import { Rule, RuleOptions } from './Rule';
import { RawRuleFrom } from './RawRule';
import {
} from './types';
import { wrapArray, detectSubjectType, mergePrioritized, getOrDefault, identity, isSubjectType, DETECT_SUBJECT_TYPE_STRATEGY } from './utils';
import { LinkedItem, linkedItem, unlinkItem, cloneLinkedItem } from './structures/LinkedItem';
export interface RuleIndexOptions<A extends Abilities, C> extends Partial<RuleOptions<C>> {
subject: Exclude<Normalize<A>[1], SubjectType>
): ExtractSubjectType<Normalize<A>[1]>;
anyAction?: string;
anySubjectType?: string;
export declare const ɵabilities: unique symbol;
export declare const ɵconditions: unique symbol;
interface WithGenerics {
[ɵabilities]: any
[ɵconditions]: any
export type Public<T extends WithGenerics> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
export interface Generics<T extends WithGenerics> {
abilities: T[typeof ɵabilities],
conditions: T[typeof ɵconditions]
export type RuleOf<T extends WithGenerics> =
Rule<Generics<T>['abilities'], Generics<T>['conditions']>;
export type RawRuleOf<T extends WithGenerics> =
RawRuleFrom<Generics<T>['abilities'], Generics<T>['conditions']>;
export type RuleIndexOptionsOf<T extends WithGenerics> =
RuleIndexOptions<Generics<T>['abilities'], Generics<T>['conditions']>;
interface AbilityEvent<T extends WithGenerics> {
target: T
/** @deprecated use "target" property instead */
ability: T
export interface UpdateEvent<T extends WithGenerics> extends AbilityEvent<T> {
rules: RawRuleOf<T>[]
* @deprecated `on`/`emit` properly infer type without this type
* TODO(major): delete
export type EventHandler<Event> = (event: Event) => void;
export type Events<
T extends WithGenerics,
K extends keyof EventsMap<T> = keyof EventsMap<T>
> = Map<K, LinkedItem<EventsMap<T>[K]> | null>;
interface EventsMap<T extends WithGenerics> {
update(event: UpdateEvent<T>): void
updated(event: UpdateEvent<T>): void
type IndexTree<A extends Abilities, C> = Map<SubjectType, Map<string, {
rules: Rule<A, C>[],
merged: boolean
export type Unsubscribe = () => void;
const defaultActionEntry = () => ({
rules: [] as unknown as Rule<any, any>[],
merged: false
const defaultSubjectEntry = () => new Map<string, ReturnType<typeof defaultActionEntry>>();
type AbilitySubjectTypeParameters<T extends Abilities, IncludeField extends boolean = true> =
T extends AbilityTuple
? IncludeField extends true
? (action: T[0], subject: ExtractSubjectType<T[1]>, field?: string) => 0
: (action: T[0], subject: ExtractSubjectType<T[1]>) => 0
: never,
(action: Extract<T, string>) => 0
export class RuleIndex<A extends Abilities, Conditions> {
private _hasPerFieldRules: boolean = false;
private _events?: Events<this>;
private _indexedRules: IndexTree<A, Conditions> = new Map();
private _rules: RawRuleFrom<A, Conditions>[];
private readonly _ruleOptions: RuleOptions<Conditions>;
private _detectSubjectType: this['detectSubjectType'];
private readonly _anyAction: string;
private readonly _anySubjectType: string;
private readonly _hasCustomSubjectTypeDetection: boolean;
readonly [ɵabilities]!: A;
readonly [ɵconditions]!: Conditions;
rules: RawRuleFrom<A, Conditions>[] = [],
options: RuleIndexOptions<A, Conditions> = {}
) {
this._ruleOptions = {
conditionsMatcher: options.conditionsMatcher,
fieldMatcher: options.fieldMatcher,
resolveAction: options.resolveAction || identity,
this._anyAction = options.anyAction || 'manage';
this._anySubjectType = options.anySubjectType || 'all';
this._rules = rules;
this._hasCustomSubjectTypeDetection = !!options.detectSubjectType;
this._detectSubjectType = options.detectSubjectType || (detectSubjectType as this['detectSubjectType']);
get rules() {
return this._rules;
detectSubjectType(object?: Normalize<A>[1]): ExtractSubjectType<Normalize<A>[1]> {
if (isSubjectType(object)) return object as ExtractSubjectType<Normalize<A>[1]>;
if (!object) return this._anySubjectType as ExtractSubjectType<Normalize<A>[1]>;
return this._detectSubjectType(object as Exclude<Normalize<A>[1], SubjectType>);
update(rules: RawRuleFrom<A, Conditions>[]): Public<this> {
const event = {
ability: this,
target: this
} as unknown as UpdateEvent<this>;
this._emit('update', event);
