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4 hrs
Test Coverage

    /* Render de header en filter templates */
    if (!isset($data['spotsonly'])) {
        require_once __DIR__.'/includes/';
        require_once __DIR__.'/includes/';
    } // if


    // We definieeren hier een aantal settings zodat we niet steeds dezelfde check hoeven uit te voeren
    $show_watchlist_button = ($currentSession['user']['prefs']['keep_watchlist'] && $tplHelper->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_keep_own_watchlist, ''));
    $show_comments = ($settings->get('retrieve_comments') && $tplHelper->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_comments, ''));
    $show_filesize = $currentSession['user']['prefs']['show_filesize'];
    $show_spamreports = $currentSession['user']['prefs']['show_reportcount'];
    $minimum_spamreports = $currentSession['user']['prefs']['minimum_reportcount'];
    $show_nzb_button = ($tplHelper->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_retrieve_nzb, '') && ($currentSession['user']['prefs']['show_nzbbutton']));
    $show_multinzb_checkbox = ($tplHelper->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_retrieve_nzb, '') && ($currentSession['user']['prefs']['show_multinzb']));
    $show_mouseover_subcats = ($currentSession['user']['prefs']['mouseover_subcats']);
    $newCommentCount = [];
    $noResults = (count($spots) == 0);
    $show_editspot_button = ($tplHelper->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spotdetail, '') && $tplHelper->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_edit_spotdetail, ''));

     * For Seen, Watched en MyPosted-spots we want to show a list of
     * comments users haven't seen yet. We check whether this is such
     * a list by checking for the existence of any of these fields
    if (!$noResults) {
        if ((isset($spots[0]['mypostedspot'])) || (isset($spots[0]['myseenspot'])) || (isset($spots[0]['mywatchedspot']))) {
            $newCommentCount = $tplHelper->getNewCommentCountFor($spots);
        } // if
    } // if
            <div class="spots">
                <table class="spots" summary="Spots">
                        <tr class="head">
                            <th class='category'> <a href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'category', ''); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on category'); ?>"><?php echo _('Cat.'); ?></a> </th> 
                            <th class='title'> <span class="sortby"><a class="up" href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'title', 'ASC'); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on title [0-Z]'); ?>"> </a> <a class="down" href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'title', 'DESC'); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on title [Z-0]'); ?>"> </a></span> <?php echo _('Title'); ?> </th> 
                            <?php if ($show_editspot_button) { ?>
                            <th class='editspot'> </th>
                            <?php }
                            if ($show_watchlist_button) { ?>
                            <th class='watch'> </th>
                            <?php }
                            if ($show_comments) {
                                echo "<th class='comments'> <a title='"._('Number of comments')."' href='".$tplHelper->makeToggleSortUrl('index', 'commentcount', 'DESC')."'>#</a> </th>";
                            } // if?>
                            <th class='genre'> <?php echo _('Genre'); ?> </th> 
                            <th class='poster'> <span class="sortby"><a class="up" href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'poster', 'ASC'); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on sender [0-Z]'); ?>"> </a> <a class="down" href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'poster', 'DESC'); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on sender [Z-0]'); ?>"> </a></span> <?php echo _('Sender'); ?> </th> 
                            <th class='date'> <span class="sortby"><a class="up" href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'stamp', 'DESC'); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on age [ascending]'); ?>"> </a> <a class="down" href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'stamp', 'ASC'); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on age [descending]'); ?>"> </a></span> <?php echo ($currentSession['user']['prefs']['date_formatting'] == 'human') ? _('Age') : _('Date'); ?> </th> 
<?php if ($show_filesize) { ?>
                            <th class='filesize'> <span class="sortby"><a class="up" href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'filesize', 'DESC'); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on size [descending]'); ?>"> </a> <a class="down" href="<?php echo $tplHelper->makeSortUrl('index', 'filesize', 'ASC'); ?>" title="<?php echo _('Sort on size [ascending]'); ?>"> </a></span> <?php echo _('Size'); ?> </th> 
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($show_nzb_button) { ?>
                            <th class='nzb'> <?php echo _('NZB'); ?> </th>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($show_multinzb_checkbox && !count($spots) == 0) { ?>
                            <th class='multinzb'> 
                                <form action="" method="GET" id="checkboxget" name="checkboxget">
                                    <input type='hidden' name='page' value='getnzb'>
                                    <input type='checkbox' name='checkall' onclick='toggleAllMultiNzb();'>
<?php } ?>                        
<?php $nzbHandlingTmp = $currentSession['user']['prefs']['nzbhandling'];
if (($tplHelper->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_download_integration, $nzbHandlingTmp['action'])) && ($nzbHandlingTmp['action'] != 'disable')) { ?>
                            <th class='sabnzbd'><a class="toggle" onclick="toggleSidebarPanel('.sabnzbdPanel')" title='<?php echo sprintf(_('Open "%s" panel'), $tplHelper->getNzbHandlerName()); ?>'></a></th>
<?php } ?>                        
                    <tbody id="spots">
    if ($noResults) {
        $colSpan = 5;
        $nzbHandlingTmp = $currentSession['user']['prefs']['nzbhandling'];
        if ($show_comments) {
        if ($show_nzb_button) {
        if ($show_filesize) {
        if ($show_multinzb_checkbox) {
        if ($show_editspot_button) {
        if ($show_watchlist_button) {
        if ($nzbHandlingTmp['action'] != 'disable') {

        echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr class='noresults'><td colspan='".$colSpan."'>"._('No results found')."</td></tr>\r\n";
    } // if

    foreach ($spots as $spot) {
        // Format the spot header
        $spot = $tplHelper->formatSpotHeader($spot);
        $newSpotClass = ($tplHelper->isSpotNew($spot)) ? 'new' : '';
        $tipTipClass = $show_mouseover_subcats ? 'showTipTip' : '';
        $dateTitleText = $tplHelper->formatDate($spot['stamp'], 'force_spotlist');
        $commentCountValue = $spot['commentcount'];
        if (isset($newCommentCount[$spot['messageid']])) {
            $commentCountValue .= '*';
        } // if

        $catMap = [];
        foreach (['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'z'] as $subcatType) {
            $subList = explode('|', $spot['subcat'.$subcatType]);
            foreach ($subList as $sub) {
                if (!empty($sub)) {
                    $subCatDesc = SpotCategories::SubcatDescription($spot['category'], $subcatType);
                    $catDesc = SpotCategories::Cat2Desc($spot['category'], $sub);

                    if (isset($catMap[$subCatDesc])) {
                        $catMap[$subCatDesc] .= ', '.$catDesc;
                    } else {
                        $catMap[$subCatDesc] = $catDesc;
                    } // else
                } // if
            } // foreach
        } // foreach

        if ($settings->get('imageover_subcats') > 0) {
            $catMap['image'] = '<center><br><img src="?page=getimage&messageid='.$spot['messageid'].'&image[height]=260&image[width]=130" height="175px" width="auto"></center>';
        $catData = json_encode($catMap);

        if ($spot['rating'] == 0) {
            $rating = '';
        } elseif ($spot['rating'] > 0) {
            $rating = '<span class="rating" title="'.sprintf(ngettext('This spot has %d star', 'This spot has %d stars', $spot['rating']), $spot['rating']).'"><span style="width:'.$spot['rating'] * 4 .'px;"></span></span>';

        if ($tplHelper->isModerated($spot)) {
            $markSpot = '<span class="markSpot">!</span>';
        } else {
            $markSpot = '';

        $reportSpam = '';
        if ($show_spamreports && $spot['reportcount'] >= $minimum_spamreports) {
            if ($spot['reportcount'] == 1) {
                $reportSpamClass = ' grey';
            } elseif ($spot['reportcount'] >= 2 && $spot['reportcount'] < 4) {
                $reportSpamClass = ' orange';
            } elseif ($spot['reportcount'] >= 4 && $spot['reportcount'] < 6) {
                $reportSpamClass = ' darkorange';
            } elseif ($spot['reportcount'] >= 6) {
                $reportSpamClass = ' red';

            $reportSpam = '<span class="reportedSpam'.$reportSpamClass.'" title="'.sprintf(ngettext('There is %d spamreport found for this spot', 'There are %d spamreports found for this spot', $spot['reportcount']), $spot['reportcount']).'"><span>'.$spot['reportcount'].'</span></span>';

        echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
        echo "<tr class='".$tplHelper->cat2CssClass($spot);
        if ($spot['hasbeendownloaded']) {
            echo ' downloadedspot';

