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package generator

import (



var (
    // ErrAccountNotFoundByID is returned when the selected account doesn't exist in memory.
    ErrAccountNotFoundByID = errors.New("account not found")
    // ErrAccountCannotDeriveChildKeys is returned when trying to derive child accounts from a normal key.
    ErrAccountCannotDeriveChildKeys = errors.New("selected account cannot derive child keys")
    // ErrAccountManagerNotSet is returned when the account mananger instance is not set.
    ErrAccountManagerNotSet = errors.New("account manager not set")

type AccountManager interface {
    AddressToDecryptedAccount(address, password string) (types.Account, *types.Key, error)
    ImportSingleExtendedKey(extKey *extkeys.ExtendedKey, password string) (address, pubKey string, err error)
    ImportAccount(privateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey, password string) (types.Address, error)

type Generator struct {
    am       AccountManager
    accounts map[string]*Account

func New(am AccountManager) *Generator {
    return &Generator{
        am:       am,
        accounts: make(map[string]*Account),

func (g *Generator) Generate(mnemonicPhraseLength int, n int, bip39Passphrase string) ([]GeneratedAccountInfo, error) {
    entropyStrength, err := MnemonicPhraseLengthToEntropyStrength(mnemonicPhraseLength)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    infos := make([]GeneratedAccountInfo, 0)

    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
        mnemonic := extkeys.NewMnemonic()
        mnemonicPhrase, err := mnemonic.MnemonicPhrase(entropyStrength, extkeys.EnglishLanguage)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("can not create mnemonic seed: %v", err)

        info, err := g.ImportMnemonic(mnemonicPhrase, bip39Passphrase)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        infos = append(infos, info)

    return infos, err

func (g *Generator) CreateAccountFromPrivateKey(privateKeyHex string) (IdentifiedAccountInfo, error) {
    privateKeyHex = strings.TrimPrefix(privateKeyHex, "0x")
    privateKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(privateKeyHex)
    if err != nil {
        return IdentifiedAccountInfo{}, err

    acc := &Account{
        privateKey: privateKey,

    return acc.ToIdentifiedAccountInfo(""), nil

func (g *Generator) ImportPrivateKey(privateKeyHex string) (IdentifiedAccountInfo, error) {
    privateKeyHex = strings.TrimPrefix(privateKeyHex, "0x")
    privateKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(privateKeyHex)
    if err != nil {
        return IdentifiedAccountInfo{}, err

    acc := &Account{
        privateKey: privateKey,

    id := g.addAccount(acc)

    return acc.ToIdentifiedAccountInfo(id), nil

func (g *Generator) ImportJSONKey(json string, password string) (IdentifiedAccountInfo, error) {
    key, err := keystore.DecryptKey([]byte(json), password)
    if err != nil {
        return IdentifiedAccountInfo{}, err

    acc := &Account{
        privateKey: key.PrivateKey,

    id := g.addAccount(acc)

    return acc.ToIdentifiedAccountInfo(id), nil

func (g *Generator) CreateAccountFromMnemonicAndDeriveAccountsForPaths(mnemonicPhrase string, bip39Passphrase string, paths []string) (GeneratedAndDerivedAccountInfo, error) {
    mnemonic := extkeys.NewMnemonic()
    masterExtendedKey, err := extkeys.NewMaster(mnemonic.MnemonicSeed(mnemonicPhrase, bip39Passphrase))
    if err != nil {
        return GeneratedAndDerivedAccountInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("can not create master extended key: %v", err)

    acc := &Account{
        privateKey:  masterExtendedKey.ToECDSA(),
        extendedKey: masterExtendedKey,

    derivedAccountsInfo := make(map[string]AccountInfo)
    if len(paths) > 0 {
        derivedAccounts, err := g.deriveChildAccounts(acc, paths)
        if err != nil {
            return GeneratedAndDerivedAccountInfo{}, err

        for pathString, childAccount := range derivedAccounts {
            derivedAccountsInfo[pathString] = childAccount.ToAccountInfo()

    accInfo := acc.ToGeneratedAccountInfo("", mnemonicPhrase)

    return accInfo.toGeneratedAndDerived(derivedAccountsInfo), nil

func (g *Generator) ImportMnemonic(mnemonicPhrase string, bip39Passphrase string) (GeneratedAccountInfo, error) {
    mnemonic := extkeys.NewMnemonic()
    masterExtendedKey, err := extkeys.NewMaster(mnemonic.MnemonicSeed(mnemonicPhrase, bip39Passphrase))
    if err != nil {
        return GeneratedAccountInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("can not create master extended key: %v", err)

