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5 days
Test Coverage
package api

import (



    ethcrypto ""
    signercore ""

    multiacccommon ""
    identityutils ""

var (
    // ErrWhisperClearIdentitiesFailure clearing whisper identities has failed.
    ErrWhisperClearIdentitiesFailure = errors.New("failed to clear whisper identities")
    // ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure injecting whisper identities has failed.
    ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure = errors.New("failed to inject identity into Whisper")
    // ErrWakuIdentityInjectionFailure injecting whisper identities has failed.
    ErrWakuIdentityInjectionFailure = errors.New("failed to inject identity into waku")
    // ErrUnsupportedRPCMethod is for methods not supported by the RPC interface
    ErrUnsupportedRPCMethod = errors.New("method is unsupported by RPC interface")
    // ErrRPCClientUnavailable is returned if an RPC client can't be retrieved.
    // This is a normal situation when a node is stopped.
    ErrRPCClientUnavailable = errors.New("JSON-RPC client is unavailable")
    // ErrDBNotAvailable is returned if a method is called before the DB is available for usage
    ErrDBNotAvailable = errors.New("DB is unavailable")
    // ErrConfigNotAvailable is returned if a method is called before the nodeconfig is set
    ErrConfigNotAvailable = errors.New("NodeConfig is not available")

var _ StatusBackend = (*GethStatusBackend)(nil)

// GethStatusBackend implements the service over go-ethereum
type GethStatusBackend struct {
    mu sync.Mutex
    // rootDataDir is the same for all networks.
    rootDataDir string
    appDB       *sql.DB
    walletDB    *sql.DB
    config      *params.NodeConfig

    statusNode               *node.StatusNode
    personalAPI              *personal.PublicAPI
    multiaccountsDB          *multiaccounts.Database
    account                  *multiaccounts.Account
    accountManager           *account.GethManager
    transactor               *transactions.Transactor
    connectionState          connection.State
    appState                 appState
    selectedAccountKeyID     string
    log                      log.Logger
    allowAllRPC              bool // used only for tests, disables api method restrictions
    LocalPairingStateManager *statecontrol.ProcessStateManager

// NewGethStatusBackend create a new GethStatusBackend instance
func NewGethStatusBackend() *GethStatusBackend {
    defer log.Info("Status backend initialized", "backend", "geth", "version", params.Version, "commit", params.GitCommit, "IpfsGatewayURL", params.IpfsGatewayURL)

    backend := &GethStatusBackend{}
    return backend

func (b *GethStatusBackend) initialize() {
    accountManager := account.NewGethManager()
    transactor := transactions.NewTransactor()
    personalAPI := personal.NewAPI()
    statusNode := node.New(transactor)

    b.statusNode = statusNode
    b.accountManager = accountManager
    b.transactor = transactor
    b.personalAPI = personalAPI
    b.log = log.New("package", "status-go/api.GethStatusBackend")
    b.LocalPairingStateManager = new(statecontrol.ProcessStateManager)

// StatusNode returns reference to node manager
func (b *GethStatusBackend) StatusNode() *node.StatusNode {
    return b.statusNode

// AccountManager returns reference to account manager
func (b *GethStatusBackend) AccountManager() *account.GethManager {
    return b.accountManager

// Transactor returns reference to a status transactor
func (b *GethStatusBackend) Transactor() *transactions.Transactor {
    return b.transactor

// SelectedAccountKeyID returns a Whisper key ID of the selected chat key pair.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) SelectedAccountKeyID() string {
    return b.selectedAccountKeyID

// IsNodeRunning confirm that node is running
func (b *GethStatusBackend) IsNodeRunning() bool {
    return b.statusNode.IsRunning()

// StartNode start Status node, fails if node is already started
func (b *GethStatusBackend) StartNode(config *params.NodeConfig) error {
    if err := b.startNode(config); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) UpdateRootDataDir(datadir string) {
    b.rootDataDir = datadir

func (b *GethStatusBackend) GetMultiaccountDB() *multiaccounts.Database {
    return b.multiaccountsDB

func (b *GethStatusBackend) InitializeAccounts(rootDirectory string) error {
    manager := b.AccountManager()
    keystoreDir := filepath.Join(rootDirectory, keystoreRelativePath)
    if err := manager.InitKeystore(keystoreDir); err != nil {
        return err
    return b.OpenAccounts()

func (b *GethStatusBackend) OpenAccounts() error {
    if b.multiaccountsDB != nil {
        return nil
    db, err := multiaccounts.InitializeDB(filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, "accounts.sql"))
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to initialize accounts db", "err", err)
        return err
    b.multiaccountsDB = db
    // Probably we should iron out a bit better how to create/dispose of the status-service

    err = b.statusNode.StartMediaServerWithoutDB()
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to start media server without app db", "err", err)
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) GetAccounts() ([]multiaccounts.Account, error) {
    if b.multiaccountsDB == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("accounts db wasn't initialized")
    return b.multiaccountsDB.GetAccounts()

func (b *GethStatusBackend) getAccountByKeyUID(keyUID string) (*multiaccounts.Account, error) {
    if b.multiaccountsDB == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("accounts db wasn't initialized")
    as, err := b.multiaccountsDB.GetAccounts()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    for _, acc := range as {
        if acc.KeyUID == keyUID {
            return &acc, nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("account with keyUID %s not found", keyUID)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) SaveAccount(account multiaccounts.Account) error {
    if b.multiaccountsDB == nil {
        return errors.New("accounts db wasn't initialized")
    return b.multiaccountsDB.SaveAccount(account)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) DeleteMultiaccount(keyUID string, keyStoreDir string) error {
    if b.multiaccountsDB == nil {
        return errors.New("accounts db wasn't initialized")

    err := b.multiaccountsDB.DeleteAccount(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    appDbPath, err := b.getAppDBPath(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    walletDbPath, err := b.getWalletDBPath(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    dbFiles := []string{
        filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("app-%x.sql", keyUID)),
        filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("app-%x.sql-shm", keyUID)),
        filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("app-%x.sql-wal", keyUID)),
        filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.db", keyUID)),
        filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.db-shm", keyUID)),
        filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.db-wal", keyUID)),
        appDbPath + "-shm",
        appDbPath + "-wal",
        walletDbPath + "-shm",
        walletDbPath + "-wal",
    for _, path := range dbFiles {
        if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
            err = os.Remove(path)
            if err != nil {
                return err

    if b.account != nil && b.account.KeyUID == keyUID {
        // reset active account
        b.account = nil

    return os.RemoveAll(keyStoreDir)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) DeleteImportedKey(address, password, keyStoreDir string) error {

    err := filepath.Walk(keyStoreDir, func(path string, fileInfo os.FileInfo, err error) error {
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if strings.Contains(fileInfo.Name(), address) {
            _, err := b.accountManager.VerifyAccountPassword(keyStoreDir, "0x"+address, password)
            if err != nil {
                b.log.Error("failed to verify account", "account", address, "error", err)
                return err

            return os.Remove(path)
        return nil

    return err

func (b *GethStatusBackend) runDBFileMigrations(account multiaccounts.Account, password string) (string, error) {
    // Migrate file path to fix issue
    unsupportedPath := filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("app-%x.sql", account.KeyUID))
    v3Path := filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.db", account.KeyUID))
    v4Path, err := b.getAppDBPath(account.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    _, err = os.Stat(unsupportedPath)
    if err == nil {
        err := os.Rename(unsupportedPath, v3Path)
        if err != nil {
            return "", err

