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Test Coverage
var glob = require('glob');
var async = require('async');
var fs = require('fs');
var File = require('vinyl');
var path = require('path');
var scanner = require('./scanner');
var _ = require('lodash');
var sourceMap = require('source-map');

    escape: /\{%\-(.+?)%\}/g,
    evaluate: /\{%(.+?)%\}/g,
    interpolate: /\{%\=(.+?)%\}/g,

function normalizeOptions(options) {
    return {
        basePath: options.basePath || '',
        filepathTransform: options.filepathTransform || function(filepath){ return filepath; },
        template: options.template || '(function() {\n\n{%= src %}\n\n})();',
        separator: options.separator || '\n\n',
        skipFiles: options.skipFiles || [],
        process: options.process || false,

function Neuter(options) {
    this.options = normalizeOptions(options || {});
    this.required = [];

Neuter.prototype.processFile = function(file) {
    if (this.options.process === false) {
        // don's process the files
    } else if (this.options.process === true) {
        // process the files as template, without data
        var templateFunction = _.template(file.contents.toString(), TEMPLATE_OPTIONS);
        file.contents = new Buffer(templateFunction({}));
    } else if (_.isPlainObject(this.options.process)) {
        // process the files as template, without data
        var templateFunction = _.template(file.contents.toString(), TEMPLATE_OPTIONS);
        file.contents = new Buffer(templateFunction(this.options.process));
    } else if (_.isFunction(this.options.process)) {
        file = this.options.process(file);
    } else {
        throw new Error('Unsupported value for options.process');

    return file;

Neuter.prototype.loadFile = function(filePath, done) {
    fs.readFile(filePath, (function(err, data) {
        if (err) {
            return done(err);

        var file = new File({
            base: this.options.basePath,
            path: path.relative(this.options.basePath || process.cwd(), filePath),
            contents: data,

        done(null, file);

Neuter.prototype.loadFileGlob = function(filepath, done) {
    glob(filepath, (function (err, files) {
        if (err) {
            return done(err);

        async.mapSeries(files, (this.loadFile).bind(this), done);

Neuter.prototype.generateSourceNode = function(sections) {
    var sourceNode = new sourceMap.SourceNode(null, null, null);

    var beforeOffset = 0;
    var afterOffset = 0;

    var match;
    if (match = this.options.template.match(/([\S\s]*)(?=\{%= src %\})/)) {
        beforeOffset = match[0].split('\n').length - 1;

    if (match = this.options.template.match(/\{%= src %\}([\S\s]*)/)) {
        afterOffset = match[1].split('\n').length - 1;

    for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
        var section = sections[i];

        // Split by lines, but mainain newlines
        var chunks = section.src.split('\n');
        for (var j=0; j < chunks.length - 1; j++) {
            chunks[j] = chunks[j] + '\n';

        // Lines that map to their original file are added as SourceNodes
        // (with line data). Others are added as dataless chunks.
        for (var k=0; k < chunks.length; k++) {
            var line = chunks[k];
            if (k > beforeOffset && k < chunks.length - afterOffset) {
                sourceNode.add(new sourceMap.SourceNode(k + 1 - beforeOffset, 0, section.file, line));
            } else {

        if (i != sections.length - 1) {
            // If this isn't the last file, add the separator as a dataless chunk.

    return sourceNode;

Neuter.prototype.parse = function(file, done) {
    this.loadSource(file, (function (err, result) {
        if (err) {
            return done(err);

        if (file === 'test/fixtures/respects_code_order_between_requires.js') {
            console.log(require('util').inspect(result, {
                depth: null

        // flatten the "call stack"
        result = _.flattenDeep(result);

        var compiledTemplate = _.template(this.options.template, TEMPLATE_OPTIONS);

        // wrap all source parts in the specified template
        var wrappedSections = result.map(function(section, index, arr) {
            section.src = compiledTemplate(section);
            return section;

        var sourceNode = this.generateSourceNode(wrappedSections);

        done(null, sourceNode);

Neuter.prototype.loadSource = function(file, done) {
    if (_.isString(file)) {
        this.loadFileGlob(file, (function(err, files) {
            if (err) {
                return done(err);

            async.mapSeries(files, (this.loadSource).bind(this), (function(err, result) {
                if (err) {
                    return done(err);

                var merged = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                    // filter out ignored requires
                    if (result[i] !== false) {
                        merged = merged.concat(result[i]);

                done(null, merged);
    } else {
        if (_.includes(this.required, file.path)) {
            // the file has already been included,
            // "ignore" the require by returning false
            setImmediate(function() {
                done(null, false);


        if (_.includes(this.options.skipFiles, file.path)) {
            // don't parse, just return the source
            done(null, [{
                file: file.path,
                src: file.contents.toString(),

        try {
            file = this.processFile(file);
        } catch (err) {

        scanner(file.contents.toString(), 'require', (function(err, calls) {
            var contents = file.contents.toString();

            if (err) {
                var error = new Error('Error parsing ' + file.path + ' - ' + err);
                return done(error);

            if (calls.length == 0) {
                done(null, [{
                    file: file.path,
                    src: contents,
            } else {
                var requiredPaths = [];

                for (var i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) {
                    for (var j = 0; j < calls[i].arguments.length; j++) {
                        var argument = calls[i].arguments[j];

                        if (argument[0] === '.') {
                            // the path is relative to the current file,
                            // prefix with the file's base path
                            argument = path.join(path.dirname(file.path), argument);

                        argument = path.join(this.options.basePath, argument);
                        argument = path.join(path.dirname(argument), path.basename(argument, '.js') + '.js');
                        argument = this.options.filepathTransform(argument, this.options.basePath);
                        argument = path.resolve(process.cwd(), argument);


                async.mapSeries(requiredPaths, (this.loadSource).bind(this), (function(err, requiredFiles) {
                    if (err) {
                        return done(err);

                    var result = [];
                    var pointer = 0;

                    for (var i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) {
                        var call = calls[i];

                        if (call.range[0] != pointer) {
                            var src = contents.substring(pointer, call.range[0]);

                            // add source between last and current call
                                file: file.path,
                                src: src,

                        if (requiredFiles[i] !== false) {
                            // insert the required source, if it hasn't been included yet

                        pointer = call.range[1];

                        // be greedy for the next semicolon
                        if (contents[pointer] === ';') {

                        // be greedy for the next newline
                        if (contents[pointer] === '\n') {

                    if (pointer < contents.length) {
                        var src = contents.substring(pointer);

                        // add all source after the last call
                            file: file.path,
                            src: src,

                    done(null, result);

module.exports = Neuter;