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2 wks
Test Coverage
package communities

import (



    gethcommon ""
    utils ""
    multiaccountscommon ""
    community_token ""
    walletcommon ""

var defaultAnnounceList = [][]string{
var pieceLength = 100 * 1024

const maxArchiveSizeInBytes = 30000000

var maxNbMembers = 5000
var maxNbPendingRequestedMembers = 100

var memberPermissionsCheckInterval = 1 * time.Hour
var validateInterval = 2 * time.Minute

// Used for testing only
func SetValidateInterval(duration time.Duration) {
    validateInterval = duration
func SetMaxNbMembers(maxNb int) {
    maxNbMembers = maxNb
func SetMaxNbPendingRequestedMembers(maxNb int) {
    maxNbPendingRequestedMembers = maxNb

// errors
var (
    ErrTorrentTimedout                 = errors.New("torrent has timed out")
    ErrCommunityRequestAlreadyRejected = errors.New("that user was already rejected from the community")
    ErrInvalidClock                    = errors.New("invalid clock to cancel request to join")

type Manager struct {
    persistence                  *Persistence
    encryptor                    *encryption.Protocol
    ensSubscription              chan []*ens.VerificationRecord
    subscriptions                []chan *Subscription
    ensVerifier                  *ens.Verifier
    ownerVerifier                OwnerVerifier
    identity                     *ecdsa.PrivateKey
    installationID               string
    accountsManager              account.Manager
    tokenManager                 TokenManager
    collectiblesManager          CollectiblesManager
    logger                       *zap.Logger
    stdoutLogger                 *zap.Logger
    transport                    *transport.Transport
    timesource                   common.TimeSource
    quit                         chan struct{}
    torrentConfig                *params.TorrentConfig
    torrentClient                *torrent.Client
    walletConfig                 *params.WalletConfig
    communityTokensService       CommunityTokensServiceInterface
    historyArchiveTasksWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
    historyArchiveTasks          sync.Map // stores `chan struct{}`
    membersReevaluationTasks     sync.Map // stores `membersReevaluationTask`
    forceMembersReevaluation     map[string]chan struct{}
    torrentTasks                 map[string]metainfo.Hash
    historyArchiveDownloadTasks  map[string]*HistoryArchiveDownloadTask
    stopped                      bool
    RekeyInterval                time.Duration
    PermissionChecker            PermissionChecker
    keyDistributor               KeyDistributor
    communityLock                *CommunityLock

type CommunityLock struct {
    logger *zap.Logger
    locks  map[string]*sync.Mutex
    mutex  sync.Mutex

func NewCommunityLock(logger *zap.Logger) *CommunityLock {
    return &CommunityLock{
        logger: logger.Named("CommunityLock"),
        locks:  make(map[string]*sync.Mutex),

func (c *CommunityLock) Lock(communityID types.HexBytes) {
    communityIDStr := types.EncodeHex(communityID)
    lock, ok := c.locks[communityIDStr]
    if !ok {
        lock = &sync.Mutex{}
        c.locks[communityIDStr] = lock


func (c *CommunityLock) Unlock(communityID types.HexBytes) {
    communityIDStr := types.EncodeHex(communityID)
    lock, ok := c.locks[communityIDStr]

    if ok {
    } else {
        c.logger.Warn("trying to unlock a non-existent lock", zap.String("communityID", communityIDStr))

func (c *CommunityLock) Init() {
    c.locks = make(map[string]*sync.Mutex)

type HistoryArchiveDownloadTask struct {
    CancelChan chan struct{}
    Waiter     sync.WaitGroup
    m          sync.RWMutex
    Cancelled  bool

func (t *HistoryArchiveDownloadTask) IsCancelled() bool {
    defer t.m.RUnlock()
    return t.Cancelled

func (t *HistoryArchiveDownloadTask) Cancel() {
    defer t.m.Unlock()
    t.Cancelled = true

type membersReevaluationTask struct {
    lastSuccessTime     time.Time
    onDemandRequestTime time.Time
    mutex               sync.Mutex

type managerOptions struct {
    accountsManager        account.Manager
    tokenManager           TokenManager
    collectiblesManager    CollectiblesManager
    walletConfig           *params.WalletConfig
    communityTokensService CommunityTokensServiceInterface
    permissionChecker      PermissionChecker

    // allowForcingCommunityMembersReevaluation indicates whether we should allow forcing community members reevaluation.
    // This will allow using `force` argument in ScheduleMembersReevaluation.
    // Should only be used in tests.
    allowForcingCommunityMembersReevaluation bool

type TokenManager interface {
    GetBalancesByChain(ctx context.Context, accounts, tokens []gethcommon.Address, chainIDs []uint64) (map[uint64]map[gethcommon.Address]map[gethcommon.Address]*hexutil.Big, error)
    FindOrCreateTokenByAddress(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, address gethcommon.Address) *token.Token
    GetAllChainIDs() ([]uint64, error)

type CollectibleContractData struct {
    TotalSupply    *bigint.BigInt
    Transferable   bool
    RemoteBurnable bool
    InfiniteSupply bool

type AssetContractData struct {
    TotalSupply    *bigint.BigInt
    InfiniteSupply bool

type CommunityTokensServiceInterface interface {
    GetCollectibleContractData(chainID uint64, contractAddress string) (*CollectibleContractData, error)
    SetSignerPubKey(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, contractAddress string, txArgs transactions.SendTxArgs, password string, newSignerPubKey string) (string, error)
    GetAssetContractData(chainID uint64, contractAddress string) (*AssetContractData, error)
    SafeGetSignerPubKey(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, communityID string) (string, error)
    DeploymentSignatureDigest(chainID uint64, addressFrom string, communityID string) ([]byte, error)

type DefaultTokenManager struct {
    tokenManager *token.Manager

func NewDefaultTokenManager(tm *token.Manager) *DefaultTokenManager {
    return &DefaultTokenManager{tokenManager: tm}

type BalancesByChain = map[uint64]map[gethcommon.Address]map[gethcommon.Address]*hexutil.Big

func (m *DefaultTokenManager) GetAllChainIDs() ([]uint64, error) {
    networks, err := m.tokenManager.RPCClient.NetworkManager.Get(false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    areTestNetworksEnabled, err := m.tokenManager.RPCClient.NetworkManager.GetTestNetworksEnabled()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    chainIDs := make([]uint64, 0)
    for _, network := range networks {
        if areTestNetworksEnabled == network.IsTest {
            chainIDs = append(chainIDs, network.ChainID)
    return chainIDs, nil

type CollectiblesManager interface {
    FetchBalancesByOwnerAndContractAddress(ctx context.Context, chainID walletcommon.ChainID, ownerAddress gethcommon.Address, contractAddresses []gethcommon.Address) (thirdparty.TokenBalancesPerContractAddress, error)
    GetCollectibleOwnership(id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) ([]thirdparty.AccountBalance, error)

func (m *DefaultTokenManager) GetBalancesByChain(ctx context.Context, accounts, tokenAddresses []gethcommon.Address, chainIDs []uint64) (BalancesByChain, error) {
    clients, err := m.tokenManager.RPCClient.EthClients(chainIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    resp, err := m.tokenManager.GetBalancesByChain(context.Background(), clients, accounts, tokenAddresses)
    return resp, err

func (m *DefaultTokenManager) FindOrCreateTokenByAddress(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, address gethcommon.Address) *token.Token {
    return m.tokenManager.FindOrCreateTokenByAddress(ctx, chainID, address)

type ManagerOption func(*managerOptions)

func WithAccountManager(accountsManager account.Manager) ManagerOption {
    return func(opts *managerOptions) {
        opts.accountsManager = accountsManager

func WithPermissionChecker(permissionChecker PermissionChecker) ManagerOption {
    return func(opts *managerOptions) {
        opts.permissionChecker = permissionChecker

func WithCollectiblesManager(collectiblesManager CollectiblesManager) ManagerOption {
    return func(opts *managerOptions) {
        opts.collectiblesManager = collectiblesManager

func WithTokenManager(tokenManager TokenManager) ManagerOption {
    return func(opts *managerOptions) {
        opts.tokenManager = tokenManager

func WithWalletConfig(walletConfig *params.WalletConfig) ManagerOption {
    return func(opts *managerOptions) {
        opts.walletConfig = walletConfig

func WithCommunityTokensService(communityTokensService CommunityTokensServiceInterface) ManagerOption {
    return func(opts *managerOptions) {
        opts.communityTokensService = communityTokensService

func WithAllowForcingCommunityMembersReevaluation(enabled bool) ManagerOption {
    return func(opts *managerOptions) {
        opts.allowForcingCommunityMembersReevaluation = enabled

type OwnerVerifier interface {
    SafeGetSignerPubKey(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, communityID string) (string, error)

func NewManager(identity *ecdsa.PrivateKey, installationID string, db *sql.DB, encryptor *encryption.Protocol, logger *zap.Logger, ensverifier *ens.Verifier, ownerVerifier OwnerVerifier, transport *transport.Transport, timesource common.TimeSource, keyDistributor KeyDistributor, torrentConfig *params.TorrentConfig, opts ...ManagerOption) (*Manager, error) {
    if identity == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("empty identity")

    if timesource == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("no timesource")

    var err error
    if logger == nil {
        if logger, err = zap.NewDevelopment(); err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create a logger")

    stdoutLogger, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create archive logger")

    managerConfig := managerOptions{}
    for _, opt := range opts {

    manager := &Manager{
        logger:                      logger,
        stdoutLogger:                stdoutLogger,
        encryptor:                   encryptor,
        identity:                    identity,
        installationID:              installationID,
        ownerVerifier:               ownerVerifier,
        quit:                        make(chan struct{}),
        transport:                   transport,
        timesource:                  timesource,
        torrentConfig:               torrentConfig,
        torrentTasks:                make(map[string]metainfo.Hash),
        historyArchiveDownloadTasks: make(map[string]*HistoryArchiveDownloadTask),
        keyDistributor:              keyDistributor,
        communityLock:               NewCommunityLock(logger),

    manager.persistence = &Persistence{
        db:                      db,
        recordBundleToCommunity: manager.dbRecordBundleToCommunity,

    if managerConfig.accountsManager != nil {
        manager.accountsManager = managerConfig.accountsManager

    if managerConfig.collectiblesManager != nil {
        manager.collectiblesManager = managerConfig.collectiblesManager

    if managerConfig.tokenManager != nil {
        manager.tokenManager = managerConfig.tokenManager

    if managerConfig.walletConfig != nil {
        manager.walletConfig = managerConfig.walletConfig

    if managerConfig.communityTokensService != nil {
        manager.communityTokensService = managerConfig.communityTokensService

    if ensverifier != nil {

        sub := ensverifier.Subscribe()
        manager.ensSubscription = sub
        manager.ensVerifier = ensverifier

    if managerConfig.permissionChecker != nil {
        manager.PermissionChecker = managerConfig.permissionChecker
    } else {
        manager.PermissionChecker = &DefaultPermissionChecker{
            tokenManager:        manager.tokenManager,
            collectiblesManager: manager.collectiblesManager,
            logger:              logger,
            ensVerifier:         ensverifier,

    if managerConfig.allowForcingCommunityMembersReevaluation {
        manager.logger.Warn("allowing forcing community members reevaluation, this should only be used in test environment")
        manager.forceMembersReevaluation = make(map[string]chan struct{}, 10)

    return manager, nil

func (m *Manager) LogStdout(msg string, fields ...zap.Field) {
    m.stdoutLogger.Info(msg, fields...)
    m.logger.Debug(msg, fields...)

type archiveMDSlice []*archiveMetadata

type archiveMetadata struct {
    hash string
    from uint64

func (md archiveMDSlice) Len() int {
    return len(md)

func (md archiveMDSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
    md[i], md[j] = md[j], md[i]

func (md archiveMDSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return md[i].from > md[j].from

type Subscription struct {
    Community                                *Community
    CreatingHistoryArchivesSignal            *signal.CreatingHistoryArchivesSignal
    HistoryArchivesCreatedSignal             *signal.HistoryArchivesCreatedSignal
    NoHistoryArchivesCreatedSignal           *signal.NoHistoryArchivesCreatedSignal
    HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal             *signal.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal
    HistoryArchivesUnseededSignal            *signal.HistoryArchivesUnseededSignal
    HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal           *signal.HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal
    DownloadingHistoryArchivesStartedSignal  *signal.DownloadingHistoryArchivesStartedSignal
    DownloadingHistoryArchivesFinishedSignal *signal.DownloadingHistoryArchivesFinishedSignal
    ImportingHistoryArchiveMessagesSignal    *signal.ImportingHistoryArchiveMessagesSignal
    CommunityEventsMessage                   *CommunityEventsMessage
    AcceptedRequestsToJoin                   []types.HexBytes
    RejectedRequestsToJoin                   []types.HexBytes
    CommunityPrivilegedMemberSyncMessage     *CommunityPrivilegedMemberSyncMessage
    TokenCommunityValidated                  *CommunityResponse

type CommunityResponse struct {
    Community       *Community                             `json:"community"`
    Changes         *CommunityChanges                      `json:"changes"`
    RequestsToJoin  []*RequestToJoin                       `json:"requestsToJoin"`
    FailedToDecrypt []*CommunityPrivateDataFailedToDecrypt `json:"-"`

func (m *Manager) Subscribe() chan *Subscription {
    subscription := make(chan *Subscription, 100)
    m.subscriptions = append(m.subscriptions, subscription)
    return subscription

func (m *Manager) Start() error {
    m.stopped = false
    if m.ensVerifier != nil {

    if m.ownerVerifier != nil {
    return nil

func (m *Manager) SetOnline(online bool) {
    if online {
        if m.torrentConfig != nil && m.torrentConfig.Enabled && !m.TorrentClientStarted() {
            err := m.StartTorrentClient()
            if err != nil {
                m.LogStdout("couldn't start torrent client", zap.Error(err))

func (m *Manager) runENSVerificationLoop() {
    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case <-m.quit:
                m.logger.Debug("quitting ens verification loop")
            case records, more := <-m.ensSubscription:
                if !more {
                    m.logger.Debug("no more ens records, quitting")
                m.logger.Info("received records", zap.Any("records", records))

