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package params

import (

    validator ""


    wakucommon ""
    wakuv2common ""

// ----------
// LightEthConfig
// ----------

// LightEthConfig holds LES-related configuration
// Status nodes are always lightweight clients (due to mobile platform constraints)
type LightEthConfig struct {
    // Enabled flag specifies whether protocol is enabled
    Enabled bool

    // DatabaseCache is memory (in MBs) allocated to internal caching (min 16MB / database forced)
    DatabaseCache int

    // TrustedNodes is a list of trusted servers
    TrustedNodes []string

    //MinTrustedFraction is minimum percentage of connected trusted servers to validate header(1-100)
    MinTrustedFraction int

// ----------
// DatabaseConfig
// ----------

type DatabaseConfig struct {
    PGConfig PGConfig

// ----------
// PGConfig
// ----------

type PGConfig struct {
    // Enabled whether we should use a Postgres instance
    Enabled bool
    // The URI of the server
    URI string

// ----------
// WakuConfig
// ----------

// WakuConfig provides a configuration for Waku service.
type WakuConfig struct {
    // Enabled set to true enables Waku subprotocol.
    Enabled bool

    // LightClient should be true if the node should start with an empty bloom filter and not forward messages from other nodes
    LightClient bool

    // FullNode should be true if waku should always acta as a full node
    FullNode bool

    // EnableMailServer is mode when node is capable of delivering expired messages on demand
    EnableMailServer bool

    // DataDir is the file system folder Waku should use for any data storage needs.
    // For instance, MailServer will use this directory to store its data.
    DataDir string

    // MinimumPoW minimum PoW for Waku messages
    // We enforce a minimum as a bland spam prevention mechanism.
    MinimumPoW float64

    // MailServerPassword for symmetric encryption of waku message history requests.
    // (if no account file selected, then this password is used for symmetric encryption).
    MailServerPassword string

    // MailServerRateLimit minimum time between queries to mail server per peer.
    MailServerRateLimit int

    // MailServerDataRetention is a number of days data should be stored by MailServer.
    MailServerDataRetention int

    // TTL time to live for messages, in seconds
    TTL int

    // MaxMessageSize is a maximum size of a devp2p packet handled by the Waku protocol,
    // not only the size of envelopes sent in that packet.
    MaxMessageSize uint32

    // DatabaseConfig is configuration for which data store we use.
    DatabaseConfig DatabaseConfig

    // EnableRateLimiter set to true enables IP and peer ID rate limiting.
    EnableRateLimiter bool

    // PacketRateLimitIP sets the limit on the number of packets per second
    // from a given IP.
    PacketRateLimitIP int64

    // PacketRateLimitPeerID sets the limit on the number of packets per second
    // from a given peer ID.
    PacketRateLimitPeerID int64

    // BytesRateLimitIP sets the limit on the number of bytes per second
    // from a given IP.
    BytesRateLimitIP int64

    // BytesRateLimitPeerID sets the limit on the number of bytes per second
    // from a given peer ID.
    BytesRateLimitPeerID int64

    // RateLimitTolerance is a number of how many a limit must be exceeded
    // in order to drop a peer.
    // If equal to 0, the peers are never dropped.
    RateLimitTolerance int64

    // BloomFilterMode tells us whether we should be sending a bloom
    // filter rather than TopicInterest
    BloomFilterMode bool

    // SoftBlacklistedPeerIDs is a list of peer ids that should be soft-blacklisted (messages should be dropped but connection kept)
    SoftBlacklistedPeerIDs []string

    // EnableConfirmations when true, instructs that confirmation should be sent for received messages
    EnableConfirmations bool

// ----------
// WakuV2Config
// ----------

// WakuConfig provides a configuration for Waku service.
type WakuV2Config struct {
    // Enabled set to true enables Waku subprotocol.
    Enabled bool

    // Host interface in which to start libp2p protocol
    Host string

    // Port number in which to start libp2p protocol (0 for random)
    Port int

    // LightClient should be true if the node will not relay messages and only rely on lightpush/filter nodes
    LightClient bool

    // FullNode should be true if waku should always acta as a full node
    FullNode bool

    // DiscoveryLimit indicates the maximum number of peers to discover
    DiscoveryLimit int

    // DataDir is the file system folder Waku should use for any data storage needs.
    // For instance, MailServer will use this directory to store its data.
    DataDir string

    // MaxMessageSize is a maximum size of a devp2p packet handled by the Waku protocol,
    // not only the size of envelopes sent in that packet.
    MaxMessageSize uint32

    // EnableConfirmations when true, instructs that confirmation should be sent for received messages
    EnableConfirmations bool

    // A name->libp2p_addr map for Wakuv2 custom nodes
    CustomNodes map[string]string

    // PeerExchange determines whether WakuV2 Peer Exchange is enabled or not
    // Deprecated: will be calculated based on LightClient
    PeerExchange bool