        // rename journals as well, but ignore errors
        _ = os.Rename(unsupportedPath+"-shm", v3Path+"-shm")
        _ = os.Rename(unsupportedPath+"-wal", v3Path+"-wal")

    if _, err = os.Stat(v3Path); err == nil {
        if err := appdatabase.MigrateV3ToV4(v3Path, v4Path, password, account.KDFIterations, signal.SendReEncryptionStarted, signal.SendReEncryptionFinished); err != nil {
            _ = os.Remove(v4Path)
            _ = os.Remove(v4Path + "-shm")
            _ = os.Remove(v4Path + "-wal")
            return "", errors.New("Failed to migrate v3 db to v4: " + err.Error())
        _ = os.Remove(v3Path)
        _ = os.Remove(v3Path + "-shm")
        _ = os.Remove(v3Path + "-wal")

    return v4Path, nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) ensureDBsOpened(account multiaccounts.Account, password string) (err error) {
    // After wallet DB initial migration, the tables moved to wallet DB are removed from appDB
    // so better migrate wallet DB first to avoid removal if wallet DB migration fails
    if err = b.ensureWalletDBOpened(account, password); err != nil {
        return err

    if err = b.ensureAppDBOpened(account, password); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) ensureAppDBOpened(account multiaccounts.Account, password string) (err error) {
    if b.appDB != nil {
        return nil
    if len(b.rootDataDir) == 0 {
        return errors.New("root datadir wasn't provided")

    dbFilePath, err := b.runDBFileMigrations(account, password)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.New("Failed to migrate db file: " + err.Error())

    b.appDB, err = appdatabase.InitializeDB(dbFilePath, password, account.KDFIterations)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to initialize db", "err", err.Error())
        return err
    return nil

func fileExists(path string) bool {
    if _, err := os.Stat(path); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
        return false

    return true

func (b *GethStatusBackend) walletDBExists(keyUID string) bool {
    path, err := b.getWalletDBPath(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return false

    return fileExists(path)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) appDBExists(keyUID string) bool {
    path, err := b.getAppDBPath(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return false

    return fileExists(path)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) ensureWalletDBOpened(account multiaccounts.Account, password string) (err error) {
    if b.walletDB != nil {
        return nil

    dbWalletPath, err := b.getWalletDBPath(account.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    b.walletDB, err = walletdatabase.InitializeDB(dbWalletPath, password, account.KDFIterations)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to initialize wallet db", "err", err.Error())
        return err
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) setupLogSettings() error {
    logSettings := logutils.LogSettings{
        Enabled:         b.config.LogEnabled,
        MobileSystem:    b.config.LogMobileSystem,
        Level:           b.config.LogLevel,
        File:            b.config.LogFile,
        MaxSize:         b.config.LogMaxSize,
        MaxBackups:      b.config.LogMaxBackups,
        CompressRotated: b.config.LogCompressRotated,
    if err := logutils.OverrideRootLogWithConfig(logSettings, false); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// StartNodeWithKey instead of loading addresses from database this method derives address from key
// and uses it in application.
// TODO: we should use a proper struct with optional values instead of duplicating the regular functions
// with small variants for keycard, this created too many bugs
func (b *GethStatusBackend) startNodeWithKey(acc multiaccounts.Account, password string, keyHex string, inputNodeCfg *params.NodeConfig) error {
    if acc.KDFIterations == 0 {
        kdfIterations, err := b.multiaccountsDB.GetAccountKDFIterationsNumber(acc.KeyUID)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        acc.KDFIterations = kdfIterations

    err := b.ensureDBsOpened(acc, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.loadNodeConfig(inputNodeCfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.setupLogSettings()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    accountsDB, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if acc.ColorHash == nil {
        multiAccount, err := b.updateAccountColorHashAndColorID(acc.KeyUID, accountsDB)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        acc = *multiAccount

    b.account = &acc

    walletAddr, err := accountsDB.GetWalletAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    watchAddrs, err := accountsDB.GetAddresses()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    chatKey, err := ethcrypto.HexToECDSA(keyHex)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.StartNode(b.config)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err := b.accountManager.SetChatAccount(chatKey); err != nil {
        return err
    _, err = b.accountManager.SelectedChatAccount()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    b.accountManager.SetAccountAddresses(walletAddr, watchAddrs...)
    err = b.injectAccountsIntoServices()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.multiaccountsDB.UpdateAccountTimestamp(acc.KeyUID, time.Now().Unix())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) StartNodeWithKey(acc multiaccounts.Account, password string, keyHex string, nodecfg *params.NodeConfig) error {
    err := b.startNodeWithKey(acc, password, keyHex, nodecfg)
    if err != nil {
        // Stop node for clean up
        _ = b.StopNode()
        return err
    // get logged in
    if !b.LocalPairingStateManager.IsPairing() {
        return b.LoggedIn(acc.KeyUID, err)
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) OverwriteNodeConfigValues(conf *params.NodeConfig, n *params.NodeConfig) (*params.NodeConfig, error) {
    if err := mergo.Merge(conf, n, mergo.WithOverride); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    conf.Networks = n.Networks

    if err := b.saveNodeConfig(conf); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return conf, nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) updateAccountColorHashAndColorID(keyUID string, accountsDB *accounts.Database) (*multiaccounts.Account, error) {
    multiAccount, err := b.getAccountByKeyUID(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if multiAccount.ColorHash == nil {
        keypair, err := accountsDB.GetKeypairByKeyUID(keyUID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        publicKey := keypair.GetChatPublicKey()
        if publicKey == nil {
            return nil, errors.New("chat public key not found")
        if err = enrichMultiAccountByPublicKey(multiAccount, publicKey); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if err = b.multiaccountsDB.UpdateAccount(*multiAccount); err != nil {
            return nil, err
    return multiAccount, nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) overrideNetworks(conf *params.NodeConfig, request *requests.Login) {
    conf.Networks = setRPCs(defaultNetworks, &request.WalletSecretsConfig)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) LoginAccount(request *requests.Login) error {
    err := b.loginAccount(request)
    if err != nil {
        // Stop node for clean up
        _ = b.StopNode()
    return b.LoggedIn(request.KeyUID, err)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) loginAccount(request *requests.Login) error {
    if err := request.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    password := request.Password

    acc := multiaccounts.Account{
        KeyUID:        request.KeyUID,
        KDFIterations: request.KdfIterations,

    if acc.KDFIterations == 0 {
        acc.KDFIterations = dbsetup.ReducedKDFIterationsNumber

    err := b.ensureDBsOpened(acc, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    defaultCfg := &params.NodeConfig{
        // why we need this? relate PR:
        KeycardPairingDataFile: DefaultKeycardPairingDataFile,

    defaultCfg.WalletConfig = buildWalletConfig(&request.WalletSecretsConfig)

    err = b.UpdateNodeConfigFleet(acc, password, defaultCfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.loadNodeConfig(defaultCfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if request.RuntimeLogLevel != "" {
        b.config.LogLevel = request.RuntimeLogLevel

    if b.config.WakuV2Config.Enabled && request.WakuV2Nameserver != "" {
        b.config.WakuV2Config.Nameserver = request.WakuV2Nameserver