            $dateTitleText .= "\r\n "._('downloaded on').' '.$tplHelper->formatDate($spot['downloadstamp'], 'force_spotlist');
        } // if
        if ($spot['hasbeenseen']) {
            echo ' seenspot';

            $dateTitleText .= "\r\n "._('opened on').' '.$tplHelper->formatDate($spot['seenstamp'], 'force_spotlist');
        } // if
        if ($spot['moderated'] != 0) {
            echo ' moderatedspot';
        } // if
        echo "'>";

        if ($settings->get('highlight') > 0 and $spot['commentcount'] >= $settings->get('highcount')) {
            echo "<td class='category'><a href='".$spot['caturl']."' title=\"".sprintf(_("Go to category '%s'"), $spot['catshortdesc']).'">'.$spot['catshortdesc'].'</a></td>'.
        "<td class='title ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'><a data-cats='".$catData."' onclick='openSpot(this,\"".$spot['spoturl']."\")' href='".$spot['spoturl']."' title='".$spot['title']."' class='spotlink'>".$reportSpam.$rating.$markSpot.$spot['title'].'</a></td>';

            if ($show_editspot_button) {
                echo "<td class='editspot ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'>";
                echo "<a href='".$tplHelper->makeEditSpotUrl($spot, 'edit')."' onclick=\"return openDialog('editdialogdiv', '"._('Edit spot')."', '?page=editspot&amp;messageid=".urlencode($spot['messageid'])."', null, 'autoclose', function() { window.location.reload(); }, null);\" title='"._('Edit spot')."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'></span></a>";
                echo '</td>';
            } // if

            if ($show_watchlist_button) {
                echo "<td class='watch ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'>";
                echo "<a class='remove watchremove_".$spot['id']."' onclick=\"toggleWatchSpot('".$spot['messageid']."','remove',".$spot['id'].')"';
                if (!$spot['isbeingwatched']) {
                    echo " style='display: none;'";
                echo " title='"._('Delete from watchlist (w)')."'> </a>";
                echo "<a class='add watchadd_".$spot['id']."' onclick=\"toggleWatchSpot('".$spot['messageid']."','add',".$spot['id'].')"';
                if ($spot['isbeingwatched']) {
                    echo " style='display: none;'";
                echo " title='"._('Position in watchlist (w)')."'> </a>";
                echo '</td>';

            if ($show_comments) {
                echo "<td class='comments ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'><a onclick='openSpot(this,\"".$spot['spoturl']."\")' class='spotlink' href='".$spot['spoturl']."#comments' title=\"".sprintf(_("%d comments on '%s'"), $spot['commentcount'], $spot['title']).'">'.$commentCountValue.'</a></td>';
            } // if

            if ($spot['idtype'] == 2) {
                $markSpot = '<span class="markGreen">W</span>';

            if ($spot['idtype'] == 1) {
                $markSpot = '<span class="markSpot">B</span>';
            echo "<td class='genre ".'hg1'."'><a href='".$spot['subcaturl']."' title='".sprintf(_('Search spot in category %s'), $spot['catdesc'])."'>".$spot['catdesc'].'</a></td>'.
             "<td class='poster ".'hg1'."'><a href='".$spot['posterurl']."' title='".sprintf(_('Search spot from %s'), $spot['poster'])."'>".$markSpot.$spot['poster'].'</a></td>'.
             "<td class='date ".'hg1'."' title='".$dateTitleText."'>".$tplHelper->formatDate($spot['stamp'], 'spotlist').'</td>';

            if ($show_filesize) {
                echo "<td class='filesize ".'hg1'."'>".$tplHelper->format_size($spot['filesize']).'</td>';

