File `TestInject.ts` has 270 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.import { expect } from 'chai';import { spy, stub } from 'sinon'; import { BaseOptions, Container, Contract } from '../../src/Container.js';import { BaseError } from '../../src/error/BaseError.js';import { MissingValueError } from '../../src/error/MissingValueError.js';import { NullLogger, Provides } from '../../src/index.js';import { Inject } from '../../src/Inject.js';import { Module, ModuleOptions } from '../../src/Module.js';import { MapModule } from '../../src/module/MapModule.js';import { isNil, mustExist } from '../../src/utils/index.js';import { Consumer, Implementation, Interface, TestModule } from '../HelperClass.js';import { getTestLogger } from '../helpers/logger.js'; /* eslint-disable no-null/no-null, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */ describe('container', async () => { it('should throw when no contract was passed', async () => { const container = Container.from(); await container.configure(); await expect(container.create(null as any)).to.be.rejectedWith(BaseError); }); it('should provide injected dependencies', async () => { const ctorSpy = spy(); const instance = {}; class FooClass { /* noop */ } @Inject(FooClass) class TestClass { constructor(...args: Array<any>) { ctorSpy(...args); } } class FooModule extends Module { public async configure(options: ModuleOptions) { this.bind(FooClass).toInstance(instance); } } const module = new FooModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); await container.create(TestClass); expect(ctorSpy).to.have.been.called.callCount(1); expect(ctorSpy).to.have.been.calledWithExactly({ container, [FooClass.name]: instance, }); }); it('should inject named dependencies', async () => { interface FooOptions extends BaseOptions { foo: FooClass; } class FooClass { /* noop */ } @Inject({ contract: FooClass, name: 'foo' }) class TestClass { public readonly foo: FooClass; constructor(options: FooOptions) { this.foo = options.foo; } } class FooModule extends Module { public async configure(options: ModuleOptions) { this.bind(FooClass).toConstructor(FooClass); } } const module = new FooModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const injected = await container.create(TestClass); expect(injected.foo).to.be.an.instanceof(FooClass); }); it('should pass arguments to the constructor', async () => { const ctr = Container.from(new TestModule()); await ctr.configure(); const args = ['a', 'b', 'c']; const impl = await ctr.create(Consumer, {}, ...args); expect(impl.args).to.deep.equal(args); }); it('should pass typed arguments to the constructor', async () => { const ctr = Container.from(new TestModule()); await ctr.configure(); const args = ['a', 'b', 'c']; class TypedConsumer { public readonly others: Array<string>; constructor(options: BaseOptions, ...others: Array<string>) { this.others = others; } } const impl = await ctr.create(TypedConsumer, {}, ...args); expect(impl.others).to.deep.equal(args); }); it('should call provider methods', async () => { const modSpy = spy(); class SubModule extends Module { @Provides(Interface) public async create() { modSpy(); return mustExist(this.container).create(Implementation); } } const mod = new SubModule(); const ctr = Container.from(mod); await ctr.configure(); const impl = await ctr.create(Consumer); expect(modSpy).to.have.been.called.callCount(1); expect(impl.deps[Interface.name]).to.be.an.instanceof(Implementation); }); it('should call provider methods with dependencies', async () => { class Outerface { /* empty */ } const outerInstance = new Outerface(); const modSpy = spy(); class SubModule extends Module { public async configure(options: ModuleOptions) { await super.configure(options); this.bind(Outerface).toInstance(outerInstance); } @Inject(Outerface) @Provides(Interface) public async create(outer: { outerface: Outerface }) { modSpy(outer); return mustExist(this.container).create(Implementation, outer as any); } } const ctr = Container.from(new SubModule()); await ctr.configure(); const impl = await ctr.create(Consumer); expect(modSpy).to.have.been.called.callCount(1); expect(impl.deps[Interface.name]).to.be.an.instanceOf(Implementation); expect(impl.deps[Interface.name].deps[Outerface.name]).to.equal(outerInstance); }); it('should call bound