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package types

import (

// Whisper represents a dark communication interface through the Ethereum
// network, using its very own P2P communication layer.
type Whisper interface {
    PublicWhisperAPI() PublicWhisperAPI

    // MinPow returns the PoW value required by this node.
    MinPow() float64
    // BloomFilter returns the aggregated bloom filter for all the topics of interest.
    // The nodes are required to send only messages that match the advertised bloom filter.
    // If a message does not match the bloom, it will tantamount to spam, and the peer will
    // be disconnected.
    BloomFilter() []byte
    // SetTimeSource assigns a particular source of time to a whisper object.
    SetTimeSource(timesource func() time.Time)
    // GetCurrentTime returns current time.
    GetCurrentTime() time.Time
    MaxMessageSize() uint32

    // GetPrivateKey retrieves the private key of the specified identity.
    GetPrivateKey(id string) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)

    SubscribeEnvelopeEvents(events chan<- EnvelopeEvent) Subscription

    // AddKeyPair imports a asymmetric private key and returns a deterministic identifier.
    AddKeyPair(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) (string, error)
    // DeleteKeyPair deletes the key with the specified ID if it exists.
    DeleteKeyPair(keyID string) bool
    // DeleteKeyPairs removes all cryptographic identities known to the node
    DeleteKeyPairs() error
    AddSymKeyDirect(key []byte) (string, error)
    AddSymKeyFromPassword(password string) (string, error)
    DeleteSymKey(id string) bool
    GetSymKey(id string) ([]byte, error)

    Subscribe(opts *SubscriptionOptions) (string, error)
    GetFilter(id string) Filter
    Unsubscribe(id string) error
    UnsubscribeMany(ids []string) error

    // RequestHistoricMessages sends a message with p2pRequestCode to a specific peer,
    // which is known to implement MailServer interface, and is supposed to process this
    // request and respond with a number of peer-to-peer messages (possibly expired),
    // which are not supposed to be forwarded any further.
    // The whisper protocol is agnostic of the format and contents of envelope.
    // A timeout of 0 never expires.
    RequestHistoricMessagesWithTimeout(peerID []byte, envelope Envelope, timeout time.Duration) error
    // SendMessagesRequest sends a MessagesRequest. This is an equivalent to RequestHistoricMessages
    // in terms of the functionality.
    SendMessagesRequest(peerID []byte, request MessagesRequest) error
    // SyncMessages can be sent between two Mail Servers and syncs envelopes between them.
    SyncMessages(peerID []byte, req SyncMailRequest) error