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# Starburst

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Starburst allows you to show messages to logged in users within your Rails app. Once the user closes the message, they won't see it again.

You can target messages to particular groups of users, based on their database attributes or your own methods on the `User` class. For instance, you might send a message only to users on your premium plan.

Starburst remembers _on the server_ who has closed which message. Therefore, a user who closes a message on their desktop won't see it again on their mobile device. Starburst doesn't use cookies, so a user won't see an announcement they've already read if they switch devices or clear their cookies.

Starburst is in production on [Cook Smarts](, where it has served announcements to thousands of users.

[![Announcement in ZURB Foundation](](#)

_An announcement delivered by Starburst, on a Rails app using ZURB Foundation_

## Use cases

Use Starburst to share announcements with your users, like:

- A new feature
- Upcoming downtime
- A coupon to upgrade to a premium plan

Users will see the message until they dismiss it, and then won't see it again.

A user will not see the next announcement until they acknowledge the previous one (i.e. users are shown one announcement at a time). Announcements are delivered earliest first. Be sure to [schedule](#scheduling-announcements) announcements so they appear only while they're relevant.

## Requirements

### Authentication
Starburst needs to know who is logged in to your app. If you are using [Devise](, [Clearance](, or another authentication library that sets a `current_user` method, you're all set.

If you use a different authentication system that does not set a `current_user` method, [tell Starburst](#current-user) what method your library uses.

### Ruby and Rails

Starburst [works]( on Rails 4.2, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 6.0, and 6.1. It should work with the same Ruby runtime versions supported by each framework version.

## Installation

Add Starburst to your `Gemfile`:

gem 'starburst'

Migrate your database:

$ rake starburst:install:migrations
$ rake db:migrate

Add the following line to your `ApplicationController`:

helper Starburst::AnnouncementsHelper

Add the following line to your routes file:

mount Starburst::Engine => '/starburst'

Add the following line to your `application.js` file:

//= require starburst/starburst

## Getting started

### Add an announcement partial to your app's layout

Starburst comes with pre-built announcement boxes for sites using [ZURB Foundation]( and [Bootstrap]( It also includes an announcement box with no assigned styles.

Add one of the lines below your application layout view at `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb`, right above `<%= yield =>`. You can place the partials anywhere, of course; this is just the most common location.

#### Bootstrap

<%= render partial: 'announcements/starburst/announcement_bootstrap' %>

#### ZURB Foundation

<%= render partial: 'announcements/starburst/announcement_foundation' %>

#### Custom styles

<%= render partial: 'announcements/starburst/announcement' %>

Set your own styles. Use `#starburst-announcement` ID for the box, and the `#starburst-close` for the close button.

### Add an announcement

Starburst doesn't have an admin interface yet, but you can add announcements through your own code.

Starburst::Announcement.create(body: 'Our app now features lots of balloons! Enjoy!')

This will present an announcement to every user of the app. Once they dismiss the announcement, they won't see it again.

Find out more about [scheduling announcements](#scheduling-announcements) and [targeting them to specific users](#targeting-announcements).

## Scheduling announcements

You can schedule announcements as follows:

`start_delivering_at` - Do not deliver this announcement until this date.

`stop_delivering_at` - Do not show this announcement to anyone after this date, not even to users who have seen the message before but not acknowledged it.

  body: 'Our app now features lots of balloons! Enjoy!',
  start_delivering_at: Date.current,
  stop_delivering_at: Date.current.advance(days: 10)

## Targeting announcements

You can target announcements to particular users by setting the `limit_to_users` option.

The code below targets the announcement to users with a `subscription` field equal to `gold`.

  body: '<a href="/upgrade">Upgrade to platinum</a> and save 10% with coupon code XYZ!',
  limit_to_users: [
      field: 'subscription',
      value: 'gold'

## Advanced configuration

### Base controller

By default, `Starburst::AnnouncementsController` will inherit from `ApplicationController`. If you need to change that setting in order to have access to the configured `current_user_method`, just change the `base_controller` setting:

Starburst.configuration do |config|
  config.base_controller = 'AuthenticatedController'

### Current user

Most Rails authentication libraries (like Devise and Clearance) place the current user into the `current_user` method. If your authentication library uses a different method, create an initializer file for Starburst at `config/initializers/starburst.rb` and add the code below, replacing `current_user` with the name of the equivalent method in your authentication library.

Starburst.configuration do |config|
  config.current_user_method = :current_user

### Targeting by methods rather than fields

With targeting, you can limit which users will see a particular announcement. Out of the box, Starburst allows you to limit by fields in the database. However, your `User` model may have methods that don't directly map to database fields.

For instance, your `User` model might have an instance method `free?` that returns `true` if the user is on a free plan and `false` if they are on a paid plan. The actual field in the database may be called something different.

You can target based on methods that are not in the database, but you must specify those methods in a Starburst initializer. Create an initializer for Starburst at `config/initializers/starburst.rb` and add the code below:

Starburst.configuration do |config|
  config.user_instance_methods = %i[free?]

`user_instance_methods` is an array, so you can specify more than one method. All of the methods will be available for [targeting](#targeting-announcements), as if they were fields.

## Upgrading

### From 0.9.x to 1.0

This guidance applies only to users of Starburst who are upgrading from 0.9.x to 1.0.

**IMPORTANT**: This version introduces a uniqueness constraint on the `AnnouncementView` table. Before installing, you must find and clear out duplicate announcement views in the table:

1. In console on both the development and production environments, run this to find duplicate announcement views:
```ruby[announcement_id user_id]).group(:announcement_id, :user_id).having('COUNT(*) > 1').count
2. Delete duplicate announcement views as necessary so you have only one of each. Use the `destroy` method on each individual view
3. Run `rake starburst:install:migrations` and then `rake db:migrate` on your development environment, then push to production

## Contributors

Thanks to [@jhenkens]( for fixes, performance improvements, and ideas for showing announcements to non-logged-in users.