image to show real size (i)</t>');
    } else {
        $('a.postimage').attr('title', '<t>Click image to reduce</t>');
            'max-width': $("div#overlay").width() - 5,
            'max-height': $("div#overlay").height() - 35

// Bind keys to functions
function attachKeyBindings() {
// console.time("3rd-ready");
    $('table.spots tbody tr').first().addClass('active');

    var $document = $(document);
    $document.bind('keydown', 'k', function(){if(!($("div#overlay").hasClass("loading"))) {spotNav('prev')}});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'j', function(){if(!($("div#overlay").hasClass("loading"))) {spotNav('next')}});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'o', function(){if($("#overlay").is(':hidden')){$('table.spots tbody .title a.spotlink').click()}});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'return', function(){if($("#overlay").is(':hidden')){$('table.spots tbody .title a.spotlink').click()}});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'u', function(){$("a.closeDetails").click()});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'esc', function(){$("a.closeDetails").click()});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'i', toggleImageSize);
    $document.bind('keydown', 's', function(){if($("#overlay").is(':visible') || $('#details').hasClass("external")) {$("#details a.sabnzbd-button").click()} else {$(" a.sabnzbd-button").click()}});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'n', function(){if($("#overlay").is(':visible') || $('#details').hasClass("external")) {location.href = $("#details a.nzb").attr('href')} else if($("th.nzb").is(":visible")) {location.href = $(" a.nzb").attr('href')}});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'w', function(){if($("#overlay").is(':visible') || $('#details').hasClass("external")) {$("#details a:visible").click()} else if($("div.spots").hasClass("watchlist")) {location.href = $(" a").attr('href')} else {$(" a:visible").click()}});
    $document.bind('keydown', 't', function(){openNewWindow()});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'h', function(){location.href = '?search[tree]=&search[unfiltered]=true'});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'm', function(){downloadMultiNZB(spotweb_nzbhandler_type)});
    $document.bind('keydown', 'c', checkMultiNZB);
// console.timeEnd("3rd-ready");
} // attachKeyBindings

// Keyboard navigation functions
function spotNav(direction) {    
    var current = $('table.spots tbody');
    var prev = current.prevUntil('tr.header').first();
    var next =;

    if (direction == 'prev' && prev.size() == 1) {
        if($("#overlay").is(':visible')) {
            $(document).scrollTop($('table.spots').offset().top - 50);
            $('table.spots tbody .title a.spotlink').click();
    } else if (direction == 'next' && next.size() == 1) {
        if($("#overlay").is(':visible')) {
            $(document).scrollTop($('table.spots').offset().top - 50);
            $("table.spots tbody .title a.spotlink").click();
    if($("#overlay").is(':hidden')) {$(document).scrollTop($('table.spots').offset().top - 50)}

 * Initializes the user management page
function initializeUserManagementPage() {
} // initializeUserManagementPage

 Initializes the settings pages
function initializeSettingsPage() {

 * Initializes the user preferences screen
function initializeUserPreferencesScreen() {

    /* If the user preferences tab is loaded, make the filters sortable */
    $('#edituserpreferencetabs').bind('tabsload', function(event, ui) {

    $('#nzbhandlingselect').change(function() {
       $('#nzbhandling-fieldset-localdir, #nzbhandling-fieldset-runcommand, #nzbhandling-fieldset-sabnzbd, #nzbhandling-fieldset-nzbget, #nzbhandling-fieldset-nzbvortex').hide();
       var selOpt = $(this).find('option:selected').data('fields').split(' ');
       $.each(selOpt, function(index) {
            $('#nzbhandling-fieldset-' + selOpt[index]).show();
        }); // each
    });    // change

    // roep de change handler aan zodat alles goed staat

    /* Attach the hide/show functionalitity to the checkboxes who want it */

        $.get(BaseURL+"?page=twitteroauth", function (data){}).complete(function() {
            $('#twitter_result').html('<t><b>Step 2</b?:<br />Please fill below your PIN-number that twitter has given you and validate this.</t><br /><input type="text" name="twitter_pin" id="twitter_pin" />');
        $(this).replaceWith('<input type="button" id="twitter_verify_pin" value="<t>Validate PIN</t>">');
    $('#twitter_verify_pin').live('click', function(){
        var pin = $("#twitter_pin").val();
        $.get(BaseURL+"?page=twitteroauth", {'action':'verify', 'pin':pin}, function(data){ $('#twitter_result').html(data); });
        $.get(BaseURL+"?page=twitteroauth", {'action': 'remove'}, function(data){ $('#twitter_result').html(data); });
} // initializeUserPreferencesScreen