// Only for testing
func (m *Manager) CommunitiesToValidate() (map[string][]communityToValidate, error) { // nolint: golint
    return m.persistence.getCommunitiesToValidate()

func (m *Manager) runOwnerVerificationLoop() {
    m.logger.Info("starting owner verification loop")
    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case <-m.quit:
                m.logger.Debug("quitting owner verification loop")
            case <-time.After(validateInterval):
                // If ownerverifier is nil, we skip, this is useful for testing
                if m.ownerVerifier == nil {

                communitiesToValidate, err := m.persistence.getCommunitiesToValidate()

                if err != nil {
                    m.logger.Error("failed to fetch communities to validate", zap.Error(err))
                for id, communities := range communitiesToValidate {
                    m.logger.Info("validating communities", zap.String("id", id), zap.Int("count", len(communities)))

                    _, _ = m.validateCommunity(communities)

func (m *Manager) ValidateCommunityByID(communityID types.HexBytes) (*CommunityResponse, error) {
    communitiesToValidate, err := m.persistence.getCommunityToValidateByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        m.logger.Error("failed to validate community by ID", zap.String("id", communityID.String()), zap.Error(err))
        return nil, err
    return m.validateCommunity(communitiesToValidate)


func (m *Manager) validateCommunity(communityToValidateData []communityToValidate) (*CommunityResponse, error) {
    for _, community := range communityToValidateData {
        signer, description, err := UnwrapCommunityDescriptionMessage(community.payload)
        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Error("failed to unwrap community", zap.Error(err))

        chainID := CommunityDescriptionTokenOwnerChainID(description)
        if chainID == 0 {
            // This should not happen
            m.logger.Error("chain id is 0, ignoring")

        m.logger.Info("validating community", zap.String("id", types.EncodeHex(, zap.String("signer", common.PubkeyToHex(signer)))

        ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*3)
        defer cancel()

        owner, err := m.ownerVerifier.SafeGetSignerPubKey(ctx, chainID, types.EncodeHex(
        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Error("failed to get owner", zap.Error(err))

        ownerPK, err := common.HexToPubkey(owner)
        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Error("failed to convert pk string to ecdsa", zap.Error(err))

        // TODO: handle shards
        response, err := m.HandleCommunityDescriptionMessage(signer, description, community.payload, ownerPK, nil)
        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Error("failed to handle community", zap.Error(err))
            err = m.persistence.DeleteCommunityToValidate(, community.clock)
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Error("failed to delete community to validate", zap.Error(err))

        if response != nil {

            m.logger.Info("community validated", zap.String("id", types.EncodeHex(, zap.String("signer", common.PubkeyToHex(signer)))
            m.publish(&Subscription{TokenCommunityValidated: response})
            err := m.persistence.DeleteCommunitiesToValidateByCommunityID(
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Error("failed to delete communities to validate", zap.Error(err))
            return response, nil

    return nil, nil

func (m *Manager) Stop() error {
    m.stopped = true
    for _, c := range m.subscriptions {
    return nil

func (m *Manager) SetTorrentConfig(config *params.TorrentConfig) {
    m.torrentConfig = config

// getTCPandUDPport will return the same port number given if != 0,
// otherwise, it will attempt to find a free random tcp and udp port using
// the same number for both protocols
func (m *Manager) getTCPandUDPport(portNumber int) (int, error) {
    if portNumber != 0 {
        return portNumber, nil

    // Find free port
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        port := func() int {
            tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", net.JoinHostPort("localhost", "0"))
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Warn("unable to resolve tcp addr: %v", zap.Error(err))
                return 0

            tcpListener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcpAddr)
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Warn("unable to listen on addr", zap.Stringer("addr", tcpAddr), zap.Error(err))
                return 0
            defer tcpListener.Close()

            port := tcpListener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port

            udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", net.JoinHostPort("localhost", fmt.Sprintf("%d", port)))
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Warn("unable to resolve udp addr: %v", zap.Error(err))
                return 0

            udpListener, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", udpAddr)
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Warn("unable to listen on addr", zap.Stringer("addr", udpAddr), zap.Error(err))
                return 0
            defer udpListener.Close()

            return port

        if port != 0 {
            return port, nil

    return 0, fmt.Errorf("no free port found")

func (m *Manager) StartTorrentClient() error {
    if m.torrentConfig == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("can't start torrent client: missing torrentConfig")

    if m.TorrentClientStarted() {
        return nil

    port, err := m.getTCPandUDPport(m.torrentConfig.Port)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    config := torrent.NewDefaultClientConfig()
    config.SetListenAddr(":" + fmt.Sprint(port))
    config.Seed = true

    config.DataDir = m.torrentConfig.DataDir

    if _, err := os.Stat(m.torrentConfig.DataDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        err := os.MkdirAll(m.torrentConfig.DataDir, 0700)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    m.logger.Info("Starting torrent client", zap.Any("port", port))
    // Instantiating the client will make it bootstrap and listen eagerly,
    // so no go routine is needed here
    client, err := torrent.NewClient(config)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    m.torrentClient = client
    return nil

func (m *Manager) StopTorrentClient() []error {
    if m.TorrentClientStarted() {
        m.logger.Info("Stopping torrent client")
        errs := m.torrentClient.Close()
        if len(errs) > 0 {
            return errs
        m.torrentClient = nil
    return make([]error, 0)

func (m *Manager) TorrentClientStarted() bool {
    return m.torrentClient != nil

func (m *Manager) publish(subscription *Subscription) {
    if m.stopped {
    for _, s := range m.subscriptions {
        select {
        case s <- subscription:
            m.logger.Warn("subscription channel full, dropping message")

func (m *Manager) All() ([]*Community, error) {
    return m.persistence.AllCommunities(&m.identity.PublicKey)

type CommunityShard struct {
    CommunityID string       `json:"communityID"`
    Shard       *shard.Shard `json:"shard"`

type CuratedCommunities struct {
    ContractCommunities         []string
    ContractFeaturedCommunities []string

type KnownCommunitiesResponse struct {
    ContractCommunities         []string              `json:"contractCommunities"`
    ContractFeaturedCommunities []string              `json:"contractFeaturedCommunities"`
    Descriptions                map[string]*Community `json:"communities"`
    UnknownCommunities          []string              `json:"unknownCommunities"`

func (m *Manager) GetStoredDescriptionForCommunities(communityIDs []string) (*KnownCommunitiesResponse, error) {
    response := &KnownCommunitiesResponse{
        Descriptions: make(map[string]*Community),

    for i := range communityIDs {
        communityID := communityIDs[i]
        communityIDBytes, err := types.DecodeHex(communityID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        community, err := m.GetByID(types.HexBytes(communityIDBytes))
        if err != nil && err != ErrOrgNotFound {
            return nil, err

        if community != nil {
            response.Descriptions[community.IDString()] = community
        } else {
            response.UnknownCommunities = append(response.UnknownCommunities, communityID)

        response.ContractCommunities = append(response.ContractCommunities, communityID)

    return response, nil

func (m *Manager) Joined() ([]*Community, error) {
    return m.persistence.JoinedCommunities(&m.identity.PublicKey)

func (m *Manager) Spectated() ([]*Community, error) {
    return m.persistence.SpectatedCommunities(&m.identity.PublicKey)

func (m *Manager) CommunityUpdateLastOpenedAt(communityID types.HexBytes, timestamp int64) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.persistence.UpdateLastOpenedAt(community.ID(), timestamp)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) JoinedAndPendingCommunitiesWithRequests() ([]*Community, error) {
    return m.persistence.JoinedAndPendingCommunitiesWithRequests(&m.identity.PublicKey)

func (m *Manager) DeletedCommunities() ([]*Community, error) {
    return m.persistence.DeletedCommunities(&m.identity.PublicKey)

func (m *Manager) Controlled() ([]*Community, error) {
    communities, err := m.persistence.CommunitiesWithPrivateKey(&m.identity.PublicKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    controlled := make([]*Community, 0, len(communities))

    for _, c := range communities {
        if c.IsControlNode() {
            controlled = append(controlled, c)

    return controlled, nil

// CreateCommunity takes a description, generates an ID for it, saves it and return it
func (m *Manager) CreateCommunity(request *requests.CreateCommunity, publish bool) (*Community, error) {

    description, err := request.ToCommunityDescription()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    description.Members = make(map[string]*protobuf.CommunityMember)
    description.Members[common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey)] = &protobuf.CommunityMember{Roles: []protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles{protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_OWNER}}

    err = ValidateCommunityDescription(description)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    description.Clock = 1

    key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    description.ID = types.EncodeHex(crypto.CompressPubkey(&key.PublicKey))

    config := Config{
        ID:                   &key.PublicKey,
        PrivateKey:           key,
        ControlNode:          &key.PublicKey,
        ControlDevice:        true,
        Logger:               m.logger,
        Joined:               true,
        JoinedAt:             time.Now().Unix(),
        MemberIdentity:       &m.identity.PublicKey,
        CommunityDescription: description,
        Shard:                nil,
        LastOpenedAt:         0,

    var descriptionEncryptor DescriptionEncryptor
    if m.encryptor != nil {
        descriptionEncryptor = m
    community, err := New(config, m.timesource, descriptionEncryptor)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // We join any community we create

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Save grant for own community
    grant, err := community.BuildGrant(&m.identity.PublicKey, "")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunityGrant(community.IDString(), grant, uint64(time.Now().UnixMilli()))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Mark this device as the control node
    syncControlNode := &protobuf.SyncCommunityControlNode{
        Clock:          1,
        InstallationId: m.installationID,
    err = m.SaveSyncControlNode(community.ID(), syncControlNode)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if publish {
        m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) CreateCommunityTokenPermission(request *requests.CreateCommunityTokenPermission) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // ensure key is generated before marshaling,
    // as it requires key to encrypt description
    if community.IsControlNode() && m.encryptor != nil {
        key, err := m.encryptor.GenerateHashRatchetKey(community.ID())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        keyID, err := key.GetKeyID()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        m.logger.Info("generate key for token", zap.String("group-id", types.Bytes2Hex(community.ID())), zap.String("key-id", types.Bytes2Hex(keyID)))

    community, changes, err := m.createCommunityTokenPermission(request, community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) EditCommunityTokenPermission(request *requests.EditCommunityTokenPermission) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    tokenPermission := request.ToCommunityTokenPermission()

    changes, err := community.UpsertTokenPermission(&tokenPermission)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

// use it only for testing purposes
func (m *Manager) ReevaluateMembers(communityID types.HexBytes) (*Community, map[protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles][]*ecdsa.PublicKey, error) {
    return m.reevaluateMembers(communityID)

func (m *Manager) reevaluateMembers(communityID types.HexBytes) (*Community, map[protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles][]*ecdsa.PublicKey, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // TODO: Control node needs to be notified to do a permission check if TokenMasters did airdrop
    // of the token which is using in a community permissions
    if !community.IsControlNode() {
        return nil, nil, ErrNotEnoughPermissions

    communityPermissionsPreParsedData, channelPermissionsPreParsedData := PreParsePermissionsData(community.tokenPermissions())

    hasMemberPermissions := communityPermissionsPreParsedData[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_MEMBER] != nil

    if len(channelPermissionsPreParsedData) == 0 {

    newPrivilegedRoles := make(map[protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles][]*ecdsa.PublicKey)
    newPrivilegedRoles[protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_TOKEN_MASTER] = []*ecdsa.PublicKey{}
    newPrivilegedRoles[protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_ADMIN] = []*ecdsa.PublicKey{}

    membersAccounts, err := m.persistence.GetCommunityRequestsToJoinRevealedAddresses(community.ID())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    for memberKey := range community.Members() {
        memberPubKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(memberKey)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

        if memberKey == common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey) || community.IsMemberOwner(memberPubKey) {

        isCurrentRoleTokenMaster := community.IsMemberTokenMaster(memberPubKey)
        isCurrentRoleAdmin := community.IsMemberAdmin(memberPubKey)

        revealedAccount, exists := membersAccounts[memberKey]
        memberHasWallet := exists

        // Check if user has privilege role without sharing the account to controlNode
        // or user treated as a member without wallet in closed community
        if !memberHasWallet && (hasMemberPermissions || isCurrentRoleTokenMaster || isCurrentRoleAdmin) {
            _, err = community.RemoveUserFromOrg(memberPubKey)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, nil, err

        accountsAndChainIDs := revealedAccountsToAccountsAndChainIDsCombination(revealedAccount)

        isNewRoleTokenMaster, err := m.ReevaluatePrivilegedMember(
            protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_TOKEN_MASTER, isCurrentRoleTokenMaster)

        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

        if isNewRoleTokenMaster {
            if !isCurrentRoleTokenMaster {
                newPrivilegedRoles[protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_TOKEN_MASTER] =
                    append(newPrivilegedRoles[protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_TOKEN_MASTER], memberPubKey)
            // Skip further validation if user has TokenMaster permissions

        isNewRoleAdmin, err := m.ReevaluatePrivilegedMember(
            protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_ADMIN, isCurrentRoleAdmin)

        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

        if isNewRoleAdmin {
            if !isCurrentRoleAdmin {
                newPrivilegedRoles[protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_ADMIN] =
                    append(newPrivilegedRoles[protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_ADMIN], memberPubKey)
            // Skip further validation if user has Admin permissions

        if hasMemberPermissions {
            permissionResponse, err := m.PermissionChecker.CheckPermissions(
            if err != nil {
                return nil, nil, err

            if !permissionResponse.Satisfied {
                _, err = community.RemoveUserFromOrg(memberPubKey)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, nil, err
                // Skip channels validation if user has been removed

        err = m.reevaluateMemberChannelsPermissions(community, memberPubKey, channelPermissionsPreParsedData, accountsAndChainIDs)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

    return community, newPrivilegedRoles, m.saveAndPublish(community)

func (m *Manager) reevaluateMemberChannelsPermissions(community *Community, memberPubKey *ecdsa.PublicKey,
    channelPermissionsPreParsedData map[string]*PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData, accountsAndChainIDs []*AccountChainIDsCombination) error {

    if len(channelPermissionsPreParsedData) == 0 {
        return nil

    // check which permissions we satisfy and which not
    channelPermissionsCheckResult, err := m.checkChannelsPermissions(channelPermissionsPreParsedData, accountsAndChainIDs, true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for channelID := range community.Chats() {
        chatID := community.ChatID(channelID)
        isMemberAlreadyInChannel := community.IsMemberInChat(memberPubKey, channelID)

        channelPermissionsCheckResult, exists := channelPermissionsCheckResult[chatID]

