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Test Coverage
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

## [0.4.0]( (2020-02-28)


* **scripts:** no longer apply cat_name during setup script.
This view was creating a complete copy of metric_labels just
to break down the names. The name component utilities should be
used in place.

### Features

* **build:** add benchmark job ([a4569ad](
* **build:** add code climate jobs ([6a3e289](
* **build:** add go tests, run tests before images ([431da1b](
* **build:** add jobs for jupyter images ([f8b822c](
* **build:** add pg_prometheus schema test jobs ([a24e6cf](
* **build:** add pgtap job for pg11 ([7d81b70](
* **build:** add pgtap test job ([4b3bf5f](
* **build:** collect go coverage ([2debb1e](
* **build:** load compatibility views for schema testing ([9d98234](
* **build:** pull images before rebuilding to leverage layer cache ([c435514](
* **build:** report coverage to codecov ([b599f89](
* **build:** test compat views separately ([bb1596d](
* **container:** add git extension to jupyter lab image ([876c10c](
* **container:** add jupyter image for pg11 ([193cf27](
* **container:** add pg_prometheus extension to pgtap server images ([ba1924a](
* **container:** add pgtap container for schema tests ([1d9d52e](
* **container:** add self-configuring image (fixes [#49]( ([79a5df2](
* **docs:** add prometheus write config, example schema dump ([6d38609](
* **grafana/meta:** add catalog dashboard ([f90c8d3](
* **grafana/meta:** add grafana alert dashboard ([aaae163](
* **grafana/meta:** use timescale data for schema dash, show compression ratio ([eb865d8](
* **jupyter:** add basic schema stats notebook ([#55]( ([fc112ca](
* **jupyter:** add compression ratios to schema notebook ([34c50a6](
* **jupyter:** add notebook for holt-winters load graphs ([5edcff6](
* **jupyter:** add notebook to graph load by instance ([a77c0d0](
* **jupyter:** provide tuned periods for holt-winters ([6899ec1](
* **schema:** add debug report script (fixes [#47]( ([c2fa435](
* **schema:** add schema version function ([#47]( ([4f50d19](
* **schema/caag:** add pod count caag ([f3b5efe](
* **schema/caag:** apply sql and grants ([954b1e4](
* **schema/cagg:** grafana alerts on hourly and daily basis (fixes [#36]( ([c13a9b0](
* **schema/meta:** add compression ratio function ([d1798be](
* **schema/meta:** add schema size functions ([6cc0de9](
* **schema/meta:** include table details in debug report ([7e59c6d](
* **scripts:** optionally apply compatibility views when creating schema ([8468620](
* **test:** add initial pgtap test for rate_time ([2d9a164](

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** adjust coverage paths to satisfy cc reporter ([51da714](
* **build:** codecov should depend on tests ([192b44b](
* **build:** enable timescale during tests ([93cc50a](
* **build:** generate debug report during schema tests ([864893f](
* **build:** make benchmarks optional ([357c4ae](
* **build:** make targets for schema tests ([e5d6cb4](
* **build:** only apply compat views once ([37af889](
* **build:** report coverage for gitlab to match ([f35bbbc](
* **build:** set postgres database for tests ([6625b17](
* **build:** skip jupyter pg11 image ([7ffc79c](
* **build:** skip table suite during pg_prom compat tests ([a3ba31d](
* **build:** use absolute path for climate report ([0cedc1c](
* **build:** use pgtap image for tests ([9764a14](
* **container:** add envsubst to pgtap test images ([51fe154](
* **container:** add envsubst to server container for setup script ([af47f99](
* **container:** add git and ssh to jupyter for cloning ([563cbd7](
* **container:** add schema and setup script to pgtap images ([990d80c](
* **container:** include package manifest in pg10 server ([7a80a89](
* **container:** install envsubst correctly ([67a3225](
* **container:** register common ssh keys to avoid clone hanging jupyter lab ([733a36c](
* **docs:** add climate/coverage badges to readme ([1acb000](
* **docs:** add troubleshooting steps to kubernetes deploy doc ([f7a0e5e](
* **docs:** combine patterns into queries doc ([efb91ef](
* **docs:** elaborate on alert and query patterns ([16001d8](
* **docs:** note jupyter in readme ([02d525a](
* **docs:** pattern guide link ([d398778](
* **docs:** remove duplicate changelog entries ([6e85eb0](
* **grafana/cluster:** time bucket instance history panels ([73aaab8](
* **grafana/cluster:** use bars for container limits ([473d1a8](
* **grafana/meta:** use compression ratio function ([a7aeeba](
* **grafana/meta:** use schema size functions in schema dashboard ([0307cc3](
* **jupyter:** graph 2 weeks of load at 4 hour increments ([8b6f08f](
* **jupyter:** invert compression ratio ([fdb27c3](
* **jupyter:** make load forecast lines translucent ([e1d4116](
* **jupyter:** update instance load notebook to remove IP prefix ([7c0bd8b](
* **kubernetes:** doc grafana setup ([f8d0a8e](
* **kubernetes:** update image tags ([eedc4a5](
* **kubernetes:** use self-configuring image ([3cdd551](
* **postgres:** reduce log level for invalid/NaN values to debug ([#59]( ([7eb4551](
* **schema:** correct catalog view names in grants, apply grafana alert cagg ([7965a36](
* **schema/cagg:** use correct rate function in alert cagg ([d15e9e9](
* **schema/grant:** remove cat_name grants ([0a9c406](
* **schema/meta:** add version info to debug report ([339f60c](
* **scripts:** add shebang (fixes [#60]( ([5b8d6c4](
* **scripts:** add timestamp to debug report ([3522957](
* **scripts:** apply time and rate utilities in order (fixes [#37]( ([88771ae](
* **scripts:** create meta functions after tables ([a449d1d](
* **scripts:** make metric name catalog view optional ([75a9d58](
* exclude notebooks from repo stats ([db36b24](
* **scripts:** make image build pre-pull optional ([7aeede7](
* **test:** cover arg parsing ([5e278d7](
* **test:** cover empty client case ([3bdfcc3](
* **test:** cover filter metric, get name ([02b9334](
* **test:** cover interval seconds ([03310fc](
* **test:** cover lid, name helpers ([76b96a0](
* **test:** cover metric view time filter ([ab197ee](
* **test:** cover negative and reset cases within rate_time ([f763c0e](
* **test:** cover rate_diff, rate_time ([986c502](
* **test:** cover schema tables and indexes ([3ec6b3d](
* **test:** cover send samples, postgres client name ([3462c9a](
* **test:** ensure metrics view exists ([8eb5bc2](
* **test:** ensure samples hypertable has compression policy ([99ee1e5](
* **test:** round-trip a sample ([487018f](
* **test:** set up partial schema for pg_prometheus tests ([a7e7595](