    // Nameserver determines which nameserver will be used for dns discovery
    Nameserver string

    // EnableDiscV5 indicates if DiscoveryV5 is enabled or not
    // Deprecated: will be calculated based on LightClient
    EnableDiscV5 bool

    // UDPPort number to start discovery v5
    UDPPort int

    // AutoUpdate instructs the node to update their own ip address and port with the values seen by other nodes
    AutoUpdate bool

    // EnableStore indicates if WakuStore protocol should be enabled or not
    EnableStore bool

    // StoreCapacity indicates the max number of messages to store
    StoreCapacity int

    // StoreSeconds indicates the maximum number of seconds before a message is removed from the store
    StoreSeconds int

    TelemetryServerURL string

    // EnableMissingMessageVerification indicates whether the storenodes must be queried periodically to retrieve any missing message
    EnableMissingMessageVerification bool

    // EnableMissingMessageVerification indicates whether storenodes must be queried periodically to confirm if messages sent are actually propagated in the network
    EnableStoreConfirmationForMessagesSent bool

// ----------
// SwarmConfig
// ----------

// SwarmConfig holds Swarm-related configuration
type SwarmConfig struct {
    // Enabled flag specifies whether protocol is enabled
    Enabled bool

// String dumps config object as nicely indented JSON
func (c *SwarmConfig) String() string {
    data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(c, "", "    ") // nolint: gas
    return string(data)

// ----------
// ClusterConfig
// ----------

// ClusterConfig holds configuration for supporting cluster peers, which is a temporary
// means for mobile devices to get connected to Ethereum network (UDP-based discovery
// may not be available, so we need means to discover the network manually).
type ClusterConfig struct {
    // Enabled flag specifies that nodes in this configuration are taken into account.
    Enabled bool

    // Fleet is a name of a selected fleet. If it has a value, nodes are loaded
    // from a file, namely `fleet-*.{{ .Fleet }}.json`. Nodes can be added to any list
    // in `ClusterConfig`.
    Fleet string

    // StaticNodes is a list of static nodes.
    StaticNodes []string

    // BootNodes is a list of bootnodes.
    // Deprecated: won't be used at all in wakuv2
    BootNodes []string

    // TrustedMailServers is a list of verified and trusted Mail Server nodes.
    TrustedMailServers []string

    // PushNotificationsServers is a list of default push notification servers.
    PushNotificationsServers []string

    // WakuNodes is a list of waku2 multiaddresses
    WakuNodes []string

    // DiscV5Nodes is a list of enr to be used for ambient discovery
    DiscV5BootstrapNodes []string

    //Waku network identifier
    ClusterID uint16

// String dumps config object as nicely indented JSON
func (c *ClusterConfig) String() string {
    data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(c, "", "    ") // nolint: gas
    return string(data)

// Limits represent min and max amount of peers
type Limits struct {
    Min, Max int

// NewLimits creates new Limits config with given min and max values.
func NewLimits(min, max int) Limits {
    return Limits{
        Min: min,
        Max: max,

// ----------
// UpstreamRPCConfig
// ----------

// UpstreamRPCConfig stores configuration for upstream rpc connection.
type UpstreamRPCConfig struct {
    // Enabled flag specifies whether feature is enabled
    Enabled bool

    // URL sets the rpc upstream host address for communication with
    // a non-local infura endpoint.
    URL string

type ProviderConfig struct {
    // Enabled flag specifies whether feature is enabled
    Enabled bool `validate:"required"`

    // To identify provider
    Name string `validate:"required"`

    // URL sets the rpc upstream host address for communication with
    // a non-local infura endpoint.
    User         string `json:",omitempty"`
    Password     string `json:",omitempty"`
    APIKey       string `json:"APIKey,omitempty"`
    APIKeySecret string `json:"APIKeySecret,omitempty"`

// ----------
// NodeConfig
// ----------

// NodeConfig stores configuration options for a node
type NodeConfig struct {
    // NetworkID sets network to use for selecting peers to connect to
    NetworkID uint64 `json:"NetworkId" validate:"required"`

    RootDataDir string `json:",omitempty"`

    // DataDir is the file system folder the node should use for any data storage needs.
    DataDir string `validate:"required"`

    // KeyStoreDir is the file system folder that contains private keys.
    KeyStoreDir string `validate:"required"`

    // KeycardPairingDataFile is the file where we keep keycard pairings data.
    // It's specified by clients (and not in status-go) when creating a new account,
    // because this file is initialized by status-keycard-go and we need to use it before initializing the node.
    // I guess proper way would be to ask status-go for the file path, or just duplicate the file path in both backend and client.
    // note: this field won't be saved into db, it's local to the device.
    KeycardPairingDataFile string

    // NodeKey is the hex-encoded node ID (private key). Should be a valid secp256k1 private key that will be used for both
    // remote peer identification as well as network traffic encryption.
    NodeKey string