        // if channel permissions were removed member must be added back
        if !exists {
            if !isMemberAlreadyInChannel {
                _, err := community.AddMemberToChat(channelID, memberPubKey, []protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles{}, protobuf.CommunityMember_CHANNEL_ROLE_POSTER)
                if err != nil {
                    return err

        viewAndPostSatisfied, viewAndPosPermissionExists := channelPermissionsCheckResult[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_CAN_VIEW_AND_POST_CHANNEL]
        viewOnlySatisfied, viewOnlyPermissionExists := channelPermissionsCheckResult[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_CAN_VIEW_CHANNEL]

        satisfied := false
        channelRole := protobuf.CommunityMember_CHANNEL_ROLE_VIEWER
        if viewAndPosPermissionExists && viewAndPostSatisfied {
            satisfied = viewAndPostSatisfied
            channelRole = protobuf.CommunityMember_CHANNEL_ROLE_POSTER
        } else if !satisfied && viewOnlyPermissionExists {
            satisfied = viewOnlySatisfied

        if satisfied {
            // Add the member back to the chat member list in case the role changed (it replaces the previous values)
            _, err := community.AddMemberToChat(channelID, memberPubKey, []protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles{}, channelRole)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        } else if !satisfied && isMemberAlreadyInChannel {
            _, err := community.RemoveUserFromChat(memberPubKey, channelID)
            if err != nil {
                return err
    return nil

func (m *Manager) checkChannelsPermissions(channelsPermissionsPreParsedData map[string]*PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData, accountsAndChainIDs []*AccountChainIDsCombination, shortcircuit bool) (map[string]map[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_Type]bool, error) {
    channelPermissionsCheckResult := make(map[string]map[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_Type]bool)
    for _, channelsPermissionPreParsedData := range channelsPermissionsPreParsedData {
        permissionResponse, err := m.PermissionChecker.CheckPermissions(channelsPermissionPreParsedData, accountsAndChainIDs, true)
        if err != nil {
            return channelPermissionsCheckResult, err
        // Note: in `PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData` for channels there will be only one permission
        // no need to iterate over `Permissions`
        for _, chatId := range channelsPermissionPreParsedData.Permissions[0].ChatIds {
            if _, exists := channelPermissionsCheckResult[chatId]; !exists {
                channelPermissionsCheckResult[chatId] = make(map[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_Type]bool)
            satisfied, exists := channelPermissionsCheckResult[chatId][channelsPermissionPreParsedData.Permissions[0].Type]
            if exists && satisfied {
            channelPermissionsCheckResult[chatId][channelsPermissionPreParsedData.Permissions[0].Type] = permissionResponse.Satisfied
    return channelPermissionsCheckResult, nil

func (m *Manager) StartMembersReevaluationLoop(communityID types.HexBytes, reevaluateOnStart bool) {
    go m.reevaluateMembersLoop(communityID, reevaluateOnStart)

func (m *Manager) reevaluateMembersLoop(communityID types.HexBytes, reevaluateOnStart bool) {

    if _, exists := m.membersReevaluationTasks.Load(communityID.String()); exists {

    m.membersReevaluationTasks.Store(communityID.String(), &membersReevaluationTask{})
    defer m.membersReevaluationTasks.Delete(communityID.String())

    var forceReevaluation chan struct{}
    if m.forceMembersReevaluation != nil {
        forceReevaluation = make(chan struct{}, 10)
        m.forceMembersReevaluation[communityID.String()] = forceReevaluation

    type criticalError struct {

    shouldReevaluate := func(task *membersReevaluationTask, force bool) bool {
        defer task.mutex.Unlock()

        // Ensure reevaluation is performed not more often than once per minute
        if !force && task.lastSuccessTime.After(time.Now().Add(-1*time.Minute)) {
            return false

        if !task.lastSuccessTime.Before(time.Now().Add(-memberPermissionsCheckInterval)) &&
            !task.lastSuccessTime.Before(task.onDemandRequestTime) {
            return false

        return true

    reevaluateMembers := func(force bool) (err error) {
        t, exists := m.membersReevaluationTasks.Load(communityID.String())
        if !exists {
            return criticalError{
                error: errors.New("missing task"),
        task, ok := t.(*membersReevaluationTask)
        if !ok {
            return criticalError{
                error: errors.New("invalid task type"),

        if !shouldReevaluate(task, force) {
            return nil

        err = m.reevaluateCommunityMembersPermissions(communityID)
        if err != nil {
            if errors.Is(err, ErrOrgNotFound) {
                return criticalError{
                    error: err,
            return err

        defer task.mutex.Unlock()
        task.lastSuccessTime = time.Now()

        return nil

    ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    reevaluate := reevaluateOnStart
    force := false

    for {
        if reevaluate {
            err := reevaluateMembers(force)
            if err != nil {
                var criticalError *criticalError
                if errors.As(err, &criticalError) {

        force = false
        reevaluate = false

        select {
        case <-ticker.C:
            reevaluate = true

        case <-forceReevaluation:
            reevaluate = true
            force = true

        case <-m.quit:

func (m *Manager) ForceMembersReevaluation(communityID types.HexBytes) error {
    if m.forceMembersReevaluation == nil {
        return errors.New("forcing members reevaluation is not allowed")
    return m.scheduleMembersReevaluation(communityID, true)

func (m *Manager) ScheduleMembersReevaluation(communityID types.HexBytes) error {
    return m.scheduleMembersReevaluation(communityID, false)

func (m *Manager) scheduleMembersReevaluation(communityID types.HexBytes, forceImmediateReevaluation bool) error {
    t, exists := m.membersReevaluationTasks.Load(communityID.String())
    if !exists {
        return errors.New("reevaluation task doesn't exist")

    task, ok := t.(*membersReevaluationTask)
    if !ok {
        return errors.New("invalid task type")
    defer task.mutex.Unlock()
    task.onDemandRequestTime = time.Now()

    if forceImmediateReevaluation {
        m.forceMembersReevaluation[communityID.String()] <- struct{}{}

    return nil

func (m *Manager) DeleteCommunityTokenPermission(request *requests.DeleteCommunityTokenPermission) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    changes, err := community.DeleteTokenPermission(request.PermissionID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) reevaluateCommunityMembersPermissions(communityID types.HexBytes) error {
    // Publish when the reevluation started since it can take a while

    community, newPrivilegedMembers, err := m.reevaluateMembers(communityID)

    // Publish the reevaluation ending, even if it errored
    // A possible improvement would be to pass the error here

    if err != nil {
        return err

    return m.shareRequestsToJoinWithNewPrivilegedMembers(community, newPrivilegedMembers)

func (m *Manager) DeleteCommunity(id types.HexBytes) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    err := m.persistence.DeleteCommunity(id)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return m.persistence.DeleteCommunitySettings(id)

func (m *Manager) updateShard(community *Community, shard *shard.Shard, clock uint64) error {
    community.config.Shard = shard
    if shard == nil {
        return m.persistence.DeleteCommunityShard(community.ID())

    return m.persistence.SaveCommunityShard(community.ID(), shard, clock)

func (m *Manager) UpdateShard(community *Community, shard *shard.Shard, clock uint64) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(community.ID())

    return m.updateShard(community, shard, clock)

// SetShard assigns a shard to a community
func (m *Manager) SetShard(communityID types.HexBytes, shard *shard.Shard) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err


    err = m.updateShard(community, shard, community.Clock())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) UpdatePubsubTopicPrivateKey(topic string, privKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) error {
    if privKey != nil {
        return m.transport.StorePubsubTopicKey(topic, privKey)

    return m.transport.RemovePubsubTopicKey(topic)

// EditCommunity takes a description, updates the community with the description,
// saves it and returns it
func (m *Manager) EditCommunity(request *requests.EditCommunity) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    newDescription, err := request.ToCommunityDescription()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't create community description: %v", err)

    // If permissions weren't explicitly set on original request, use existing ones
    if newDescription.Permissions.Access == protobuf.CommunityPermissions_UNKNOWN_ACCESS {
        newDescription.Permissions.Access = community.config.CommunityDescription.Permissions.Access
    // Use existing images for the entries that were not updated
    // NOTE: This will NOT allow deletion of the community image; it will need to
    // be handled separately.
    for imageName := range community.config.CommunityDescription.Identity.Images {
        _, exists := newDescription.Identity.Images[imageName]
        if !exists {
            // If no image was set in ToCommunityDescription then Images is nil.
            if newDescription.Identity.Images == nil {
                newDescription.Identity.Images = make(map[string]*protobuf.IdentityImage)
            newDescription.Identity.Images[imageName] = community.config.CommunityDescription.Identity.Images[imageName]
    // TODO: handle delete image (if needed)

    err = ValidateCommunityDescription(newDescription)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !(community.IsControlNode() || community.hasPermissionToSendCommunityEvent(protobuf.CommunityEvent_COMMUNITY_EDIT)) {
        return nil, ErrNotAuthorized

    // Edit the community values
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if community.IsControlNode() {
    } else {
        err := community.addNewCommunityEvent(community.ToCommunityEditCommunityEvent(newDescription))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) RemovePrivateKey(id types.HexBytes) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return community, err

    if !community.IsControlNode() {
        return community, ErrNotControlNode

    community.config.PrivateKey = nil
    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return community, err
    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) ExportCommunity(id types.HexBytes) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) {
    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !community.IsControlNode() {
        return nil, ErrNotControlNode

    return community.config.PrivateKey, nil

func (m *Manager) ImportCommunity(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey, clock uint64) (*Community, error) {
    communityID := crypto.CompressPubkey(&key.PublicKey)

    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil && err != ErrOrgNotFound {
        return nil, err

    if community == nil {
        createCommunityRequest := requests.CreateCommunity{
            Membership: protobuf.CommunityPermissions_MANUAL_ACCEPT,
            Name:       "unknown imported",

        description, err := createCommunityRequest.ToCommunityDescription()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        err = ValidateCommunityDescription(description)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        description.Clock = 1
        description.ID = types.EncodeHex(communityID)

        config := Config{
            ID:                   &key.PublicKey,
            PrivateKey:           key,
            ControlNode:          &key.PublicKey,
            ControlDevice:        true,
            Logger:               m.logger,
            Joined:               true,
            JoinedAt:             time.Now().Unix(),
            MemberIdentity:       &m.identity.PublicKey,
            CommunityDescription: description,
            LastOpenedAt:         0,

        var descriptionEncryptor DescriptionEncryptor
        if m.encryptor != nil {
            descriptionEncryptor = m
        community, err = New(config, m.timesource, descriptionEncryptor)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {
        community.config.PrivateKey = key
        community.config.ControlDevice = true

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Save grant for own community
    grant, err := community.BuildGrant(&m.identity.PublicKey, "")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunityGrant(community.IDString(), grant, uint64(time.Now().UnixMilli()))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Mark this device as the control node
    syncControlNode := &protobuf.SyncCommunityControlNode{
        Clock:          clock,
        InstallationId: m.installationID,
    err = m.SaveSyncControlNode(community.ID(), syncControlNode)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) CreateChat(communityID types.HexBytes, chat *protobuf.CommunityChat, publish bool, thirdPartyID string) (*CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    chatID := uuid.New().String()
    if thirdPartyID != "" {
        chatID = chatID + thirdPartyID

    changes, err := community.CreateChat(chatID, chat)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return changes, nil

func (m *Manager) EditChat(communityID types.HexBytes, chatID string, chat *protobuf.CommunityChat) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Remove communityID prefix from chatID if exists
    if strings.HasPrefix(chatID, communityID.String()) {
        chatID = strings.TrimPrefix(chatID, communityID.String())

    oldChat, err := community.GetChat(chatID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // We can't edit permissions and members with an Edit, so we set to what we had, otherwise they will be lost
    chat.Permissions = oldChat.Permissions
    chat.Members = oldChat.Members

    changes, err := community.EditChat(chatID, chat)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) DeleteChat(communityID types.HexBytes, chatID string) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Remove communityID prefix from chatID if exists
    if strings.HasPrefix(chatID, communityID.String()) {
        chatID = strings.TrimPrefix(chatID, communityID.String())
    changes, err := community.DeleteChat(chatID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) CreateCategory(request *requests.CreateCommunityCategory, publish bool) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    categoryID := uuid.New().String()
    if request.ThirdPartyID != "" {
        categoryID = categoryID + request.ThirdPartyID