### [0.3.3]( (2019-12-15)

### Features

* **build:** add postgres 11 image ([b9ad26a](
* **docs:** add patterns guide ([6275f0f](
* **docs:** describe rate with window functions ([1c1236c](
* **postgres:** make isolation level configurable ([#9]( ([7ee3cb3](
* **postgres:** make ping time configurable ([#26]( ([bd978c2](
* **postgres:** make ping timeout configurable (fixes [#34]( ([096f3c4](
* **schema:** add catalog views for containers and instances ([8e13a5d](
* **schema:** add utility functions for instance host and metric name ([63cc839](
* **schema:** rate and irate equivalents, smoothed version ([63c69a2](
* **schema:** utility for seconds from text interval ([bf2c3da](
* **schema/cagg:** add max usage, use rate_time util ([7c1d901](
* **schema/catalog:** add name catalog ([cd48ade](
* **scripts:** apply catalog views during schema create ([bb44dfa](
* **scripts:** apply utils during schema create ([e022eb4](

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** add npm ignore and publish registry ([a0a579c](
* **docs:** add group to window sub-select ([208b284](
* **docs:** describe schema subdirs ([be06b04](
* **docs:** include used metric names and labels ([9b1770a](
* **docs:** make style a guide ([f3e1436](
* **docs:** note views, order sections ([b4e0550](
* **docs:** update schema paths ([a6d8c4f](
* **docs:** use pipeline badge for master ([adc2686](
* **grafana/cluster:** update instance alerts with rate functions ([a61374f](
* **postgres:** skip lid cache check before writing samples ([9c71e35](
* **postgres:** skipped labels should never be an error ([0f4e084](
* **schema/catalog:** remove port from instance when it appears, include metric name in container catalog ([083d3d6](
* **schema/grant:** grant access to catalog views ([8319cfe](
* **scripts:** apply rate utils ([3409655](
* bump default cache size to 100k items (small cluster) ([672b115](
* make label metric names consistent with samples ([aed9b40](

### [0.3.2]( (2019-12-11)

### Features

* **build:** add CI and git info to binary ([301a794](
* **docs:** add schema readme, style guide ([115cc81](
* **grafana/cluster:** add container limit dashboard ([ccbc362](
* **kubernetes/rules:** add container throttling ([165bd2a](
* **kubernetes/rules:** add prometheus lag ([3a1314f](
* **postgres:** improve warning messages ([3cd2f3d](
* **schema:** promote compatibility views from benchmark ([29deacf](
* **schema/alert:** add container spec & throttling queries ([6346529](
* **schema/query:** add prometheus lag and sample rate ([3c8d205](
* **schema/query:** count unique pods in labels ([ded3907](

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** build image using make target ([c61ce71](
* **docs:** list collected metrics ([5085777](
* **docs:** note aliases and time groups in sql style ([eac0341](
* **grafana/cluster:** add value and time range limits to container CPU throttling panel ([c8d9984](
* **postgres:** close statements before transactions ([6e21612](
* **postgres:** log commit errors in labels transaction ([cc8f13e](

