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package common

import (

    gethcrypto ""

type MakeMediaServerURLType func(msgID string, previewURL string, imageID MediaServerImageID) string
type MakeMediaServerURLMessageWrapperType func(previewURL string, imageID MediaServerImageID) string

type LinkPreviewThumbnail struct {
    Width  int `json:"width,omitempty"`
    Height int `json:"height,omitempty"`
    // Non-empty when the thumbnail is available via the media server, i.e. after
    // the chat message is sent.
    URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
    // Non-empty when the thumbnail payload needs to be shared with the client,
    // but before it has been persisted.
    DataURI string `json:"dataUri,omitempty"`

type LinkPreview struct {
    Type        protobuf.UnfurledLink_LinkType `json:"type"`
    URL         string                         `json:"url"`
    Hostname    string                         `json:"hostname"`
    Title       string                         `json:"title,omitempty"`
    Description string                         `json:"description,omitempty"`
    Favicon     LinkPreviewThumbnail           `json:"favicon,omitempty"`
    Thumbnail   LinkPreviewThumbnail           `json:"thumbnail,omitempty"`

type StatusContactLinkPreview struct {
    // PublicKey is: "0x" + hex-encoded decompressed public key.
    // We keep it a string here for correct json marshalling.
    PublicKey   string               `json:"publicKey"`
    DisplayName string               `json:"displayName"`
    Description string               `json:"description"`
    Icon        LinkPreviewThumbnail `json:"icon,omitempty"`

type StatusCommunityLinkPreview struct {
    CommunityID  string               `json:"communityId"`
    DisplayName  string               `json:"displayName"`
    Description  string               `json:"description"`
    MembersCount uint32               `json:"membersCount"`
    Color        string               `json:"color"`
    Icon         LinkPreviewThumbnail `json:"icon,omitempty"`
    Banner       LinkPreviewThumbnail `json:"banner,omitempty"`

type StatusCommunityChannelLinkPreview struct {
    ChannelUUID string                      `json:"channelUuid"`
    Emoji       string                      `json:"emoji"`
    DisplayName string                      `json:"displayName"`
    Description string                      `json:"description"`
    Color       string                      `json:"color"`
    Community   *StatusCommunityLinkPreview `json:"community"`

type StatusLinkPreview struct {
    URL       string                             `json:"url,omitempty"`
    Contact   *StatusContactLinkPreview          `json:"contact,omitempty"`
    Community *StatusCommunityLinkPreview        `json:"community,omitempty"`
    Channel   *StatusCommunityChannelLinkPreview `json:"channel,omitempty"`

func (thumbnail *LinkPreviewThumbnail) IsEmpty() bool {
    return thumbnail.Width == 0 &&
        thumbnail.Height == 0 &&
        thumbnail.URL == "" &&
        thumbnail.DataURI == ""

func (thumbnail *LinkPreviewThumbnail) clear() {
    thumbnail.Width = 0
    thumbnail.Height = 0
    thumbnail.URL = ""
    thumbnail.DataURI = ""

func (thumbnail *LinkPreviewThumbnail) validateForProto() error {
    if thumbnail.DataURI == "" {
        if thumbnail.Width == 0 && thumbnail.Height == 0 {
            return nil
        return fmt.Errorf("dataUri is empty, but width/height are not zero")

    if thumbnail.Width == 0 || thumbnail.Height == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("dataUri is not empty, but width/heigth are zero")

    return nil

func (thumbnail *LinkPreviewThumbnail) convertToProto() (*protobuf.UnfurledLinkThumbnail, error) {
    var payload []byte
    var err error
    if thumbnail.DataURI != "" {
        payload, err = images.GetPayloadFromURI(thumbnail.DataURI)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get data URI payload, url='%s': %w", thumbnail.URL, err)

    return &protobuf.UnfurledLinkThumbnail{
        Width:   uint32(thumbnail.Width),
        Height:  uint32(thumbnail.Height),
        Payload: payload,
    }, nil