    // Remove communityID prefix from chatID if exists
    for i, cid := range request.ChatIDs {
        if strings.HasPrefix(cid, request.CommunityID.String()) {
            request.ChatIDs[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(cid, request.CommunityID.String())

    changes, err := community.CreateCategory(categoryID, request.CategoryName, request.ChatIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) EditCategory(request *requests.EditCommunityCategory) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Remove communityID prefix from chatID if exists
    for i, cid := range request.ChatIDs {
        if strings.HasPrefix(cid, request.CommunityID.String()) {
            request.ChatIDs[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(cid, request.CommunityID.String())

    changes, err := community.EditCategory(request.CategoryID, request.CategoryName, request.ChatIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) EditChatFirstMessageTimestamp(communityID types.HexBytes, chatID string, timestamp uint32) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Remove communityID prefix from chatID if exists
    if strings.HasPrefix(chatID, communityID.String()) {
        chatID = strings.TrimPrefix(chatID, communityID.String())

    changes, err := community.UpdateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chatID, timestamp)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Advertise changes
    m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) ReorderCategories(request *requests.ReorderCommunityCategories) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    changes, err := community.ReorderCategories(request.CategoryID, request.Position)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) ReorderChat(request *requests.ReorderCommunityChat) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Remove communityID prefix from chatID if exists
    if strings.HasPrefix(request.ChatID, request.CommunityID.String()) {
        request.ChatID = strings.TrimPrefix(request.ChatID, request.CommunityID.String())

    changes, err := community.ReorderChat(request.CategoryID, request.ChatID, request.Position)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) DeleteCategory(request *requests.DeleteCommunityCategory) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    changes, err := community.DeleteCategory(request.CategoryID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return changes.Community, changes, nil

func (m *Manager) GenerateRequestsToJoinForAutoApprovalOnNewOwnership(communityID types.HexBytes, kickedMembers map[string]*protobuf.CommunityMember) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    var requestsToJoin []*RequestToJoin
    clock := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
    for pubKeyStr := range kickedMembers {
        requestToJoin := &RequestToJoin{
            PublicKey:        pubKeyStr,
            Clock:            clock,
            CommunityID:      communityID,
            State:            RequestToJoinStateAwaitingAddresses,
            Our:              true,
            RevealedAccounts: make([]*protobuf.RevealedAccount, 0),


        requestsToJoin = append(requestsToJoin, requestToJoin)

    return requestsToJoin, m.persistence.SaveRequestsToJoin(requestsToJoin)

func (m *Manager) Queue(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, community *Community, clock uint64, payload []byte) error {

    m.logger.Info("queuing community", zap.String("id", community.IDString()), zap.String("signer", common.PubkeyToHex(signer)))

    communityToValidate := communityToValidate{
        id:         community.ID(),
        clock:      clock,
        payload:    payload,
        validateAt: uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()),
        signer:     crypto.CompressPubkey(signer),
    err := m.persistence.SaveCommunityToValidate(communityToValidate)
    if err != nil {
        m.logger.Error("failed to save community", zap.Error(err))
        return err

    return nil

func (m *Manager) HandleCommunityDescriptionMessage(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, description *protobuf.CommunityDescription, payload []byte, verifiedOwner *ecdsa.PublicKey, communityShard *protobuf.Shard) (*CommunityResponse, error) {
    m.logger.Debug("HandleCommunityDescriptionMessage", zap.String("communityID", description.ID), zap.Uint64("clock", description.Clock))

    if signer == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("signer can't be nil")

    var id []byte
    var err error
    if len(description.ID) != 0 {
        id, err = types.DecodeHex(description.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {
        // Backward compatibility
        id = crypto.CompressPubkey(signer)

    failedToDecrypt, processedDescription, err := m.preprocessDescription(id, description)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)
    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil && err != ErrOrgNotFound {
        return nil, err

    // We don't process failed to decrypt if the whole metadata is encrypted
    // and we joined the community already
    if community != nil && community.Joined() && len(failedToDecrypt) != 0 && processedDescription != nil && len(processedDescription.Members) == 0 {
        return &CommunityResponse{FailedToDecrypt: failedToDecrypt}, nil

    // We should queue only if the community has a token owner, and the owner has been verified
    hasTokenOwnership := HasTokenOwnership(processedDescription)
    shouldQueue := hasTokenOwnership && verifiedOwner == nil

    if community == nil {
        pubKey, err := crypto.DecompressPubkey(id)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        config := Config{
            CommunityDescription:                processedDescription,
            Logger:                              m.logger,
            CommunityDescriptionProtocolMessage: payload,
            MemberIdentity:                      &m.identity.PublicKey,
            ID:                                  pubKey,
            ControlNode:                         signer,
            Shard:                               shard.FromProtobuff(communityShard),

        var descriptionEncryptor DescriptionEncryptor
        if m.encryptor != nil {
            descriptionEncryptor = m
        community, err = New(config, m.timesource, descriptionEncryptor)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        // A new community, we need to check if we need to validate async.
        // That would be the case if it has a contract. We queue everything and process separately.
        if shouldQueue {
            return nil, m.Queue(signer, community, processedDescription.Clock, payload)
    } else {
        // only queue if already known control node is different than the signer
        // and if the clock is greater
        shouldQueue = shouldQueue && !common.IsPubKeyEqual(community.ControlNode(), signer) &&
            community.config.CommunityDescription.Clock < processedDescription.Clock
        if shouldQueue {
            return nil, m.Queue(signer, community, processedDescription.Clock, payload)

    if hasTokenOwnership && verifiedOwner != nil {
        // Override verified owner
        m.logger.Info("updating verified owner",
            zap.String("communityID", community.IDString()),
            zap.String("verifiedOwner", common.PubkeyToHex(verifiedOwner)),
            zap.String("signer", common.PubkeyToHex(signer)),
            zap.String("controlNode", common.PubkeyToHex(community.ControlNode())),

        // If we are not the verified owner anymore, drop the private key
        if !common.IsPubKeyEqual(verifiedOwner, &m.identity.PublicKey) {
            community.config.PrivateKey = nil

        // new control node will be set in the 'UpdateCommunityDescription'
        if !common.IsPubKeyEqual(verifiedOwner, signer) {
            return nil, ErrNotAuthorized
    } else if !common.IsPubKeyEqual(community.ControlNode(), signer) {
        return nil, ErrNotAuthorized

    r, err := m.handleCommunityDescriptionMessageCommon(community, processedDescription, payload, verifiedOwner)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    r.FailedToDecrypt = failedToDecrypt
    return r, nil

func (m *Manager) NewHashRatchetKeys(keys []*encryption.HashRatchetInfo) error {
    return m.persistence.InvalidateDecryptedCommunityCacheForKeys(keys)

func (m *Manager) preprocessDescription(id types.HexBytes, description *protobuf.CommunityDescription) ([]*CommunityPrivateDataFailedToDecrypt, *protobuf.CommunityDescription, error) {
    decryptedCommunity, err := m.persistence.GetDecryptedCommunityDescription(id, description.Clock)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    if decryptedCommunity != nil {
        return nil, decryptedCommunity, nil

    response, err := decryptDescription(id, m, description, m.logger)
    if err != nil {
        return response, description, err


    // Workaround for
    hydrateChannelsMembers(types.EncodeHex(id), description)

    return response, description, m.persistence.SaveDecryptedCommunityDescription(id, response, description)

func (m *Manager) handleCommunityDescriptionMessageCommon(community *Community, description *protobuf.CommunityDescription, payload []byte, newControlNode *ecdsa.PublicKey) (*CommunityResponse, error) {
    prevClock := community.config.CommunityDescription.Clock
    changes, err := community.UpdateCommunityDescription(description, payload, newControlNode)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err = m.handleCommunityTokensMetadata(community); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    hasCommunityArchiveInfo, err := m.persistence.HasCommunityArchiveInfo(community.ID())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    cdMagnetlinkClock := community.config.CommunityDescription.ArchiveMagnetlinkClock
    if !hasCommunityArchiveInfo {
        err = m.persistence.SaveCommunityArchiveInfo(community.ID(), cdMagnetlinkClock, 0)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {
        magnetlinkClock, err := m.persistence.GetMagnetlinkMessageClock(community.ID())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if cdMagnetlinkClock > magnetlinkClock {
            err = m.persistence.UpdateMagnetlinkMessageClock(community.ID(), cdMagnetlinkClock)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

    pkString := common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey)
    if m.tokenManager != nil && description.CommunityTokensMetadata != nil && len(description.CommunityTokensMetadata) > 0 {
        for _, tokenMetadata := range description.CommunityTokensMetadata {
            if tokenMetadata.TokenType != protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC20 {

            for chainID, address := range tokenMetadata.ContractAddresses {
                _ = m.tokenManager.FindOrCreateTokenByAddress(context.Background(), chainID, gethcommon.HexToAddress(address))

    // If the community require membership, we set whether we should leave/join the community after a state change
    if community.ManualAccept() || community.AutoAccept() {
        if changes.HasNewMember(pkString) {
            hasPendingRequest, err := m.persistence.HasPendingRequestsToJoinForUserAndCommunity(pkString, changes.Community.ID())
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            // If there's any pending request, we should join the community
            // automatically
            changes.ShouldMemberJoin = hasPendingRequest

        if changes.HasMemberLeft(pkString) {
            // If we joined previously the community, that means we have been kicked
            changes.MemberKicked = community.Joined()

    if description.Clock > prevClock {
        err = m.persistence.DeleteCommunityEvents(community.ID())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        community.config.EventsData = nil

    // Set Joined if we are part of the member list
    if !community.Joined() && community.hasMember(&m.identity.PublicKey) {
        changes.ShouldMemberJoin = true

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // We mark our requests as completed, though maybe we should mark
    // any request for any user that has been added as completed
    if err := m.markRequestToJoinAsAccepted(&m.identity.PublicKey, community); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // Check if there's a change and we should be joining

    return &CommunityResponse{
        Community: community,
        Changes:   changes,
    }, nil

func (m *Manager) signEvents(community *Community) error {
    for i := range community.config.EventsData.Events {
        communityEvent := &community.config.EventsData.Events[i]
        if communityEvent.Signature == nil || len(communityEvent.Signature) == 0 {
            err := communityEvent.Sign(m.identity)
            if err != nil {
                return err
    return nil

func (m *Manager) HandleCommunityEventsMessage(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, message *protobuf.CommunityEventsMessage) (*CommunityResponse, error) {
    if signer == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("signer can't be nil")

    eventsMessage, err := CommunityEventsMessageFromProtobuf(message)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(eventsMessage.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(eventsMessage.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !community.IsPrivilegedMember(signer) {
        return nil, errors.New("user has not permissions to send events")

    originCommunity := community.CreateDeepCopy()

    var lastlyAppliedEvents map[string]uint64
    if community.IsControlNode() {
        lastlyAppliedEvents, err = m.persistence.GetAppliedCommunityEvents(community.ID())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    additionalCommunityResponse, err := m.handleCommunityEventsAndMetadata(community, eventsMessage, lastlyAppliedEvents)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Control node applies events and publish updated CommunityDescription
    if community.IsControlNode() {
        appliedEvents := map[string]uint64{}
        if community.config.EventsData != nil {
            for _, event := range community.config.EventsData.Events {
                appliedEvents[event.EventTypeID()] = event.CommunityEventClock
        community.config.EventsData = nil // clear events, they are already applied

        if m.keyDistributor != nil {
            encryptionKeyActions := EvaluateCommunityEncryptionKeyActions(originCommunity, community)
            err := m.keyDistributor.Generate(community, encryptionKeyActions)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        err = m.persistence.UpsertAppliedCommunityEvents(community.ID(), appliedEvents)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})
    } else {
        err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        err := m.persistence.SaveCommunityEvents(community)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return &CommunityResponse{
        Community:      community,
        Changes:        EvaluateCommunityChanges(originCommunity, community),
        RequestsToJoin: additionalCommunityResponse.RequestsToJoin,
    }, nil

func (m *Manager) handleAdditionalAdminChanges(community *Community) (*CommunityResponse, error) {
    communityResponse := CommunityResponse{
        RequestsToJoin: make([]*RequestToJoin, 0),

    if !(community.IsControlNode() || community.HasPermissionToSendCommunityEvents()) {
        // we're a normal user/member node, so there's nothing for us to do here
        return &communityResponse, nil

    if community.config.EventsData == nil {
        return &communityResponse, nil

    handledMembers := map[string]struct{}{}

    for i := len(community.config.EventsData.Events) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        communityEvent := &community.config.EventsData.Events[i]
        if _, handled := handledMembers[communityEvent.MemberToAction]; handled {
        switch communityEvent.Type {
        case protobuf.CommunityEvent_COMMUNITY_REQUEST_TO_JOIN_ACCEPT:
            handledMembers[communityEvent.MemberToAction] = struct{}{}
            requestsToJoin, err := m.handleCommunityEventRequestAccepted(community, communityEvent)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            if requestsToJoin != nil {
                communityResponse.RequestsToJoin = append(communityResponse.RequestsToJoin, requestsToJoin...)

        case protobuf.CommunityEvent_COMMUNITY_REQUEST_TO_JOIN_REJECT:
            handledMembers[communityEvent.MemberToAction] = struct{}{}
            requestsToJoin, err := m.handleCommunityEventRequestRejected(community, communityEvent)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            if requestsToJoin != nil {
                communityResponse.RequestsToJoin = append(communityResponse.RequestsToJoin, requestsToJoin...)