    b.overrideNetworks(b.config, request)

    err = b.setupLogSettings()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    accountsDB, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    multiAccount, err := b.updateAccountColorHashAndColorID(acc.KeyUID, accountsDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    b.account = multiAccount

    chatAddr, err := accountsDB.GetChatAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    walletAddr, err := accountsDB.GetWalletAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    watchAddrs, err := accountsDB.GetWalletAddresses()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    login := account.LoginParams{
        Password:       password,
        ChatAddress:    chatAddr,
        WatchAddresses: watchAddrs,
        MainAccount:    walletAddr,

    err = b.StartNode(b.config)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Info("failed to start node")
        return err

    err = b.SelectAccount(login)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.multiaccountsDB.UpdateAccountTimestamp(acc.KeyUID, time.Now().Unix())
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Info("failed to update account")
        return err

    return nil

// UpdateNodeConfigFleet loads the fleet from the settings and updates the node configuration
// If the fleet in settings is empty, or not supported anymore, it will be overridden with the default fleet.
// In that case settings fleet value remain the same, only runtime node configuration is updated.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) UpdateNodeConfigFleet(acc multiaccounts.Account, password string, config *params.NodeConfig) error {
    if config == nil {
        return nil

    err := b.ensureDBsOpened(acc, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    accountSettings, err := b.GetSettings()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    fleet := accountSettings.GetFleet()

    if !params.IsFleetSupported(fleet) {
        b.log.Warn("fleet is not supported, overriding with default value",
            "fleet", fleet,
            "defaultFleet", DefaultFleet)
        fleet = DefaultFleet

    err = SetFleet(fleet, config)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) startNodeWithAccount(acc multiaccounts.Account, password string, inputNodeCfg *params.NodeConfig) error {
    err := b.ensureDBsOpened(acc, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.loadNodeConfig(inputNodeCfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.setupLogSettings()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    accountsDB, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if acc.ColorHash == nil {
        multiAccount, err := b.updateAccountColorHashAndColorID(acc.KeyUID, accountsDB)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        acc = *multiAccount

    b.account = &acc

    chatAddr, err := accountsDB.GetChatAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    walletAddr, err := accountsDB.GetWalletAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    watchAddrs, err := accountsDB.GetWalletAddresses()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    login := account.LoginParams{
        Password:       password,
        ChatAddress:    chatAddr,
        WatchAddresses: watchAddrs,
        MainAccount:    walletAddr,

    err = b.StartNode(b.config)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Info("failed to start node")
        return err

    err = b.SelectAccount(login)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.multiaccountsDB.UpdateAccountTimestamp(acc.KeyUID, time.Now().Unix())
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Info("failed to update account")
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) accountsDB() (*accounts.Database, error) {
    return accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) GetSettings() (*settings.Settings, error) {
    accountsDB, err := b.accountsDB()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    settings, err := accountsDB.GetSettings()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &settings, nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) GetEnsUsernames() ([]*ens.UsernameDetail, error) {
    db := ens.NewEnsDatabase(b.appDB)
    removed := false
    return db.GetEnsUsernames(&removed)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) MigrateKeyStoreDir(acc multiaccounts.Account, password, oldDir, newDir string) error {
    err := b.ensureDBsOpened(acc, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    accountDB, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    accounts, err := accountDB.GetActiveAccounts()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    settings, err := accountDB.GetSettings()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    addresses := []string{settings.EIP1581Address.Hex(), settings.WalletRootAddress.Hex()}
    for _, account := range accounts {
        addresses = append(addresses, account.Address.Hex())
    err = b.accountManager.MigrateKeyStoreDir(oldDir, newDir, addresses)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) Login(keyUID, password string) error {
    return b.startNodeWithAccount(multiaccounts.Account{KeyUID: keyUID}, password, nil)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) StartNodeWithAccount(acc multiaccounts.Account, password string, nodecfg *params.NodeConfig) error {
    err := b.startNodeWithAccount(acc, password, nodecfg)
    if err != nil {
        // Stop node for clean up
        _ = b.StopNode()
    // get logged in
    if !b.LocalPairingStateManager.IsPairing() {
        return b.LoggedIn(acc.KeyUID, err)
    return err

func (b *GethStatusBackend) LoggedIn(keyUID string, err error) error {
    if err != nil {
        signal.SendLoggedIn(nil, nil, nil, err)
        return err
    settings, err := b.GetSettings()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    account, err := b.getAccountByKeyUID(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    ensUsernames, err := b.GetEnsUsernames()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    var ensUsernamesJSON json.RawMessage
    if ensUsernames != nil {
        ensUsernamesJSON, err = json.Marshal(ensUsernames)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    signal.SendLoggedIn(account, settings, ensUsernamesJSON, nil)
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) ExportUnencryptedDatabase(acc multiaccounts.Account, password, directory string) error {
    if b.appDB != nil {
        return nil
    if len(b.rootDataDir) == 0 {
        return errors.New("root datadir wasn't provided")

    dbPath, err := b.runDBFileMigrations(acc, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = sqlite.DecryptDB(dbPath, directory, password, acc.KDFIterations)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to initialize db", "err", err)
        return err
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) ImportUnencryptedDatabase(acc multiaccounts.Account, password, databasePath string) error {
    if b.appDB != nil {
        return nil

    path, err := b.getAppDBPath(acc.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = sqlite.EncryptDB(databasePath, path, password, acc.KDFIterations, signal.SendReEncryptionStarted, signal.SendReEncryptionFinished)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to initialize db", "err", err)
        return err
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) reEncryptKeyStoreDir(currentPassword string, newPassword string) error {
    config := b.StatusNode().Config()
    keyDir := ""
    if config == nil {
        keyDir = b.accountManager.Keydir
    } else {
        keyDir = config.KeyStoreDir

    if keyDir != "" {
        err := b.accountManager.ReEncryptKeyStoreDir(keyDir, currentPassword, newPassword)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("ReEncryptKeyStoreDir error: %v", err)
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) ChangeDatabasePassword(keyUID string, password string, newPassword string) error {
    account, err := b.multiaccountsDB.GetAccount(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    internalDbPath, err := dbsetup.GetDBFilename(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to get database file name, %w", err)

    appDBPath, err := b.getAppDBPath(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    isCurrentAccount := appDBPath == internalDbPath

    restartNode := func() {
        if isCurrentAccount {
            if err != nil {
                // TODO
                // Fix restarting node, as it always fails but the error is ignored
                // because UI calls Logout and Quit afterwards. It should not be UI-dependent
                // and should be handled gracefully here if it makes sense to run dummy node after
                // logout
                _ = b.startNodeWithAccount(*account, password, nil)
            } else {
                _ = b.startNodeWithAccount(*account, newPassword, nil)
    defer restartNode()

    logout := func() {
        if isCurrentAccount {
            _ = b.Logout()
    noLogout := func() {}

    // First change app DB password, because it also reencrypts the keystore,
    // otherwise if we call changeWalletDbPassword first and logout, we will fail
    // to reencrypt    the keystore
    err = b.changeAppDBPassword(account, logout, password, newPassword)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Already logged out but pass a param to decouple the logic for testing
    err = b.changeWalletDBPassword(account, noLogout, password, newPassword)
    if err != nil {
        // Revert the password to original
        err2 := b.changeAppDBPassword(account, noLogout, newPassword, password)
        if err2 != nil {
            log.Error("failed to revert app db password", "err", err2)