 * Some checkboxes behave as an 'hide/show' button for extra settings
 * we want to add the behaviour to those buttons
 * @returns void
function attachEnablerBehaviour() {
        if (!$(this).prop('checked'))

    $(".enabler").click(function() {
        if ($(this).prop('checked'))
} // attachEnablerBehaviour

// Regel positie en gedrag van sidebar (fixed / relative)
function attachSidebarBehaviour() {
// console.time("5th-ready");
    $('#filterscroll').bind('change', function() {
        var scrolling = $(this).is(':checked');
        $.cookie('scrolling', scrolling, { path: '', expires: $COOKIE_EXPIRES, domain: '$COOKIE_HOST' });


    var scrolling = $.cookie("scrolling");
// console.timeEnd("5th-ready");
} // attachSidebarBehaviour

function toggleScrolling(state) {
    if (state == true || state == 'true') {
        $('#filterscroll').attr({checked:'checked', title:'<t>Do not always make the sidebar visible</t>'});
    } else {
        $('#filterscroll').attr({title:'<t>Make sidebar always visible</t>'});

// Sidebar items in/uitklapbaar maken
function getSidebarState() {
    var data = new Array();
    $("div#filter > a.viewState").each(function(index) {
        var state = $(this).next().css("display");
        data.push({"count": index, "state": state});
    $.cookie("sidebarVisibility", JSON.stringify(data), { path: '', expires: $COOKIE_EXPIRES, domain: '$COOKIE_HOST' });

function attachSidebarVisibility() {
// console.time("6th-ready");
    var data = jQuery.parseJSON($.cookie("sidebarVisibility"));
    if(data == null) {
        var data = jQuery.parseJSON($.cookie("sidebarVisibility"));
    $.each(data, function(i, value) {
        $("div#filter > a.viewState").eq(value.count).next().css("display", value.state);
        if(value.state != "none") {
            $("div#filter > a.viewState").eq(value.count).children("h4").children("span").removeClass("down").addClass("up");
        } else {
            $("div#filter > a.viewState").eq(value.count).children("h4").children("span").removeClass("up").addClass("down");
// console.timeEnd("6th-ready");
} // attachSidebarVisibility

function toggleSidebarItem(id) {
    var hide = $(id).next();
    $(id).children("h4").children("span").toggleClass("up down");


// Geavanceerd zoeken op juiste moment zichtbaar / onzichtbaar maken
function attachAdvancedSearchBehaviour(BetweenText, AndText) {
// console.time("7th-ready");
        if($("form#filterform .advancedSearch").is(":hidden")) {


            if (!$('div#tree').data('dynatree')) {
                initSliders(BetweenText, AndText);

                $("input[name='search[unfiltered]']").prop('checked') ? $("div#tree").hide() : $("div#tree").show();
            } // if

         * Make sure that an 'enter' actually submits the searchform
        $("#filterform input").keypress(function (e) {
            if ((e.which && e.which == 13) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == 13)) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;

    $("input[name='search[unfiltered]']").click(function() {
        if($("input[name='search[unfiltered]']").prop('checked')) {
            $("ul.clearCategories label").html('<t>Use categories</t>');
        } else {
            $("ul.clearCategories label").html("<t>Don't use categories</t>");

        return true;
// console.timeEnd("7th-ready");
} // attachAdvancedSearchBehaviour()

// Pas sorteervolgorde aan voor datum
function attachDateSortBehaviour() {
// console.time("8th-ready");
    $("ul.sorting input").click(function() {
        if($(this).val() == 'stamp' || $(this).val() == 'commentcount' || $(this).val() == 'spotrating') {
            $("div.advancedSearch input[name=sortdir]").attr("value", "DESC");
        } else {
            $("div.advancedSearch input[name=sortdir]").attr("value", "ASC");
// console.timeEnd("8th-ready");
} // attachDateSortBehaviour

