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# mjml-premailer

Write your emails using [mjml framework]( on rails, using any template language supported by Rails

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## How it works

This gem will processes html part of your mail using `mjml` cli before delivery, just use `mjml_mail` function for delivery instead of `mail`

class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  include MjmlPremailer::MjmlMail # adds function `mjml_mail`

  layout "mailer"

class WelcomeMailer < ApplicationMailer
  def welcome(user)
    @user = user
    mjml_mail(to:, subject: 'Welcome')

<!-- app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb -->

      My site
    <%= yield %>

<!-- app/views/welcome_mailer/welcome.html.erb -->

<mj-text>Hello, <%= %></mj-text>

Or you can transform mail object yourself using


Example rails project you can find [here](example)

Mjml documentation is [here](

## Installation

Install `mjml` npm package (v4) globally

$ npm install -g mjml@^4.0

or locally

$ npm install --save-dev mjml@^4.0

Add the gem to your `Gemfile`:

gem "mjml-premailer"

## Configuration options

In `/config/initializers/mjml_premailer.rb`

  minify:        Rails.env.production?,  # default - false
  beautify:      !Rails.env.production?, # default - true
  keep_comments: !Rails.env.production?, # default - false

  ## other possible options

  # debug: false,           # default - false
  # bin:   ...,             # by default bin path is found authomatically, but you can specify it here
  # validation_level: :skip # default - :skip, possible options - :strict/:soft/:skip

More about options [here](

## Difference from other gems

- no support for `/app/views/layouts`

- best gem I found, this gem is based on it, thanks [kolybasov]( for his work
- doesnt support mjml v4 (at time of writing)
- doesnt support template languages other then erb (at least I didnt managed)

## Hacking

make run_env
make test
make publish