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//go:generate go run generate_handlers.go

package main

import (

// EnumType defines the type of the protobuf enum
type EnumType struct {
    Name   string
    Values []string

// MethodInfo holds information about a method
type MethodInfo struct {
    ProtobufName   string
    MethodName     string
    EnumValue      string
    ProcessRaw     bool
    SyncMessage    bool
    FromArchiveArg bool

func main() {
    inputFile := "../../protocol/protobuf/application_metadata_message.proto"
    outputFile := "../../protocol/messenger_handlers.go"
    templateFile := "./generate_handlers_template.txt"
    enumName := "Type"

    // Load the protobuf file
    content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(inputFile)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)

    templateFileContent, err := os.ReadFile(templateFile)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Failed to read template:", err)

    // Extract enum values
    enum := extractEnum(content, enumName)

    // Prepare method information
    var methodInfos []MethodInfo
    for _, value := range enum.Values {
        protobufName := toCamelCase(value)
        if protobufName == "Unknown" || strings.HasPrefix(value, "DEPRECATED") {
        methodName := "handle" + protobufName + "Protobuf"

        info := MethodInfo{MethodName: methodName, ProtobufName: protobufName, EnumValue: value}

        if strings.HasPrefix(value, "SYNC_") {
            info.SyncMessage = true

        if protobufName == "PushNotificationRegistration" {
            info.ProcessRaw = true

        info.FromArchiveArg = protobufName == "ChatMessage" || protobufName == "PinMessage"

        methodInfos = append(methodInfos, info)

    // Generate code
    templateCode := string(templateFileContent)

    tmpl, err := template.New("handlers").Parse(templateCode)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)

    output, err := os.Create(outputFile)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)
    defer output.Close()

    err = tmpl.Execute(output, methodInfos)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)

    fmt.Printf("Generated handlers in %s for %s enum.\n", outputFile, enumName)

func extractEnum(content []byte, enumName string) EnumType {
    enumPattern := fmt.Sprintf(`enum\s+%s\s*{([^}]+)}`, enumName)
    re := regexp.MustCompile(enumPattern)
    match := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(content))

    if len(match) != 2 {
        fmt.Println("Enum not found")

    valuesPattern := `(?m)^\s*([A-Z_0-9]+)\s*=\s*\d+;`
    re = regexp.MustCompile(valuesPattern)
    valueMatches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(match[1], -1)

    values := make([]string, len(valueMatches))
    for i, match := range valueMatches {
        values[i] = strings.TrimSpace(match[1])

    return EnumType{Name: enumName, Values: values}

func toCamelCase(s string) string {
    words := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(s), "_")
    for i, word := range words {
        words[i] = strings.Title(word)
    return strings.Join(words, "")