// sidebarPanel zichtbaar maken / verbergen
function toggleSidebarPanel(id) {
    if($(id).is(":visible")) {
    } else {
        if($(".sidebarPanel").is(":visible")) {
        } else {

        if(id == ".sabnzbdPanel") {

// SabNZBd knop; url laden via ajax (regel loading en succes status)
function downloadSabnzbd(id,url, dltype) {
     * Get the URL, do not rely on the result handler always
     * being called because in some cases (eg: client-sabnzbd)
     * it is a cross-domain request and will never be called
    // post de data
        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(data) {
            if (data.result == "success") {
            } else {
            } // else
            if (data.result == 'failure') {
                alert('Error occured\n' + data.errors[0]);
        }, // success
        error: function (data) {
            $(".sab_" + id).removeClass("loading").addClass("failure");

    }); // ajax call om de form te submitten

     * with client-sabnzbd we ask the browser to download a specific url,
     * so we cannot keep track if this succeeds or not. Therefore,
     * we just always set it to green
    if (dltype == 'client-sabnzbd') {
        setTimeout( function() { $(".sab_"+id).removeClass("loading").addClass("succes"); }, 1000);
    } // if

// Voorzie de span.newspots van link naar nieuwe spots binnen het filter
function gotoNew(url) {
    $("a").click(function(){ return false; });
    window.location = url+'&search[value][]=New:0';

// Voorzie de span.newspots van link naar spots binnen het filter
function gotoFilteredCategory(url) {
    $("a").click(function(){ return false; });
    window.location = url;

// Toevoegen en verwijderen van spots aan watchlist
function toggleWatchSpot(spot,action,spot_id) {
    // Add/remove watchspot

    // Switch buttons

// MultiNZB download knop
function multinzb() {
    var count = $('td.multinzb input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
    if(count == 0) {
    } else {
        if(count == 1) {
            $('span.count').html('<t>Download 1 spot</t>');
        } else {
            $('span.count').html('<t>Download %1 spots</t>'.replace('%1', count));

function checkMultiNZB() {
    if($(" td.multinzb input[type=checkbox]").is(":checked")) {
        $(" td.multinzb input[type=checkbox]").attr('checked', false);
    } else {
        $(" td.multinzb input[type=checkbox]").attr('checked', true);

function toggleAllMultiNzb() {
    var val = $('th.multinzb input[type=checkbox]').attr('checked');
    if (typeof val == "undefined") {
        val = false;
    } // if

    $('td.multinzb input[type=checkbox]').each(function() {
        $(this).attr('checked', val);
} // toggleAllMultinzb

function downloadMultiNZB(dltype) {
    var count = $('td.multinzb input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
    if(count > 0) {
         * with client-sabnzbd we override to display as we cannot send
         * multiple NZB files to the server just yet
        if (dltype == 'client-sabnzbd' || dltype == 'disable') {
            dltype = 'display';
        } // if

        var url = '?page=getnzb&action=' + dltype;
        $('td.multinzb input[type=checkbox]:checked').each(function() {
            url += '&messageid%5B%5D='+$(this).val();

         * Add loading to all NZB's being downloaded

        if (dltype != 'display') {
                type: "GET",
                url: url,
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                    if (data.result == "success") {
                    } else {
                    } // else

                    $("table.spots input[type=checkbox]").attr("checked", false);
                    if (data.result == 'failure') {
                        alert('Error occured\n'+data.errors[0]);
                }, // success
                error: function (data, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    $("table.spots input[type=checkbox]").attr("checked", false);
        }); // ajax call om de form te submitten
        } else {
            window.location.href = url;

            $("table.spots input[type=checkbox]").attr("checked", false);


// Toggle filter visibility
function attachFilterVisibility() {
// console.time("9th-ready");
    var data = jQuery.parseJSON($.cookie("filterVisiblity"));
    if(data != null) {
        $.each(data, function(i, value) {
            $("ul.subfilterlist").parent().eq(value.count).children("ul").css("display", value.state);
            if(value.state == "block") {
                $("ul.subfilterlist").parent().eq(value.count).children("a").children("span.toggle").css("background-position", "-77px -98px");
                $("ul.subfilterlist").parent().eq(value.count).children("a").children("span.toggle").attr("title", "<t>Collapse filter</t>");
            } else {
                $("ul.subfilterlist").parent().eq(value.count).children("a").children("span.toggle").css("background-position", "-90px -98px");
                $("ul.subfilterlist").parent().eq(value.count).children("a").children("span.toggle").attr("title", "<t>Expand filter</t>");