            // only display the NZB button from 24 nov or later
            if ($spot['stamp'] > 1290578400) {
                if ($show_nzb_button) {
                    echo "<td class='nzb ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'><a href='".$tplHelper->makeNzbUrl($spot)."' title ='"._('Download NZB (n)')."' class='nzb'>NZB";

                    if ($spot['hasbeendownloaded']) {
                        echo '*';
                    } // if

                    echo '</a></td>';
                } // if

                if ($show_multinzb_checkbox) {
                    $multispotid = htmlspecialchars($spot['messageid']);
                    echo "<td class='multinzb ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'>";
                    echo "<input onclick='multinzb()' type='checkbox' name='".htmlspecialchars('messageid[]')."' value='".$multispotid."'>";
                    echo '</td>';
                } // if

                // display the SABnzbd button
                if (!empty($spot['sabnzbdurl'])) {
                    if ($spot['hasbeendownloaded']) {
                        echo "<td class='sabnzbd ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'><a onclick=\"downloadSabnzbd('".$spot['id']."','".$spot['sabnzbdurl']."','".$spot['nzbhandlertype']."')\" class='sab_".$spot['id']." sabnzbd-button succes' title='"._('Add NZB to SABnzbd queue (you already downloaded this spot) (s)')."'> </a></td>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<td class='sabnzbd ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'><a onclick=\"downloadSabnzbd('".$spot['id']."','".$spot['sabnzbdurl']."','".$spot['nzbhandlertype']."')\" class='sab_".$spot['id']." sabnzbd-button' title='"._('Add NZB to SABnzbd queue (s)')."'> </a></td>";
                    } // else
                } // if
            } else {
                if ($show_nzb_button) {
                    echo "<td class='nzb ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'> &nbsp; </td>";
                } // if

                // display (empty) MultiNZB td
                if ($show_multinzb_checkbox) {
                    echo "<td class='multinzb ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'> &nbsp; </td>";

                // display the sabnzbd button
                if (!empty($spot['sabnzbdurl'])) {
                    echo "<td class='sabnzbd ".'hg1'.' '.$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'> &nbsp; </td>";
                } // if
            } // else
        } else {
            echo "<td class='category'><a href='".$spot['caturl']."' title=\"".sprintf(_("Go to category '%s'"), $spot['catshortdesc']).'">'.$spot['catshortdesc'].'</a></td>'.
        "<td class='title ".$newSpotClass.' '.$tipTipClass."'><a data-cats='".$catData."' onclick='openSpot(this,\"".$spot['spoturl']."\")' href='".$spot['spoturl']."' title='".$spot['title']."' class='spotlink'>".$reportSpam.$rating.$markSpot.$spot['title'].'</a></td>';

            if ($show_editspot_button) {
                echo "<td class='editspot'>";
                echo "<a href='".$tplHelper->makeEditSpotUrl($spot, 'edit')."' onclick=\"return openDialog('editdialogdiv', '"._('Edit spot')."', '?page=editspot&amp;messageid=".urlencode($spot['messageid'])."', null, 'autoclose', function() { window.location.reload(); }, null);\" title='"._('Edit spot')."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'></span></a>";
                echo '</td>';
            } // if

            if ($show_watchlist_button) {
                echo "<td class='watch'>";
                echo "<a class='remove watchremove_".$spot['id']."' onclick=\"toggleWatchSpot('".$spot['messageid']."','remove',".$spot['id'].')"';
                if (!$spot['isbeingwatched']) {
                    echo " style='display: none;'";
                echo " title='"._('Delete from watchlist (w)')."'> </a>";
                echo "<a class='add watchadd_".$spot['id']."' onclick=\"toggleWatchSpot('".$spot['messageid']."','add',".$spot['id'].')"';
                if ($spot['isbeingwatched']) {
                    echo " style='display: none;'";
                echo " title='"._('Position in watchlist (w)')."'> </a>";
                echo '</td>';

            if ($show_comments) {
                echo "<td class='comments'><a onclick='openSpot(this,\"".$spot['spoturl']."\")' class='spotlink' href='".$spot['spoturl']."#comments' title=\"".sprintf(_("%d comments on '%s'"), $spot['commentcount'], $spot['title']).'">'.$commentCountValue.'</a></td>';
            } // if

            if ($spot['idtype'] == 2) {
                $markSpot = '<span class="markGreen">W</span>';

            if ($spot['idtype'] == 1) {
                $markSpot = '<span class="markSpot">B</span>';
            echo "<td class='genre'><a href='".$spot['subcaturl']."' title='".sprintf(_('Search spot in category %s'), $spot['catdesc'])."'>".$spot['catdesc'].'</a></td>'.
             "<td class='poster'><a href='".$spot['posterurl']."' title='".sprintf(_('Search spot from %s'), $spot['poster'])."'>".$markSpot.$spot['poster'].'</a></td>'.
             "<td class='date' title='".$dateTitleText."'>".$tplHelper->formatDate($spot['stamp'], 'spotlist').'</td>';

            if ($show_filesize) {
                echo "<td class='filesize'>".$tplHelper->format_size($spot['filesize']).'</td>';

