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sketchtool/share/sketchtool/resources.bundle/Contents/Resources/RELEASE NOTES.txt


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## Sketch Tool Release Notes

### 42

- Remove a --include-namespaces option for SVG export.

### 40

- Fixed an export crash when the document refers to missing symbols.

### 3.5.2

- Added a --include-namespaces option for SVG export.

### 3.5

- Fixed a crash in the dump command when the document contains a NaN value.

### 3.4.4

- Added -use-id-for-name option, which names the exported files using their id instead of their name.

### 3.4

- Updated for Sketch 3.4 compatibility.
- Align SketchTool and Sketch version numbers.
- Fixed a crash when using the --version option.
- Fixed a crash when dumping text with a non-RGB colorspace.
- Added additional attribute information when dumping text layers containing multiple font styles.
- Added -use-id-for-name option, which names the exported files using their id instead of their name.

### 1.4

- Updated for Sketch 3.3 compatibility.
- Fixed a bug where exporting layers with invalid names would crash sketchtool. We now export them as `<invalid layer name>`, so make sure to check for those in your scripts.
- Fixed a bug where the export slices command would ignore IDs in --items= or --item= options.
- Improved dump command output of font information.
- Added 'list layers' command which outputs information on all layers in a document.
- Increased the amount of information output for layers in the 'list' commands: we now output the relative and influence rects, and the rotation if there is
- Documents containing images or patterns should now work ok (for a while there, they caused problems).

### 1.3

- Updated for Sketch 3.2 compatibility.
- Added metadata command to dump metadata for a Sketch file.
- The layer list commands now include a "trimmed" rect for layers. This should indicate what the size will be if the --trimmed flag is used when exporting.
- Added notes command to show these release notes.
- Switched --overwriting option to -V to avoid clash with --version.
- Added --background option allowing you to set/override the background colour when exporting.
- Slight tweak to the code which checks for the resource bundle.
- Output the x and y positions of exported slices when the --outputJSON option is on.
- Added a --group-contents-only option to force the same behaviour as selecting the "Export Group Contents Only" option in a sketch slice
- The dump command now includes objectID values for any model objects which have an ID assigned

### 1.2

- Updated to understand Sketch 3.1 documents.
- Slight tweaks to the way trimming and sizing works, which may slightly reduce the size of exported documents.
- Moved support for old documents into the standalone sketchmigrate tool.
- We now look for the resources in ../share/sketchtool/resources.bundle (for legacy reasons, we also still check for "sketch resources.bundle" in the old location).
- Items (pages, artboards, slices etc) with slashes in their names will now correctly export into subfolders.

### 1.1.1

- Added an export layers command which lets you export any layer, even if it's not been marked as exportable in the document.
- Added a --compact option for SVG export which removes some of the extra crud that we would otherwise generate.
- Added a --trimmed option, although it's not respected currently.
- Fixed some bugs relating to the --items option.
- Fixed the app name in generated SVG files.