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# react-breeze-form

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Quickly render bootstrap styled react hook forms using a schema file.

## Notice

**Currently under development**

Versions 2.x.xx are under development, and may have breaking changes

## Required peer dependencies

- [react-hook-form](
- [react-i18next](
- [react-select](
- [reactstrap](

## Quick example

Convert a configuration object such as:

const form = [
    name: 'intro',
    type: (
      <div className="my-3" style={{color: 'green', fontWeight: 'bold'}}>
        Quick example / Ejemplo rápido
    name: 'name',
    type: 'input',
    inputType: 'text',
    header: {
      className: 'input-header',
      id: 'full-name-header',
      text: 'common:fullName',
    inputs: [
        className: 'mt-4',
        inputType: 'text',
        name: 'firstName',
        placeholder: 'common:firstName',
        required: 'common:requiredField',
        type: 'input',
        validate: (value: any) =>
          !value.includes('test') || 'common:invalidName',
        className: 'mt-4',
        inputType: 'text',
        name: 'lasttName',
        placeholder: 'common:lastName',
        required: 'common:requiredField',
        type: 'input',
    name: 'zip-language',
    type: 'input',
    inputType: 'text',
    inputs: [
        name: 'zip',
        type: 'input',
        inputType: 'text',
        className: 'mt-2',
        placeholder: 'common:zip',
        name: 'language',
        type: 'singleselect',
        className: 'select-double mt-2',
        inputType: 'select',
        placeholder: 'common:language',
        options: [
          {label: 'common:english', value: 'en'},
          {label: 'common:spanish', value: 'es'},
    name: 'submit',
    type: 'submitbtn',
    col: 8,
    placeholder: 'common:save',

... into a full form component:

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Form onSubmit={(data) => console.log('Data', data)} form={form} />

## Interactive demo

Demo: [CodeSandBox](

## All configuration options

All possible configuration options are defined in the
[FormConfig interface file](

## Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people
([emoji key](

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This project follows the
specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!