            // only display the NZB button from 24 nov or later
            if ($spot['stamp'] > 1290578400) {
                if ($show_nzb_button) {
                    echo "<td class='nzb'><a href='".$tplHelper->makeNzbUrl($spot)."' title ='"._('Download NZB (n)')."' class='nzb'>NZB";

                    if ($spot['hasbeendownloaded']) {
                        echo '*';
                    } // if

                    echo '</a></td>';
                } // if

                if ($show_multinzb_checkbox) {
                    $multispotid = htmlspecialchars($spot['messageid']);
                    echo "<td class='multinzb'>";
                    echo "<input onclick='multinzb()' type='checkbox' name='".htmlspecialchars('messageid[]')."' value='".$multispotid."'>";
                    echo '</td>';
                } // if

                // display the SABnzbd button
                if (!empty($spot['sabnzbdurl'])) {
                    if ($spot['hasbeendownloaded']) {
                        echo "<td class='sabnzbd'><a onclick=\"downloadSabnzbd('".$spot['id']."','".$spot['sabnzbdurl']."','".$spot['nzbhandlertype']."')\" class='sab_".$spot['id']." sabnzbd-button succes' title='"._('Add NZB to SABnzbd queue (you already downloaded this spot) (s)')."'> </a></td>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<td class='sabnzbd'><a onclick=\"downloadSabnzbd('".$spot['id']."','".$spot['sabnzbdurl']."','".$spot['nzbhandlertype']."')\" class='sab_".$spot['id']." sabnzbd-button' title='"._('Add NZB to SABnzbd queue (s)')."'> </a></td>";
                    } // else
                } // if
            } else {
                if ($show_nzb_button) {
                    echo "<td class='nzb'> &nbsp; </td>";
                } // if

                // display (empty) MultiNZB td
                if ($show_multinzb_checkbox) {
                    echo "<td class='multinzb'> &nbsp; </td>";

                // display the sabnzbd button
                if (!empty($spot['sabnzbdurl'])) {
                    echo "<td class='sabnzbd'> &nbsp; </td>";
                } // if
            } // else

        echo "</tr>\r\n";

<?php if ($prevPage >= 0 || $nextPage > 0) { ?>
                <table class="footer" summary="Footer">
<?php if ($prevPage >= 0) { ?> 
                            <td class="prev"><a href="?direction=prev&amp;pagenr=<?php echo $prevPage.$tplHelper->convertSortToQueryParams().$tplHelper->convertFilterToQueryParams(); ?>">&lt;&lt;</a></td>
<?php }?> 
                            <td class="button<?php if ($nextPage <= 0) {
    echo ' last';
} ?>"></td>
<?php if ($nextPage > 0) { ?> 
                            <td class="next"><a href="?direction=next&amp;pagenr=<?php echo $nextPage.$tplHelper->convertSortToQueryParams().$tplHelper->convertFilterToQueryParams(); ?>">&gt;&gt;</a></td>
<?php } ?>
            <?php if ($show_multinzb_checkbox) {
    echo '</form>';
} ?>
                <input type="hidden" id="perPage" value="<?php echo $currentSession['user']['prefs']['perpage'] ?>">
                <input type="hidden" id="nextPage" value="<?php echo $nextPage; ?>">
                <input type="hidden" id="getURL" value="<?php echo $tplHelper->convertSortToQueryParams().$tplHelper->convertFilterToQueryParams(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
            <div class="clear"></div>

    /* Render de header en filter templates */
    if (!isset($data['spotsonly'])) {
        /* Render de footer template */
        require_once __DIR__.'/includes/';
    } // if