    // NoDiscovery set to true will disable discovery protocol.
    // Deprecated: won't be used at all in wakuv2
    NoDiscovery bool

    // ListenAddr is an IP address and port of this node (e.g.
    ListenAddr string

    // AdvertiseAddr is a public IP address the node wants to be found with.
    // It is especially useful when using floating IPs attached to a server.
    // This configuration value is used by rendezvous protocol, and it's optional
    // If no value is specified, it will attempt to determine the node's external
    // IP address. A value can be specified in case the returned address is incorrect
    AdvertiseAddr string

    // Name sets the instance name of the node. It must not contain the / character.
    Name string `validate:"excludes=/"`

    // Version exposes program's version. It is used in the devp2p node identifier.
    Version string

    // APIModules is a comma-separated list of API modules exposed via *any* (HTTP/WS/IPC) RPC interface.
    APIModules string `validate:"required"`

    // HTTPEnabled specifies whether the http RPC server is to be enabled by default.
    HTTPEnabled bool

    // HTTPHost is the host interface on which to start the HTTP RPC server.
    // Pass empty string if no HTTP RPC interface needs to be started.
    HTTPHost string

    // HTTPPort is the TCP port number on which to start the Geth's HTTP RPC server.
    HTTPPort int

    // WSEnabled specifies whether the Websocket RPC server is to be enabled by default.
    WSEnabled bool

    // WSHost is the host interface on which to start Geth's Websocket RPC server.
    WSHost string

    // WSPort is the TCP port number on which to start the Geth's Websocket RPC server.
    WSPort int

    // HTTPVirtualHosts is the list of virtual hostnames which are allowed on incoming requests.
    // This is by default {'localhost'}. Using this prevents attacks like
    // DNS rebinding, which bypasses SOP by simply masquerading as being within the same
    // origin. These attacks do not utilize CORS, since they are not cross-domain.
    // By explicitly checking the Host-header, the server will not allow requests
    // made against the server with a malicious host domain.
    // Requests using an IP address directly are not affected.
    HTTPVirtualHosts []string

    // HTTPCors is the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing header to send to requesting
    // clients. Please be aware that CORS is a browser enforced security, it's fully
    // useless for custom HTTP clients.
    HTTPCors []string

    // IPCEnabled specifies whether IPC-RPC Server is enabled or not
    IPCEnabled bool

    // IPCFile is filename of exposed IPC RPC Server
    IPCFile string

    // TLSEnabled specifies whether TLS support should be enabled on node or not
    // TLS support is only planned in go-ethereum, so we are using our own patch.
    TLSEnabled bool

    // MaxPeers is the maximum number of (global) peers that can be connected.
    // Set to zero, if only static or trusted peers are allowed to connect.
    MaxPeers int

    // MaxPendingPeers is the maximum number of peers that can be pending in the
    // handshake phase, counted separately for inbound and outbound connections.
    MaxPendingPeers int

    log log.Logger

    // LogEnabled enables the logger
    LogEnabled bool `json:"LogEnabled"`

    // LogMobileSystem enables log redirection to android/ios system logger.
    LogMobileSystem bool

    // LogFile is a folder which contains LogFile
    LogDir string

    // LogFile is filename where exposed logs get written to
    LogFile string

    // RuntimeLoglevel defines minimum log level for this session only, not affecting the db-stored node configuration
    RuntimeLogLevel string `validate:"omitempty,eq=ERROR|eq=WARN|eq=INFO|eq=DEBUG|eq=TRACE"`

    // LogLevel defines minimum log level. Valid names are "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", and "TRACE".
    LogLevel string `validate:"eq=ERROR|eq=WARN|eq=INFO|eq=DEBUG|eq=TRACE"`

    // LogMaxBackups defines number of rotated log files that will be stored.
    LogMaxBackups int

    // LogMaxSize in megabytes after current size is reached log file will be rotated.
    LogMaxSize int

    // LogCompressRotated if true all rotated files will be gzipped.
    LogCompressRotated bool

    // LogToStderr defines whether logged info should also be output to os.Stderr
    LogToStderr bool

    // EnableStatusService should be true to enable methods under status namespace.
    EnableStatusService bool

    // UpstreamConfig extra config for providing upstream infura server.
    UpstreamConfig UpstreamRPCConfig `json:"UpstreamConfig"`

    // Initial networks to load
    Networks []Network

    // ClusterConfig extra configuration for supporting cluster peers.
    ClusterConfig ClusterConfig `json:"ClusterConfig," validate:"structonly"`

    // LightEthConfig extra configuration for LES
    LightEthConfig LightEthConfig `json:"LightEthConfig," validate:"structonly"`

    // WakuConfig provides a configuration for Waku subprotocol.
    WakuConfig WakuConfig `json:"WakuConfig" validate:"structonly"`