        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) changeAppDBPassword(account *multiaccounts.Account, logout func(), password string, newPassword string) error {
    tmpDbPath, cleanup, err := b.createTempDBFile("v4.db")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer cleanup()

    dbPath, err := b.getAppDBPath(account.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Exporting database to a temporary file with a new password
    err = sqlite.ExportDB(dbPath, password, account.KDFIterations, tmpDbPath, newPassword, signal.SendReEncryptionStarted, signal.SendReEncryptionFinished)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.reEncryptKeyStoreDir(password, newPassword)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Replacing the old database with the new one requires closing all connections to the database
    // This is done by stopping the node and restarting it with the new DB

    // Replacing the old database files with the new ones, ignoring the wal and shm errors
    replaceCleanup, err := replaceDBFile(dbPath, tmpDbPath)
    if replaceCleanup != nil {
        defer replaceCleanup()

    if err != nil {
        // Restore the old account
        _ = b.reEncryptKeyStoreDir(newPassword, password)
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) changeWalletDBPassword(account *multiaccounts.Account, logout func(), password string, newPassword string) error {
    tmpDbPath, cleanup, err := b.createTempDBFile("wallet.db")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer cleanup()

    dbPath, err := b.getWalletDBPath(account.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Exporting database to a temporary file with a new password
    err = sqlite.ExportDB(dbPath, password, account.KDFIterations, tmpDbPath, newPassword, signal.SendReEncryptionStarted, signal.SendReEncryptionFinished)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Replacing the old database with the new one requires closing all connections to the database
    // This is done by stopping the node and restarting it with the new DB

    // Replacing the old database files with the new ones, ignoring the wal and shm errors
    replaceCleanup, err := replaceDBFile(dbPath, tmpDbPath)
    if replaceCleanup != nil {
        defer replaceCleanup()
    return err

func (b *GethStatusBackend) createTempDBFile(pattern string) (tmpDbPath string, cleanup func(), err error) {
    if len(b.rootDataDir) == 0 {
        err = errors.New("root datadir wasn't provided")
    rootDataDir := b.rootDataDir
    //On iOS, the rootDataDir value does not contain a trailing slash.
    //This is causing an incorrectly formatted temporary file path to be generated, leading to an "operation not permitted" error.
    //e.g. value of rootDataDir is `/var/mobile/.../12906D5A-E831-49E9-BBE7-5FFE8E805D8A/Library`,
    //the file path generated is something like `/var/mobile/.../12906D5A-E831-49E9-BBE7-5FFE8E805D8A/123-v4.db`
    //which removed `Library` from the path.
    if !strings.HasSuffix(rootDataDir, "/") {
        rootDataDir += "/"
    file, err := os.CreateTemp(filepath.Dir(rootDataDir), "*-"+pattern)
    if err != nil {
    err = file.Close()
    if err != nil {

    tmpDbPath = file.Name()
    cleanup = func() {
        filePath := file.Name()
        _ = os.Remove(filePath)
        _ = os.Remove(filePath + "-wal")
        _ = os.Remove(filePath + "-shm")
        _ = os.Remove(filePath + "-journal")

func replaceDBFile(dbPath string, newDBPath string) (cleanup func(), err error) {
    err = os.Rename(newDBPath, dbPath)
    if err != nil {

    cleanup = func() {
        _ = os.Remove(dbPath + "-wal")
        _ = os.Remove(dbPath + "-shm")
        _ = os.Rename(newDBPath+"-wal", dbPath+"-wal")
        _ = os.Rename(newDBPath+"-shm", dbPath+"-shm")


func (b *GethStatusBackend) ConvertToKeycardAccount(account multiaccounts.Account, s settings.Settings, keycardUID string, password string, newPassword string) error {
    messenger := b.Messenger()
    if messenger == nil {
        return errors.New("cannot resolve messenger instance")

    err := b.multiaccountsDB.UpdateAccountKeycardPairing(account.KeyUID, account.KeycardPairing)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.ensureDBsOpened(account, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    accountDB, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    keypair, err := accountDB.GetKeypairByKeyUID(account.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == accounts.ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
            return errors.New("cannot convert an unknown keypair")
        return err

    err = accountDB.SaveSettingField(settings.KeycardInstanceUID, s.KeycardInstanceUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = accountDB.SaveSettingField(settings.KeycardPairedOn, s.KeycardPairedOn)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = accountDB.SaveSettingField(settings.KeycardPairing, s.KeycardPairing)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = accountDB.SaveSettingField(settings.Mnemonic, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = accountDB.SaveSettingField(settings.ProfileMigrationNeeded, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // This check is added due to mobile app cause it doesn't support a Keycard features as desktop app.
    // We should remove the following line once mobile and desktop app align.
    if len(keycardUID) > 0 {
        displayName, err := accountDB.DisplayName()
        if err != nil {
            return err

        position, err := accountDB.GetPositionForNextNewKeycard()
        if err != nil {
            return err

        kc := accounts.Keycard{
            KeycardUID:    keycardUID,
            KeycardName:   displayName,
            KeycardLocked: false,
            KeyUID:        account.KeyUID,
            Position:      position,

        for _, acc := range keypair.Accounts {
            kc.AccountsAddresses = append(kc.AccountsAddresses, acc.Address)
        err = messenger.SaveOrUpdateKeycard(context.Background(), &kc)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    masterAddress, err := accountDB.GetMasterAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    eip1581Address, err := accountDB.GetEIP1581Address()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    walletRootAddress, err := accountDB.GetWalletRootAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.closeDBs()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.ChangeDatabasePassword(account.KeyUID, password, newPassword)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // We need to delete all accounts for the Keycard which is being added
    for _, acc := range keypair.Accounts {
        err = b.accountManager.DeleteAccount(acc.Address)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    err = b.accountManager.DeleteAccount(masterAddress)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.accountManager.DeleteAccount(eip1581Address)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.accountManager.DeleteAccount(walletRootAddress)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) RestoreAccountAndLogin(request *requests.RestoreAccount) (*multiaccounts.Account, error) {

    if err := request.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return b.generateOrImportAccount(request.Mnemonic, 0, request.FetchBackup, &request.CreateAccount)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) GetKeyUIDByMnemonic(mnemonic string) (string, error) {
    accountGenerator := b.accountManager.AccountsGenerator()

    info, err := accountGenerator.ImportMnemonic(mnemonic, "")
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return info.KeyUID, nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) generateOrImportAccount(mnemonic string, customizationColorClock uint64, fetchBackup bool, request *requests.CreateAccount, opts ...params.Option) (*multiaccounts.Account, error) {
    keystoreDir := keystoreRelativePath

    err := b.OpenAccounts()
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed open accounts", err)
        return nil, err

    accountGenerator := b.accountManager.AccountsGenerator()

    var info generator.GeneratedAccountInfo
    if mnemonic == "" {
        // generate 1(n) account with default mnemonic length and no passphrase
        generatedAccountInfos, err := accountGenerator.Generate(defaultMnemonicLength, 1, "")
        info = generatedAccountInfos[0]

