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Test Coverage
# Contributing
By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the project's [code of conduct](

Your help and efforts for improving this project are much appreciated!

## Setup
Start by forking and then cloning the repo locally:
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd react-serverless-auth

Then install the project dependencies:
$ yarn install
$ npm install

## Lint
The project is setup to use [ESLint]( The configuration is based on the 
[eslint-config-react-app]( package shipped with 

Code linting can be executed manually: 
$ yarn eslint
$ npm run eslint
or dynamically when the code changes:
$ yarn eslint:watch
$ npm run eslint:watch

## Test
The test framework used by the project is [Jest]( and tests are being executed using 
[react-scripts]( for simplicity. The test 
coverage threshold is set to **100%** and **ALL** tests **MUST** pass.

The tests can be executed manually:
$ yarn test
$ npm test
or dynamically when the code changes:
$ yarn test:watch
$ npm run test:watch

## Build
The project is built with [Babel]( using the [.babelrc](.babelrc) configuration and the package
files are added to the [dist](dist) directory. Once the files are generated you can use 
[npm-link]( to include it in other projects locally.

The build process can be executed manually:
$ yarn build
$ npm run build
or dynamically when the code changes:
$ yarn build:watch
$ npm run build:watch

## Example Application
There is an [example application]( available for testing 
the package changes locally. It is added to the repository as a git submodule in the [example](example) directory.

### Configuration
The [react-serverless-auth]( package requires two configuration 
values from your AWS Account in order to access your Cognito User Pool:

* The User Pool Id, e.g. `us-east-1_iwLVITRKW`
* A User Pool App Client Id, e.g. `1hj3pe92ms19sfjvh6424ek4me`

**IMPORTANT:** When creating the App, the generate client secret box must be **unchecked** because the JavaScript SDK 
doesn't support apps that have a client secret.

You can use the [AWS Console for Cognito User Pools]( to get or create 
these values.

In order to use Cognito Federated Identity to provide access to your AWS resources or Cognito Sync you will 
also need the Id of a Cognito Identity Pool that will accept login requests from the above Cognito User Pool and App.

The project configuration is based on environment variables as described in the
[create-react-app documentation](

The following variables are supported:

### Installation
To run the example application you need to link the project first:
$ yarn link && cd example && yarn link react-serverless-auth && cd ../
$ npm link && cd example && npm link react-serverless-auth && cd ../

Next build the package or run the script that builds the changes automatically as described in the [Build](#build)

**IMPORTANT:** Currently there is a [bug in create-react-app](,
so in order to be able to both run the tests and the example app the [package.json](package.json) scripts are updated
in the following way:
"build": "yarn add react && babel src --out-dir dist --ignore **/tests/*,spec.js,test.js,setupTests.js",
"start": "yarn remove react && cd example && react-scripts start",
"test": "yarn add react && react-scripts test --env=jsdom --coverage" 
After the package is properly linked you can start it and test the components in your browser:
$ yarn start
$ npm run start

## Code Quality
The project uses [CodeClimate]( for code quality control. Refer to the 
[Code Climate CLI]( repository for installing the command line tool.

Analyze your code using the Code Climate CLI:
$ codeclimate analyze src

## Submitting Code
After development is finished make sure everything is properly tested and works in the example application. 

As described in the [Deployment](#deployment) section the project is released by
[semantic-release]( which is configured 
to use the [ESLint Convention]( preset for commit messages. 

Be sure to follow the commit message conventions.

Commit message summaries must follow this basic format for [GitHub issues]():

Tag: Message Issue

`Tag` should not be confused with git tag.
`Message` should not be confused with git commit message.

The `Tag` is one of the following:

* `Fix` - for a bug fix.
* `Update` - for a backwards-compatible enhancement.
* `Breaking` - for a backwards-incompatible enhancement.
* `Docs` - changes to documentation only.
* `Build` - changes to build process only.
* `New` - implemented a new feature.
* `Upgrade` - for a dependency upgrade.

The message summary should be a one-sentence description of the change. 

The issue reference should be mentioned at the end:

* For [GitHub issues]( the issue reference should be 
formatted as `((fixes|refs) #ISSUE_NUMBER)` * The commit message should say "(fixes #1234)" at the end of the description 
if it closes out an existing issue (replace 1234 with the issue number). If the commit doesn't completely fix the 
issue, then use `(refs #1234)` instead of `(fixes #1234)`.
* For [Pivotal tasks]( the issue reference should be formatted as 
`[(Finishes|Fixes|Delivers) #PIVOTAL_TRACKER_STORY_ID]`. Use `Finishes` and `Fixes` to automatically put the Pivotal 
task in `Finished` state and `Delivers` to put it in `Delivered` state when the pull request is merged. 

Once you have committed your code push the changes to your fork and create a 
[pull request](

## Deployment
The project uses [semantic-release]( for
automating the release flow. Only the master branch is allowed to be released and the release is delegated to
[TravisCI]( as configured in [.travis.yml](.travis.yml).

It is possible to release the local master branch to [NPM](
$ npx semantic-release