    // WakuV2Config provides a configuration for WakuV2 protocol.
    WakuV2Config WakuV2Config `json:"WakuV2Config" validate:"structonly"`

    // BridgeConfig provides a configuration for Whisper-Waku bridge.
    BridgeConfig BridgeConfig `json:"BridgeConfig" validate:"structonly"`

    // ShhextConfig extra configuration for service running under shhext namespace.
    ShhextConfig ShhextConfig `json:"ShhextConfig," validate:"structonly"`

    // WalletConfig extra configuration for wallet.Service.
    WalletConfig WalletConfig

    // WalleLocalNotificationsConfig extra configuration for localnotifications.Service.
    LocalNotificationsConfig LocalNotificationsConfig

    // BrowsersConfig extra configuration for browsers.Service.
    BrowsersConfig BrowsersConfig

    // PermissionsConfig extra configuration for permissions.Service.
    PermissionsConfig PermissionsConfig

    // MailserversConfig extra configuration for mailservers.Service
    // (persistent storage of user's mailserver records).
    MailserversConfig MailserversConfig

    // Web3ProviderConfig extra configuration for provider.Service
    // (desktop provider API)
    Web3ProviderConfig Web3ProviderConfig

    // ConnectorConfig extra configuration for connector.Service
    ConnectorConfig ConnectorConfig

    // SwarmConfig extra configuration for Swarm and ENS
    SwarmConfig SwarmConfig `json:"SwarmConfig," validate:"structonly"`

    TorrentConfig TorrentConfig

    // RegisterTopics a list of specific topics where the peer wants to be
    // discoverable.
    RegisterTopics []discv5.Topic `json:"RegisterTopics"`

    // RequiredTopics list of topics where a client wants to search for
    // discoverable peers with the discovery limits.
    RequireTopics map[discv5.Topic]Limits `json:"RequireTopics"`

    // MailServerRegistryAddress is the MailServerRegistry contract address
    MailServerRegistryAddress string

    // PushNotificationServerConfig is the config for the push notification server
    PushNotificationServerConfig PushNotificationServerConfig `json:"PushNotificationServerConfig"`

    OutputMessageCSVEnabled bool

    // ProcessBackedupMessages should be set to true when user follows recovery (using seed phrase or keycard) onboarding flow
    ProcessBackedupMessages bool

type TokenOverride struct {
    Symbol  string         `json:"symbol"`
    Address common.Address `json:"address"`

type Network struct {
    ChainID                uint64          `json:"chainId"`
    ChainName              string          `json:"chainName"`
    DefaultRPCURL          string          `json:"defaultRpcUrl"`       // proxy rpc url
    DefaultFallbackURL     string          `json:"defaultFallbackURL"`  // proxy fallback url
    DefaultFallbackURL2    string          `json:"defaultFallbackURL2"` // second proxy fallback url
    RPCURL                 string          `json:"rpcUrl"`
    OriginalRPCURL         string          `json:"originalRpcUrl"`
    FallbackURL            string          `json:"fallbackURL"`
    OriginalFallbackURL    string          `json:"originalFallbackURL"`
    BlockExplorerURL       string          `json:"blockExplorerUrl,omitempty"`
    IconURL                string          `json:"iconUrl,omitempty"`
    NativeCurrencyName     string          `json:"nativeCurrencyName,omitempty"`
    NativeCurrencySymbol   string          `json:"nativeCurrencySymbol,omitempty"`
    NativeCurrencyDecimals uint64          `json:"nativeCurrencyDecimals"`
    IsTest                 bool            `json:"isTest"`
    Layer                  uint64          `json:"layer"`
    Enabled                bool            `json:"enabled"`
    ChainColor             string          `json:"chainColor"`
    ShortName              string          `json:"shortName"`
    TokenOverrides         []TokenOverride `json:"tokenOverrides"`
    RelatedChainID         uint64          `json:"relatedChainId"`

// WalletConfig extra configuration for wallet.Service.
type WalletConfig struct {
    Enabled                       bool
    OpenseaAPIKey                 string            `json:"OpenseaAPIKey"`
    RaribleMainnetAPIKey          string            `json:"RaribleMainnetAPIKey"`
    RaribleTestnetAPIKey          string            `json:"RaribleTestnetAPIKey"`
    AlchemyAPIKeys                map[uint64]string `json:"AlchemyAPIKeys"`
    InfuraAPIKey                  string            `json:"InfuraAPIKey"`
    InfuraAPIKeySecret            string            `json:"InfuraAPIKeySecret"`
    StatusProxyMarketUser         string            `json:"StatusProxyMarketUser"`
    StatusProxyMarketPassword     string            `json:"StatusProxyMarketPassword"`
    StatusProxyBlockchainUser     string            `json:"StatusProxyBlockchainUser"`
    StatusProxyBlockchainPassword string            `json:"StatusProxyBlockchainPassword"`
    StatusProxyEnabled            bool              `json:"StatusProxyEnabled"`
    StatusProxyStageName          string            `json:"StatusProxyStageName"`
    EnableCelerBridge             bool              `json:"EnableCelerBridge"`

