import { ContractName } from './Container.js';import { InvalidTargetError } from './error/InvalidTargetError.js';import { MissingValueError } from './error/MissingValueError.js';import { doesExist, isNil } from './utils/index.js'; export interface Binding { key: string; name: ContractName;} export const fieldSymbol = Symbol('noicejs-field'); /** * Get attached dependencies. * * @param target - the previously-decorated target * * @public */Function `getFields` has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 6 allowed). Consider refactoring.export function getFields(target: object): Array<Binding> { if (Reflect.has(target, fieldSymbol)) { const existing = Reflect.get(target, fieldSymbol); // console.log('target has fields', target, existing); if (Array.isArray(existing)) { return existing; } } else { // first dep for this target, check prototype const proto = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target); // console.log('target does not have fields, checking prototype', target, proto); if (doesExist(proto) && proto !== target) { return getFields(proto); } } // console.log('making new fields for target', target); return [];} // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-anyexport function getTargetOrCtor(target: object): any { if (doesExist(target.constructor)) { return target.constructor; } return target;} /** * Injection decorator for classes. * * @param needs - dependencies required by the decorated target * * @public */export function Field(gets: ContractName) { /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ return (target: any, key?: string, _providedDesc?: PropertyDescriptor) => { if (isNil(key)) { throw new InvalidTargetError('field decorator must be used on a field'); } else { const ctor = getTargetOrCtor(target); const fields = getFields(ctor); const prev = fields.find((it) => it.key === key); // console.log('binding field', target, key, gets); if (doesExist(prev)) { = gets; } else { fields.push({ key, name: gets, }); } Reflect.set(ctor, fieldSymbol, fields); } };} export interface FieldValues { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any [K: ContractName]: any;} export function injectFields(target: object, values: FieldValues): void { const ctor = getTargetOrCtor(target); const fields = getFields(ctor); // || target handles objects without a constructor/prototype // console.log('filling fields on target', fields.length, fields, target); for (const field of fields) { if (Reflect.has(values, { Reflect.set(target, field.key, values[]); } else { throw new MissingValueError('missing value for field'); } }}