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package multiaccounts

import (


type ColorHash [][2]int

// Account stores public information about account.
type Account struct {
    Name                    string                    `json:"name"`
    Timestamp               int64                     `json:"timestamp"`
    Identicon               string                    `json:"identicon"`
    ColorHash               ColorHash                 `json:"colorHash"`
    ColorID                 int64                     `json:"colorId"`
    CustomizationColor      common.CustomizationColor `json:"customizationColor,omitempty"`
    KeycardPairing          string                    `json:"keycard-pairing"`
    KeyUID                  string                    `json:"key-uid"`
    Images                  []images.IdentityImage    `json:"images"`
    KDFIterations           int                       `json:"kdfIterations,omitempty"`
    CustomizationColorClock uint64                    `json:"-"`

func (a *Account) RefersToKeycard() bool {
    return a.KeycardPairing != ""

func (a *Account) ToProtobuf() *protobuf.MultiAccount {
    var colorHashes []*protobuf.MultiAccount_ColorHash
    for _, index := range a.ColorHash {
        var i []int64
        for _, is := range index {
            i = append(i, int64(is))

        colorHashes = append(colorHashes, &protobuf.MultiAccount_ColorHash{Index: i})

    var identityImages []*protobuf.MultiAccount_IdentityImage
    for _, ii := range a.Images {
        identityImages = append(identityImages, ii.ToProtobuf())

    return &protobuf.MultiAccount{
        Name:                    a.Name,
        Timestamp:               a.Timestamp,
        Identicon:               a.Identicon,
        ColorHash:               colorHashes,
        ColorId:                 a.ColorID,
        CustomizationColor:      string(a.CustomizationColor),
        KeycardPairing:          a.KeycardPairing,
        KeyUid:                  a.KeyUID,
        Images:                  identityImages,
        CustomizationColorClock: a.CustomizationColorClock,

func (a *Account) FromProtobuf(ma *protobuf.MultiAccount) {
    var colorHash ColorHash
    for _, index := range ma.ColorHash {
        var i [2]int
        for n, is := range index.Index {
            i[n] = int(is)

        colorHash = append(colorHash, i)

    var identityImages []images.IdentityImage
    for _, ii := range ma.Images {
        iii := images.IdentityImage{}
        identityImages = append(identityImages, iii)

    a.Name = ma.Name
    a.Timestamp = ma.Timestamp
    a.Identicon = ma.Identicon
    a.ColorHash = colorHash
    a.ColorID = ma.ColorId
    a.KeycardPairing = ma.KeycardPairing
    a.CustomizationColor = common.CustomizationColor(ma.CustomizationColor)
    a.KeyUID = ma.KeyUid
    a.Images = identityImages
    a.CustomizationColorClock = ma.CustomizationColorClock

func (a *Account) GetCustomizationColor() common.CustomizationColor {
    if len(a.CustomizationColor) == 0 {
        return common.CustomizationColorBlue
    return a.CustomizationColor

func (a *Account) GetCustomizationColorID() uint32 {
    return common.ColorToIDFallbackToBlue(a.GetCustomizationColor())

type MultiAccountMarshaller interface {
    ToMultiAccount() *Account

type IdentityImageSubscriptionChange struct {
    PublishExpected bool

type Database struct {
    db                         *sql.DB
    identityImageSubscriptions []chan *IdentityImageSubscriptionChange

// InitializeDB creates db file at a given path and applies migrations.
func InitializeDB(path string) (*Database, error) {
    db, err := sqlite.OpenUnecryptedDB(path)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    err = migrations.Migrate(db, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &Database{db: db}, nil

func (db *Database) Close() error {
    return db.db.Close()

func (db *Database) GetAccountKDFIterationsNumber(keyUID string) (kdfIterationsNumber int, err error) {
    err = db.db.QueryRow("SELECT  kdfIterations FROM accounts WHERE keyUid = ?", keyUID).Scan(&kdfIterationsNumber)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, err

func (db *Database) GetAccounts() (rst []Account, err error) {
    rows, err := db.db.Query("SELECT, a.loginTimestamp, a.identicon, a.colorHash, a.colorId, a.customizationColor, a.customizationColorClock, a.keycardPairing, a.keyUid, a.kdfIterations,, ii.image_payload, ii.width, ii.height, ii.file_size, ii.resize_target, ii.clock FROM accounts AS a LEFT JOIN identity_images AS ii ON ii.key_uid = a.keyUid ORDER BY loginTimestamp DESC")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer func() {
        errClose := rows.Close()
        err = valueOr(err, errClose)