// console.timeEnd("9th-ready");
} // attachFilterVisibility

function toggleFilter(id) {
    $(id).parent().click(function(){ return false; });

    var ul = $(id).parent().next();
    if($(ul).is(":visible")) {
        ul.prev().children("span.toggle").css("background-position", "-90px -98px");
        ul.prev().children("span.toggle").attr("title", "<t>Expand filter</t>");
    } else {;
        ul.prev().children("span.toggle").css("background-position", "-77px -98px");
        ul.prev().children("span.toggle").attr("title", "<t>Collapse filter</t>");

    var data = new Array();
    $("ul.subfilterlist").each(function(index) {
        var state = $(this).css("display");
        data.push({"count": index, "state": state});

    $.cookie("filterVisiblity", JSON.stringify(data), { path: '', expires: $COOKIE_EXPIRES, domain: '$COOKIE_HOST' });

// Maintenance buttons
function attachMaintenanceButtonsBehaviour() {
    $("ul.maintenancebox a.retrievespots").click(function(){return false});
    $("ul.maintenancebox a.erasedownloads").click(function(){return false});
    $("ul.maintenancebox a.markasread").click(function(){return false});
} // attachMaintenanceButtionsBehaviour

function retrieveSpots() {
    var url = $("ul.maintenancebox a.retrievespots").attr("href");

    $("").html("<img src='templates/we1rdo/img/loading.gif' />");
    $.get(url, function(data) {
        setTimeout( function() { $("").html("<t>New spots retrieved</t>") }, 1000);
        setTimeout( function() { location.reload() }, 2000);

function eraseDownloads() {
    var url = $("ul.maintenancebox a.erasedownloads").attr("href");

    $("").html("<img src='templates/we1rdo/img/loading.gif' />");
    $.get(url, function(data) {
        setTimeout( function() { $("").html("<t>Erased downloadhistory</t>") }, 1000);
        setTimeout( function() { location.reload() }, 2000);

function markAsRead() {
    var url = $("ul.maintenancebox a.markasread").attr("href");

    $("").html("<img src='templates/we1rdo/img/loading.gif' />");
    $.get(url, function(data) {
        setTimeout( function() { $("").html("<t>Marked everything as read</t>") }, 1000);
        setTimeout( function() { location.reload() }, 2000);

 * Submits a form using AJAX and call a user-defined callback
 * when the post was succesful
 * @param url
 * @param tbutton
 * @param cb
function ajaxSubmitFormWithCb(url, tbutton, cb) {
    var formdata = $(tbutton).attr("name") + "=" + $(tbutton).val();  
    formdata = $(tbutton.form).serialize() + "&" + formdata;
    // post de data
        type: "POST",
        url: url, 
        dataType: "json",
        data: formdata,
        success: function(data) {
            // alert(xml);
        } // success
    }); // ajax call om de form te submitten
} // ajaxSubmitFormWithCb

function requestNewUserApiKeyCbHandler(data) {
} // requestNewUserApiKeyCbHandler

function userLogout() {
    var url = createBaseURL() + '?page=logout';

        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        async: false,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(msg) {
} // userLogout

// Text toevoegen aan id (Smiley's)
function addText(text,element_id) {
    document.getElementById(element_id).value += text;

 * Haalt uit een bestaande filter URL de opgegeven filter via
 * string replacement
function removeFilter(href, fieldname, operator, booloper, value) {
    href = unescape(href).replace(/\+/g, ' ');

    return href.replace('search[value][]=' + fieldname + ':' + operator + ':' + booloper + ':' + value, '');
} // removeFilter    