// MarshalJSON custom marshalling to avoid exposing sensitive data in log,
// there's a function called `startNode` will log NodeConfig which include WalletConfig
func (wc WalletConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(struct {
        Enabled            bool `json:"Enabled"`
        StatusProxyEnabled bool `json:"StatusProxyEnabled"`
        EnableCelerBridge  bool `json:"EnableCelerBridge"`
        Enabled:            wc.Enabled,
        StatusProxyEnabled: wc.StatusProxyEnabled,
        EnableCelerBridge:  wc.EnableCelerBridge,

// LocalNotificationsConfig extra configuration for localnotifications.Service.
type LocalNotificationsConfig struct {
    Enabled bool

// BrowsersConfig extra configuration for browsers.Service.
type BrowsersConfig struct {
    Enabled bool

// PermissionsConfig extra configuration for permissions.Service.
type PermissionsConfig struct {
    Enabled bool

// MailserversConfig extra configuration for mailservers.Service.
type MailserversConfig struct {
    Enabled bool

// ProviderConfig extra configuration for provider.Service
type Web3ProviderConfig struct {
    Enabled bool

// ConnectorConfig extra configuration for provider.Service
type ConnectorConfig struct {
    Enabled bool

// BridgeConfig provides configuration for Whisper-Waku bridge.
type BridgeConfig struct {
    Enabled bool

type PushNotificationServer struct {

func (p *PushNotificationServer) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
    return []byte(hex.EncodeToString(crypto.FromECDSAPub(p.PublicKey))), nil

func (p *PushNotificationServer) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
    pubKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(string(data))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    pk, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(pubKeyBytes)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    p.PublicKey = pk
    return nil

type PushNotificationServerConfig struct {
    Enabled   bool
    Identity  *ecdsa.PrivateKey
    GorushURL string

// ShhextConfig defines options used by shhext service.
type ShhextConfig struct {
    PFSEnabled bool
    // InstallationId id of the current installation
    InstallationID string
    // MailServerConfirmations should be true if client wants to receive confirmatons only from a selected mail servers.
    MailServerConfirmations bool
    // EnableConnectionManager turns on management of the mail server connections if true.
    EnableConnectionManager bool
    // EnableLastUsedMonitor guarantees that last used mail server will be tracked and persisted into the storage.
    EnableLastUsedMonitor bool
    // ConnectionTarget will be used by connection manager. It will ensure that we connected with configured number of servers.
    ConnectionTarget int
    // RequestsDelay used to ensure that no similar requests are sent within short periods of time.
    RequestsDelay time.Duration
    // MaxServerFailures defines maximum allowed expired requests before server will be swapped to another one.
    MaxServerFailures int

    // MaxMessageDeliveryAttempts defines how many times we will try to deliver not-acknowledged envelopes.
    MaxMessageDeliveryAttempts int

    // WhisperCacheDir is a folder where whisper filters may persist messages before delivering them
    // to a client.
    WhisperCacheDir string

    // DisableGenericDiscoveryTopic indicates whether we should be listening on the old discovery
    DisableGenericDiscoveryTopic bool

    // SendV1Messages indicates whether we should be sending v1-compatible only messages
    SendV1Messages bool

    // DatasyncEnabled indicates whether we should enable dataasync
    DataSyncEnabled bool

    // VerifyTransactionURL is the URL for verifying transactions.
    // IMPORTANT: It should always be mainnet unless used for testing
    VerifyTransactionURL string

    // VerifyENSURL is the URL for verifying ens names.
    // IMPORTANT: It should always be mainnet unless used for testing
    VerifyENSURL string

    // VerifyENSContractAddress is the address of the contract used to verify ENS
    // No default is provided and if not set ENS resolution is disabled
    VerifyENSContractAddress string

    VerifyTransactionChainID int64

    // DefaultPushNotificationsServers is the default-status run push notification servers
    DefaultPushNotificationsServers []*PushNotificationServer

    // AnonMetricsSendID is the public key used by a metrics node to decrypt metrics protobufs
    AnonMetricsSendID string

    // AnonMetricsServerEnabled indicates whether or not the
    AnonMetricsServerEnabled bool

    // AnonMetricsServerPostgresURI is the uri used to connect to a postgres db
    AnonMetricsServerPostgresURI string

    // BandwidthStatsEnabled indicates if a signal is going to be emitted to indicate the upload and download rate
    BandwidthStatsEnabled bool

// TorrentConfig provides configuration for the BitTorrent client used for message history archives.
type TorrentConfig struct {
    // Enabled set to true enables Community History Archive protocol
    Enabled bool
    // Port number which the BitTorrent client will listen to for conntections
    Port int
    // DataDir is the file system folder Status should use for message archive torrent data.
    DataDir string
    // TorrentDir is the file system folder Status should use for storing torrent metadata files.
    TorrentDir string

