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# Changelog

## [Unreleased](

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Rename to ObjectTracer? [\#80](

## [v1.0.0]( (2021-05-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Rename the project to ObjectTracer [\#81]( ([st0012](

## [v0.6.1]( (2021-05-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fix issues with pastel [\#78]( ([st0012](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Drop activesupport [\#77]( ([st0012](
- Implement Configuration class manually [\#76]( ([st0012](
- Clean gemspec [\#75]( ([st0012](
- Replace pry with method\_source [\#74]( ([st0012](

## [v0.6.0]( (2021-04-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Support Ruby 3.0 [\#71]( ([st0012](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Drop activerecord requirement [\#73]( ([st0012](
- Improve file-writing tests [\#72]( ([st0012](
- Simplify output logic with Ruby' Logger class [\#70]( ([st0012](
- Refactor Payload classes [\#68]( ([st0012](

## [v0.5.7]( (2020-09-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Use pastel in output payload [\#62](

**Closed issues:**

- Support tag option [\#64](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Use pastel to replace handmade colorizing logic [\#66]( ([st0012](
- Add tag option [\#65]( ([st0012](

## [v0.5.6]( (2020-07-17)

[Full Changelog](

## [v0.5.5]( (2020-07-16)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- InitializationTracker's logic can cause error [\#60](

**Closed issues:**

- Refactor get\_method\_from\_object [\#59](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix init tracker [\#61]( ([st0012](

## [v0.5.4]( (2020-07-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Add with\_print\_calls method [\#52](
- Tapping any instance of class [\#51](
- Add ignore\_private option [\#50](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Restructure [\#58]( ([st0012](
- Better support on private methods [\#57]( ([st0012](
- Add with\_\* helpers \(e.g. with\_print\_calls\) [\#56]( ([st0012](
- Add force\_recording option for debugging [\#55]( ([st0012](
- Add print\_instance\_\* and write\_instance\_\* helpers [\#54]( ([st0012](
- Fix tap\_init by adding c\_\* event type [\#53]( ([st0012](

## [v0.5.3]( (2020-06-21)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Global Configuration [\#46](
- Support write\_\* helpers [\#44](
- Use Method\#source to replace Payload\#method\_head’s implementation  [\#19](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Support Global Configuration [\#48]( ([st0012](
- Support write\_\* helpers [\#47]( ([st0012](
- Hijack attr methods with `hijack\_attr\_methods` option [\#45]( ([st0012](

## [v0.5.2]( (2020-06-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Add print\_mutations [\#41](
- Add tap\_on\_mutation! [\#18](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Print mutations [\#43]( ([st0012](
- Refactorings [\#42]( ([st0012](

## [v0.5.1]( (2020-06-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Filter Out Entries From TappingDevice [\#35](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update GitHub Actions Configuration [\#40]( ([st0012](
- Fix typo: Guadian -\> Guardian [\#39]( ([skade](
- Filter out calls about TappingDevice [\#38]( ([st0012](
- Drop tap\_sql! [\#37]( ([st0012](
- Add CollectionProxy class [\#36]( ([st0012](

## [v0.5.0]( (2020-05-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Colorize output of tracing helpers [\#25](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update [\#34]( ([st0012](
- Colorize output [\#33]( ([st0012](
- Add TappingDevice\#with to register a with condition [\#32]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.11]( (2020-04-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update rake requirement from ~\> 10.0 to ~\> 13.0 [\#31]( ([dependabot[bot]](

## [v0.4.10]( (2020-02-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Usability improvements [\#30]( ([st0012](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix tap\_init!'s payload content [\#29]( ([st0012](
- Refactorings and fixes [\#28]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.9]( (2020-01-20)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Improve detail\_call\_info's output format [\#27]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.8]( (2020-01-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Provide options for tapping on call or return events [\#23](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add tracing helpers [\#24]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.7]( (2019-12-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Config test coverage for codeclimate [\#22]( ([st0012](

**Closed issues:**

- Support tracking ActiveRecord::Base instances by their ids [\#17](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Refactor tests and some minor fixes [\#21]( ([st0012](
- Support track\_as\_records option [\#20]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.6]( (2019-12-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add TappingDevice\#and\_print method [\#16]( ([st0012](
- Add Payload\#detail\_call\_info and improve method\_name's format [\#15]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.5]( (2019-12-15)

[Full Changelog](

## [v0.4.4]( (2019-12-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Implement tap\_passed! [\#14]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.3]( (2019-12-09)

[Full Changelog](

## [v0.4.2]( (2019-12-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Refactor tap\_sql! [\#13]( ([st0012](
- Improve tap sql [\#12]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.1]( (2019-12-06)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add TappingDevice::Payload class [\#11]( ([st0012](

## [v0.4.0]( (2019-11-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Support tap\_sql! [\#10]( ([st0012](
- Minor adjustment [\#9]( ([NickWarm](

## [v0.3.0]( (2019-11-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Largely improve performance by fixing bad design [\#8]( ([st0012](

## [v0.2.0]( (2019-11-02)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add Device class [\#3]( ([st0012](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Remove tapping\_deivce/device.rb [\#7]( ([st0012](
- Reduce namespace [\#6]( ([st0012](
- Register and control all devices from Device class [\#5]( ([st0012](
- Support `TappingDevice::Device\#stop\_when` [\#4]( ([st0012](

## [v0.1.1]( (2019-10-20)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- More filters, Refactoring and Readme update [\#2]( ([st0012](
- Support tapping ActiveRecord class/instance [\#1]( ([st0012](

## [v0.1.0]( (2019-10-19)

[Full Changelog](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*