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# react-portal-popover
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A popover library for React, using [react-portal](https://github.com/tajo/react-portal) for better positioning.

## Installation

npm install react-portal-popover

## Usage

There's two steps: import the `OverlayTrigger` that decorates your toggle element,
then pass in an `overlay={}` prop with your `ToolTip` that you'd like to display.

import React from 'react';
import ToolTip, { OverlayTrigger } from 'react-portal-popover';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const options = {
    size: 7,
    color: '#999',
    foregroundColor: '#fff',
    className: 'my-special-tooltip',
    useForeground: true,

  const toolTip = (
    <ToolTip position="bottom" options={options}>
      <p>My tooltip content</p>

  return (
      <OverlayTrigger overlay={toolTip} label="Excerpt" showLabel="Show" hideLabel="Hide">

### Configuration options

There are some options you can pass to the `ToolTip` component to customise how
it is displayed. This allows you to define multiple styles of tooltip in the same
application, and saves writing lots of the CSS boilerplate required for drawing arrows.

const options = {
  classBase: 'tooltip',     // eg .${classBase}--bottom,
  className: '',            // extra classnames to add to the tooltip element
  size: 7,                  // the size of the arrow
  offset: 2,                // how many pixels to offset the arrow by
  color: '#999',            // border colour of your tooltip
  foregroundColor: '#fff',  // foreground colour of your tooltip
  useForeground: true,      // render two arrows, a border and a background.
  borderWidth: 1,           // pixel width of your border

<ToolTip position="bottom|top|left|right" options={options} />

### OverlayTrigger options

`closeOnScroll` determines whether the tooltip closes when you scroll the window.

<OverlayTrigger closeOnScroll={true|false} />

## Developing

nvm install
npm install

## Running tests

npm test
npm run test:watch
npm run lint