// Validate validates the ShhextConfig struct and returns an error if inconsistent values are found
func (c *ShhextConfig) Validate(validate *validator.Validate) error {
    if err := validate.Struct(c); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// Option is an additional setting when creating a NodeConfig
// using NewNodeConfigWithDefaults.
type Option func(*NodeConfig) error

// WithFleet loads one of the preconfigured Status fleets.
func WithFleet(fleet string) Option {
    return func(c *NodeConfig) error {
        if fleet == FleetUndefined {
            return nil
        c.NoDiscovery = false
        c.ClusterConfig.Enabled = true
        return loadConfigFromAsset(fmt.Sprintf("../config/cli/fleet-%s.json", fleet), c)

// WithLES enabled LES protocol.
func WithLES() Option {
    return func(c *NodeConfig) error {
        return loadConfigFromAsset("../config/cli/les-enabled.json", c)

// WithMailserver enables MailServer.
func WithMailserver() Option {
    return func(c *NodeConfig) error {
        return loadConfigFromAsset("../config/cli/mailserver-enabled.json", c)

func WithDiscV5BootstrapNodes(nodes []string) Option {
    return func(c *NodeConfig) error {
        c.ClusterConfig.DiscV5BootstrapNodes = nodes
        return nil

func WithWakuNodes(nodes []string) Option {
    return func(c *NodeConfig) error {
        c.ClusterConfig.WakuNodes = nodes
        return nil

// NewNodeConfigWithDefaults creates new node configuration object
// with some defaults suitable for adhoc use.
func NewNodeConfigWithDefaults(dataDir string, networkID uint64, opts ...Option) (*NodeConfig, error) {
    c, err := NewNodeConfig(dataDir, networkID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    c.NoDiscovery = true
    c.HTTPHost = ""
    c.ListenAddr = ":30303"
    c.LogEnabled = true
    c.LogLevel = "INFO"
    c.LogMaxSize = 100
    c.LogCompressRotated = true
    c.LogMaxBackups = 3
    c.LogToStderr = true
    c.WakuConfig.Enabled = true

    for _, opt := range opts {
        if err := opt(c); err != nil {
            return nil, err


    if err := c.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return c, nil

func (c *NodeConfig) setDefaultPushNotificationsServers() error {
    if c.ClusterConfig.Fleet == FleetUndefined {
        return nil

    // If empty load defaults from the fleet
    if len(c.ClusterConfig.PushNotificationsServers) == 0 {
        log.Debug("empty push notification servers, setting", "fleet", c.ClusterConfig.Fleet)
        defaultConfig := &NodeConfig{}
        err := loadConfigFromAsset(fmt.Sprintf("../config/cli/fleet-%s.json", c.ClusterConfig.Fleet), defaultConfig)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        c.ClusterConfig.PushNotificationsServers = defaultConfig.ClusterConfig.PushNotificationsServers

    // If empty set the default servers
    if len(c.ShhextConfig.DefaultPushNotificationsServers) == 0 {
        log.Debug("setting default push notification servers", "cluster servers", c.ClusterConfig.PushNotificationsServers)
        for _, pk := range c.ClusterConfig.PushNotificationsServers {
            keyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("04" + pk)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            key, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(keyBytes)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            c.ShhextConfig.DefaultPushNotificationsServers = append(c.ShhextConfig.DefaultPushNotificationsServers, &PushNotificationServer{PublicKey: key})
    return nil

// UpdateWithDefaults updates config with missing default values, as
// the config is only generated once and is thereafter pulled from the database.
// The way it is stored in the database makes this step necessary as it's stored as a blob and can't be easily migrated.
func (c *NodeConfig) UpdateWithDefaults() error {
    // Empty APIModules will fallback to services' APIs definition.
    // If any API is defined as public, it will be exposed.
    // We disallow empty APIModules to avoid confusion
    // when some APIs suddenly become available for Dapps.
    // More:
    if c.APIModules == "" {
        c.APIModules = "net,web3,eth"

    // Override defaultMinPoW passed by the client
    if c.WakuConfig.Enabled {
        c.WakuConfig.MinimumPoW = WakuMinimumPoW

    // Ensure TorrentConfig is valid
    if c.TorrentConfig.Enabled {
        if c.TorrentConfig.DataDir == "" {
            c.TorrentConfig.DataDir = filepath.Join(c.RootDataDir, ArchivesRelativePath)
        if c.TorrentConfig.TorrentDir == "" {
            c.TorrentConfig.TorrentDir = filepath.Join(c.RootDataDir, TorrentTorrentsRelativePath)

    return c.setDefaultPushNotificationsServers()

