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Test Coverage
package appdatabase

import (


    migrationsprevnodecfg ""
    w_common ""

    e_types ""

const nodeCfgMigrationDate = 1640111208

var customSteps = []*sqlite.PostStep{
    {Version: 1674136690, CustomMigration: migrateEnsUsernames},
    {Version: 1686048341, CustomMigration: migrateWalletJSONBlobs, RollBackVersion: 1686041510},
    {Version: 1687193315, CustomMigration: migrateWalletTransferFromToAddresses, RollBackVersion: 1686825075},

var CurrentAppDBKeyUID string

type DbInitializer struct {

func (a DbInitializer) Initialize(path, password string, kdfIterationsNumber int) (*sql.DB, error) {
    return InitializeDB(path, password, kdfIterationsNumber)

func doMigration(db *sql.DB) error {
    lastMigration, migrationTableExists, err := sqlite.GetLastMigrationVersion(db)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !migrationTableExists || (lastMigration > 0 && lastMigration < nodeCfgMigrationDate) {
        // If it's the first time migration's being run, or latest migration happened before migrating the nodecfg table
        err = migrationsprevnodecfg.Migrate(db)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // NodeConfig migration cannot be done with SQL
        err = nodecfg.MigrateNodeConfig(db)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    postSteps := []*sqlite.PostStep{
        {Version: 1662365868, CustomMigration: FixMissingKeyUIDForAccounts},
    postSteps = append(postSteps, customSteps...)
    // Run all the new migrations
    err = migrations.Migrate(db, postSteps)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// InitializeDB creates db file at a given path and applies migrations.
func InitializeDB(path, password string, kdfIterationsNumber int) (*sql.DB, error) {
    db, err := sqlite.OpenDB(path, password, kdfIterationsNumber)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = doMigration(db)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return db, nil

func FixMissingKeyUIDForAccounts(sqlTx *sql.Tx) error {
    rows, err := sqlTx.Query(`SELECT address,pubkey FROM accounts WHERE pubkey IS NOT NULL AND type != '' AND type != 'generated'`)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Migrating accounts: failed to query accounts", "err", err.Error())
        return err
    defer rows.Close()
    for rows.Next() {
        var address e_types.Address
        var pubkey e_types.HexBytes
        err = rows.Scan(&address, &pubkey)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Migrating accounts: failed to scan records", "err", err.Error())
            return err
        pk, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(pubkey)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Migrating accounts: failed to unmarshal pubkey", "err", err.Error(), "pubkey", string(pubkey))
            return err
        pkBytes := sha256.Sum256(crypto.FromECDSAPub(pk))
        keyUIDHex := hexutil.Encode(pkBytes[:])
        _, err = sqlTx.Exec(`UPDATE accounts SET key_uid = ? WHERE address = ?`, keyUIDHex, address)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Migrating accounts: failed to update key_uid for imported accounts", "err", err.Error())
            return err

    var walletRootAddress e_types.Address
    err = sqlTx.QueryRow(`SELECT wallet_root_address FROM settings WHERE synthetic_id='id'`).Scan(&walletRootAddress)
    if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
        // we shouldn't reach here, but if we do, it probably happened from the test
        log.Warn("Migrating accounts: no wallet_root_address found in settings")
        return nil
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Migrating accounts: failed to get wallet_root_address", "err", err.Error())
        return err
    _, err = sqlTx.Exec(`UPDATE accounts SET key_uid = ?, derived_from = ? WHERE type = '' OR type = 'generated'`, CurrentAppDBKeyUID, walletRootAddress.Hex())
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Migrating accounts: failed to update key_uid/derived_from", "err", err.Error())
        return err
    return nil

func migrateEnsUsernames(sqlTx *sql.Tx) error {

    // 1. Check if ens_usernames table already exist

    // row := sqlTx.QueryRow("SELECT exists(SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='ens_usernames')")
    // tableExists := false
    // err := row.Scan(&tableExists)

    // if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
    //     return err
    // }

    // if tableExists {
    //     return nil
    // }

    // -- 1. Create new ens_usernames table

    // _, err = sqlTx.Exec(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ens_usernames (
    //     "username" TEXT NOT NULL,
    //     "chain_id" UNSIGNED BIGINT DEFAULT 1);`)

    // if err != nil {
    //     log.Error("Migrating ens usernames: failed to create table", "err", err.Error())
    //     return err
    // }

    // -- 2. Move current `settings.usernames` to the new table
        INSERT INTO ens_usernames (username)
            SELECT json_each.value FROM settings, json_each(usernames);

    rows, err := sqlTx.Query(`SELECT usernames FROM settings`)

    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Migrating ens usernames: failed to query 'settings.usernames'", "err", err.Error())
        return err

    defer rows.Close()

    var usernames []string

    for rows.Next() {
        var usernamesJSON sql.NullString
        err := rows.Scan(&usernamesJSON)

        if err != nil {
            return err

        if !usernamesJSON.Valid {

        var list []string
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(usernamesJSON.String), &list)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        usernames = append(usernames, list...)