    for rows.Next() {
        acc := Account{}
        accLoginTimestamp := sql.NullInt64{}
        accIdenticon := sql.NullString{}
        accColorHash := sql.NullString{}
        accColorID := sql.NullInt64{}
        ii := &images.IdentityImage{}
        iiName := sql.NullString{}
        iiWidth := sql.NullInt64{}
        iiHeight := sql.NullInt64{}
        iiFileSize := sql.NullInt64{}
        iiResizeTarget := sql.NullInt64{}
        iiClock := sql.NullInt64{}

        err = rows.Scan(
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        acc.Timestamp = accLoginTimestamp.Int64
        acc.Identicon = accIdenticon.String
        acc.ColorID = accColorID.Int64
        if len(accColorHash.String) != 0 {
            err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(accColorHash.String), &acc.ColorHash)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        ii.KeyUID = acc.KeyUID
        ii.Name = iiName.String
        ii.Width = int(iiWidth.Int64)
        ii.Height = int(iiHeight.Int64)
        ii.FileSize = int(iiFileSize.Int64)
        ii.ResizeTarget = int(iiResizeTarget.Int64)
        ii.Clock = uint64(iiClock.Int64)

        if ii.Name == "" && len(ii.Payload) == 0 && ii.Width == 0 && ii.Height == 0 && ii.FileSize == 0 && ii.ResizeTarget == 0 {
            ii = nil

        // Last index
        li := len(rst) - 1

        // Don't process nil identity images
        if ii != nil {
            // attach the identity image to a previously created account if present, check keyUID matches
            if len(rst) > 0 && rst[li].KeyUID == acc.KeyUID {
                rst[li].Images = append(rst[li].Images, *ii)
                // else attach the identity image to the newly created account
            } else {
                acc.Images = append(acc.Images, *ii)

        // Append newly created account only if this is the first loop or the keyUID doesn't match
        if len(rst) == 0 || rst[li].KeyUID != acc.KeyUID {
            rst = append(rst, acc)

    return rst, nil

func (db *Database) GetAccount(keyUID string) (*Account, error) {
    rows, err := db.db.Query("SELECT, a.loginTimestamp, a.identicon, a.colorHash, a.colorId, a.customizationColor, a.customizationColorClock, a.keycardPairing, a.keyUid, a.kdfIterations, ii.key_uid,, ii.image_payload, ii.width, ii.height, ii.file_size, ii.resize_target, ii.clock FROM accounts AS a LEFT JOIN identity_images AS ii ON ii.key_uid = a.keyUid WHERE a.keyUid = ? ORDER BY loginTimestamp DESC", keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer func() {
        errClose := rows.Close()
        err = valueOr(err, errClose)

    acc := new(Account)

    for rows.Next() {
        accLoginTimestamp := sql.NullInt64{}
        accIdenticon := sql.NullString{}
        accColorHash := sql.NullString{}
        accColorID := sql.NullInt64{}
        ii := &images.IdentityImage{}
        iiKeyUID := sql.NullString{}
        iiName := sql.NullString{}
        iiWidth := sql.NullInt64{}
        iiHeight := sql.NullInt64{}
        iiFileSize := sql.NullInt64{}
        iiResizeTarget := sql.NullInt64{}
        iiClock := sql.NullInt64{}

        err = rows.Scan(
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        acc.Timestamp = accLoginTimestamp.Int64
        acc.Identicon = accIdenticon.String
        acc.ColorID = accColorID.Int64
        if len(accColorHash.String) != 0 {
            err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(accColorHash.String), &acc.ColorHash)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        ii.KeyUID = iiKeyUID.String
        ii.Name = iiName.String
        ii.Width = int(iiWidth.Int64)
        ii.Height = int(iiHeight.Int64)
        ii.FileSize = int(iiFileSize.Int64)
        ii.ResizeTarget = int(iiResizeTarget.Int64)
        ii.Clock = uint64(iiClock.Int64)

        // Don't process empty identity images
        if !ii.IsEmpty() {
            acc.Images = append(acc.Images, *ii)

    return acc, nil

func (db *Database) SaveAccount(account Account) error {
    colorHash, err := json.Marshal(account.ColorHash)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if account.KDFIterations <= 0 {
        account.KDFIterations = dbsetup.ReducedKDFIterationsNumber