    acc := &Account{
        privateKey:  masterExtendedKey.ToECDSA(),
        extendedKey: masterExtendedKey,

    id := g.addAccount(acc)

    return acc.ToGeneratedAccountInfo(id, mnemonicPhrase), nil

func (g *Generator) GenerateAndDeriveAddresses(mnemonicPhraseLength int, n int, bip39Passphrase string, pathStrings []string) ([]GeneratedAndDerivedAccountInfo, error) {
    masterAccounts, err := g.Generate(mnemonicPhraseLength, n, bip39Passphrase)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    accs := make([]GeneratedAndDerivedAccountInfo, n)

    for i := 0; i < len(masterAccounts); i++ {
        acc := masterAccounts[i]
        derived, err := g.DeriveAddresses(acc.ID, pathStrings)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        accs[i] = acc.toGeneratedAndDerived(derived)

    return accs, nil

func (g *Generator) DeriveAddresses(accountID string, pathStrings []string) (map[string]AccountInfo, error) {
    acc, err := g.findAccount(accountID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    pathAccounts, err := g.deriveChildAccounts(acc, pathStrings)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    pathAccountsInfo := make(map[string]AccountInfo)

    for pathString, childAccount := range pathAccounts {
        pathAccountsInfo[pathString] = childAccount.ToAccountInfo()

    return pathAccountsInfo, nil

func (g *Generator) StoreAccount(accountID string, password string) (AccountInfo, error) {
    if == nil {
        return AccountInfo{}, ErrAccountManagerNotSet

    acc, err := g.findAccount(accountID)
    if err != nil {
        return AccountInfo{}, err

    return, password)

func (g *Generator) StoreDerivedAccounts(accountID string, password string, pathStrings []string) (map[string]AccountInfo, error) {
    if == nil {
        return nil, ErrAccountManagerNotSet

    acc, err := g.findAccount(accountID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    pathAccounts, err := g.deriveChildAccounts(acc, pathStrings)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    pathAccountsInfo := make(map[string]AccountInfo)

    for pathString, childAccount := range pathAccounts {
        info, err :=, password)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        pathAccountsInfo[pathString] = info

    return pathAccountsInfo, nil

func (g *Generator) LoadAccount(address string, password string) (IdentifiedAccountInfo, error) {
    if == nil {
        return IdentifiedAccountInfo{}, ErrAccountManagerNotSet

    _, key, err :=, password)
    if err != nil {
        return IdentifiedAccountInfo{}, err

    if err := ValidateKeystoreExtendedKey(key); err != nil {
        return IdentifiedAccountInfo{}, err

    acc := &Account{
        privateKey:  key.PrivateKey,
        extendedKey: key.ExtendedKey,

    id := g.addAccount(acc)

    return acc.ToIdentifiedAccountInfo(id), nil

func (g *Generator) deriveChildAccounts(acc *Account, pathStrings []string) (map[string]*Account, error) {
    pathAccounts := make(map[string]*Account)

    for _, pathString := range pathStrings {
        childAccount, err := g.deriveChildAccount(acc, pathString)
        if err != nil {
            return pathAccounts, err

        pathAccounts[pathString] = childAccount

    return pathAccounts, nil

func (g *Generator) deriveChildAccount(acc *Account, pathString string) (*Account, error) {
    _, path, err := decodePath(pathString)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if acc.extendedKey.IsZeroed() && len(path) == 0 {
        return acc, nil

    if acc.extendedKey.IsZeroed() {
        return nil, ErrAccountCannotDeriveChildKeys

    childExtendedKey, err := acc.extendedKey.Derive(path)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &Account{
        privateKey:  childExtendedKey.ToECDSA(),
        extendedKey: childExtendedKey,
    }, nil

func (g *Generator) store(acc *Account, password string) (AccountInfo, error) {
    if acc.extendedKey != nil {
        if _, _, err :=, password); err != nil {
            return AccountInfo{}, err
    } else {
        if _, err :=, password); err != nil {
            return AccountInfo{}, err

    return acc.ToAccountInfo(), nil

func (g *Generator) addAccount(acc *Account) string {
    defer g.Unlock()

    id := uuid.NewRandom().String()
    g.accounts[id] = acc

    return id

// Reset resets the accounts map removing all the accounts from memory.
func (g *Generator) Reset() {
    defer g.Unlock()

    g.accounts = make(map[string]*Account)

func (g *Generator) findAccount(accountID string) (*Account, error) {
    defer g.Unlock()

    acc, ok := g.accounts[accountID]
    if !ok {
        return nil, ErrAccountNotFoundByID

    return acc, nil