    defaultChainID := 1

    for _, username := range usernames {

        var usernameAlreadyMigrated bool

        row := sqlTx.QueryRow(`SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ens_usernames WHERE username=? AND chain_id=?)`, username, defaultChainID)
        err := row.Scan(&usernameAlreadyMigrated)

        if err != nil {
            return err

        if usernameAlreadyMigrated {

        _, err = sqlTx.Exec(`INSERT INTO ens_usernames (username, chain_id) VALUES (?, ?)`, username, defaultChainID)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Migrating ens usernames: failed to insert username into new database", "ensUsername", username, "err", err.Error())

    return nil

func MigrateV3ToV4(v3Path string, v4Path string, password string, kdfIterationsNumber int, onStart func(), onEnd func()) error {
    return sqlite.MigrateV3ToV4(v3Path, v4Path, password, kdfIterationsNumber, onStart, onEnd)

const (
    batchSize = 1000

func migrateWalletJSONBlobs(sqlTx *sql.Tx) error {
    var batchEntries [][]interface{}

    // Extract useful information from the receipt blob and store it as sql interpretable
    // Added tx_hash because the hash column in the transfers table is not (always) the transaction hash.
    // Each entry in that table could either be: A native token (ETH) transfer or ERC20/ERC721 token transfer
    // Added block_hash because the block_hash we have is generated by us and used as block entry ID
    // Added receipt_type, the type we have only indicates if chain or token
    // Added log_index that the log data represents
    // Dropped storing postState because it was replaced by the status after EIP 658
    // Dropped duplicating logs until we have a more structured way to store them.
    // They can be extracted from the transfers.receipt still
    // Dropped the bloom filter because in SQLite is not possible to use it in an
    // efficient manner
    // Extract useful information from the tx blob
    // Added tx_type, which might be different than the receipt type
    // Dropped access_list, need a separate table for it
    // Already there chain_id
    // Dropped v, r, s because I see no way to be useful as BLOBs
    // Added BIGINT values as clamped 64 INT because we can't use 128 bits blobs/strings for int arithmetics
    // _clamped64 prefix indicate clamped 64 bits INT values might be useful for queries (sorting, filtering ...)
    // The amount is stored as a fixed length 128 bit hex string, in
    // order to be able to sort and filter by it
    newColumnsAndIndexSetup := `
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN status INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN receipt_type INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_hash BLOB;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN log_index INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN block_hash BLOB;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN cumulative_gas_used INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN contract_address TEXT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_used INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_index INT;

        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_type INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN protected BOOLEAN;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_limit UNSIGNED INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_price_clamped64 INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_tip_cap_clamped64 INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_fee_cap_clamped64 INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN amount_padded128hex CHAR(32);
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN account_nonce INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN size INT;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN token_address BLOB;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN token_id BLOB;

        CREATE INDEX idx_transfers_filter ON transfers (status, token_address, token_id);`

    rowIndex := 0
    mightHaveRows := true

    _, err := sqlTx.Exec(newColumnsAndIndexSetup)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for mightHaveRows {
        var chainID uint64
        var hash common.Hash
        var address common.Address
        var entryType string

        rows, err := sqlTx.Query(`SELECT hash, address, network_id, tx, receipt, log, type FROM transfers WHERE tx IS NOT NULL OR receipt IS NOT NULL LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`, batchSize, rowIndex)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        curProcessed := 0
        for rows.Next() {
            tx := &types.Transaction{}
            r := &types.Receipt{}
            l := &types.Log{}

            // Scan row data into the transaction and receipt objects
            nullableTx := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: tx}
            nullableR := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: r}
            nullableL := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: l}
            err = rows.Scan(&hash, &address, &chainID, &nullableTx, &nullableR, &nullableL, &entryType)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            var logIndex *uint
            if nullableL.Valid {
                logIndex = new(uint)
                *logIndex = l.Index

            var currentRow []interface{}

            // Check if the receipt is not null before transferring the receipt data
            if nullableR.Valid {
                currentRow = append(currentRow, r.Status, r.Type, r.TxHash, logIndex, r.BlockHash, r.CumulativeGasUsed, r.ContractAddress, r.GasUsed, r.TransactionIndex)
            } else {
                for i := 0; i < 9; i++ {
                    currentRow = append(currentRow, nil)

            if nullableTx.Valid {
                correctType, tokenID, value, tokenAddress := extractToken(entryType, tx, l, nullableL.Valid)

                gasPrice := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(tx.GasPrice())
                gasTipCap := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(tx.GasTipCap())
                gasFeeCap := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(tx.GasFeeCap())
                valueStr := sqlite.BigIntToPadded128BitsStr(value)