func (thumbnail *LinkPreviewThumbnail) loadFromProto(
    input *protobuf.UnfurledLinkThumbnail,
    URL string,
    imageID MediaServerImageID,
    makeMediaServerURL MakeMediaServerURLMessageWrapperType) {

    thumbnail.Width = int(input.Width)
    thumbnail.Height = int(input.Height)

    if len(input.Payload) > 0 {
        thumbnail.URL = makeMediaServerURL(URL, imageID)

func (preview *LinkPreview) validateForProto() error {
    switch preview.Type {
    case protobuf.UnfurledLink_IMAGE:
        if preview.URL == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("empty url")
        if err := preview.Thumbnail.validateForProto(); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("thumbnail is not valid for proto: %w", err)
        return nil
    default: // Validate as a link type by default.
        if preview.Title == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("title is empty")
        if preview.URL == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("url is empty")
        if err := preview.Thumbnail.validateForProto(); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("thumbnail is not valid for proto: %w", err)
        return nil

func (preview *StatusLinkPreview) validateForProto() error {
    if preview.URL == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("url can't be empty")

    // At least and only one of Contact/Community/Channel should be present in the preview
    if preview.Contact != nil && preview.Community != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("both contact and community are set at the same time")
    if preview.Community != nil && preview.Channel != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("both community and channel are set at the same time")
    if preview.Channel != nil && preview.Contact != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("both contact and channel are set at the same time")
    if preview.Contact == nil && preview.Community == nil && preview.Channel == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("none of contact/community/channel are set")

    if preview.Contact != nil {
        if preview.Contact.PublicKey == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("contact publicKey is empty")
        if err := preview.Contact.Icon.validateForProto(); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("contact icon invalid: %w", err)
        return nil

    if preview.Community != nil {
        return preview.Community.validateForProto()

    if preview.Channel != nil {
        if preview.Channel.ChannelUUID == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("channelUuid is empty")
        if preview.Channel.Community == nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("channel community is nil")
        if err := preview.Channel.Community.validateForProto(); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("channel community is not valid: %w", err)
        return nil
    return nil

func (preview *StatusCommunityLinkPreview) validateForProto() error {
    if preview == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("community preview is empty")
    if preview.CommunityID == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("communityId is empty")
    if err := preview.Icon.validateForProto(); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("community icon is invalid: %w", err)
    if err := preview.Banner.validateForProto(); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("community banner is invalid: %w", err)
    return nil

func (preview *StatusCommunityLinkPreview) convertToProto() (*protobuf.UnfurledStatusCommunityLink, error) {
    if preview == nil {
        return nil, nil

    icon, err := preview.Icon.convertToProto()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    banner, err := preview.Banner.convertToProto()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    communityID, err := types.DecodeHex(preview.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode community id: %w", err)

    community := &protobuf.UnfurledStatusCommunityLink{
        CommunityId:  communityID,
        DisplayName:  preview.DisplayName,
        Description:  preview.Description,
        MembersCount: preview.MembersCount,
        Color:        preview.Color,
        Icon:         icon,
        Banner:       banner,

    return community, nil

func (preview *StatusCommunityLinkPreview) loadFromProto(c *protobuf.UnfurledStatusCommunityLink,
    URL string, thumbnailPrefix MediaServerImageIDPrefix,
    makeMediaServerURL MakeMediaServerURLMessageWrapperType) {

    preview.CommunityID = types.EncodeHex(c.CommunityId)
    preview.DisplayName = c.DisplayName
    preview.Description = c.Description
    preview.MembersCount = c.MembersCount
    preview.Color = c.Color

    if icon := c.GetIcon(); icon != nil {
        preview.Icon.loadFromProto(icon, URL, CreateImageID(thumbnailPrefix, MediaServerIconPostfix), makeMediaServerURL)
    if banner := c.GetBanner(); banner != nil {
        preview.Banner.loadFromProto(banner, URL, CreateImageID(thumbnailPrefix, MediaServerBannerPostfix), makeMediaServerURL)

