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module ITunes
  module Store
    module Transporter
      # Upload and manage your assets in the iTunes Store using the iTunes Store's Transporter (+iTMSTransporter+).
      class ITMSTransporter

        # === Arguments
        # [options (Hash)] Transporter options
        # === Options
        # Options given here will be used as defaults for all subsequent method calls. Thus you can set method specific options here but, if you call a method that does not accept one of these options, an OptionError will be raised.
        # See specific methods for a list of options.
        # [:username (String)] Your username
        # [:password (String)] Your password
        # [:shortname (String)] Your shortname (encoding house user). Optional, not every iTunes account has one
        # [:itc_provider (String)] Your iTunes Connect user. Optional, not every iTunes account has one
        # [:path (String)] The path to the +iTMSTransporter+. Optional.
        # [:print_stdout (Boolean)] Print +iTMSTransporter+'s stdout to your stdout. Defaults to +false+.
        # [:print_stderr (Boolean)] Print +iTMSTransporter+'s stderr to your stderr. Defaults to +false+.

        def initialize(options = nil)
          @defaults = create_options(options)
          @config = {
            :path         => @defaults.delete(:path),
            :print_stdout => @defaults.delete(:print_stdout),
            :print_stderr => @defaults.delete(:print_stderr),

        # :method: lookup
        # :call-seq:
        #   lookup(options = {})
        # Retrieve the metadata for a previously delivered package.
        # === Arguments
        # [options (Hash)] Transporter options
        # ==== Options
        # You must use either the +:apple_id+ or +:vendor_id+ option to identify the package
        # === Errors
        # TransporterError, OptionError, ExecutionError
        # === Returns
        # [String] The metadata

        # :method: providers
        # :call-seq:
        #   providers(options = {})
        # List of Providers for whom your account is authorzed to deliver for.
        # === Arguments
        # [options (Hash)] Transporter options
        # === Errors
        # TransporterError, OptionError, ExecutionError
        # === Returns
        # [Array] Each element is a +Hash+ with two keys: +:shortname+ and +:longname+ representing the given provider's long and short names

        # :method: schema
        # :call-seq:
        #   schema(options = {})
        # Download a RelaxNG schema file for a particular metadata specification.
        # === Arguments
        # [options (Hash)] Transporter options
        # === Options
        # [:type (String)] transitional or strict
        # [:version (String)] The schema version you'd like to download. This is typically in the form of +schemaVERSION+. E.g., +film4.8+
        # === Errors
        # TransporterError, OptionError, ExecutionError
        # === Returns
        # [String] The schema

        # :method: status
        # :call-seq:
        #   status(options)
        # Retrieve the status of a previously uploaded package.
        # === Arguments
        # [options (Hash)] Transporter options
        # === Options
        # [:vendor_id (String)] ID of the package you want status info on
        # === Errors
        # TransporterError, OptionError, ExecutionError
        # === Returns
        # [Hash] Descibes various facets of the package's status.

        # :method: upload
        # :call-seq:
        #   upload(package, options = {})
        # Upload a package to the iTunes Store.
        # === Arguments
        # [package (String)] The path to the package directory to upload. Package names must end in +.itmsp+.
        # [options (Hash)] Transporter options
        # === Options
        # [:transport (String)] The method/protocol used to upload your package. Optional. Can be one of: <code>"Aspera"</code>, <code>"Signiant"</code>, or <code>"DEV"</code>. By default +iTMSTransporter+ automatically selects the transport.
        # [:rate (Integer)] Target bitrate in Kbps. Optional, only used with +Aspera+ and +Signiant+
        # [:success (String)] A directory to move the package to if the upload succeeds
        # [:failure (String)] A directory to move the package to if the upload fails
        # [:delete (Boolean)] Delete the package if the upload succeeds. Defaults to +false+.
        # [:log_history (String)] Write an +iTMSTransporter+ log to this directory. Off by default.
        # [:streams (Integer)] Number of data streams to use. Optional, only used with +Signiant+
        # [:batch (Boolean)] Allow batch uploads if +package+ is a regular directory. Optional, defaults to +false+ but <b>will default to +true+ in <code>v0.3.0</code></b>.
        # === Errors
        # TransporterError, OptionError, ExecutionError
        # === Returns
        # +true+ if the upload was successful.

        # :method: verify
        # :call-seq:
        #   verify(package, options = {})
        # Validate the contents of a package's metadata and assets.
        # If verification fails an ExecutionError containing the errors will be raised.
        # Each error message is an instance of TransporterMessage.
        # === Arguments
        # [package (String)] The path to the package directory to verify. Package names must end in +.itmsp+.
        # [options (Hash)] Verify options
        # === Options
        # [:batch (Boolean)] Allow batch verification if +package+ is a regular directory. Optional, defaults to +false+ but <b>will default to +true+ in <code>v0.3.0</code></b>.
        # [:verify_assets (Boolean)] If false the assets will not be verified. Defaults to +true+.
        # === Errors
        # TransporterError, OptionError, ExecutionError
        # === Returns
        # +true+ if the package was verified.

        # :method: version
        # :call-seq:
        #   version
        # Return the underlying +iTMSTransporter+ version.
        # === Returns
        # [String] The version number

        %w|upload verify|.each do |command|
          define_method(command) do |package, *options|
            cmd_options = create_options(options.first)
            cmd_options[:package] = package
            run_command(command, cmd_options)

        %w|lookup providers schema version|.each do |command|
          define_method(command) { |*options| run_command(command, options.shift) }

        def status(options)
          options = create_options(options)
          command = options.delete(:all) ? Command::StatusAll : Command::Status
, @defaults).run(options)


        def run_command(name, options)
          Command.const_get(name.capitalize).new(@config, @defaults).run(create_options(options))

        def create_options(options)
          options ||= {}
          raise ArgumentError, "options must be a Hash" unless Hash === options