                currentRow = append(currentRow, tx.Type(), tx.Protected(), tx.Gas(), gasPrice, gasTipCap, gasFeeCap, valueStr, tx.Nonce(), int64(tx.Size()), tokenAddress, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(tokenID), correctType)
            } else {
                for i := 0; i < 11; i++ {
                    currentRow = append(currentRow, nil)
                currentRow = append(currentRow, w_common.EthTransfer)
            currentRow = append(currentRow, hash, address, chainID)
            batchEntries = append(batchEntries, currentRow)

        rowIndex += curProcessed

        // Check if there was an error in the last rows.Next()
        if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
            return err
        mightHaveRows = (curProcessed == batchSize)

        // insert extracted data into the new columns
        if len(batchEntries) > 0 {
            var stmt *sql.Stmt
            stmt, err = sqlTx.Prepare(`UPDATE transfers SET status = ?, receipt_type = ?, tx_hash = ?, log_index = ?, block_hash = ?, cumulative_gas_used = ?, contract_address = ?, gas_used = ?, tx_index = ?,
                tx_type = ?, protected = ?, gas_limit = ?, gas_price_clamped64 = ?, gas_tip_cap_clamped64 = ?, gas_fee_cap_clamped64 = ?, amount_padded128hex = ?, account_nonce = ?, size = ?, token_address = ?, token_id = ?, type = ?
                WHERE hash = ? AND address = ? AND network_id = ?`)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            for _, dataEntry := range batchEntries {
                _, err = stmt.Exec(dataEntry...)
                if err != nil {
                    return err

            // Reset placeHolders and batchEntries for the next batch
            batchEntries = [][]interface{}{}

    return nil

func extractToken(entryType string, tx *types.Transaction, l *types.Log, logValid bool) (correctType w_common.Type, tokenID *big.Int, value *big.Int, tokenAddress *common.Address) {
    if logValid {
        correctType, tokenAddress, _, _ = w_common.ExtractTokenTransferData(w_common.Type(entryType), l, tx)
        _, _, _, tokenIDs, values, _ := w_common.ParseTransferLog(*l)
        if len(tokenIDs) > 0 {
            tokenID = tokenIDs[0]
        if len(values) > 0 {
            value = values[0]
    } else {
        correctType = w_common.Type(entryType)
        value = new(big.Int).Set(tx.Value())

func migrateWalletTransferFromToAddresses(sqlTx *sql.Tx) error {
    var batchEntries [][]interface{}

    // Extract transfer from/to addresses and add the information into the new columns
    // Re-extract token address and insert it as blob instead of string
    newColumnsAndIndexSetup := `
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_from_address BLOB;
        ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_to_address BLOB;`

    rowIndex := 0
    mightHaveRows := true

    _, err := sqlTx.Exec(newColumnsAndIndexSetup)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for mightHaveRows {
        var chainID uint64
        var hash common.Hash
        var address common.Address
        var sender common.Address
        var entryType string

        rows, err := sqlTx.Query(`SELECT hash, address, sender, network_id, tx, log, type FROM transfers WHERE tx IS NOT NULL OR receipt IS NOT NULL LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`, batchSize, rowIndex)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        curProcessed := 0
        for rows.Next() {
            tx := &types.Transaction{}
            l := &types.Log{}

            // Scan row data into the transaction and receipt objects
            nullableTx := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: tx}
            nullableL := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: l}
            err = rows.Scan(&hash, &address, &sender, &chainID, &nullableTx, &nullableL, &entryType)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            var currentRow []interface{}

            var tokenAddress *common.Address
            var txFrom *common.Address
            var txTo *common.Address

            if nullableTx.Valid {
                if nullableL.Valid {
                    _, tokenAddress, txFrom, txTo = w_common.ExtractTokenTransferData(w_common.Type(entryType), l, tx)
                } else {
                    txFrom = &sender
                    txTo = tx.To()

            currentRow = append(currentRow, tokenAddress, txFrom, txTo)

            currentRow = append(currentRow, hash, address, chainID)
            batchEntries = append(batchEntries, currentRow)

        rowIndex += curProcessed

        // Check if there was an error in the last rows.Next()
        if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
            return err
        mightHaveRows = (curProcessed == batchSize)

        // insert extracted data into the new columns
        if len(batchEntries) > 0 {
            var stmt *sql.Stmt
            stmt, err = sqlTx.Prepare(`UPDATE transfers SET token_address = ?, tx_from_address = ?, tx_to_address = ?
                WHERE hash = ? AND address = ? AND network_id = ?`)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            for _, dataEntry := range batchEntries {
                _, err = stmt.Exec(dataEntry...)
                if err != nil {
                    return err

            // Reset placeHolders and batchEntries for the next batch
            batchEntries = [][]interface{}{}

    return nil