 * Submit het zoek formulier
function submitFilterBtn(searchform) {
    var valelems = searchform.elements['search[value][]'];
    // We zetten nu de filter om naar een moderner soort filter
    for (var i=0; i < searchform.elements['search[type]'].length; i++) {
        if (searchform.elements['search[type]'][i].checked) {
            var rad_val = searchform.elements['search[type]'][i].value;
        } // if
    } // for
    // we voegen nu onze input veld als hidden waarde toe zodat we 
    // altijd op dezelfde manier de query parameters opbouwen.
    // Als er geen textfilter waarde is, submitten we hem ook niet
    if (searchform.elements['search[text]'].value.trim().length > 0)  {
            type: 'hidden',
            name: 'search[value][]',
            value: rad_val + ':=:DEF:' + searchform.elements['search[text]'].value
    } // if
    // en vewijder de oude manier

    // nu selecteren we alle huidige search values, als de include filters
    // knop is ingedrukt dan doen we er niks mee, anders filteren we die
    if ($('#searchfilter-includeprevfilter-toggle').val() != 'true') {
        $('form#filterform [data-currentfilter="true"]').each(function(index, value) { 
    } // if
    // eventueel lege values die gesubmit worden door de age dropdown
    // ook filteren
    // de checkbox die aangeeft of we willen filteren of niet moeten we ook niet submitten
    // als de slider niet gewijzigd is van de default waardes, dan submitten
    // we heel de slider niet
    if ($('#min-filesize').val() == 'filesize:>:DEF:0') {
    } // if
    if ($('#max-filesize').val() == 'filesize:<:DEF:274877906944') {
    } // if
    // we use 21 reports as a magic value to say 'disable reporting'
    if ($('#max-reportcount').val() == 'reportcount:<=:21') { 
    } // if

    return true;
} // submitFilterBtn
function format_size(size) {
    var sizes = ['<t>B</t>', '<t>KB</t>', '<t>MB</t>', '<t>GB</t>', '<t>TB</t>', '<t>PB</t>', '<t>EB</t>', '<t>ZB</t>', '<t>YB</t>'];
    var i = 0;
    while(size >= 1024) {
        size /= 1024;
    return size.toFixed(1) + ' ' + sizes[i];

function pad_zeros(num, size) {
    var s = num+"";
    while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s;
    return s;

function bindSelectedSortableFilter() {
    /* Koppel de nestedSortable aan de sortablefilterlist */
    var $sortablefilterlist = $('#sortablefilterlist');
    if ($sortablefilterlist) {
            opacity: .6,
            tabSize: 15,
            forcePlaceholderSize: true,
            forceHelperSize: true,
            maxLevels: 4,
            helper:    'clone',
            items: 'li',
            tabSize: 25,
            listType: 'ul',
            handle: 'div',
            placeholder: 'placeholder',
            revert: 250,
            tolerance: 'pointer',
            update: function() {
                var serialized = $sortablefilterlist.nestedSortable('serialize');
                var formdata = 'editfilterform[xsrfid]=' + editfilterformcsrfcookie + '&editfilterform[submitreorder]=true&' + serialized;
                // post de data
                    type: "POST",
                    url: '?page=editfilter',
                    dataType: "html",
                    data: formdata,
                    success: function(data) {
                        // alert(data);
                    } // success
                }); // ajax call om de form te submitten
    } // if
} // bindSelectedSortableFilter

 * Function to load the ?page=catsjson data into an
 * selectbox given by the system
function loadCategoryIntoSelectbox(selectId, titleElm, data, async, doClear) {
    var $selectbox = $("#" + selectId);
    if (titleElm) {
        var $titleElm = $("#" + titleElm);
    } else {
        var $titleElm = null;
    } // else
    if ($'fromurl') == $.toJSON(data)) {
        return ;
    } // if
        type: "GET",
        url: "?page=catsjson",
        data: data,
        async: async,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(msg) {
            $'fromurl', $.toJSON(data));
            var htmlData = '';
            if ($titleElm) {
            } else {
                htmlData += '<optgroup label="' + msg.title + '">';
            } // else

            if (doClear) {
            } // if
            $.each(msg.items, function(index, item) {
                htmlData += '<option value="' + index + '">' + item + '</option>';
            if (!$titleElm) {
                htmlData += '</optgroup>';
            } // if