    return &communityResponse, nil

func (m *Manager) saveOrUpdateRequestToJoin(communityID types.HexBytes, requestToJoin *RequestToJoin) (bool, error) {
    updated := false

    existingRequestToJoin, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoin(requestToJoin.ID)
    if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
        return updated, err

    if existingRequestToJoin != nil {
        // node already knows about this request to join, so let's compare clocks
        // and update it if necessary
        if existingRequestToJoin.Clock <= requestToJoin.Clock {
            pk, err := common.HexToPubkey(existingRequestToJoin.PublicKey)
            if err != nil {
                return updated, err
            err = m.persistence.SetRequestToJoinState(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), communityID, requestToJoin.State)
            if err != nil {
                return updated, err
            updated = true
    } else {
        err := m.persistence.SaveRequestToJoin(requestToJoin)
        if err != nil {
            return updated, err

    return updated, nil

func (m *Manager) handleCommunityEventRequestAccepted(community *Community, communityEvent *CommunityEvent) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    acceptedRequestsToJoin := make([]types.HexBytes, 0)

    requestsToJoin := make([]*RequestToJoin, 0)

    signer := communityEvent.MemberToAction
    request := communityEvent.RequestToJoin

    requestToJoin := &RequestToJoin{
        PublicKey:          signer,
        Clock:              request.Clock,
        ENSName:            request.EnsName,
        CommunityID:        request.CommunityId,
        State:              RequestToJoinStateAcceptedPending,
        CustomizationColor: multiaccountscommon.IDToColorFallbackToBlue(request.CustomizationColor),

    existingRequestToJoin, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoin(requestToJoin.ID)
    if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, err

    if existingRequestToJoin != nil {
        alreadyProcessedByControlNode := existingRequestToJoin.State == RequestToJoinStateAccepted
        if alreadyProcessedByControlNode || existingRequestToJoin.State == RequestToJoinStateCanceled {
            return requestsToJoin, nil

    requestUpdated, err := m.saveOrUpdateRequestToJoin(community.ID(), requestToJoin)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // If request to join exists in control node, add request to acceptedRequestsToJoin.
    // Otherwise keep the request as RequestToJoinStateAcceptedPending,
    // as privileged users don't have revealed addresses. This can happen if control node received
    // community event message before user request to join.
    if community.IsControlNode() && requestUpdated {
        acceptedRequestsToJoin = append(acceptedRequestsToJoin, requestToJoin.ID)

    requestsToJoin = append(requestsToJoin, requestToJoin)

    if community.IsControlNode() {
        m.publish(&Subscription{AcceptedRequestsToJoin: acceptedRequestsToJoin})
    return requestsToJoin, nil

func (m *Manager) handleCommunityEventRequestRejected(community *Community, communityEvent *CommunityEvent) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    rejectedRequestsToJoin := make([]types.HexBytes, 0)

    requestsToJoin := make([]*RequestToJoin, 0)

    signer := communityEvent.MemberToAction
    request := communityEvent.RequestToJoin

    requestToJoin := &RequestToJoin{
        PublicKey:          signer,
        Clock:              request.Clock,
        ENSName:            request.EnsName,
        CommunityID:        request.CommunityId,
        State:              RequestToJoinStateDeclinedPending,
        CustomizationColor: multiaccountscommon.IDToColorFallbackToBlue(request.CustomizationColor),

    existingRequestToJoin, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoin(requestToJoin.ID)
    if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, err

    if existingRequestToJoin != nil {
        alreadyProcessedByControlNode := existingRequestToJoin.State == RequestToJoinStateDeclined
        if alreadyProcessedByControlNode || existingRequestToJoin.State == RequestToJoinStateCanceled {
            return requestsToJoin, nil

    requestUpdated, err := m.saveOrUpdateRequestToJoin(community.ID(), requestToJoin)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // If request to join exists in control node, add request to rejectedRequestsToJoin.
    // Otherwise keep the request as RequestToJoinStateDeclinedPending,
    // as privileged users don't have revealed addresses. This can happen if control node received
    // community event message before user request to join.
    if community.IsControlNode() && requestUpdated {
        rejectedRequestsToJoin = append(rejectedRequestsToJoin, requestToJoin.ID)

    requestsToJoin = append(requestsToJoin, requestToJoin)

    if community.IsControlNode() {
        m.publish(&Subscription{RejectedRequestsToJoin: rejectedRequestsToJoin})
    return requestsToJoin, nil

// markRequestToJoinAsAccepted marks all the pending requests to join as completed
// if we are members
func (m *Manager) markRequestToJoinAsAccepted(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey, community *Community) error {
    if community.HasMember(pk) {
        return m.persistence.SetRequestToJoinState(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), community.ID(), RequestToJoinStateAccepted)
    return nil

func (m *Manager) markRequestToJoinAsCanceled(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey, community *Community) error {
    return m.persistence.SetRequestToJoinState(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), community.ID(), RequestToJoinStateCanceled)

func (m *Manager) markRequestToJoinAsAcceptedPending(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey, community *Community) error {
    return m.persistence.SetRequestToJoinState(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), community.ID(), RequestToJoinStateAcceptedPending)

func (m *Manager) DeletePendingRequestToJoin(request *RequestToJoin) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = m.persistence.DeletePendingRequestToJoin(request.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// UpdateClockInRequestToJoin method is used for testing
func (m *Manager) UpdateClockInRequestToJoin(id types.HexBytes, clock uint64) error {
    return m.persistence.UpdateClockInRequestToJoin(id, clock)

func (m *Manager) SetMuted(id types.HexBytes, muted bool) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    return m.persistence.SetMuted(id, muted)

func (m *Manager) MuteCommunityTill(communityID []byte, muteTill time.Time) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    return m.persistence.MuteCommunityTill(communityID, muteTill)
func (m *Manager) CancelRequestToJoin(request *requests.CancelRequestToJoinCommunity) (*RequestToJoin, *Community, error) {
    dbRequest, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoin(request.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    community, err := m.GetByID(dbRequest.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    pk, err := common.HexToPubkey(dbRequest.PublicKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    dbRequest.State = RequestToJoinStateCanceled
    if err := m.markRequestToJoinAsCanceled(pk, community); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return dbRequest, community, nil

func (m *Manager) CheckPermissionToJoin(id []byte, addresses []gethcommon.Address) (*CheckPermissionToJoinResponse, error) {
    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return m.PermissionChecker.CheckPermissionToJoin(community, addresses)

func (m *Manager) accountsSatisfyPermissionsToJoin(
    communityPermissionsPreParsedData map[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_Type]*PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData,
    accountsAndChainIDs []*AccountChainIDsCombination) (bool, protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles, error) {

    if m.accountsHasPrivilegedPermission(communityPermissionsPreParsedData[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_TOKEN_MASTER], accountsAndChainIDs) {
        return true, protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_TOKEN_MASTER, nil
    if m.accountsHasPrivilegedPermission(communityPermissionsPreParsedData[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_ADMIN], accountsAndChainIDs) {
        return true, protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_ADMIN, nil

    preParsedBecomeMemberPermissions := communityPermissionsPreParsedData[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_MEMBER]
    if preParsedBecomeMemberPermissions != nil {
        permissionResponse, err := m.PermissionChecker.CheckPermissions(preParsedBecomeMemberPermissions, accountsAndChainIDs, true)
        if err != nil {
            return false, protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_NONE, err

        return permissionResponse.Satisfied, protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_NONE, nil

    return true, protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_NONE, nil

func (m *Manager) accountsSatisfyPermissionsToJoinChannels(
    community *Community,
    channelPermissionsPreParsedData map[string]*PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData,
    accountsAndChainIDs []*AccountChainIDsCombination) (map[string]*protobuf.CommunityChat, map[string]*protobuf.CommunityChat, error) {

    viewChats := make(map[string]*protobuf.CommunityChat)
    viewAndPostChats := make(map[string]*protobuf.CommunityChat)

    if len(channelPermissionsPreParsedData) == 0 {
        for channelID, channel := range community.config.CommunityDescription.Chats {
            viewAndPostChats[channelID] = channel

        return viewChats, viewAndPostChats, nil

    // check which permissions we satisfy and which not
    channelPermissionsCheckResult, err := m.checkChannelsPermissions(channelPermissionsPreParsedData, accountsAndChainIDs, true)
    if err != nil {
        m.logger.Warn("check channel permission failed: %v", zap.Error(err))
        return viewChats, viewAndPostChats, err

    for channelID, channel := range community.config.CommunityDescription.Chats {
        chatID := community.ChatID(channelID)
        channelPermissionsCheckResult, exists := channelPermissionsCheckResult[chatID]

        if !exists {
            viewAndPostChats[channelID] = channel

        viewAndPostSatisfied, exists := channelPermissionsCheckResult[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_CAN_VIEW_AND_POST_CHANNEL]
        if exists && viewAndPostSatisfied {
            delete(viewChats, channelID)
            viewAndPostChats[channelID] = channel

        viewOnlySatisfied, exists := channelPermissionsCheckResult[protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_CAN_VIEW_CHANNEL]
        if exists && viewOnlySatisfied {
            if _, exists := viewAndPostChats[channelID]; !exists {
                viewChats[channelID] = channel

    return viewChats, viewAndPostChats, nil

func (m *Manager) AcceptRequestToJoin(dbRequest *RequestToJoin) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(dbRequest.CommunityID)

    pk, err := common.HexToPubkey(dbRequest.PublicKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    community, err := m.GetByID(dbRequest.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if community.IsControlNode() {
        revealedAccounts, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(dbRequest.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        accountsAndChainIDs := revealedAccountsToAccountsAndChainIDsCombination(revealedAccounts)

        communityPermissionsPreParsedData, channelPermissionsPreParsedData := PreParsePermissionsData(community.tokenPermissions())

        permissionsSatisfied, role, err := m.accountsSatisfyPermissionsToJoin(communityPermissionsPreParsedData, accountsAndChainIDs)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if !permissionsSatisfied {
            return community, ErrNoPermissionToJoin

        memberRoles := []protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles{}
        if role != protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_NONE {
            memberRoles = []protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles{role}

        _, err = community.AddMember(pk, memberRoles)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        viewChannels, postChannels, err := m.accountsSatisfyPermissionsToJoinChannels(community, channelPermissionsPreParsedData, accountsAndChainIDs)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        for channelID := range viewChannels {
            _, err = community.AddMemberToChat(channelID, pk, memberRoles, protobuf.CommunityMember_CHANNEL_ROLE_VIEWER)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        for channelID := range postChannels {
            _, err = community.AddMemberToChat(channelID, pk, memberRoles, protobuf.CommunityMember_CHANNEL_ROLE_POSTER)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        dbRequest.State = RequestToJoinStateAccepted
        if err := m.markRequestToJoinAsAccepted(pk, community); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        dbRequest.RevealedAccounts = revealedAccounts
        if err = m.shareAcceptedRequestToJoinWithPrivilegedMembers(community, dbRequest); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        // if accepted member has a privilege role, share with him requests to join
        memberRole := community.MemberRole(pk)
        if memberRole == protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_OWNER || memberRole == protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_ADMIN ||
            memberRole == protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_TOKEN_MASTER {

            newPrivilegedMember := make(map[protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles][]*ecdsa.PublicKey)
            newPrivilegedMember[memberRole] = []*ecdsa.PublicKey{pk}
            if err = m.shareRequestsToJoinWithNewPrivilegedMembers(community, newPrivilegedMember); err != nil {
                return nil, err
    } else if community.hasPermissionToSendCommunityEvent(protobuf.CommunityEvent_COMMUNITY_REQUEST_TO_JOIN_ACCEPT) {
        err := community.addNewCommunityEvent(community.ToCommunityRequestToJoinAcceptCommunityEvent(dbRequest.PublicKey, dbRequest.ToCommunityRequestToJoinProtobuf()))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        dbRequest.State = RequestToJoinStateAcceptedPending
        if err := m.markRequestToJoinAsAcceptedPending(pk, community); err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {
        return nil, ErrNotAuthorized

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) GetRequestToJoin(ID types.HexBytes) (*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetRequestToJoin(ID)

func (m *Manager) DeclineRequestToJoin(dbRequest *RequestToJoin) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(dbRequest.CommunityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(dbRequest.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    adminEventCreated, err := community.DeclineRequestToJoin(dbRequest)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    requestToJoinState := RequestToJoinStateDeclined
    if adminEventCreated {
        requestToJoinState = RequestToJoinStateDeclinedPending // can only be declined by control node

    dbRequest.State = requestToJoinState
    err = m.persistence.SetRequestToJoinState(dbRequest.PublicKey, dbRequest.CommunityID, requestToJoinState)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) shouldUserRetainDeclined(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, community *Community, requestClock uint64) (bool, error) {
    requestID := CalculateRequestID(common.PubkeyToHex(signer), types.HexBytes(community.IDString()))
    request, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoin(requestID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return false, nil
        return false, err

    return request.ShouldRetainDeclined(requestClock)

func (m *Manager) HandleCommunityCancelRequestToJoin(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, request *protobuf.CommunityCancelRequestToJoin) (*RequestToJoin, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityId)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityId)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    previousRequestToJoin, err := m.GetRequestToJoinByPkAndCommunityID(signer, community.ID())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if request.Clock <= previousRequestToJoin.Clock {
        return nil, ErrInvalidClock

    retainDeclined, err := m.shouldUserRetainDeclined(signer, community, request.Clock)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if retainDeclined {
        return nil, ErrCommunityRequestAlreadyRejected

    err = m.markRequestToJoinAsCanceled(signer, community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    requestToJoin, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoinByPk(common.PubkeyToHex(signer), community.ID(), RequestToJoinStateCanceled)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if community.HasMember(signer) {
        _, err = community.RemoveUserFromOrg(signer)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return requestToJoin, nil

func (m *Manager) HandleCommunityRequestToJoin(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, receiver *ecdsa.PublicKey, request *protobuf.CommunityRequestToJoin) (*Community, *RequestToJoin, error) {
    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityId)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    err = community.ValidateRequestToJoin(signer, request)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    nbPendingRequestsToJoin, err := m.persistence.GetNumberOfPendingRequestsToJoin(community.ID())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    if nbPendingRequestsToJoin >= maxNbPendingRequestedMembers {
        return nil, nil, errors.New("max number of requests to join reached")

    requestToJoin := &RequestToJoin{
        PublicKey:          common.PubkeyToHex(signer),
        Clock:              request.Clock,
        ENSName:            request.EnsName,
        CommunityID:        request.CommunityId,
        State:              RequestToJoinStatePending,
        RevealedAccounts:   request.RevealedAccounts,
        CustomizationColor: multiaccountscommon.IDToColorFallbackToBlue(request.CustomizationColor),

    existingRequestToJoin, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoin(requestToJoin.ID)
    if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, nil, err

    if existingRequestToJoin == nil {
        err = m.SaveRequestToJoin(requestToJoin)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
    } else {
        retainDeclined, err := existingRequestToJoin.ShouldRetainDeclined(request.Clock)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        if retainDeclined {
            return nil, nil, ErrCommunityRequestAlreadyRejected

        switch existingRequestToJoin.State {
        case RequestToJoinStatePending, RequestToJoinStateDeclined, RequestToJoinStateCanceled:
            // Another request have been received, save request back to pending state
            err = m.SaveRequestToJoin(requestToJoin)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, nil, err
        case RequestToJoinStateAccepted:
            // if member leaved the community and tries to request to join again
            if !community.HasMember(signer) {
                err = m.SaveRequestToJoin(requestToJoin)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, nil, err

    if community.IsControlNode() {
        // verify if revealed addresses indeed belong to requester
        for _, revealedAccount := range request.RevealedAccounts {
            recoverParams := account.RecoverParams{
                Message:   types.EncodeHex(crypto.Keccak256(crypto.CompressPubkey(signer), community.ID(), requestToJoin.ID)),
                Signature: types.EncodeHex(revealedAccount.Signature),

            matching, err := m.accountsManager.CanRecover(recoverParams, types.HexToAddress(revealedAccount.Address))
            if err != nil {
                return nil, nil, err
            if !matching {
                // if ownership of only one wallet address cannot be verified,
                // we mark the request as cancelled and stop
                requestToJoin.State = RequestToJoinStateDeclined
                return community, requestToJoin, nil

