const parser = require('git-log-parser'); // eslint-disable-line
// this is hack which allows to use semantic-release for monorepo
parser.parse = (parse => (config, options) => {
if (Array.isArray(config._)) {
} else if (config._) {
config._ = [config._, options.cwd];
} else {
config._ = options.cwd;
return parse(config, options);
module.exports = {
tagFormat: `${process.env.npm_package_name}@\${version}`,
branches: [
{ name: 'next', channel: 'next', prerelease: true },
{ name: 'alpha', channel: 'alpha', prerelease: true },
plugins: [
['@semantic-release/commit-analyzer', {
releaseRules: [
{ type: 'chore', scope: 'deps', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'docs', scope: 'README', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'refactor', release: 'patch' },
['@semantic-release/changelog', {
changelogTitle: '# Change Log\n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.'
['@semantic-release/git', {
message: `chore(release): ${process.env.npm_package_name}@\${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]`
["@semantic-release/github", {
releasedLabels: false,
successComment: false,