

Test Coverage

        <h1 class="center">
          <%= Spree.t('test_mailer.test_email.greeting') %>

    <td class="expander"></td>


      <p class="lede">
        <%= Spree.t('test_mailer.test_email.message') %>

        Please remember to configure all of the emails that Spree has provided to your needs.
        Spree comes shipped with <a href="" target="_blank"> Ink </a>
        prepackaged, but you can use your own version. Ink is not placed in the asset pipeline.

        Also take note that Gmail does not support <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> tags.
        Therefore, you will need a gem that will be able to remove your <code>&lt;style&gt;</code>
        tags and place them inline. Gmail only supports inline styles. We use
        <a href="" target="_blank">Premailer for Rails</a> by default.

    <td class="expander"></td>