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# CASL Prisma

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This package allows to define [CASL] permissions on [Prisma] models using Prisma `WhereInput`. And that brings a lot of power in terms of permission management in SQL world:

1. We can use Prisma Query to define permissions, no need to learn MongoDB query language anymore.
2. Additionally, we can ask our SQL database questions like: "Which records can be read?" or "Which records can be updated?".

## Installation

npm install @casl/prisma @casl/ability
# or
yarn add @casl/prisma @casl/ability
# or
pnpm add @casl/prisma @casl/ability

## Usage

This package is a bit different from all others because it provides a custom `createPrismaAbility` factory function that is configured to check permissions using Prisma [WhereInput](

import { User, Post, Prisma } from '@prisma/client';
import { PureAbility, AbilityBuilder, subject } from '@casl/ability';
import { createPrismaAbility, PrismaQuery, Subjects } from '@casl/prisma';

type AppAbility = PureAbility<[string, Subjects<{
  User: User,
  Post: Post
}>], PrismaQuery>;
const { can, cannot, build } = new AbilityBuilder<AppAbility>(createPrismaAbility);

can('read', 'Post', { authorId: 1 });
cannot('read', 'Post', { title: { startsWith: '[WIP]:' } });

const ability = build();
ability.can('read', 'Post');
ability.can('read', subject('Post', { title: '...', authorId: 1 })));

> See [CASL guide]( to learn how to define abilities. Everything is the same except of conditions language.

### Note on subject helper

Because Prisma returns DTO objects without exposing any type information on it, we need to use `subject` helper to provide that type manually, so CASL can understand what rules to apply to passed in object.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to automate this, except of adding additional column to all models. For more details, check [this issue](

> To get more details about object type detection, please read [CASL Subject type detection](

### Note on Prisma Query runtime interpreter

`@casl/prisma` uses [ucast]( to interpret Prisma [WhereInput]( in JavaScript runtime. However, there are few caveats:
- equality of JSON columns is not implemented
- equality of array/list columns is not implemented (however operators like `has`, `hasSome` and `hasEvery` should be more than enough)
- when defining conditions on relation, always specify one of operators (`every`, `none`, `some`, `is` or `isNot`)

Interpreter throws a `ParsingQueryError` in cases it receives invalid parameters for query operators or if some operation is not supported.

## Finding Accessible Records

One nice feature of [Prisma] and [CASL] integration is that we can get all records from the database our user has access to. To do this, just use `accessibleBy` helper function:

// ability is a PrismaAbility instance created in the example above

const accessiblePosts = await{
  where: accessibleBy(ability).Post

That function accepts `Ability` instance and `action` (defaults to `read`),  returns an object with keys that corresponds to Prisma model names and values being aggregated from permission rules `WhereInput` objects.

**Important**: in case user doesn't have ability to access any posts, `accessibleBy` throws `ForbiddenError`, so be ready to catch it!

To combine this with business logic conditions, just use `AND`:

const accessiblePosts = await{
  where: {
    AND: [
      { /* business related conditions */ }

## TypeScript support

The package is written in TypeScript what provides comprehensive IDE hints and compile time validation.

> Makes sure to call `prisma generate`.  `@casl/prisma` uses Prisma generated types, so if client is not generated nothing will work.

Additionally, there are several helpers that makes it easy to work with Prisma and CASL:

### PrismaQuery

It's a generic type that provides `Prisma.ModelWhereInput` in generic way. We need to pass inside a named model:

import { User } from '@prisma/client';
import { Model, PrismaQuery } from '@casl/prisma';

// almost the same as Prisma.UserWhereInput except that it's a higher order type
type UserWhereInput = PrismaQuery<Model<User, 'User'>>;

### Model

Just gives a name to a model. That name is stored using `ForcedSubject<TName>` helper from `@casl/ability`. To use a separate column or another strategy to name models, don't use this helper because it only works in combination with `subject` helper.

### Subjects

Creates a union of all possible subjects out of passed in object:

import { User } from '@prisma/client';
import { Subjects } from '@casl/prisma';

type AppSubjects = Subjects<{
  User: User
}>; // 'User' | Model<User, 'User'>

To support rule definition for `all`, we just need to explicitly do it:

type AppSubjects = 'all' | Subjects<{
  User: User
}>; // 'User' | Model<User, 'User'>

type AppAbility = PureAbility<[string, AppSubjects], PrismaQuery>;

## Custom PrismaClient output path

Prisma allows [to generate client into a custom directory]( in this case `@prisma/client` doesn't re-export needed types anymore and `@casl/prisma` cannot automatically detect and infer types. In this case, we need to provide required types manually. Let's assume that we have the next configuration:

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"
  output   = "../src/generated/client"

Then we need to create a custom file for casl-prisma integration:

// src/casl-prisma.ts
import {
} from "@casl/prisma/runtime";
import { hkt } from "@casl/ability";
import type { Prisma, PrismaClient } from "./generated/client";

type ModelName = Prisma.ModelName;
type ModelWhereInput = {
  [K in Prisma.ModelName]: Uncapitalize<K> extends keyof PrismaClient
    ? Extract<Parameters<PrismaClient[Uncapitalize<K>]['findFirst']>[0], { where?: any }>["where"]
    : never

type WhereInput<TModelName extends Prisma.ModelName> = Extract<ModelWhereInput[TModelName], Record<any, any>>;

interface PrismaQueryTypeFactory extends hkt.GenericFactory {
  produce: WhereInput<ExtractModelName<this[0], ModelName>>

type PrismaModel = Model<Record<string, any>, string>;
// Higher Order type that allows to infer passed in Prisma Model name
export type PrismaQuery<T extends PrismaModel = PrismaModel> =
  WhereInput<ExtractModelName<T, ModelName>> & hkt.Container<PrismaQueryTypeFactory>;

type WhereInputPerModel = {
  [K in ModelName]: WhereInput<K>;

const createPrismaAbility = createAbilityFactory<ModelName, PrismaQuery>();
const accessibleBy = createAccessibleByFactory<WhereInputPerModel, PrismaQuery>();

export {

## Want to help?

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## License

[MIT License](