            $selectbox[0].selected = 0;
            if ($selectbox[0].options.length < 2) {
                if ($titleElm) { $titleElm.hide(); }
            } else {
                if ($titleElm) { $; }
            } // else
        error: function() {
            alert("Failed to load data");
}  // loadCategoryIntoSelectbox

function categorySelectChanged() {
    var itm = $("#spotcategoryselectbox")[0];

    loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcatzselectbox', 'txtsubcatz', {category: itm.value, subcatz: 0, rendertype: 'subcatz'}, false, true);
    var subcatzValue = $("#subcatzselectbox")[0].value;
    loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcataselectbox', 'txtsubcata', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcata'}, true, true);
    loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcatbselectbox', 'txtsubcatb', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatb'}, true, true);
    loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcatcselectbox', 'txtsubcatc', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatc'}, true, true);
    loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcatdselectbox', 'txtsubcatd', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatd'}, true, true);
} // categorySelectChanged

 * Function to load the ?page=catsjson data into an
 * selectbox given by the system
function spotEditLoadCategoryIntoSelectbox(selectId, titleElm, data, async, doClear, subcategory) {
    if (typeof subcategory == "undefined") { subcategory = new Array(); }

    var $selectbox = $("#" + selectId);
    if (titleElm) {
        var $titleElm = $("#" + titleElm);
    } else {
        var $titleElm = null;
    } // else
    if ($'fromurl') == $.toJSON(data)) {
        return ;
    } // if

        {type: "GET",
        url: "?page=catsjson",
        data: data,
        async: async,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(msg) {
            $'fromurl', $.toJSON(data));
            var htmlData = '';

            if ($titleElm) {
            } else {
                htmlData += '<optgroup label="' + msg.title + '">';
            } // else

            if (doClear) {
            } // if

            $.each(msg.items, function(index, item) {
                var selected = "";
                for (var i=0; i < subcategory.length; i++) {
                    if (subcategory[i] == index) {
                        selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
                    } // if
                } // for

                htmlData += '<option' + selected + ' value="' + index + '">' + item + '</option>';
            }); // $.each

            if (!$titleElm) {
                htmlData += '</optgroup>';
            } // if

            $selectbox[0].selected = 0;

            if ($selectbox[0].options.length < 2) {
                if ($titleElm) { $titleElm.hide(); }
            } else {
                if ($titleElm) { $; }
            } // else
        },error: function() {
            alert("Failed to load data");
    }); // $.ajax
} // spotEditLoadCategoryIntoSelectbox

function spotEditCategorySelectChanged(category, subcata, subcatb, subcatc, subcatd, subcatz) {
    var itm = $("#spotcategoryselectbox")[0];

    if (typeof subcatz != "undefined") {
        // remove leading z and trailing |
        subcatz = subcatz.slice(1,-1);

    spotEditLoadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcatzselectbox', 'txtsubcatz', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatz, rendertype: 'subcatz'}, false, true, new Array(subcatz));
    var subcatzValue = $("#subcatzselectbox")[0].value;

    // update the select boxes with the correct selections
    var subcataValue = $("#subcataselectbox")[0].value;
    subcataArray = makeSubcategoryArray(category, subcatzValue, subcata);
    // don't select items in category b and c when switching to or from type Book.
    if ((category == 0) && (subcatz == "2" || subcatzValue == 2)) { 
        subcatbArray = makeSubcategoryArray(category, subcatz, subcatb);
        subcatcArray = makeSubcategoryArray(category, subcatz, subcatc);
        subcatbArray = makeSubcategoryArray(category, subcatzValue, subcatb);
        subcatcArray = makeSubcategoryArray(category, subcatzValue, subcatc);
    subcatdArray = makeSubcategoryArray(category, subcatzValue, subcatd);

    spotEditLoadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcataselectbox', 'txtsubcata', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcata_old'}, true, true, subcataArray);
    spotEditLoadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcatbselectbox', 'txtsubcatb', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatb_old'}, true, true, subcatbArray);
    spotEditLoadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcatcselectbox', 'txtsubcatc', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatc_old'}, true, true, subcatcArray);
    spotEditLoadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcatdselectbox', 'txtsubcatd', {category: itm.value, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatd_old'}, true, true, subcatdArray);
} // spotEditCategorySelectChanged

function makeSubcategoryArray(category, subcatz, subcat)
    if (typeof subcat == "undefined") { return new Array(); }