        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {

        info, err = accountGenerator.ImportMnemonic(mnemonic, "")
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    derivedAddresses, err := accountGenerator.DeriveAddresses(info.ID, paths)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    userKeyStoreDir := filepath.Join(keystoreDir, info.KeyUID)
    // Initialize keystore dir with account
    if err := b.accountManager.InitKeystore(filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, userKeyStoreDir)); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = accountGenerator.StoreAccount(info.ID, request.Password)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = accountGenerator.StoreDerivedAccounts(info.ID, request.Password, paths)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    account := multiaccounts.Account{
        KeyUID:                  info.KeyUID,
        Name:                    request.DisplayName,
        CustomizationColor:      multiacccommon.CustomizationColor(request.CustomizationColor),
        CustomizationColorClock: customizationColorClock,
        KDFIterations:           request.KdfIterations,
        Timestamp:               time.Now().Unix(),

    if account.KDFIterations == 0 {
        account.KDFIterations = dbsetup.ReducedKDFIterationsNumber

    if request.ImagePath != "" {
        imageCropRectangle := request.ImageCropRectangle
        if imageCropRectangle == nil {
            // Default crop rectangle used by mobile
            imageCropRectangle = &requests.ImageCropRectangle{
                Ax: 0,
                Ay: 0,
                Bx: 1000,
                By: 1000,

        iis, err := images.GenerateIdentityImages(request.ImagePath,
            imageCropRectangle.Ax, imageCropRectangle.Ay, imageCropRectangle.Bx, imageCropRectangle.By)

        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        account.Images = iis

    settings, err := defaultSettings(info, derivedAddresses, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    settings.DeviceName = request.DeviceName
    settings.DisplayName = request.DisplayName
    settings.PreviewPrivacy = request.PreviewPrivacy
    settings.CurrentNetwork = request.CurrentNetwork
    settings.TestNetworksEnabled = request.TestNetworksEnabled

    // If restoring an account, we don't set the mnemonic
    if mnemonic == "" {
        settings.Mnemonic = &info.Mnemonic
        settings.OmitTransfersHistoryScan = true
        // TODO(rasom): uncomment it as soon as address will be properly
        // marked as shown on mobile client
        //settings.MnemonicWasNotShown = true

    nodeConfig, err := defaultNodeConfig(settings.InstallationID, request, opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if mnemonic != "" && fetchBackup {
        nodeConfig.ProcessBackedupMessages = true

    // when we set nodeConfig.KeyStoreDir, value of nodeConfig.KeyStoreDir should not contain the rootDataDir
    // loadNodeConfig will add rootDataDir to nodeConfig.KeyStoreDir
    nodeConfig.KeyStoreDir = userKeyStoreDir

    walletDerivedAccount := derivedAddresses[pathDefaultWallet]
    walletAccount := &accounts.Account{
        PublicKey: types.Hex2Bytes(walletDerivedAccount.PublicKey),
        KeyUID:    info.KeyUID,
        Address:   types.HexToAddress(walletDerivedAccount.Address),
        ColorID:   multiacccommon.CustomizationColor(request.CustomizationColor),
        Emoji:     request.Emoji,
        Wallet:    true,
        Path:      pathDefaultWallet,
        Name:      walletAccountDefaultName,

    if mnemonic == "" {
        walletAccount.AddressWasNotShown = true

    chatDerivedAccount := derivedAddresses[pathDefaultChat]
    chatAccount := &accounts.Account{
        PublicKey: types.Hex2Bytes(chatDerivedAccount.PublicKey),
        KeyUID:    info.KeyUID,
        Address:   types.HexToAddress(chatDerivedAccount.Address),
        Name:      request.DisplayName,
        Chat:      true,
        Path:      pathDefaultChat,

    subAccounts := []*accounts.Account{walletAccount, chatAccount}
    err = b.StartNodeWithAccountAndInitialConfig(account, request.Password, *settings, nodeConfig, subAccounts)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("start node", err)
        return nil, err

    return &account, nil

// CreateAccountAndLogin creates a new account and logs in with it.
// NOTE: requests.CreateAccount is used for public, params.Option maybe used for internal usage.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) CreateAccountAndLogin(request *requests.CreateAccount, opts ...params.Option) (*multiaccounts.Account, error) {
    validation := &requests.CreateAccountValidation{
        AllowEmptyDisplayName: false,
    if err := request.Validate(validation); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return b.generateOrImportAccount("", 1, false, request, opts...)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) ConvertToRegularAccount(mnemonic string, currPassword string, newPassword string) error {
    messenger := b.Messenger()
    if messenger == nil {
        return errors.New("cannot resolve messenger instance")

    mnemonicNoExtraSpaces := strings.Join(strings.Fields(mnemonic), " ")
    accountInfo, err := b.accountManager.AccountsGenerator().ImportMnemonic(mnemonicNoExtraSpaces, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    kdfIterations, err := b.multiaccountsDB.GetAccountKDFIterationsNumber(accountInfo.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.ensureDBsOpened(multiaccounts.Account{KeyUID: accountInfo.KeyUID, KDFIterations: kdfIterations}, currPassword)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    db, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    knownAccounts, err := db.GetActiveAccounts()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // We add these two paths, cause others will be added via `StoreAccount` function call
    const pathWalletRoot = "m/44'/60'/0'/0"
    const pathEIP1581 = "m/43'/60'/1581'"
    var paths []string
    paths = append(paths, pathWalletRoot, pathEIP1581)
    for _, acc := range knownAccounts {
        if accountInfo.KeyUID == acc.KeyUID {
            paths = append(paths, acc.Path)

    _, err = b.accountManager.AccountsGenerator().StoreAccount(accountInfo.ID, currPassword)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = b.accountManager.AccountsGenerator().StoreDerivedAccounts(accountInfo.ID, currPassword, paths)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.multiaccountsDB.UpdateAccountKeycardPairing(accountInfo.KeyUID, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = messenger.DeleteAllKeycardsWithKeyUID(context.Background(), accountInfo.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = db.SaveSettingField(settings.KeycardInstanceUID, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = db.SaveSettingField(settings.KeycardPairedOn, 0)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = db.SaveSettingField(settings.KeycardPairing, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = db.SaveSettingField(settings.ProfileMigrationNeeded, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.closeDBs()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return b.ChangeDatabasePassword(accountInfo.KeyUID, currPassword, newPassword)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) VerifyDatabasePassword(keyUID string, password string) error {
    kdfIterations, err := b.multiaccountsDB.GetAccountKDFIterationsNumber(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !b.appDBExists(keyUID) || !b.walletDBExists(keyUID) {
        return errors.New("One or more databases not created")

    err = b.ensureDBsOpened(multiaccounts.Account{KeyUID: keyUID, KDFIterations: kdfIterations}, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.closeDBs()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func enrichMultiAccountBySubAccounts(account *multiaccounts.Account, subaccs []*accounts.Account) error {
    if account.ColorHash != nil && account.ColorID != 0 {
        return nil

    for i, acc := range subaccs {
        subaccs[i].KeyUID = account.KeyUID
        if acc.Chat {
            pk := string(acc.PublicKey.Bytes())
            colorHash, err := colorhash.GenerateFor(pk)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            account.ColorHash = colorHash

            colorID, err := identityutils.ToColorID(pk)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            account.ColorID = colorID


    return nil

func enrichMultiAccountByPublicKey(account *multiaccounts.Account, publicKey types.HexBytes) error {
    pk := string(publicKey.Bytes())
    colorHash, err := colorhash.GenerateFor(pk)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    account.ColorHash = colorHash

    colorID, err := identityutils.ToColorID(pk)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    account.ColorID = colorID