this._rules = rules;
this._emit('updated', event);
return this;
private _indexAndAnalyzeRules(rawRules: RawRuleFrom<A, Conditions>[]) {
const indexedRules: IndexTree<A, Conditions> = new Map();
let typeOfSubjectType: string | undefined;
for (let i = rawRules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const priority = rawRules.length - i - 1;
const rule = new Rule(rawRules[i], this._ruleOptions, priority);
const actions = wrapArray(rule.action);
const subjects = wrapArray(rule.subject || this._anySubjectType);
if (!this._hasPerFieldRules && rule.fields) this._hasPerFieldRules = true;
for (let k = 0; k < subjects.length; k++) {
const subjectRules = getOrDefault(indexedRules, subjects[k], defaultSubjectEntry);
if (typeOfSubjectType === undefined) {
typeOfSubjectType = typeof subjects[k];
if (typeof subjects[k] !== typeOfSubjectType && typeOfSubjectType !== 'mixed') {
typeOfSubjectType = 'mixed';
for (let j = 0; j < actions.length; j++) {
getOrDefault(subjectRules, actions[j], defaultActionEntry).rules.push(rule);
this._indexedRules = indexedRules;
if (typeOfSubjectType !== 'mixed' && !this._hasCustomSubjectTypeDetection) {
const detectSubjectType = DETECT_SUBJECT_TYPE_STRATEGY[typeOfSubjectType as 'function' | 'string'] || DETECT_SUBJECT_TYPE_STRATEGY.string;
this._detectSubjectType = detectSubjectType as this['detectSubjectType'];
possibleRulesFor(...args: AbilitySubjectTypeParameters<A, false>): Rule<A, Conditions>[];
action: string,
subjectType: SubjectType = this._anySubjectType
): Rule<A, Conditions>[] {
if (!isSubjectType(subjectType)) {
throw new Error('"possibleRulesFor" accepts only subject types (i.e., string or class) as the 2nd parameter');
const subjectRules = getOrDefault(this._indexedRules, subjectType, defaultSubjectEntry);
const actionRules = getOrDefault(subjectRules, action, defaultActionEntry);
if (actionRules.merged) {
return actionRules.rules;
const anyActionRules = action !== this._anyAction && subjectRules.has(this._anyAction)
? subjectRules.get(this._anyAction)!.rules
: undefined;
let rules = mergePrioritized(actionRules.rules, anyActionRules);
if (subjectType !== this._anySubjectType) {
rules = mergePrioritized(rules, (this as any).possibleRulesFor(action, this._anySubjectType));
actionRules.rules = rules;
actionRules.merged = true;
return rules;
rulesFor(...args: AbilitySubjectTypeParameters<A>): Rule<A, Conditions>[];
rulesFor(action: string, subjectType?: SubjectType, field?: string): Rule<A, Conditions>[] {
const rules: Rule<A, Conditions>[] = (this as any).possibleRulesFor(action, subjectType);
if (field && typeof field !== 'string') {
throw new Error('The 3rd, `field` parameter is expected to be a string. See for details');
if (!this._hasPerFieldRules) {
return rules;
return rules.filter(rule => rule.matchesField(field));
actionsFor(subjectType: ExtractSubjectType<Normalize<A>[1]>): string[] {
if (!isSubjectType(subjectType)) {
throw new Error('"actionsFor" accepts only subject types (i.e., string or class) as a parameter');
const actions = new Set<string>();
const subjectRules = this._indexedRules.get(subjectType);
if (subjectRules) {
Array.from(subjectRules.keys()).forEach(action => actions.add(action));
const anySubjectTypeRules = subjectType !== this._anySubjectType
? this._indexedRules.get(this._anySubjectType)
: undefined;
if (anySubjectTypeRules) {
Array.from(anySubjectTypeRules.keys()).forEach(action => actions.add(action));
return Array.from(actions);
on<T extends keyof EventsMap<this>>(
event: T,
handler: EventsMap<Public<this>>[T]
): Unsubscribe {
this._events = this._events || new Map();
const events = this._events;
const tail = events.get(event) || null;
const item = linkedItem(handler, tail);
events.set(event, item);
return () => {
const currentTail = events.get(event);
if (! && !item.prev && currentTail === item) {
} else if (item === currentTail) {
events.set(event, item.prev);
private _emit<T extends keyof EventsMap<this>>(
name: T,
payload: Parameters<EventsMap<this>[T]>[0]
) {
if (!this._events) return;
let current = this._events.get(name) || null;
while (current !== null) {
const prev = current.prev ? cloneLinkedItem(current.prev) : null;
current = prev;