    var subcatarray = subcat.split("|");
    for (var i=0; i < subcatarray.length-1; i++) {
        subcatarray[i] = 'cat' + category + "_z" + subcatz + "_" + subcatarray[i];
    return subcatarray;
} // makeSubcategoryArray

function downloadMappingTypeChanged() {
    var itm = $("#spotcategoryselectbox")[0];
    var $selectbox = $('#subcataselectbox');

    var itmValue = itm.value.split('_')[0].substring(3);
    var subcatzValue = itm.value.split('_')[1];

     loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcataselectbox', null, {category: itmValue, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcata'}, false, true);
    loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcataselectbox', null, {category: itmValue, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatb'}, false, false);
    loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcataselectbox', null, {category: itmValue, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatc'}, false, false);
    loadCategoryIntoSelectbox('subcataselectbox', null, {category: itmValue, subcatz: subcatzValue, rendertype: 'subcatd'}, false, false);
} // downloadMappingTypeChanged

function addSpotFilter(xsrf, filterType, filterValue, filterName, addElementClass) {
    var formData = 'editfilterform[xsrfid]=' + escape(xsrf);
    formData += '&editfilterform[filterid]=9999';
    formData += '&editfilterform[tree]=';
    formData += '&editfilterform[valuelist]=' + escape(filterType) + ":=:DEF:" + escape(filterValue);
    formData += '&editfilterform[sorton]=date';
    formData += '&editfilterform[sortorder]=desc';
    formData += '&editfilterform[title]=' + escape(filterName);
    formData += '&editfilterform[icon]=application';
    formData += '&editfilterform[submitaddfilter]=add';
    // post de data
        type: "POST",
        url: '?page=editfilter',
        dataType: "json",
        data: formData,
        success: function(data) {
            if (data.result == 'success') {
                $("." + addElementClass).remove();
            } // if
        } // success()
    }); // ajax call om de form te submitten
} // addSpotFilter

function applyTipTip(){
var categories = $(this).data('cats');
        if(!categories) return;
        var dl = "<ul>";
        var list = $.map(categories, function(value, key){
                if(value) {
                        if(key=='image'){//if image is used, don't add text or :
                                return '<li>' + value + '</li>';
                                return '<li><strong/>' + key + ': ' + value;
               } else {
            return '';
        } // else

    dl = dl + list + '</ul>';
        $(this).attr("title", "");
        $(this).tipTip({defaultPosition: 'bottom', delay: 800, maxWidth: 'auto', content: dl});

function findNearest(possibleValues, realValues, includeLeft, includeRight, value) {
    var nearest = null;
    var realValue = null;
    var diff = null;
    for (var i = 0; i < possibleValues.length; i++) {
        if ((includeLeft && possibleValues[i] <= value) || (includeRight && possibleValues[i] >= value)) {
            var newDiff = Math.abs(value - possibleValues[i]);
            if (diff == null || newDiff < diff) {
                nearest = possibleValues[i];
                realValue = realValues[i];
                diff = newDiff;
    return [nearest, realValue];

function initSliders(BetweenText, AndText) {
    var _1MB = 1024 * 1024;
    var _1GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;

    var realValues     = [0, _1MB, _1MB * 10, _1MB * 50, _1MB * 512, _1GB, _1GB * 4, _1GB * 6, _1GB * 8, _1GB * 12, _1GB * 16, _1GB * 24, _1GB * 32, _1GB * 48, _1GB * 64, _1GB * 96, _1GB * 128, _1GB * 256];
    var possibleValues = [0,    1,         2,         3,          6,   10,       11,       12,       13,        14,        15,        16,        17,        18,        19,        20,         25,         30];
    if (realValues.length != possibleValues.length) {
        alert('error in code: possibleValues and realValues array length do not match up');
    } // if

    var max = possibleValues[possibleValues.length - 1];