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) SaveAccountAndStartNodeWithKey(account multiaccounts.Account, password string, settings settings.Settings, nodecfg *params.NodeConfig, subaccs []*accounts.Account, keyHex string) error {
    err := enrichMultiAccountBySubAccounts(&account, subaccs)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.SaveAccount(account)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.ensureDBsOpened(account, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.saveAccountsAndSettings(settings, nodecfg, subaccs)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return b.StartNodeWithKey(account, password, keyHex, nodecfg)

// StartNodeWithAccountAndInitialConfig is used after account and config was generated.
// In current setup account name and config is generated on the client side. Once/if it will be generated on
// status-go side this flow can be simplified.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) StartNodeWithAccountAndInitialConfig(
    account multiaccounts.Account,
    password string,
    settings settings.Settings,
    nodecfg *params.NodeConfig,
    subaccs []*accounts.Account,
) error {
    b.log.Info("node config", "config", nodecfg)

    err := enrichMultiAccountBySubAccounts(&account, subaccs)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.SaveAccount(account)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.ensureDBsOpened(account, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.saveAccountsAndSettings(settings, nodecfg, subaccs)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return b.StartNodeWithAccount(account, password, nodecfg)

// TODO: change in `saveAccountsAndSettings` function param `subaccs []*accounts.Account` parameter to `profileKeypair *accounts.Keypair` parameter
func (b *GethStatusBackend) saveAccountsAndSettings(settings settings.Settings, nodecfg *params.NodeConfig, subaccs []*accounts.Account) error {
    accdb, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = accdb.CreateSettings(settings, *nodecfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // In case of setting up new account either way (creating new, importing seed phrase, keycard account...) we should not
    // back up any data after login, as it was the case before, that's the reason why we're setting last backup time to the time
    // when an account was created.
    now := time.Now().Unix()
    err = accdb.SetLastBackup(uint64(now))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    keypair := &accounts.Keypair{
        KeyUID:                  settings.KeyUID,
        Name:                    settings.DisplayName,
        Type:                    accounts.KeypairTypeProfile,
        DerivedFrom:             settings.Address.String(),
        LastUsedDerivationIndex: 0,

    // When creating a new account, the chat account should have position -1, cause it doesn't participate
    // in the wallet view and default wallet account should be at position 0.
    for _, acc := range subaccs {
        if acc.Chat {
            acc.Position = -1
        if acc.Wallet {
            acc.Position = 0
        acc.Operable = accounts.AccountFullyOperable
        keypair.Accounts = append(keypair.Accounts, acc)

    return accdb.SaveOrUpdateKeypair(keypair)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) loadNodeConfig(inputNodeCfg *params.NodeConfig) error {

    conf, err := nodecfg.GetNodeConfigFromDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if inputNodeCfg != nil {
        // If an installationID is provided, we override it
        if conf != nil && conf.ShhextConfig.InstallationID != "" {
            inputNodeCfg.ShhextConfig.InstallationID = conf.ShhextConfig.InstallationID

        conf, err = b.OverwriteNodeConfigValues(conf, inputNodeCfg)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // Start WakuV1 if WakuV2 is not enabled
    conf.WakuConfig.Enabled = !conf.WakuV2Config.Enabled
    // NodeConfig.Version should be taken from params.Version
    // which is set at the compile time.
    // What's cached is usually outdated so we overwrite it here.
    conf.Version = params.Version
    conf.RootDataDir = b.rootDataDir
    conf.DataDir = filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, conf.DataDir)
    conf.ShhextConfig.BackupDisabledDataDir = filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, conf.ShhextConfig.BackupDisabledDataDir)
    if len(conf.LogDir) == 0 {
        conf.LogFile = filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, conf.LogFile)
    } else {
        conf.LogFile = filepath.Join(conf.LogDir, conf.LogFile)
    conf.KeyStoreDir = filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, conf.KeyStoreDir)

    b.config = conf

    if inputNodeCfg != nil && inputNodeCfg.RuntimeLogLevel != "" {
        b.config.LogLevel = inputNodeCfg.RuntimeLogLevel

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) saveNodeConfig(n *params.NodeConfig) error {
    err := nodecfg.SaveNodeConfig(b.appDB, n)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) GetNodeConfig() (*params.NodeConfig, error) {
    return nodecfg.GetNodeConfigFromDB(b.appDB)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) startNode(config *params.NodeConfig) (err error) {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            err = fmt.Errorf("node crashed on start: %v", err)

    b.log.Info("status-go version details", "version", params.Version, "commit", params.GitCommit)
    b.log.Debug("starting node with config", "config", config)
    // Update config with some defaults.
    if err := config.UpdateWithDefaults(); err != nil {
        return err

    // Updating node config
    b.config = config

    b.log.Debug("updated config with defaults", "config", config)

    // Start by validating configuration
    if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    if b.accountManager.GetManager() == nil {
        err = b.accountManager.InitKeystore(config.KeyStoreDir)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    manager := b.accountManager.GetManager()
    if manager == nil {
        return errors.New("ethereum accounts.Manager is nil")

    if err = b.statusNode.StartWithOptions(config, node.StartOptions{
        // The peers discovery protocols are started manually after
        // `node.ready` signal is sent.
        // It was discussed in
        StartDiscovery:  false,
        AccountsManager: manager,
    }); err != nil {
    b.accountManager.SetRPCClient(b.statusNode.RPCClient(), rpc.DefaultCallTimeout)

    b.transactor.SetRPC(b.statusNode.RPCClient(), rpc.DefaultCallTimeout)
    b.personalAPI.SetRPC(b.statusNode.RPCClient(), rpc.DefaultCallTimeout)

    if err = b.registerHandlers(); err != nil {
        b.log.Error("Handler registration failed", "err", err)
    b.log.Info("Handlers registered")

    // Handle a case when a node is stopped and resumed.
    // If there is no account selected, an error is returned.
    if _, err := b.accountManager.SelectedChatAccount(); err == nil {
        if err := b.injectAccountsIntoServices(); err != nil {
            return err
    } else if err != account.ErrNoAccountSelected {
        return err

    if b.statusNode.WalletService() != nil {


    if err := b.statusNode.StartDiscovery(); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// StopNode stop Status node. Stopped node cannot be resumed.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) StopNode() error {
    return b.stopNode()

func (b *GethStatusBackend) stopNode() error {
    if b.statusNode == nil || !b.IsNodeRunning() {
        return nil
    if !b.LocalPairingStateManager.IsPairing() {
        defer signal.SendNodeStopped()

    return b.statusNode.Stop()

// RestartNode restart running Status node, fails if node is not running
func (b *GethStatusBackend) RestartNode() error {

    if !b.IsNodeRunning() {
        return node.ErrNoRunningNode

    if err := b.stopNode(); err != nil {
        return err

    return b.startNode(b.config)

// ResetChainData remove chain data from data directory.
// Node is stopped, and new node is started, with clean data directory.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) ResetChainData() error {

    if err := b.stopNode(); err != nil {
        return err
    // config is cleaned when node is stopped
    if err := b.statusNode.ResetChainData(b.config); err != nil {
        return err
    return b.startNode(b.config)

