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# LockAttributes Magento 1 Extension

Prevent editing product attributes in admin backend.

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## Facts
- version: 1.1.0
- extension key: StackExchange_LockAttributes
- [extension on GitHub](

### Description
[Read-Only Product Backend attribute](

> I would like to create an attribute read only however it look it is not possible.
> I have tried to pass to addAttribute() `'disabled' =>true` or `'readonly' => true` with out any success.
> I have found out some suggestion about using `setLockedAttributes()` but for some reason it is not working 
> **Reference:**  
> `Varien_Data_Form_Element_Abstract::serialize($attributes = array(), $valueSeparator='=', $fieldSeparator=' ', $quote='"')`

### Requirements
- PHP >= 5.4.0 

### Compatibility
- Magento >= 1.5

#### Installation Instructions
- via modman
modman clone
- via composer
composer require mse-sv3n/m1-lock-attributes

#### Uninstallation
- via modman
modman remove magento-stackexchange-lockattributes
- via composer
composer remove mse-sv3n/m1-lock-attributes

### Usage
1. get to config section and set attributes you want to lock
2. set ACL permission for uses that are still allowed to edit

### Support
If you have any issues with this extension, open an issue on [GitHub](

### Contribution
Any contribution is highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a [pull request on GitHub](

### License
[OSL - Open Software Licence 3.0](