        // Save revealed addresses + signatures so they can later be added
        // to the control node's local table of known revealed addresses
        err = m.persistence.SaveRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestToJoin.ID, requestToJoin.RevealedAccounts)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

        if existingRequestToJoin != nil {
            // request to join was already processed by privileged user
            // and waits to get confirmation for its decision
            if existingRequestToJoin.State == RequestToJoinStateDeclinedPending {
                requestToJoin.State = RequestToJoinStateDeclined
                return community, requestToJoin, nil
            } else if existingRequestToJoin.State == RequestToJoinStateAcceptedPending {
                requestToJoin.State = RequestToJoinStateAccepted
                return community, requestToJoin, nil

            } else if existingRequestToJoin.State == RequestToJoinStateAwaitingAddresses {
                // community ownership changed, accept request automatically
                requestToJoin.State = RequestToJoinStateAccepted
                return community, requestToJoin, nil

        // Check if we reached the limit, if we did, change the community setting to be On Request
        if community.AutoAccept() && community.MembersCount() >= maxNbMembers {
            err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, nil, err

        // If user is already a member, then accept request automatically
        // It may happen when member removes itself from community and then tries to rejoin
        // More specifically, CommunityRequestToLeave may be delivered later than CommunityRequestToJoin, or not delivered at all
        acceptAutomatically := community.AutoAccept() || community.HasMember(signer)
        if acceptAutomatically {
            // Don't check permissions here,
            // it will be done further in the processing pipeline.
            requestToJoin.State = RequestToJoinStateAccepted
            return community, requestToJoin, nil

    return community, requestToJoin, nil

func (m *Manager) HandleCommunityEditSharedAddresses(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, request *protobuf.CommunityEditSharedAddresses) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityId)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityId)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if err := community.ValidateEditSharedAddresses(signer, request); err != nil {
        return err

    // verify if revealed addresses indeed belong to requester
    for _, revealedAccount := range request.RevealedAccounts {
        recoverParams := account.RecoverParams{
            Message:   types.EncodeHex(crypto.Keccak256(crypto.CompressPubkey(signer), community.ID())),
            Signature: types.EncodeHex(revealedAccount.Signature),

        matching, err := m.accountsManager.CanRecover(recoverParams, types.HexToAddress(revealedAccount.Address))
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if !matching {
            // if ownership of only one wallet address cannot be verified we stop
            return errors.New("wrong wallet address used")

    requestToJoin := &RequestToJoin{
        PublicKey:        common.PubkeyToHex(signer),
        CommunityID:      community.ID(),
        RevealedAccounts: request.RevealedAccounts,

    err = m.persistence.RemoveRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestToJoin.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = m.persistence.SaveRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestToJoin.ID, requestToJoin.RevealedAccounts)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if community.IsControlNode() {
        m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})

    return nil

func calculateChainIDsSet(accountsAndChainIDs []*AccountChainIDsCombination, requirementsChainIDs map[uint64]bool) []uint64 {

    revealedAccountsChainIDs := make([]uint64, 0)
    revealedAccountsChainIDsMap := make(map[uint64]bool)

    // we want all chainIDs provided by revealed addresses that also exist
    // in the token requirements
    for _, accountAndChainIDs := range accountsAndChainIDs {
        for _, chainID := range accountAndChainIDs.ChainIDs {
            if requirementsChainIDs[chainID] && !revealedAccountsChainIDsMap[chainID] {
                revealedAccountsChainIDsMap[chainID] = true
                revealedAccountsChainIDs = append(revealedAccountsChainIDs, chainID)
    return revealedAccountsChainIDs

type CollectiblesByChain = map[uint64]map[gethcommon.Address]thirdparty.TokenBalancesPerContractAddress

func (m *Manager) GetOwnedERC721Tokens(walletAddresses []gethcommon.Address, tokenRequirements map[uint64]map[string]*protobuf.TokenCriteria, chainIDs []uint64) (CollectiblesByChain, error) {
    if m.collectiblesManager == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("no collectibles manager")

    ctx := context.Background()

    ownedERC721Tokens := make(CollectiblesByChain)

    for chainID, erc721Tokens := range tokenRequirements {

        skipChain := true
        for _, cID := range chainIDs {
            if chainID == cID {
                skipChain = false

        if skipChain {

        contractAddresses := make([]gethcommon.Address, 0)
        for contractAddress := range erc721Tokens {
            contractAddresses = append(contractAddresses, gethcommon.HexToAddress(contractAddress))

        if _, exists := ownedERC721Tokens[chainID]; !exists {
            ownedERC721Tokens[chainID] = make(map[gethcommon.Address]thirdparty.TokenBalancesPerContractAddress)

        for _, owner := range walletAddresses {
            balances, err := m.collectiblesManager.FetchBalancesByOwnerAndContractAddress(ctx, walletcommon.ChainID(chainID), owner, contractAddresses)
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Info("couldn't fetch owner assets", zap.Error(err))
                return nil, err
            ownedERC721Tokens[chainID][owner] = balances
    return ownedERC721Tokens, nil

func (m *Manager) CheckChannelPermissions(communityID types.HexBytes, chatID string, addresses []gethcommon.Address) (*CheckChannelPermissionsResponse, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if chatID == "" {
        return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't check channel permissions, invalid chat id: %s", chatID))

    viewOnlyPermissions := community.ChannelTokenPermissionsByType(chatID, protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_CAN_VIEW_CHANNEL)
    viewAndPostPermissions := community.ChannelTokenPermissionsByType(chatID, protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_CAN_VIEW_AND_POST_CHANNEL)
    viewOnlyPreParsedPermissions := preParsedCommunityPermissionsData(viewOnlyPermissions)
    viewAndPostPreParsedPermissions := preParsedCommunityPermissionsData(viewAndPostPermissions)

    allChainIDs, err := m.tokenManager.GetAllChainIDs()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    accountsAndChainIDs := combineAddressesAndChainIDs(addresses, allChainIDs)

    response, err := m.checkChannelPermissions(viewOnlyPreParsedPermissions, viewAndPostPreParsedPermissions, accountsAndChainIDs, false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.persistence.SaveCheckChannelPermissionResponse(communityID.String(), chatID, response)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return response, nil

type CheckChannelPermissionsResponse struct {
    ViewOnlyPermissions    *CheckChannelViewOnlyPermissionsResult    `json:"viewOnlyPermissions"`
    ViewAndPostPermissions *CheckChannelViewAndPostPermissionsResult `json:"viewAndPostPermissions"`

type CheckChannelViewOnlyPermissionsResult struct {
    Satisfied   bool                                      `json:"satisfied"`
    Permissions map[string]*PermissionTokenCriteriaResult `json:"permissions"`

type CheckChannelViewAndPostPermissionsResult struct {
    Satisfied   bool                                      `json:"satisfied"`
    Permissions map[string]*PermissionTokenCriteriaResult `json:"permissions"`

func (m *Manager) checkChannelPermissions(viewOnlyPreParsedPermissions *PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData, viewAndPostPreParsedPermissions *PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData, accountsAndChainIDs []*AccountChainIDsCombination, shortcircuit bool) (*CheckChannelPermissionsResponse, error) {

    response := &CheckChannelPermissionsResponse{
        ViewOnlyPermissions: &CheckChannelViewOnlyPermissionsResult{
            Satisfied:   false,
            Permissions: make(map[string]*PermissionTokenCriteriaResult),
        ViewAndPostPermissions: &CheckChannelViewAndPostPermissionsResult{
            Satisfied:   false,
            Permissions: make(map[string]*PermissionTokenCriteriaResult),

    viewOnlyPermissionsResponse, err := m.PermissionChecker.CheckPermissions(viewOnlyPreParsedPermissions, accountsAndChainIDs, shortcircuit)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    viewAndPostPermissionsResponse, err := m.PermissionChecker.CheckPermissions(viewAndPostPreParsedPermissions, accountsAndChainIDs, shortcircuit)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    hasViewOnlyPermissions := viewOnlyPreParsedPermissions != nil
    hasViewAndPostPermissions := viewAndPostPreParsedPermissions != nil

    if (hasViewAndPostPermissions && !hasViewOnlyPermissions) || (hasViewOnlyPermissions && hasViewAndPostPermissions && viewAndPostPermissionsResponse.Satisfied) {
        response.ViewOnlyPermissions.Satisfied = viewAndPostPermissionsResponse.Satisfied
    } else {
        response.ViewOnlyPermissions.Satisfied = viewOnlyPermissionsResponse.Satisfied
    response.ViewOnlyPermissions.Permissions = viewOnlyPermissionsResponse.Permissions

    if hasViewOnlyPermissions && !hasViewAndPostPermissions {
        response.ViewAndPostPermissions.Satisfied = false
    } else {
        response.ViewAndPostPermissions.Satisfied = viewAndPostPermissionsResponse.Satisfied
    response.ViewAndPostPermissions.Permissions = viewAndPostPermissionsResponse.Permissions

    return response, nil

func (m *Manager) CheckAllChannelsPermissions(communityID types.HexBytes, addresses []gethcommon.Address) (*CheckAllChannelsPermissionsResponse, error) {

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    channels := community.Chats()

    allChainIDs, err := m.tokenManager.GetAllChainIDs()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    accountsAndChainIDs := combineAddressesAndChainIDs(addresses, allChainIDs)

    response := &CheckAllChannelsPermissionsResponse{
        Channels: make(map[string]*CheckChannelPermissionsResponse),

    // TODO: optimize
    for channelID := range channels {
        viewOnlyPermissions := community.ChannelTokenPermissionsByType(community.IDString()+channelID, protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_CAN_VIEW_CHANNEL)
        viewAndPostPermissions := community.ChannelTokenPermissionsByType(community.IDString()+channelID, protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_CAN_VIEW_AND_POST_CHANNEL)
        viewOnlyPreParsedPermissions := preParsedCommunityPermissionsData(viewOnlyPermissions)
        viewAndPostPreParsedPermissions := preParsedCommunityPermissionsData(viewAndPostPermissions)
        checkChannelPermissionsResponse, err := m.checkChannelPermissions(viewOnlyPreParsedPermissions, viewAndPostPreParsedPermissions, accountsAndChainIDs, false)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        err = m.persistence.SaveCheckChannelPermissionResponse(community.IDString(), community.IDString()+channelID, checkChannelPermissionsResponse)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        response.Channels[community.IDString()+channelID] = checkChannelPermissionsResponse
    return response, nil

func (m *Manager) GetCheckChannelPermissionResponses(communityID types.HexBytes) (*CheckAllChannelsPermissionsResponse, error) {

    response, err := m.persistence.GetCheckChannelPermissionResponses(communityID.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &CheckAllChannelsPermissionsResponse{Channels: response}, nil

type CheckAllChannelsPermissionsResponse struct {
    Channels map[string]*CheckChannelPermissionsResponse `json:"channels"`

func (m *Manager) HandleCommunityRequestToJoinResponse(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, request *protobuf.CommunityRequestToJoinResponse) (*RequestToJoin, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityId)

    pkString := common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey)

    community, err := m.GetByID(request.CommunityId)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    communityDescriptionBytes, err := proto.Marshal(request.Community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // We need to wrap `request.Community` in an `ApplicationMetadataMessage`
    // of type `CommunityDescription` because `UpdateCommunityDescription` expects this.
    // This is merely for marsheling/unmarsheling, hence we attaching a `Signature`
    // is not needed.
    metadataMessage := &protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage{
        Payload: communityDescriptionBytes,
        Type:    protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_DESCRIPTION,

    appMetadataMsg, err := proto.Marshal(metadataMessage)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    isControlNodeSigner := common.IsPubKeyEqual(community.ControlNode(), signer)
    if !isControlNodeSigner {
        return nil, ErrNotAuthorized

    _, processedDescription, err := m.preprocessDescription(community.ID(), request.Community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = community.UpdateCommunityDescription(processedDescription, appMetadataMsg, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err = m.handleCommunityTokensMetadata(community); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if community.Encrypted() && len(request.Grant) > 0 {
        _, err = m.HandleCommunityGrant(community, request.Grant, request.Clock)
        if err != nil && err != ErrGrantOlder && err != ErrGrantExpired {
            m.logger.Error("Error handling a community grant", zap.Error(err))

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if request.Accepted {
        err = m.markRequestToJoinAsAccepted(&m.identity.PublicKey, community)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {

        err = m.persistence.SetRequestToJoinState(pkString, community.ID(), RequestToJoinStateDeclined)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return m.persistence.GetRequestToJoinByPkAndCommunityID(pkString, community.ID())

func (m *Manager) HandleCommunityRequestToLeave(signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, proto *protobuf.CommunityRequestToLeave) error {
    requestToLeave := NewRequestToLeave(common.PubkeyToHex(signer), proto)
    if err := m.persistence.SaveRequestToLeave(requestToLeave); err != nil {
        return err