// CallRPC executes public RPC requests on node's in-proc RPC server.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) CallRPC(inputJSON string) (string, error) {
    client := b.statusNode.RPCClient()
    if client == nil {
        return "", ErrRPCClientUnavailable
    return client.CallRaw(inputJSON), nil

// CallPrivateRPC executes public and private RPC requests on node's in-proc RPC server.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) CallPrivateRPC(inputJSON string) (string, error) {
    client := b.statusNode.RPCClient()
    if client == nil {
        return "", ErrRPCClientUnavailable
    return client.CallRaw(inputJSON), nil

// SendTransaction creates a new transaction and waits until it's complete.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) SendTransaction(sendArgs transactions.SendTxArgs, password string) (hash types.Hash, err error) {
    verifiedAccount, err := b.getVerifiedWalletAccount(sendArgs.From.String(), password)
    if err != nil {
        return hash, err

    return b.transactor.SendTransaction(sendArgs, verifiedAccount)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) SendTransactionWithChainID(chainID uint64, sendArgs transactions.SendTxArgs, password string) (hash types.Hash, err error) {
    verifiedAccount, err := b.getVerifiedWalletAccount(sendArgs.From.String(), password)
    if err != nil {
        return hash, err

    return b.transactor.SendTransactionWithChainID(chainID, sendArgs, verifiedAccount)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) SendTransactionWithSignature(sendArgs transactions.SendTxArgs, sig []byte) (hash types.Hash, err error) {
    return b.transactor.BuildTransactionAndSendWithSignature(b.transactor.NetworkID(), sendArgs, sig)

// HashTransaction validate the transaction and returns new sendArgs and the transaction hash.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) HashTransaction(sendArgs transactions.SendTxArgs) (transactions.SendTxArgs, types.Hash, error) {
    return b.transactor.HashTransaction(sendArgs)

// SignMessage checks the pwd vs the selected account and passes on the signParams
// to personalAPI for message signature
func (b *GethStatusBackend) SignMessage(rpcParams personal.SignParams) (types.HexBytes, error) {
    verifiedAccount, err := b.getVerifiedWalletAccount(rpcParams.Address, rpcParams.Password)
    if err != nil {
        return types.HexBytes{}, err
    return b.personalAPI.Sign(rpcParams, verifiedAccount)

// Recover calls the personalAPI to return address associated with the private
// key that was used to calculate the signature in the message
func (b *GethStatusBackend) Recover(rpcParams personal.RecoverParams) (types.Address, error) {
    return b.personalAPI.Recover(rpcParams)

// SignTypedData accepts data and password. Gets verified account and signs typed data.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) SignTypedData(typed typeddata.TypedData, address string, password string) (types.HexBytes, error) {
    account, err := b.getVerifiedWalletAccount(address, password)
    if err != nil {
        return types.HexBytes{}, err
    chain := new(big.Int).SetUint64(b.StatusNode().Config().NetworkID)
    sig, err := typeddata.Sign(typed, account.AccountKey.PrivateKey, chain)
    if err != nil {
        return types.HexBytes{}, err
    return types.HexBytes(sig), err

// SignTypedDataV4 accepts data and password. Gets verified account and signs typed data.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) SignTypedDataV4(typed signercore.TypedData, address string, password string) (types.HexBytes, error) {
    account, err := b.getVerifiedWalletAccount(address, password)
    if err != nil {
        return types.HexBytes{}, err
    chain := new(big.Int).SetUint64(b.StatusNode().Config().NetworkID)
    sig, err := typeddata.SignTypedDataV4(typed, account.AccountKey.PrivateKey, chain)
    if err != nil {
        return types.HexBytes{}, err
    return types.HexBytes(sig), err

// HashTypedData generates the hash of TypedData.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) HashTypedData(typed typeddata.TypedData) (types.Hash, error) {
    chain := new(big.Int).SetUint64(b.StatusNode().Config().NetworkID)
    hash, err := typeddata.ValidateAndHash(typed, chain)
    if err != nil {
        return types.Hash{}, err
    return types.Hash(hash), err

// HashTypedDataV4 generates the hash of TypedData.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) HashTypedDataV4(typed signercore.TypedData) (types.Hash, error) {
    chain := new(big.Int).SetUint64(b.StatusNode().Config().NetworkID)
    hash, err := typeddata.HashTypedDataV4(typed, chain)
    if err != nil {
        return types.Hash{}, err
    return types.Hash(hash), err

func (b *GethStatusBackend) getVerifiedWalletAccount(address, password string) (*account.SelectedExtKey, error) {
    config := b.StatusNode().Config()
    db, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to create new *Database instance", "error", err)
        return nil, err
    exists, err := db.AddressExists(types.HexToAddress(address))
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to query db for a given address", "address", address, "error", err)
        return nil, err

    if !exists {
        b.log.Error("failed to get a selected account", "err", transactions.ErrInvalidTxSender)
        return nil, transactions.ErrAccountDoesntExist

    key, err := b.accountManager.VerifyAccountPassword(config.KeyStoreDir, address, password)
    if _, ok := err.(*account.ErrCannotLocateKeyFile); ok {
        key, err = b.generatePartialAccountKey(db, address, password)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to verify account", "account", address, "error", err)
        return nil, err

    return &account.SelectedExtKey{
        Address:    key.Address,
        AccountKey: key,
    }, nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) generatePartialAccountKey(db *accounts.Database, address string, password string) (*types.Key, error) {
    dbPath, err := db.GetPath(types.HexToAddress(address))
    path := "m/" + dbPath[strings.LastIndex(dbPath, "/")+1:]
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to get path for given account address", "account", address, "error", err)
        return nil, err

    rootAddress, err := db.GetWalletRootAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    info, err := b.accountManager.AccountsGenerator().LoadAccount(rootAddress.Hex(), password)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    masterID := info.ID

    accInfosMap, err := b.accountManager.AccountsGenerator().StoreDerivedAccounts(masterID, password, []string{path})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, key, err := b.accountManager.AddressToDecryptedAccount(accInfosMap[path].Address, password)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return key, nil

// registerHandlers attaches Status callback handlers to running node
func (b *GethStatusBackend) registerHandlers() error {
    var clients []*rpc.Client

    if c := b.StatusNode().RPCClient(); c != nil {
        clients = append(clients, c)
    } else {
        return errors.New("RPC client unavailable")

    for _, client := range clients {
            func(context.Context, uint64, ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
                return b.accountManager.Accounts()

        if b.allowAllRPC {
            // this should only happen in unit-tests, this variable is not available outside this package
        client.RegisterHandler(params.SendTransactionMethodName, unsupportedMethodHandler)
        client.RegisterHandler(params.PersonalSignMethodName, unsupportedMethodHandler)
        client.RegisterHandler(params.PersonalRecoverMethodName, unsupportedMethodHandler)

    return nil

func unsupportedMethodHandler(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, rpcParams ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    return nil, ErrUnsupportedRPCMethod

// ConnectionChange handles network state changes logic.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) ConnectionChange(typ string, expensive bool) {

    state := connection.State{
        Type:      connection.NewType(typ),
        Expensive: expensive,
    if typ == connection.None {
        state.Offline = true

    b.log.Info("Network state change", "old", b.connectionState, "new", state)

    b.connectionState = state

    // logic of handling state changes here
    // restart node? force peers reconnect? etc