// ConvertLinkPreviewsToProto expects previews to be correctly sent by the
// client because we can't attempt to re-unfurl URLs at this point (it's
// actually undesirable). We run a basic validation as an additional safety net.
func (m *Message) ConvertLinkPreviewsToProto() ([]*protobuf.UnfurledLink, error) {
    if len(m.LinkPreviews) == 0 {
        return nil, nil

    unfurledLinks := make([]*protobuf.UnfurledLink, 0, len(m.LinkPreviews))

    for _, preview := range m.LinkPreviews {
        // Do not process subsequent previews because we do expect all previews to
        // be valid at this stage.
        if err := preview.validateForProto(); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid link preview, url='%s': %w", preview.URL, err)

        var thumbnailPayload []byte
        var faviconPayload []byte
        var err error
        if preview.Thumbnail.DataURI != "" {
            thumbnailPayload, err = images.GetPayloadFromURI(preview.Thumbnail.DataURI)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get data URI payload for link preview thumbnail, url='%s': %w", preview.URL, err)
        if preview.Favicon.DataURI != "" {
            faviconPayload, err = images.GetPayloadFromURI(preview.Favicon.DataURI)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get data URI payload for link preview favicon, url='%s': %w", preview.URL, err)

        ul := &protobuf.UnfurledLink{
            Type:             preview.Type,
            Url:              preview.URL,
            Title:            preview.Title,
            Description:      preview.Description,
            ThumbnailWidth:   uint32(preview.Thumbnail.Width),
            ThumbnailHeight:  uint32(preview.Thumbnail.Height),
            ThumbnailPayload: thumbnailPayload,
            FaviconPayload:   faviconPayload,
        unfurledLinks = append(unfurledLinks, ul)

    return unfurledLinks, nil

func (m *Message) ConvertFromProtoToLinkPreviews(makeThumbnailMediaServerURL func(msgID string, previewURL string) string,
    makeFaviconMediaServerURL func(msgID string, previewURL string) string) []LinkPreview {
    var links []*protobuf.UnfurledLink

    if links = m.GetUnfurledLinks(); links == nil {
        return nil

    previews := make([]LinkPreview, 0, len(links))
    for _, link := range links {
        parsedURL, err := url.Parse(link.Url)
        var hostname string
        // URL parsing in Go can fail with URLs that weren't correctly URL encoded.
        // This shouldn't happen in general, but if an error happens we just reuse
        // the full URL.
        if err != nil {
            hostname = link.Url
        } else {
            hostname = parsedURL.Hostname()
        lp := LinkPreview{
            Description: link.Description,
            Hostname:    hostname,
            Title:       link.Title,
            Type:        link.Type,
            URL:         link.Url,
        mediaURL := ""
        if len(link.ThumbnailPayload) > 0 {
            mediaURL = makeThumbnailMediaServerURL(m.ID, link.Url)
        if link.GetThumbnailPayload() != nil {
            lp.Thumbnail.Width = int(link.ThumbnailWidth)
            lp.Thumbnail.Height = int(link.ThumbnailHeight)
            lp.Thumbnail.URL = mediaURL
        faviconMediaURL := ""
        if len(link.FaviconPayload) > 0 {
            faviconMediaURL = makeFaviconMediaServerURL(m.ID, link.Url)
        if link.GetFaviconPayload() != nil {
            lp.Favicon.URL = faviconMediaURL
        previews = append(previews, lp)

    return previews

func (m *Message) ConvertStatusLinkPreviewsToProto() (*protobuf.UnfurledStatusLinks, error) {
    if len(m.StatusLinkPreviews) == 0 {
        return nil, nil

    unfurledLinks := make([]*protobuf.UnfurledStatusLink, 0, len(m.StatusLinkPreviews))

