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package types

import (


type KeyStore interface {
    // ImportAccount imports the account specified with privateKey.
    ImportECDSA(priv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, passphrase string) (Account, error)
    // ImportSingleExtendedKey imports an extended key setting it in both the PrivateKey and ExtendedKey fields
    // of the Key struct.
    // ImportExtendedKey is used in older version of Status where PrivateKey is set to be the BIP44 key at index 0,
    // and ExtendedKey is the extended key of the BIP44 key at index 1.
    ImportSingleExtendedKey(extKey *extkeys.ExtendedKey, passphrase string) (Account, error)
    // ImportExtendedKeyForPurpose stores ECDSA key (obtained from extended key) along with CKD#2 (root for sub-accounts)
    // If key file is not found, it is created. Key is encrypted with the given passphrase.
    // Deprecated: status-go is now using ImportSingleExtendedKey
    ImportExtendedKeyForPurpose(keyPurpose extkeys.KeyPurpose, extKey *extkeys.ExtendedKey, passphrase string) (Account, error)
    // AccountDecryptedKey returns decrypted key for account (provided that password is correct).
    AccountDecryptedKey(a Account, auth string) (Account, *Key, error)
    // Delete deletes the key matched by account if the passphrase is correct.
    // If the account contains no filename, the address must match a unique key.
    Delete(a Account) error