    _, err = db.db.Exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO accounts (name, identicon, colorHash, colorId, customizationColor, customizationColorClock, keycardPairing, keyUid, kdfIterations, loginTimestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", account.Name, account.Identicon, colorHash, account.ColorID, account.CustomizationColor, account.CustomizationColorClock, account.KeycardPairing, account.KeyUID, account.KDFIterations, account.Timestamp)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if account.Images == nil {
        return nil

    return db.StoreIdentityImages(account.KeyUID, account.Images, false)

func (db *Database) UpdateDisplayName(keyUID string, displayName string) error {
    _, err := db.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET name = ? WHERE keyUid = ?", displayName, keyUID)
    return err

func (db *Database) UpdateAccount(account Account) error {
    colorHash, err := json.Marshal(account.ColorHash)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if account.KDFIterations <= 0 {
        account.KDFIterations = dbsetup.ReducedKDFIterationsNumber

    _, err = db.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET name = ?, identicon = ?, colorHash = ?, colorId = ?, customizationColor = ?, customizationColorClock = ?, keycardPairing = ?, kdfIterations = ? WHERE keyUid = ?", account.Name, account.Identicon, colorHash, account.ColorID, account.CustomizationColor, account.CustomizationColorClock, account.KeycardPairing, account.KDFIterations, account.KeyUID)
    return err

func (db *Database) UpdateAccountKeycardPairing(keyUID string, keycardPairing string) error {
    _, err := db.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET keycardPairing = ? WHERE keyUid = ?", keycardPairing, keyUID)
    return err

func (db *Database) UpdateAccountTimestamp(keyUID string, loginTimestamp int64) error {
    _, err := db.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET loginTimestamp = ? WHERE keyUid = ?", loginTimestamp, keyUID)
    return err

func (db *Database) UpdateAccountCustomizationColor(keyUID string, color string, clock uint64) (int64, error) {
    result, err := db.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET customizationColor = ?, customizationColorClock = ? WHERE keyUid = ? AND customizationColorClock < ?", color, clock, keyUID, clock)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return result.RowsAffected()

func (db *Database) DeleteAccount(keyUID string) error {
    _, err := db.db.Exec("DELETE FROM accounts WHERE keyUid = ?", keyUID)
    return err

// Account images
func (db *Database) GetIdentityImages(keyUID string) (iis []*images.IdentityImage, err error) {
    rows, err := db.db.Query(`SELECT key_uid, name, image_payload, width, height, file_size, resize_target, clock FROM identity_images WHERE key_uid = ?`, keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer func() {
        errClose := rows.Close()
        err = valueOr(err, errClose)

    for rows.Next() {
        ii := &images.IdentityImage{}
        err = rows.Scan(&ii.KeyUID, &ii.Name, &ii.Payload, &ii.Width, &ii.Height, &ii.FileSize, &ii.ResizeTarget, &ii.Clock)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        iis = append(iis, ii)

    return iis, nil

func (db *Database) GetIdentityImage(keyUID, it string) (*images.IdentityImage, error) {
    var ii images.IdentityImage
    err := db.db.QueryRow("SELECT key_uid, name, image_payload, width, height, file_size, resize_target, clock FROM identity_images WHERE key_uid = ? AND name = ?", keyUID, it).Scan(&ii.KeyUID, &ii.Name, &ii.Payload, &ii.Width, &ii.Height, &ii.FileSize, &ii.ResizeTarget, &ii.Clock)
    if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, nil
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &ii, nil

func (db *Database) StoreIdentityImages(keyUID string, iis []images.IdentityImage, publish bool) (err error) {
    // Because SQL INSERTs are triggered in a loop use a tx to ensure a single call to the DB.
    tx, err := db.db.BeginTx(context.Background(), &sql.TxOptions{})
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()

        errRollback := tx.Rollback()
        err = valueOr(err, errRollback)

    for i, ii := range iis {
        if ii.IsEmpty() {
        iis[i].KeyUID = keyUID
        _, err := tx.Exec(
            "INSERT INTO identity_images (key_uid, name, image_payload, width, height, file_size, resize_target, clock) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
        if err != nil {
            return err

        PublishExpected: publish,

    return nil

func (db *Database) SubscribeToIdentityImageChanges() chan *IdentityImageSubscriptionChange {
    s := make(chan *IdentityImageSubscriptionChange, 100)
    db.identityImageSubscriptions = append(db.identityImageSubscriptions, s)
    return s

func (db *Database) publishOnIdentityImageSubscriptions(change *IdentityImageSubscriptionChange) {
    // Publish on channels, drop if buffer is full
    for _, s := range db.identityImageSubscriptions {
        select {
        case s <- change:
            log.Warn("subscription channel full, dropping message")

func (db *Database) DeleteIdentityImage(keyUID string) error {
    _, err := db.db.Exec(`DELETE FROM identity_images WHERE key_uid = ?`, keyUID)

    if err != nil {
        return err

        PublishExpected: true,

    return err

func valueOr(value error, or error) error {
    if value != nil {
        return value
    return or