    // Ensure corresponding requestToJoin clock is older than requestToLeave
    requestToJoin, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoin(requestToLeave.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if requestToJoin.Clock > requestToLeave.Clock {
        return ErrOldRequestToLeave

    return nil

func UnwrapCommunityDescriptionMessage(payload []byte) (*ecdsa.PublicKey, *protobuf.CommunityDescription, error) {

    applicationMetadataMessage := &protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage{}
    err := proto.Unmarshal(payload, applicationMetadataMessage)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    if applicationMetadataMessage.Type != protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_DESCRIPTION {
        return nil, nil, ErrInvalidMessage
    signer, err := utils.RecoverKey(applicationMetadataMessage)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    description := &protobuf.CommunityDescription{}

    err = proto.Unmarshal(applicationMetadataMessage.Payload, description)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return signer, description, nil

func (m *Manager) JoinCommunity(id types.HexBytes, forceJoin bool) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if !forceJoin && community.Joined() {
        // Nothing to do, we are already joined
        return community, ErrOrgAlreadyJoined
    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) SpectateCommunity(id types.HexBytes) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) GetMagnetlinkMessageClock(communityID types.HexBytes) (uint64, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetMagnetlinkMessageClock(communityID)

func (m *Manager) GetRequestToJoinIDByPkAndCommunityID(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey, communityID []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetRequestToJoinIDByPkAndCommunityID(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), communityID)

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityRequestToJoinClock(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey, communityID string) (uint64, error) {
    request, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoinByPkAndCommunityID(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), []byte(communityID))
    if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
        return 0, nil
    } else if err != nil {
        return 0, err

    if request == nil || request.State != RequestToJoinStateAccepted {
        return 0, nil
    return request.Clock, nil

func (m *Manager) GetRequestToJoinByPkAndCommunityID(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey, communityID []byte) (*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetRequestToJoinByPkAndCommunityID(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), communityID)

func (m *Manager) UpdateCommunityDescriptionMagnetlinkMessageClock(communityID types.HexBytes, clock uint64) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByIDString(communityID.String())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    community.config.CommunityDescription.ArchiveMagnetlinkClock = clock
    return m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)

func (m *Manager) UpdateMagnetlinkMessageClock(communityID types.HexBytes, clock uint64) error {
    return m.persistence.UpdateMagnetlinkMessageClock(communityID, clock)

func (m *Manager) UpdateLastSeenMagnetlink(communityID types.HexBytes, magnetlinkURI string) error {
    return m.persistence.UpdateLastSeenMagnetlink(communityID, magnetlinkURI)

func (m *Manager) GetLastSeenMagnetlink(communityID types.HexBytes) (string, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetLastSeenMagnetlink(communityID)

func (m *Manager) LeaveCommunity(id types.HexBytes) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err


    if err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

// Same as LeaveCommunity, but we have an option to stay spectating
func (m *Manager) KickedOutOfCommunity(id types.HexBytes, spectateMode bool) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if spectateMode {

    if err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) AddMemberOwnerToCommunity(communityID types.HexBytes, pk *ecdsa.PublicKey) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = community.AddMember(pk, []protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles{protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_OWNER})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})
    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) RemoveUserFromCommunity(id types.HexBytes, pk *ecdsa.PublicKey) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = community.RemoveUserFromOrg(pk)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) UnbanUserFromCommunity(request *requests.UnbanUserFromCommunity) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    id := request.CommunityID
    publicKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(request.User.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = community.UnbanUserFromCommunity(publicKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) AddRoleToMember(request *requests.AddRoleToMember) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    id := request.CommunityID
    publicKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(request.User.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !community.hasMember(publicKey) {
        return nil, ErrMemberNotFound

    _, err = community.AddRoleToMember(publicKey, request.Role)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) RemoveRoleFromMember(request *requests.RemoveRoleFromMember) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    id := request.CommunityID
    publicKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(request.User.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !community.hasMember(publicKey) {
        return nil, ErrMemberNotFound

    _, err = community.RemoveRoleFromMember(publicKey, request.Role)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) BanUserFromCommunity(request *requests.BanUserFromCommunity) (*Community, error) {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)

    id := request.CommunityID

    publicKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(request.User.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = community.BanUserFromCommunity(publicKey, &protobuf.CommunityBanInfo{DeleteAllMessages: request.DeleteAllMessages})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = m.saveAndPublish(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) dbRecordBundleToCommunity(r *CommunityRecordBundle) (*Community, error) {
    var descriptionEncryptor DescriptionEncryptor
    if m.encryptor != nil {
        descriptionEncryptor = m

    return recordBundleToCommunity(r, &m.identity.PublicKey, m.installationID, m.logger, m.timesource, descriptionEncryptor, func(community *Community) error {
        _, description, err := m.preprocessDescription(community.ID(), community.config.CommunityDescription)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        community.config.CommunityDescription = description

        if community.config.EventsData != nil {
            eventsDescription, err := validateAndGetEventsMessageCommunityDescription(community.config.EventsData.EventsBaseCommunityDescription, community.ControlNode())
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Error("invalid EventsBaseCommunityDescription", zap.Error(err))
            if eventsDescription != nil && eventsDescription.Clock == community.Clock() {

        if m.transport != nil && m.transport.WakuVersion() == 2 {
            topic := community.PubsubTopic()
            privKey, err := m.transport.RetrievePubsubTopicKey(topic)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            community.config.PubsubTopicPrivateKey = privKey

        return nil

func (m *Manager) GetByID(id []byte) (*Community, error) {
    community, err := m.persistence.GetByID(&m.identity.PublicKey, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if community == nil {
        return nil, ErrOrgNotFound
    return community, nil

func (m *Manager) GetByIDString(idString string) (*Community, error) {
    id, err := types.DecodeHex(idString)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return m.GetByID(id)

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityShard(communityID types.HexBytes) (*shard.Shard, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunityShard(communityID)

func (m *Manager) SaveCommunityShard(communityID types.HexBytes, shard *shard.Shard, clock uint64) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    return m.persistence.SaveCommunityShard(communityID, shard, clock)

func (m *Manager) DeleteCommunityShard(communityID types.HexBytes) error {
    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    return m.persistence.DeleteCommunityShard(communityID)

func (m *Manager) SaveRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestID types.HexBytes, revealedAccounts []*protobuf.RevealedAccount) error {
    return m.persistence.SaveRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestID, revealedAccounts)

func (m *Manager) RemoveRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestID types.HexBytes) error {
    return m.persistence.RemoveRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestID)

func (m *Manager) SaveRequestToJoinAndCommunity(requestToJoin *RequestToJoin, community *Community) (*Community, *RequestToJoin, error) {
    if err := m.persistence.SaveRequestToJoin(requestToJoin); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    community.config.RequestedToJoinAt = uint64(time.Now().Unix())

    // Save revealed addresses to our own table so that we can retrieve them later when editing
    if err := m.SaveRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestToJoin.ID, requestToJoin.RevealedAccounts); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, requestToJoin, nil

func (m *Manager) CreateRequestToJoin(request *requests.RequestToJoinCommunity, customizationColor multiaccountscommon.CustomizationColor) *RequestToJoin {
    clock := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
    requestToJoin := &RequestToJoin{
        PublicKey:          common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey),
        Clock:              clock,
        ENSName:            request.ENSName,
        CommunityID:        request.CommunityID,
        State:              RequestToJoinStatePending,
        Our:                true,
        RevealedAccounts:   make([]*protobuf.RevealedAccount, 0),
        CustomizationColor: customizationColor,


    addSignature := len(request.Signatures) == len(request.AddressesToReveal)
    for i := range request.AddressesToReveal {
        revealedAcc := &protobuf.RevealedAccount{
            Address:          request.AddressesToReveal[i],
            IsAirdropAddress: types.HexToAddress(request.AddressesToReveal[i]) == types.HexToAddress(request.AirdropAddress),

        if addSignature {
            revealedAcc.Signature = request.Signatures[i]

        requestToJoin.RevealedAccounts = append(requestToJoin.RevealedAccounts, revealedAcc)

    return requestToJoin

func (m *Manager) SaveRequestToJoin(request *RequestToJoin) error {
    return m.persistence.SaveRequestToJoin(request)

func (m *Manager) CanceledRequestsToJoinForUser(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.CanceledRequestsToJoinForUser(common.PubkeyToHex(pk))

func (m *Manager) CanceledRequestToJoinForUserForCommunityID(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey, communityID []byte) (*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.CanceledRequestToJoinForUserForCommunityID(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), communityID)

func (m *Manager) PendingRequestsToJoin() ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.PendingRequestsToJoin()

func (m *Manager) PendingRequestsToJoinForUser(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.RequestsToJoinForUserByState(common.PubkeyToHex(pk), RequestToJoinStatePending)

func (m *Manager) PendingRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    m.logger.Info("fetching pending invitations", zap.String("community-id", id.String()))
    return m.persistence.PendingRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id)

func (m *Manager) DeclinedRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    m.logger.Info("fetching declined invitations", zap.String("community-id", id.String()))
    return m.persistence.DeclinedRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id)

func (m *Manager) CanceledRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    m.logger.Info("fetching canceled invitations", zap.String("community-id", id.String()))
    return m.persistence.CanceledRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id)

func (m *Manager) AcceptedRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    m.logger.Info("fetching canceled invitations", zap.String("community-id", id.String()))
    return m.persistence.AcceptedRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id)

func (m *Manager) AcceptedPendingRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.AcceptedPendingRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id)

func (m *Manager) DeclinedPendingRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.DeclinedPendingRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id)

func (m *Manager) AllNonApprovedCommunitiesRequestsToJoin() ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    m.logger.Info("fetching all non-approved invitations for all communities")
    return m.persistence.AllNonApprovedCommunitiesRequestsToJoin()

func (m *Manager) RequestsToJoinForCommunityAwaitingAddresses(id types.HexBytes) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    m.logger.Info("fetching ownership changed invitations", zap.String("community-id", id.String()))
    return m.persistence.RequestsToJoinForCommunityAwaitingAddresses(id)

func (m *Manager) CanPost(pk *ecdsa.PublicKey, communityID string, chatID string, messageType protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_Type) (bool, error) {
    community, err := m.GetByIDString(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    return community.CanPost(pk, chatID, messageType)

func (m *Manager) IsEncrypted(communityID string) (bool, error) {
    community, err := m.GetByIDString(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    return community.Encrypted(), nil

func (m *Manager) IsChannelEncrypted(communityID string, chatID string) (bool, error) {
    community, err := m.GetByIDString(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    channelID := strings.TrimPrefix(chatID, communityID)
    return community.ChannelEncrypted(channelID), nil

func (m *Manager) ShouldHandleSyncCommunity(community *protobuf.SyncInstallationCommunity) (bool, error) {
    return m.persistence.ShouldHandleSyncCommunity(community)

func (m *Manager) ShouldHandleSyncCommunitySettings(communitySettings *protobuf.SyncCommunitySettings) (bool, error) {
    return m.persistence.ShouldHandleSyncCommunitySettings(communitySettings)

func (m *Manager) HandleSyncCommunitySettings(syncCommunitySettings *protobuf.SyncCommunitySettings) (*CommunitySettings, error) {
    id, err := types.DecodeHex(syncCommunitySettings.CommunityId)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    settings, err := m.persistence.GetCommunitySettingsByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if settings == nil {
        settings = &CommunitySettings{
            CommunityID:                  syncCommunitySettings.CommunityId,
            HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: syncCommunitySettings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled,
            Clock:                        syncCommunitySettings.Clock,

    if syncCommunitySettings.Clock > settings.Clock {
        settings.CommunityID = syncCommunitySettings.CommunityId
        settings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled = syncCommunitySettings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled
        settings.Clock = syncCommunitySettings.Clock

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunitySettings(*settings)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return settings, nil

func (m *Manager) SetSyncClock(id []byte, clock uint64) error {
    return m.persistence.SetSyncClock(id, clock)

func (m *Manager) SetPrivateKey(id []byte, privKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) error {
    return m.persistence.SetPrivateKey(id, privKey)

func (m *Manager) GetSyncedRawCommunity(id []byte) (*RawCommunityRow, error) {
    return m.persistence.getSyncedRawCommunity(id)

func (m *Manager) GetCommunitySettingsByID(id types.HexBytes) (*CommunitySettings, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunitySettingsByID(id)

func (m *Manager) GetCommunitiesSettings() ([]CommunitySettings, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunitiesSettings()

func (m *Manager) SaveCommunitySettings(settings CommunitySettings) error {
    return m.persistence.SaveCommunitySettings(settings)

func (m *Manager) CommunitySettingsExist(id types.HexBytes) (bool, error) {
    return m.persistence.CommunitySettingsExist(id)

func (m *Manager) DeleteCommunitySettings(id types.HexBytes) error {
    return m.persistence.DeleteCommunitySettings(id)

func (m *Manager) UpdateCommunitySettings(settings CommunitySettings) error {
    return m.persistence.UpdateCommunitySettings(settings)

func (m *Manager) GetOwnedCommunitiesChatIDs() (map[string]bool, error) {
    ownedCommunities, err := m.Controlled()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    chatIDs := make(map[string]bool)
    for _, c := range ownedCommunities {
        if c.Joined() {
            for _, id := range c.ChatIDs() {
                chatIDs[id] = true
    return chatIDs, nil

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityChatsFilters(communityID types.HexBytes) ([]*transport.Filter, error) {
    chatIDs, err := m.persistence.GetCommunityChatIDs(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    filters := []*transport.Filter{}
    for _, cid := range chatIDs {
        filters = append(filters, m.transport.FilterByChatID(cid))
    return filters, nil