     * convert the current sliderMinFileSize and sliderMaxFileSize
     * to values appropriate in the system
    var convertedSliderMinFileSize = findNearest(realValues, possibleValues, true, false, sliderMinFileSize)[1];
    var convertedSliderMaxFileSize = findNearest(realValues, possibleValues, true, false, sliderMaxFileSize)[1];

    var slider = $( "#slider-filesize" ).slider({
        range: true,
        step: 1,
        min: 0,
        max: max,
        values: [ convertedSliderMinFileSize, convertedSliderMaxFileSize ],
        slide: function( event, ui ) {
             * code copied from:
            var includeLeft = event.keyCode != $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT;
            var includeRight = event.keyCode != $.ui.keyCode.LEFT;
            var fixedValues = findNearest(possibleValues, realValues, includeLeft, includeRight, ui.value);

//            console.log('findNearest(' + ui.value + ') => ' + fixedValues[0] + ' (' + fixedValues[1] + ')');

            if (ui.value == ui.values[0]) {
                slider.slider('values', 0, fixedValues[0]);
                $( "#min-filesize" ).val( "filesize:>:DEF:" + fixedValues[1]);
                sliderMinFileSize = fixedValues[1];
            } else {
                slider.slider('values', 1, fixedValues[0]);
                $( "#max-filesize" ).val( "filesize:<:DEF:" + fixedValues[1]);
                sliderMaxFileSize = fixedValues[1];
            } // else

            $( "#human-filesize" ).text( BetweenText + format_size( parseInt($( "#min-filesize").val().substring("filesize:>:DEF:".length)) ) + AndText + format_size( parseInt($( "#max-filesize").val().substring("filesize:>:DEF:".length) )) );

            return false;

    $( "#slider-reportcount" ).slider({
        range: 'max',
        min: 0,
        max: 21,
        step: 1,
        values: [ sliderMaxReportCount ],
        slide: function( event, ui ) {
            $( "#max-reportcount" ).val( "reportcount:<=:" + ui.values[0]);

            if (ui.values[0] == 21) {
            /* In de submit handler wordt 21 gefiltered */
            $( "#human-reportcount" ).text( "<t>Do not filter on # reports</t>" );
            } else {
            $( "#human-reportcount" ).text( "<t>Maximum %1 reports</t>".replace("%1", ui.values[0]) );
            } // if

    /* Filesizes */
    var nearestMin = findNearest(possibleValues, realValues, true, false, convertedSliderMinFileSize);
    var nearestMax = findNearest(possibleValues, realValues, false, true, convertedSliderMaxFileSize);
    $( "#min-filesize" ).val( "filesize:>:DEF:" + nearestMin[1]);
    $( "#max-filesize" ).val( "filesize:<:DEF:" + nearestMax[1]);
    $( "#human-filesize" ).text(BetweenText + format_size( parseInt($( "#min-filesize").val().substring("filesize:>:DEF:".length)) ) + AndText + format_size( parseInt($( "#max-filesize").val().substring("filesize:>:DEF:".length) )) );

    /* Report counts */
    var reportSlideValue = $( "#slider-reportcount" ).slider("values", 0);
    $( "#max-reportcount" ).val( "reportcount:<=:" + reportSlideValue);
            if (reportSlideValue == 21) {
                $( "#human-reportcount" ).text("<t>Do not filter on # reports</t>");
                } else {
                $( "#human-reportcount" ).text( "<t>Maximum %1 reports</t>".replace("%1", reportSlideValue));
                } // if
} // initSliders

// used by editsettings form
function initDatePicker() {
    if (typeof retrieveNewerThanDate != 'undefined') {
        $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({ altField: "#retrieve_newer_than",
            dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy",
            defaultDate: retrieveNewerThanDate,
            dayNamesMin: ['<t>Su</t>', '<t>Mo</t>', '<t>Tu</t>', '<t>We</t>', '<t>Th</t>', '<t>Fr</t>', '<t>Sa</t>' ],
            monthNamesShort: ['<t>Jan</t>', '<t>Feb</t>', '<t>Mar</t>', '<t>Apr</t>', '<t>May</t>', '<t>Jun</t>', '<t>Jul</t>', '<t>Aug</t>', '<t>Sep</t>', '<t>Oct</t>', '<t>Nov</t>', '<t>Dec</t>'],
            prevText: '<t>Previous</t>',
            nextText: '<t>Next</t>',
            numberOfMonths: 3,
            stepMonths: 3,
            minDate: new Date(2009, 10, 1),
            maxDate: "today" });
    } // retrieveNewerThanDate
} // initDatePicker()