// AppStateChange handles app state changes (background/foreground).
// state values: see
func (b *GethStatusBackend) AppStateChange(state string) {
    var messenger *protocol.Messenger
    s, err := parseAppState(state)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("AppStateChange failed, ignoring", "error", err)

    b.appState = s

    if b.statusNode == nil {
        log.Warn("statusNode nil, not reporting app state change")

    if b.statusNode.WakuExtService() != nil {
        messenger = b.statusNode.WakuExtService().Messenger()

    if b.statusNode.WakuV2ExtService() != nil {
        messenger = b.statusNode.WakuV2ExtService().Messenger()

    if messenger == nil {
        log.Warn("messenger nil, not reporting app state change")

    if s == appStateForeground {
    } else {

    // TODO: put node in low-power mode if the app is in background (or inactive)
    // and normal mode if the app is in foreground.

func (b *GethStatusBackend) StopLocalNotifications() error {
    if b.statusNode == nil {
        return nil
    return b.statusNode.StopLocalNotifications()

func (b *GethStatusBackend) StartLocalNotifications() error {
    if b.statusNode == nil {
        return nil
    return b.statusNode.StartLocalNotifications()


// Logout clears whisper identities.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) Logout() error {

    b.log.Debug("logging out")
    err := b.cleanupServices()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = b.closeDBs()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    b.account = nil

    if b.statusNode != nil {
        if err := b.statusNode.Stop(); err != nil {
            return err
        b.statusNode = nil

    if !b.LocalPairingStateManager.IsPairing() {

    // re-initialize the node, at some point we should better manage the lifecycle

    err = b.statusNode.StartMediaServerWithoutDB()
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Error("failed to start media server without app db", "err", err)
        return err
    return nil

// cleanupServices stops parts of services that doesn't managed by a node and removes injected data from services.
func (b *GethStatusBackend) cleanupServices() error {
    b.selectedAccountKeyID = ""
    if b.statusNode == nil {
        return nil
    return b.statusNode.Cleanup()

func (b *GethStatusBackend) closeDBs() error {
    err := b.closeWalletDB()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return b.closeAppDB()

func (b *GethStatusBackend) closeAppDB() error {
    if b.appDB != nil {
        err := b.appDB.Close()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        b.appDB = nil
        return nil
    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) closeWalletDB() error {
    if b.walletDB != nil {
        err := b.walletDB.Close()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        b.walletDB = nil
    return nil

// SelectAccount selects current wallet and chat accounts, by verifying that each address has corresponding account which can be decrypted
// using provided password. Once verification is done, the decrypted chat key is injected into Whisper (as a single identity,
// all previous identities are removed).
func (b *GethStatusBackend) SelectAccount(loginParams account.LoginParams) error {


    err := b.accountManager.SelectAccount(loginParams)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if loginParams.MultiAccount != nil {
        b.account = loginParams.MultiAccount

    if err := b.injectAccountsIntoServices(); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) GetActiveAccount() (*multiaccounts.Account, error) {
    if b.account == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("master key account is nil in the GethStatusBackend")

    return b.account, nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) LocalPairingStarted() error {
    if b.account == nil {
        return errors.New("master key account is nil in the GethStatusBackend")

    accountDB, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return accountDB.MnemonicWasShown()

func (b *GethStatusBackend) injectAccountsIntoWakuService(w types.WakuKeyManager, st *ext.Service) error {
    chatAccount, err := b.accountManager.SelectedChatAccount()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    identity := chatAccount.AccountKey.PrivateKey

    acc, err := b.GetActiveAccount()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if err := w.DeleteKeyPairs(); err != nil { // err is not possible; method return value is incorrect
        return err
    b.selectedAccountKeyID, err = w.AddKeyPair(identity)
    if err != nil {
        return ErrWakuIdentityInjectionFailure

    if st != nil {
        if err := st.InitProtocol(b.statusNode.GethNode().Config().Name, identity, b.appDB, b.walletDB, b.statusNode.HTTPServer(), b.multiaccountsDB, acc, b.accountManager, b.statusNode.RPCClient(), b.statusNode.WalletService(), b.statusNode.CommunityTokensService(), b.statusNode.WakuV2Service(), logutils.ZapLogger()); err != nil {
            return err
        // Set initial connection state

        messenger := st.Messenger()
        // Init public status api
        // Init chat service
        accDB, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) injectAccountsIntoServices() error {
    if b.statusNode.WakuService() != nil {
        return b.injectAccountsIntoWakuService(b.statusNode.WakuService(), func() *ext.Service {
            if b.statusNode.WakuExtService() == nil {
                return nil
            return b.statusNode.WakuExtService().Service

    if b.statusNode.WakuV2Service() != nil {
        return b.injectAccountsIntoWakuService(b.statusNode.WakuV2Service(), func() *ext.Service {
            if b.statusNode.WakuV2ExtService() == nil {
                return nil
            return b.statusNode.WakuV2ExtService().Service

    return nil

// ExtractGroupMembershipSignatures extract signatures from tuples of content/signature
func (b *GethStatusBackend) ExtractGroupMembershipSignatures(signaturePairs [][2]string) ([]string, error) {
    return crypto.ExtractSignatures(signaturePairs)

// SignGroupMembership signs a piece of data containing membership information
func (b *GethStatusBackend) SignGroupMembership(content string) (string, error) {
    selectedChatAccount, err := b.accountManager.SelectedChatAccount()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return crypto.SignStringAsHex(content, selectedChatAccount.AccountKey.PrivateKey)

func (b *GethStatusBackend) Messenger() *protocol.Messenger {
    node := b.StatusNode()
    if node != nil {
        accountService := node.AccountService()
        if accountService != nil {
            return accountService.GetMessenger()
    return nil

// SignHash exposes vanilla ECDSA signing for signing a message for Swarm
func (b *GethStatusBackend) SignHash(hexEncodedHash string) (string, error) {
    hash, err := hexutil.Decode(hexEncodedHash)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("SignHash: could not unmarshal the input: %v", err)

    chatAccount, err := b.accountManager.SelectedChatAccount()
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("SignHash: could not select account: %v", err.Error())

    signature, err := ethcrypto.Sign(hash, chatAccount.AccountKey.PrivateKey)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("SignHash: could not sign the hash: %v", err)

    hexEncodedSignature := types.EncodeHex(signature)
    return hexEncodedSignature, nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) SwitchFleet(fleet string, conf *params.NodeConfig) error {
    if b.appDB == nil {
        return ErrDBNotAvailable

    accountDB, err := accounts.NewDB(b.appDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = accountDB.SaveSetting("fleet", fleet)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = nodecfg.SaveNodeConfig(b.appDB, conf)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) getAppDBPath(keyUID string) (string, error) {
    if len(b.rootDataDir) == 0 {
        return "", errors.New("root datadir wasn't provided")

    return filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-v4.db", keyUID)), nil

func (b *GethStatusBackend) getWalletDBPath(keyUID string) (string, error) {
    if len(b.rootDataDir) == 0 {
        return "", errors.New("root datadir wasn't provided")

    return filepath.Join(b.rootDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-wallet.db", keyUID)), nil