### [0.3.1]( (2019-12-05)

### Features

* **benchmark:** add metrics_values equivalent view, ensure value chunks are same size ([2732bac](
* **benchmark:** add script to get table sizes ([80de783](
* **build:** add makefile for common tasks ([481478f](
* **container:** include schema ([c77f06f](
* **docs:** add issue count badges ([3dfcd80](
* **grafana:** add basic cluster and meta dashboards ([60205cd](
* **grafana:** add database variable to meta hypertables and schema ([a469ae1](
* **grafana:** use nodename in cluster history dashboard ([bf9b41f](
* **query/alert:** add disk latency query ([4962344](
* **schema:** add container cpu history query ([7ed9ec6](
* **schema:** index labels by (__name__, namespace, pod_name) for filtered dashboards (fixes [#24]( ([7b8a15c](
* add github issue/PR templates ([ef532ee](
* **schema:** invert metrics view to start with labels, add (name, time) index to samples ([9034a0d](
* **schema:** make statement timeouts variable ([099d60b](
* add benchmark adapter, dashboard, and queries ([4c547a5](
* enable compression for benchmark values ([7e7db2f](
* pass metrics to client writer ([ff383d5](

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** update package version ([43f2246](
* **docs:** update metrics view, feature list ([6c22da5](
* **query/alert:** make alerts fully compatible with pg_prometheus ([d8e1c0b](
* **query/schema:** format chunk size ([a94e581](
* **schema:** convert total retention to correct type for drop policy ([477a304](
* **schema:** grant adapter and grafana access to container caggs (fixes [#23]( ([626cdbe](
* **schema:** include lid in pod name/namespace index ([b724e72](
* **schema/grant:** apply lowest statement timeout last ([a9fc78c](
* **scripts:** create container views ([8c523f1](
* log allowed metric names during startup ([3c85a5d](

## [0.3.0]( (2019-11-29)

### Features

* **kubernetes:** add example deploy ([8b4bfb5](
* **labels:** use fnv1a metric fingerprint as label ID ([f18baa2](
* **metrics:** observe ping times ([0dcda8c](
* **postgres:** ping server during each metrics update ([327518b](
* **query/schema:** add queries for unique timeseries by lid and name ([2ace37f](
* **schema:** args to set retention time ([c79d2cb](
* **schema:** index labels by instance and name (fixes [#16]( ([9659b62](
* **schema:** reduce lid to 64-bit integer ([fccf5c2](
* **schema/query:** use late uname join in load alert ([fcaf073](

### Bug Fixes

* **docs:** add a brief getting started guide ([e9f55e5](
* **docs:** add license ([0a2af69](
* **docs:** add preface ([46f0975](
* **docs:** link to kubernetes deploy from getting started ([c34e911](
* **docs:** note human role and grants ([bd9e67f](
* **docs:** update readme description of lid ([e8f6114](
* **docs:** update readme schema ([d57a9b5](
* **postgres:** do not ping server on every write ([9015205](
* **query/history:** add time filter to each part of historical union ([bffb6c3](
* **schema:** apply timeout to grafana, allow humans to see samples ([0c7e64b](
* **schema:** improve nodename joins ([a0c6fcb](
* **schema:** sort queries into subdirs ([6b2b32c](
* store lid in lower half of uuid column ([a2be516](

## 0.2.0 (2019-11-28)

### Features

* **build:** add pipeline ([b4ee370](
* **build:** set up standard-version for releases ([70f7372](
* **metrics:** report current cache length ([01287b8](
* **metrics:** report invalid and written sample counts ([7ca1314](
* **metrics:** report new and skipped labels ([#3]( ([0db40f2](
* **postgres:** retain lids in 2Q cache ([2e58188](
* **schema:** add queries to get various sizes ([f22ce6a](
* **schema:** add setup and grant scripts ([f06a480](
* **schema:** compress chunks older than 6 hours, document results ([8ce88ec](
* **schema:** limit high-resolution query range ([953d7d1](
* **schema:** make retention variable, add prune policy for cloud/enterprise ([c4c3aea](
* **schema/grant:** add human developer role ([e97211a](
* **schema/views:** add hourly load aggregate, example union query ([7618a3b](

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** list renovate as update in changelog ([dfcb177](
* **build:** lock gomods ([635c9f2](
* **build:** push images ([443a0cb](
* **docs:** explain label ID ([e674dcf](
* **docs:** note schema in readme ([6deeb19](
* **schema:** create extension with tables ([8645462](
* **schema:** grant adapter write to long load agg ([8989fd6](
* **schema:** include samples name/lid index ([c857279](
* **schema:** remove unused partitioning column ([cfd4c4b](
* **scripts:** apply prune policy script ([e4213b7](
* qualify metrics with 'adapter' namespace ([#3]( ([def5b21](
* **schema/query:** correct view names for instance history ([25da54b](