// NewNodeConfigWithDefaultsAndFiles creates new node configuration object
// with some defaults suitable for adhoc use and applies config files on top.
func NewNodeConfigWithDefaultsAndFiles(
    dataDir string, networkID uint64, opts []Option, files []string,
) (*NodeConfig, error) {
    c, err := NewNodeConfigWithDefaults(dataDir, networkID, opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    for _, file := range files {
        if err := loadConfigConfigFromFile(file, c); err != nil {
            return nil, err


    if err := c.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return c, nil

// updatePeerLimits will set default peer limits expectations based on enabled services.
func (c *NodeConfig) updatePeerLimits() {
    if c.NoDiscovery {
    if c.LightEthConfig.Enabled {
        c.RequireTopics[discv5.Topic(LesTopic(int(c.NetworkID)))] = LesDiscoveryLimits

// NewNodeConfig creates new node configuration object with bare-minimum defaults.
// Important: the returned config is not validated.
func NewNodeConfig(dataDir string, networkID uint64) (*NodeConfig, error) {
    var keyStoreDir, keycardPairingDataFile, wakuDir, wakuV2Dir string

    if dataDir != "" {
        keyStoreDir = filepath.Join(dataDir, "keystore")
        keycardPairingDataFile = filepath.Join(dataDir, "keycard", "pairings.json")

        wakuDir = filepath.Join(dataDir, "waku")
        wakuV2Dir = filepath.Join(dataDir, "wakuv2")

    config := &NodeConfig{
        NetworkID:              networkID,
        RootDataDir:            dataDir,
        DataDir:                dataDir,
        KeyStoreDir:            keyStoreDir,
        KeycardPairingDataFile: keycardPairingDataFile,
        Version:                Version,
        HTTPHost:               "localhost",
        HTTPPort:               8545,
        HTTPVirtualHosts:       []string{"localhost"},
        ListenAddr:             ":0",
        APIModules:             "eth,net,web3,peer,wallet",
        MaxPeers:               25,
        MaxPendingPeers:        0,
        IPCFile:                "geth.ipc",
        log:                    log.New("package", "status-go/params.NodeConfig"),
        LogFile:                "",
        LogLevel:               "ERROR",
        NoDiscovery:            true,
        UpstreamConfig: UpstreamRPCConfig{
            URL: getUpstreamURL(networkID),
        LightEthConfig: LightEthConfig{
            DatabaseCache: 16,
        WakuConfig: WakuConfig{
            DataDir:        wakuDir,
            MinimumPoW:     WakuMinimumPoW,
            TTL:            WakuTTL,
            MaxMessageSize: wakucommon.DefaultMaxMessageSize,
        WakuV2Config: WakuV2Config{
            Host:           "",
            Port:           0,
            DataDir:        wakuV2Dir,
            MaxMessageSize: wakuv2common.DefaultMaxMessageSize,
        ShhextConfig: ShhextConfig{},
        SwarmConfig:  SwarmConfig{},
        TorrentConfig: TorrentConfig{
            Enabled:    false,
            Port:       9025,
            DataDir:    dataDir + "/archivedata",
            TorrentDir: dataDir + "/torrents",
        RegisterTopics: []discv5.Topic{},
        RequireTopics:  map[discv5.Topic]Limits{},

    return config, nil

// NewConfigFromJSON parses incoming JSON and returned it as Config
func NewConfigFromJSON(configJSON string) (*NodeConfig, error) {
    config, err := NewNodeConfig("", 0)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err := loadConfigFromJSON(configJSON, config); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return config, nil

func LoadClusterConfigFromFleet(fleet string) (*ClusterConfig, error) {
    nodeConfig := &NodeConfig{}
    err := loadConfigFromAsset(fmt.Sprintf("../config/cli/fleet-%s.json", fleet), nodeConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &nodeConfig.ClusterConfig, nil

func loadConfigFromJSON(configJSON string, nodeConfig *NodeConfig) error {
    decoder := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(configJSON))
    // override default configuration with values by JSON input
    return decoder.Decode(&nodeConfig)

func loadConfigConfigFromFile(path string, config *NodeConfig) error {
    jsonConfig, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return loadConfigFromJSON(string(jsonConfig), config)

func loadConfigFromAsset(name string, config *NodeConfig) error {
    data, err := static.Asset(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return loadConfigFromJSON(string(data), config)

