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# neoan3-ops

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Ops provides valuable string helpers for everyday use ranging from simple templating to encryption & hash generation.

This library facilitates 

- [templating](#templating)
- [string-manipulation](#string-manipulation)

## Templating

Templating has grown into a dedicated repository and is now available at [neoan3-apps/template](
For the time being, Ops will inherit functions as if it where part of Ops.
However, in new projects we recommend using "Template" instead of "Ops" to trigger templating functionality.

## String manipulation

#### serialize($any)
Serializes strings, arrays and objects (url save).

#### unserialize($serializedString)
Reverts serialize()

#### pin($length)
Returns a random integer in the requested length.

#### flattenArray($array)
Converts deep arrays to keyed arrays of one level to resemble JS-object selection.
$original = ['items' => ['name' => 'sam']];
$flat = Ops::flattenArray($original);
* output $flat: ['' => 'sam'];

#### randomString($length = 10)
Returns a random string (with or without special characters) in the requested length.

#### encrypt($string, $key)
Encrypts a string with a symmetric AES-256 algorithm. 

#### decrypt($encrypted, $key)
Decrypts a string with a symmetric AES-256 algorithm. 

#### extrude($targets,$array)
Returns selected part of $array.
$userInput = [
$clean = Ops::extrude(['id','name'],$userInput);
// Output $clean: ['id'=>1,'name'=>'sam']
#### toPascalCase($string)
Converts spaces, snake-, kebab- or camelCase to PascalCase
#### toCamelCase($string)
Converts spaces, snake-, kebab- or PascalCase to camelCase
#### toSnakeCase($string)
Converts spaces, camel-, kebab- or PascalCase to snake_case
#### toKebabCase($string)
Converts spaces, camel-, snake- or PascalCase to kebab-case