factories', async () => { let counter = 0; class SubModule extends Module { public async configure() { this.bind(Interface).toFactory(async (deps: any, ...args: Array<any>) => { counter += 1; return new Implementation(deps, ...args); }); } } const ctr = Container.from(new SubModule()); await ctr.configure(); const impl = await ctr.create(Consumer); expect(impl.deps[Interface.name]).to.be.an.instanceof(Implementation); expect(counter).to.equal(1); }); it('should return bound instances', async () => { const name = 'foobar'; const inst = {}; class SubModule extends Module { public async configure() { this.bind(name).toInstance(inst); } } const ctr = Container.from(new SubModule()); await ctr.configure(); @Inject(name) class NameConsumer { public deps: any; constructor(deps: any) { this.deps = deps; } } const impl = await ctr.create(NameConsumer); expect(impl.deps[name]).to.equal(inst); }); it('should invoke constructors', async () => { class Other { } class SubModule extends Module { public async configure() { this.bind(Interface).toConstructor(Implementation); } } const ctr = Container.from(new SubModule()); await ctr.configure(); const impl = await ctr.create(Interface); expect(impl).to.be.an.instanceof(Implementation); const other = await ctr.create(Other); expect(other).to.be.an.instanceof(Other); }); it('should invoke factories', async () => { class SubModule extends Module { public async createInterface(deps: any, ...args: Array<any>) { return new Implementation(deps, ...args); } public async configure() { this.bind(Interface).toFactory((deps: any, ...args: Array<any>) => this.createInterface(deps, ...args)); } } const ctr = Container.from(new SubModule()); await ctr.configure(); const impl = await ctr.create(Interface); expect(impl).to.be.an.instanceof(Implementation); }); it('should not look up dependencies passed in options', async () => { @Inject('foo', 'bar') class TestClass { public foo: any; public bar: any; constructor(options: any) { this.foo = options.foo; this.bar = options.bar; } } const foo = {}; class FooModule extends Module { public async configure(options: ModuleOptions) { this.bind('foo').toInstance(foo); } } const module = new FooModule(); module.has = spy(module.has) as (contract: Contract<any, any>) => boolean; const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const bar = {}; const injected = await container.create(TestClass, { bar, }); const HAS_CALL_COUNT = 2; expect(module.has).to.have.been.calledWith('foo'); expect(module.has).not.to.have.been.calledWith('bar'); expect(module.has, 'called for injected and foo').to.have.callCount(HAS_CALL_COUNT); expect(injected.bar).to.equal(bar); expect(injected.foo).to.equal(foo); }); it('should inject a dependency into a factory method', async () => { const ctr = Container.from(new TestModule()); await ctr.configure(); const arg = Math.random(); const impl = await ctr.create(Consumer, {}, arg); expect(impl.args).to.deep.equal([arg]); expect(impl.deps[Interface.name]).to.be.an.instanceof(Implementation); }); it('should throw on missing dependencies', async () => { // TestModule does not provide outerface const ctr = Container.from(new TestModule()); await ctr.configure(); @Inject('outerface') class FailingConsumer { private readonly di: any; /* c8 ignore next 3 */ constructor(di: any) { this.di = di; } } return expect(ctr.create(FailingConsumer)).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(MissingValueError); }); it('should resolve dependencies by contract', async () => { const foo = {}; const fooSymbol = Symbol('foo'); class FooModule extends Module { @Provides(fooSymbol) public async createFoo() { return foo; } } const logger = getTestLogger(); spy(logger, 'debug'); const module = new FooModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure({ logger, }); expect(await container.create(fooSymbol)).to.equal(foo); }); it('should fail and throw with a logger', async () => { @Inject('foo') class Bar {} const container = Container.from(); await container.configure({ logger: NullLogger.global, }); const module = new MapModule({ providers: {}, }); const getStub = stub(module, 'get').returns(undefined as any); await expect(container.provide(module, Bar, {}, [])).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(MissingValueError); expect(getStub).to.have.callCount(1); });});