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Test Coverage
package exchanges

|   Code generated by exchanges   |
|          DO NOT EDIT            |

import (


type Exchange struct {
    code      string
    name      string
    symbol    string
    logo      string
    addresses []common.Address

func (e *Exchange) Code() string { return e.code }

func (e *Exchange) Name() string { return }

func (e *Exchange) Symbol() string { return e.symbol }

func (e *Exchange) Logo() string { return e.logo }

func (e *Exchange) Addresses() []common.Address { return e.addresses }

// Get returns an exchange struct if the provided
// code is contained within the valid codes. Otherwise
// an error will be returned
func GetCentralizedExchangeWithCode(code string) (*Exchange, error) {
    if Valid(code) {
        val, ok := centralizedExchangesByCode[code]
        if ok {
            return val, nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("exchange: could not find exchange with code: %q", code)

// Get returns an exchange struct which owns the given
// address. If the address does not belong to any exchange,
// nil will be returned
func GetCentralizedExchangeWithAddress(address common.Address) (*Exchange) {
    return centralizedExchangesByAddress[address.String()]

// Valid checks if a provided code is contained
// inside the provided ValidCodes slice
func Valid(code string) bool {
    for _, c := range ValidCodes {
        if c == code {
            return true
    return false

// Following are all the structs containing exchange data
var (
    {{ range $k, $v := . -}}
        // {{$v.Code}} Exchange struct
        {{toVariableName $v.Code}} = Exchange{ code: "{{$v.Code}}", name: "{{$v.Name}}", symbol: "{{$v.Symbol}}", logo: "{{$v.Logo}}", addresses: []common.Address{ {{addressesJoin $v.Addresses}} } }
    {{ end }}

var centralizedExchangesByCode = map[string]*Exchange{
    {{ range $k, $v := . -}}
        "{{$v.Code}}": &{{toVariableName $v.Code}},
    {{ end }}

var centralizedExchangesByAddress = map[string]*Exchange{
    {{ range $k, $v := . -}}
        {{ range $i, $a := $v.Addresses}}
            "{{$a}}": &{{toVariableName $v.Code}},
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

var ValidCodes = []string{
    {{ range $k, $v := . -}}
    {{ end }}