// Validate checks if NodeConfig fields have valid values.
// It returns nil if there are no errors, otherwise one or more errors
// can be returned. Multiple errors are joined with a new line.
// A single error for a struct:
//    type TestStruct struct {
//        TestField string `validate:"required"`
//    }
// has the following format:
//    Key: 'TestStruct.TestField' Error:Field validation for 'TestField' failed on the 'required' tag
func (c *NodeConfig) Validate() error {
    validate := NewValidator()

    if err := validate.Struct(c); err != nil {
        return err

    if c.NodeKey != "" {
        if _, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(c.NodeKey); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("NodeKey is invalid (%s): %v", c.NodeKey, err)

    if c.UpstreamConfig.Enabled && c.LightEthConfig.Enabled {
        return fmt.Errorf("both UpstreamConfig and LightEthConfig are enabled, but they are mutually exclusive")

    if err := c.validateChildStructs(validate); err != nil {
        return err

    if c.WakuConfig.Enabled && c.WakuV2Config.Enabled && c.WakuConfig.DataDir == c.WakuV2Config.DataDir {
        return fmt.Errorf("both Waku and WakuV2 are enabled and use the same data dir")

    // Waku's data directory must be relative to the main data directory
    // if EnableMailServer is true.
    if c.WakuConfig.Enabled && c.WakuConfig.EnableMailServer {
        if !strings.HasPrefix(c.WakuConfig.DataDir, c.DataDir) {
            return fmt.Errorf("WakuConfig.DataDir must start with DataDir fragment")

    if !c.NoDiscovery && len(c.ClusterConfig.BootNodes) == 0 {
        // No point in running discovery if we don't have bootnodes.
        // In case we do have bootnodes, NoDiscovery should be true.
        return fmt.Errorf("NoDiscovery is false, but ClusterConfig.BootNodes is empty")

    if c.ShhextConfig.PFSEnabled && len(c.ShhextConfig.InstallationID) == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("PFSEnabled is true, but InstallationID is empty")

    return nil

func (c *NodeConfig) validateChildStructs(validate *validator.Validate) error {
    // Validate child structs
    if err := c.UpstreamConfig.Validate(validate); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.ClusterConfig.Validate(validate); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.LightEthConfig.Validate(validate); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.SwarmConfig.Validate(validate); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.ShhextConfig.Validate(validate); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.TorrentConfig.Validate(validate); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// Validate validates the UpstreamRPCConfig struct and returns an error if inconsistent values are found
func (c *UpstreamRPCConfig) Validate(validate *validator.Validate) error {
    if !c.Enabled {
        return nil

    if err := validate.Struct(c); err != nil {
        return err

    if _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(c.URL); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("UpstreamRPCConfig.URL '%s' is invalid: %v", c.URL, err.Error())

    return nil

// Validate validates the ClusterConfig struct and returns an error if inconsistent values are found
func (c *ClusterConfig) Validate(validate *validator.Validate) error {
    if !c.Enabled {
        return nil

    if err := validate.Struct(c); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Validate validates the LightEthConfig struct and returns an error if inconsistent values are found
func (c *LightEthConfig) Validate(validate *validator.Validate) error {
    if !c.Enabled {
        return nil

    if err := validate.Struct(c); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Validate validates the SwarmConfig struct and returns an error if inconsistent values are found
func (c *SwarmConfig) Validate(validate *validator.Validate) error {
    if !c.Enabled {
        return nil

    if err := validate.Struct(c); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (c *TorrentConfig) Validate(validate *validator.Validate) error {
    if !c.Enabled {
        return nil

    if err := validate.Struct(c); err != nil {
        return err

    if c.Enabled && (c.DataDir == "" || c.TorrentDir == "") {
        return fmt.Errorf("TorrentConfig.DataDir and TorrentConfig.TorrentDir cannot be \"\"")
    return nil

func getUpstreamURL(networkID uint64) string {
    switch networkID {
    case MainNetworkID:
        return MainnetEthereumNetworkURL
    case GoerliNetworkID:
        return GoerliEthereumNetworkURL

    return ""

// Save dumps configuration to the disk
func (c *NodeConfig) Save() error {
    data, err := json.MarshalIndent(c, "", "    ")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if err := os.MkdirAll(c.DataDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
        return err

    configFilePath := filepath.Join(c.DataDir, "config.json")
    if err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFilePath, data, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
        return err

    c.log.Info("config file saved", "path", configFilePath)
    return nil

// String dumps config object as nicely indented JSON
func (c *NodeConfig) String() string {
    data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(c, "", "    ")
    return string(data)

// FormatAPIModules returns a slice of APIModules.
func (c *NodeConfig) FormatAPIModules() []string {
    if len(c.APIModules) == 0 {
        return nil

    return strings.Split(c.APIModules, ",")

// AddAPIModule adds a mobule to APIModules
func (c *NodeConfig) AddAPIModule(m string) {
    c.APIModules = fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", c.APIModules, m)

// LesTopic returns discovery v5 topic derived from genesis of the provided network.
// 1 - mainnet, 5 - goerli
func LesTopic(netid int) string {
    switch netid {
    case 1:
        return LESDiscoveryIdentifier + types.Bytes2Hex(params.MainnetGenesisHash.Bytes()[:8])
    case 5:
        return LESDiscoveryIdentifier + types.Bytes2Hex(params.RinkebyGenesisHash.Bytes()[:8])
        return ""