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Debugging and testing iOS applications can be quite a long task due to the nature of Software Development. _Harlow_ tool provides reach information on Analytics, Errors, Logging, Networking, and UITesting to simplify this process.

[![Demo Harlow](]()

## Table of contents

- [Author](#author)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Licence](#licence)
- [Changelog](#changelog)

## Author

Tal Zion

## Installation

pod 'Harlow', :configurations => ['Debug'] # Make sure to only use Harlow for development only.

## Usage

import Harlow

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    #if DEBUG
    lazy var debugger: Harlow = Harlow()

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

        #if DEBUG
        debugger.isEnabled = true

### Other options

debugger.isDebuggingDataPersistenceEneabled = true /// Enables local data persistance
debugger.enabledServices: [Service] = [.logs, .errors] /// The services you would like to enable. Default is se to `allCases`
debugger.tintColor = .red /// Change the tint color
debugger.errorCodesExceptions = [4097] /// Add error code exceptions
debugger.isShakeEnabled = true // Defaults to `true`. When this is `true`, shaking the device will enable/disable the Debugger
debugger.isEnabled = true

## Adding logs

### Analytics

##### Option 1.

Set up your tracking payload:

public func payload() -> [String:String] {

    var payload: [String:String] = ["eventName": eventName]

    if let itemId = itemId {
        payload["itemId"] = itemId

    if let category = category {
        payload["category"] = category

    if let contentType = contentType {
        payload["contentType"] = contentType

    if let screenName = screenName {
        payload["screenName"] = screenName

    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"

    payload["createdAt"] = dateFormatter.string(from: Date())

    return payload

Post it to:

func post(_ payload: [String:String]) {
    let notificationCentre = NotificationCenter.default
    let notification = Notification.init(name: Notification.Name(rawValue: "io.stanwood.debugger.didReceiveAnalyticsItem"), object: nil, userInfo: payload)

##### Option 2.

Use [StanwoodAnalytics]( as your tracking framework

analyticsBuilder = analyticsBuilder.setDebuggerNotifications(enabled: true)

### Networking

`Harlow` works by default with `URLSessiosn.shared` and request are beeing logged for free. You can also register a custom condiguration: 

let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.waitsForConnectivity

debugger.regsiter(custom: configuration)

/// Use with URLSession || any networking libraries such as Alamofire and Moya
let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration)

<img src="Media/stanwood_debugger_networking.gif" alt="Module" width="300">

### Error

`Harlow` will log `NSError` by default.  To add log exceptions:

debugger.errorCodesExceptions = [4097] /// Add error code exceptions

### Logs

`Harlow` will log `print` && `debugPrint` by default.

#### Configuration:

1. Create a new `Bridging-Header` file and add `-DEBUG` suffix


2. Import `Harlow`

@import Harlow;

>Note: Make sure to add any other imported libraries from your main header file

3. Set `Bridging-Header-DEBUG.h` in the relevant configurations in the build settings.


### Crashes

`Harlow` will log `Signal` and `NSException` crashes by default.

## Licence

Harlow is under MIT licence. See the [LICENSE]( file for more info.

## Changelog

A brief summary of each Harlow release can be found in the [CHANGELOG](