    for _, preview := range m.StatusLinkPreviews {
        // We expect all previews to be valid at this stage
        if err := preview.validateForProto(); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid status link preview, url='%s': %w", preview.URL, err)

        ul := &protobuf.UnfurledStatusLink{
            Url: preview.URL,

        if preview.Contact != nil {
            decompressedPublicKey, err := types.DecodeHex(preview.Contact.PublicKey)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode contact public key: %w", err)

            publicKey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(decompressedPublicKey)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal decompressed public key: %w", err)

            compressedPublicKey := crypto.CompressPubkey(publicKey)

            icon, err := preview.Contact.Icon.convertToProto()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            ul.Payload = &protobuf.UnfurledStatusLink_Contact{
                Contact: &protobuf.UnfurledStatusContactLink{
                    PublicKey:   compressedPublicKey,
                    DisplayName: preview.Contact.DisplayName,
                    Description: preview.Contact.Description,
                    Icon:        icon,

        if preview.Community != nil {
            communityPreview, err := preview.Community.convertToProto()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            ul.Payload = &protobuf.UnfurledStatusLink_Community{
                Community: communityPreview,

        if preview.Channel != nil {
            communityPreview, err := preview.Channel.Community.convertToProto()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            ul.Payload = &protobuf.UnfurledStatusLink_Channel{
                Channel: &protobuf.UnfurledStatusChannelLink{
                    ChannelUuid: preview.Channel.ChannelUUID,
                    Emoji:       preview.Channel.Emoji,
                    DisplayName: preview.Channel.DisplayName,
                    Description: preview.Channel.Description,
                    Color:       preview.Channel.Color,
                    Community:   communityPreview,


        unfurledLinks = append(unfurledLinks, ul)

    return &protobuf.UnfurledStatusLinks{UnfurledStatusLinks: unfurledLinks}, nil

func (m *Message) ConvertFromProtoToStatusLinkPreviews(makeMediaServerURL func(msgID string, previewURL string, imageID MediaServerImageID) string) []StatusLinkPreview {
    if m.GetUnfurledStatusLinks() == nil {
        return nil

    links := m.UnfurledStatusLinks.GetUnfurledStatusLinks()

    if links == nil {
        return nil

    // This wrapper adds the messageID to the callback
    makeMediaServerURLMessageWrapper := func(previewURL string, imageID MediaServerImageID) string {
        return makeMediaServerURL(m.ID, previewURL, imageID)

    previews := make([]StatusLinkPreview, 0, len(links))

    for _, link := range links {
        lp := StatusLinkPreview{
            URL: link.Url,

        if c := link.GetContact(); c != nil {
            publicKey, err := crypto.DecompressPubkey(c.PublicKey)
            if err != nil {

            lp.Contact = &StatusContactLinkPreview{
                PublicKey:   types.EncodeHex(gethcrypto.FromECDSAPub(publicKey)),
                DisplayName: c.DisplayName,
                Description: c.Description,
            if icon := c.GetIcon(); icon != nil {
                lp.Contact.Icon.loadFromProto(icon, link.Url, MediaServerContactIcon, makeMediaServerURLMessageWrapper)

        if c := link.GetCommunity(); c != nil {
            lp.Community = new(StatusCommunityLinkPreview)
            lp.Community.loadFromProto(c, link.Url, MediaServerCommunityPrefix, makeMediaServerURLMessageWrapper)

        if c := link.GetChannel(); c != nil {
            lp.Channel = &StatusCommunityChannelLinkPreview{
                ChannelUUID: c.ChannelUuid,
                Emoji:       c.Emoji,
                DisplayName: c.DisplayName,
                Description: c.Description,
                Color:       c.Color,
            if c.Community != nil {
                lp.Channel.Community = new(StatusCommunityLinkPreview)
                lp.Channel.Community.loadFromProto(c.Community, link.Url, MediaServerChannelCommunityPrefix, makeMediaServerURLMessageWrapper)

        previews = append(previews, lp)

    return previews