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityChatsTopics(communityID types.HexBytes) ([]types.TopicType, error) {
    filters, err := m.GetCommunityChatsFilters(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    topics := []types.TopicType{}
    for _, filter := range filters {
        topics = append(topics, filter.ContentTopic)

    return topics, nil

func (m *Manager) StoreWakuMessage(message *types.Message) error {
    return m.persistence.SaveWakuMessage(message)

func (m *Manager) StoreWakuMessages(messages []*types.Message) error {
    return m.persistence.SaveWakuMessages(messages)

func (m *Manager) GetLatestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics []types.TopicType) (uint64, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetLatestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics)

func (m *Manager) GetOldestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics []types.TopicType) (uint64, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetOldestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics)

func (m *Manager) GetLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID types.HexBytes) (uint64, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID)

func (m *Manager) GetHistoryArchivePartitionStartTimestamp(communityID types.HexBytes) (uint64, error) {
    filters, err := m.GetCommunityChatsFilters(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        m.LogStdout("failed to get community chats filters", zap.Error(err))
        return 0, err

    if len(filters) == 0 {
        // If we don't have chat filters, we likely don't have any chats
        // associated to this community, which means there's nothing more
        // to do here
        return 0, nil

    topics := []types.TopicType{}

    for _, filter := range filters {
        topics = append(topics, filter.ContentTopic)

    lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, err := m.GetLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        m.LogStdout("failed to get last archive end date", zap.Error(err))
        return 0, err

    if lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp == 0 {
        // If we don't have a tracked last message archive end date, it
        // means we haven't created an archive before, which means
        // the next thing to look at is the oldest waku message timestamp for
        // this community
        lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, err = m.GetOldestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics)
        if err != nil {
            m.LogStdout("failed to get oldest waku message timestamp", zap.Error(err))
            return 0, err
        if lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp == 0 {
            // This means there's no waku message stored for this community so far
            // (even after requesting possibly missed messages), so no messages exist yet that can be archived
            m.LogStdout("can't find valid `lastArchiveEndTimestamp`")
            return 0, nil

    return lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, nil

func (m *Manager) CreateAndSeedHistoryArchive(communityID types.HexBytes, topics []types.TopicType, startDate time.Time, endDate time.Time, partition time.Duration, encrypt bool) error {
    _, err := m.CreateHistoryArchiveTorrentFromDB(communityID, topics, startDate, endDate, partition, encrypt)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return m.SeedHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID)

func (m *Manager) StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(community *Community, interval time.Duration) {
    id := community.IDString()
    if _, exists := m.historyArchiveTasks.Load(id); exists {
        m.LogStdout("history archive tasks interval already in progres", zap.String("id", id))

    cancel := make(chan struct{})
    m.historyArchiveTasks.Store(id, cancel)

    ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    m.LogStdout("starting history archive tasks interval", zap.String("id", id))
    for {
        select {
        case <-ticker.C:
            m.LogStdout("starting archive task...", zap.String("id", id))
            lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, err := m.GetHistoryArchivePartitionStartTimestamp(community.ID())
            if err != nil {
                m.LogStdout("failed to get last archive end date", zap.Error(err))

            if lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp == 0 {
                // This means there are no waku messages for this community,
                // so nothing to do here
                m.LogStdout("couldn't determine archive start date - skipping")

            topics, err := m.GetCommunityChatsTopics(community.ID())
            if err != nil {
                m.LogStdout("failed to get community chat topics ", zap.Error(err))

            ts := time.Now().Unix()
            to := time.Unix(ts, 0)
            lastArchiveEndDate := time.Unix(int64(lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp), 0)

            err = m.CreateAndSeedHistoryArchive(community.ID(), topics, lastArchiveEndDate, to, interval, community.Encrypted())
            if err != nil {
                m.LogStdout("failed to create and seed history archive", zap.Error(err))
        case <-cancel:

func (m *Manager) StopHistoryArchiveTasksIntervals() {
    m.historyArchiveTasks.Range(func(_, task interface{}) bool {
        close(task.(chan struct{})) // Need to cast to the chan
        return true
    // Stoping archive interval tasks is async, so we need
    // to wait for all of them to be closed before we shutdown
    // the torrent client

func (m *Manager) StopHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(communityID types.HexBytes) {
    task, exists := m.historyArchiveTasks.Load(communityID.String())
    if exists {
        m.logger.Info("Stopping history archive tasks interval", zap.Any("id", communityID.String()))
        close(task.(chan struct{})) // Need to cast to the chan

type EncodedArchiveData struct {
    padding int
    bytes   []byte

func (m *Manager) CreateHistoryArchiveTorrentFromMessages(communityID types.HexBytes, messages []*types.Message, topics []types.TopicType, startDate time.Time, endDate time.Time, partition time.Duration, encrypt bool) ([]string, error) {
    return m.CreateHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID, messages, topics, startDate, endDate, partition, encrypt)

func (m *Manager) CreateHistoryArchiveTorrentFromDB(communityID types.HexBytes, topics []types.TopicType, startDate time.Time, endDate time.Time, partition time.Duration, encrypt bool) ([]string, error) {

    return m.CreateHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID, make([]*types.Message, 0), topics, startDate, endDate, partition, encrypt)
func (m *Manager) CreateHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes, msgs []*types.Message, topics []types.TopicType, startDate time.Time, endDate time.Time, partition time.Duration, encrypt bool) ([]string, error) {

    loadFromDB := len(msgs) == 0

    from := startDate
    to := from.Add(partition)
    if to.After(endDate) {
        to = endDate

    archiveDir := m.torrentConfig.DataDir + "/" + communityID.String()
    torrentDir := m.torrentConfig.TorrentDir
    indexPath := archiveDir + "/index"
    dataPath := archiveDir + "/data"

    wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto := &protobuf.WakuMessageArchiveIndex{}
    wakuMessageArchiveIndex := make(map[string]*protobuf.WakuMessageArchiveIndexMetadata)
    archiveIDs := make([]string, 0)

    if _, err := os.Stat(archiveDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        err := os.MkdirAll(archiveDir, 0700)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err
    if _, err := os.Stat(torrentDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        err := os.MkdirAll(torrentDir, 0700)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

    _, err := os.Stat(indexPath)
    if err == nil {
        wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto, err = m.LoadHistoryArchiveIndexFromFile(m.identity, communityID)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

    var offset uint64 = 0

    for hash, metadata := range wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto.Archives {
        offset = offset + metadata.Size
        wakuMessageArchiveIndex[hash] = metadata

    var encodedArchives []*EncodedArchiveData
    topicsAsByteArrays := topicsAsByteArrays(topics)

    m.publish(&Subscription{CreatingHistoryArchivesSignal: &signal.CreatingHistoryArchivesSignal{
        CommunityID: communityID.String(),

    m.LogStdout("creating archives",
        zap.Any("startDate", startDate),
        zap.Any("endDate", endDate),
        zap.Duration("partition", partition),
    for {
        if from.Equal(endDate) || from.After(endDate) {
        m.LogStdout("creating message archive",
            zap.Any("from", from),
            zap.Any("to", to),

        var messages []types.Message
        if loadFromDB {
            messages, err = m.persistence.GetWakuMessagesByFilterTopic(topics, uint64(from.Unix()), uint64(to.Unix()))
            if err != nil {
                return archiveIDs, err
        } else {
            for _, msg := range msgs {
                if int64(msg.Timestamp) >= from.Unix() && int64(msg.Timestamp) < to.Unix() {
                    messages = append(messages, *msg)


        if len(messages) == 0 {
            // No need to create an archive with zero messages
            m.LogStdout("no messages in this partition")
            from = to
            to = to.Add(partition)
            if to.After(endDate) {
                to = endDate

        // Not only do we partition messages, we also chunk them
        // roughly by size, such that each chunk will not exceed a given
        // size and archive data doesn't get too big
        messageChunks := make([][]types.Message, 0)
        currentChunkSize := 0
        currentChunk := make([]types.Message, 0)

        for _, msg := range messages {
            msgSize := len(msg.Payload) + len(msg.Sig)
            if msgSize > maxArchiveSizeInBytes {
                // we drop messages this big

            if currentChunkSize+msgSize > maxArchiveSizeInBytes {
                messageChunks = append(messageChunks, currentChunk)
                currentChunk = make([]types.Message, 0)
                currentChunkSize = 0
            currentChunk = append(currentChunk, msg)
            currentChunkSize = currentChunkSize + msgSize
        messageChunks = append(messageChunks, currentChunk)

        for _, messages := range messageChunks {
            wakuMessageArchive := m.createWakuMessageArchive(from, to, messages, topicsAsByteArrays)
            encodedArchive, err := proto.Marshal(wakuMessageArchive)
            if err != nil {
                return archiveIDs, err

            if encrypt {
                messageSpec, err := m.encryptor.BuildHashRatchetMessage(communityID, encodedArchive)
                if err != nil {
                    return archiveIDs, err

                encodedArchive, err = proto.Marshal(messageSpec.Message)
                if err != nil {
                    return archiveIDs, err

            rawSize := len(encodedArchive)
            padding := 0
            size := 0

            if rawSize > pieceLength {
                size = rawSize + pieceLength - (rawSize % pieceLength)
                padding = size - rawSize
            } else {
                padding = pieceLength - rawSize
                size = rawSize + padding

            wakuMessageArchiveIndexMetadata := &protobuf.WakuMessageArchiveIndexMetadata{
                Metadata: wakuMessageArchive.Metadata,
                Offset:   offset,
                Size:     uint64(size),
                Padding:  uint64(padding),

            wakuMessageArchiveIndexMetadataBytes, err := proto.Marshal(wakuMessageArchiveIndexMetadata)
            if err != nil {
                return archiveIDs, err

            archiveID := crypto.Keccak256Hash(wakuMessageArchiveIndexMetadataBytes).String()
            archiveIDs = append(archiveIDs, archiveID)
            wakuMessageArchiveIndex[archiveID] = wakuMessageArchiveIndexMetadata
            encodedArchives = append(encodedArchives, &EncodedArchiveData{bytes: encodedArchive, padding: padding})
            offset = offset + uint64(rawSize) + uint64(padding)

        from = to
        to = to.Add(partition)
        if to.After(endDate) {
            to = endDate

    if len(encodedArchives) > 0 {

        dataBytes := make([]byte, 0)

        for _, encodedArchiveData := range encodedArchives {
            dataBytes = append(dataBytes, encodedArchiveData.bytes...)
            dataBytes = append(dataBytes, make([]byte, encodedArchiveData.padding)...)

        wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto.Archives = wakuMessageArchiveIndex
        indexBytes, err := proto.Marshal(wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

        if encrypt {
            messageSpec, err := m.encryptor.BuildHashRatchetMessage(communityID, indexBytes)
            if err != nil {
                return archiveIDs, err
            indexBytes, err = proto.Marshal(messageSpec.Message)
            if err != nil {
                return archiveIDs, err

        err = os.WriteFile(indexPath, indexBytes, 0644) // nolint: gosec
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

        file, err := os.OpenFile(dataPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err
        defer file.Close()

        _, err = file.Write(dataBytes)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

        metaInfo := metainfo.MetaInfo{
            AnnounceList: defaultAnnounceList,
        metaInfo.CreatedBy = common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey)

        info := metainfo.Info{
            PieceLength: int64(pieceLength),

        err = info.BuildFromFilePath(archiveDir)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

        metaInfo.InfoBytes, err = bencode.Marshal(info)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

        metaInfoBytes, err := bencode.Marshal(metaInfo)
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

        err = os.WriteFile(m.torrentFile(communityID.String()), metaInfoBytes, 0644) // nolint: gosec
        if err != nil {
            return archiveIDs, err

        m.LogStdout("torrent created", zap.Any("from", startDate.Unix()), zap.Any("to", endDate.Unix()))

            HistoryArchivesCreatedSignal: &signal.HistoryArchivesCreatedSignal{
                CommunityID: communityID.String(),
                From:        int(startDate.Unix()),
                To:          int(endDate.Unix()),
    } else {
        m.LogStdout("no archives created")
            NoHistoryArchivesCreatedSignal: &signal.NoHistoryArchivesCreatedSignal{
                CommunityID: communityID.String(),
                From:        int(startDate.Unix()),
                To:          int(endDate.Unix()),

    lastMessageArchiveEndDate, err := m.persistence.GetLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return archiveIDs, err

    if lastMessageArchiveEndDate > 0 {
        err = m.persistence.UpdateLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID, uint64(from.Unix()))
    } else {
        err = m.persistence.SaveLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID, uint64(from.Unix()))
    if err != nil {
        return archiveIDs, err
    return archiveIDs, nil

func (m *Manager) SeedHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) error {

    id := communityID.String()
    torrentFile := m.torrentFile(id)

    metaInfo, err := metainfo.LoadFromFile(torrentFile)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    info, err := metaInfo.UnmarshalInfo()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    hash := metaInfo.HashInfoBytes()
    m.torrentTasks[id] = hash

    if err != nil {
        return err

    torrent, err := m.torrentClient.AddTorrent(metaInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return err


        HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal: &signal.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal{
            CommunityID: communityID.String(),

    magnetLink := metaInfo.Magnet(nil, &info).String()

    m.LogStdout("seeding torrent", zap.String("id", id), zap.String("magnetLink", magnetLink))
    return nil

func (m *Manager) UnseedHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) {
    id := communityID.String()

    hash, exists := m.torrentTasks[id]

    if exists {
        torrent, ok := m.torrentClient.Torrent(hash)
        if ok {
            m.logger.Debug("Unseeding and dropping torrent for community: ", zap.Any("id", id))
            delete(m.torrentTasks, id)

                HistoryArchivesUnseededSignal: &signal.HistoryArchivesUnseededSignal{
                    CommunityID: id,

func (m *Manager) IsSeedingHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) bool {
    id := communityID.String()
    hash := m.torrentTasks[id]
    torrent, ok := m.torrentClient.Torrent(hash)
    return ok && torrent.Seeding()

func (m *Manager) GetHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID string) *HistoryArchiveDownloadTask {
    return m.historyArchiveDownloadTasks[communityID]

func (m *Manager) DeleteHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID string) {
    delete(m.historyArchiveDownloadTasks, communityID)

func (m *Manager) AddHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID string, task *HistoryArchiveDownloadTask) {
    m.historyArchiveDownloadTasks[communityID] = task

type HistoryArchiveDownloadTaskInfo struct {
    TotalDownloadedArchivesCount int
    TotalArchivesCount           int
    Cancelled                    bool

func (m *Manager) DownloadHistoryArchivesByMagnetlink(communityID types.HexBytes, magnetlink string, cancelTask chan struct{}) (*HistoryArchiveDownloadTaskInfo, error) {

    id := communityID.String()

    ml, err := metainfo.ParseMagnetUri(magnetlink)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    m.logger.Debug("adding torrent via magnetlink for community", zap.String("id", id), zap.String("magnetlink", magnetlink))
    torrent, err := m.torrentClient.AddMagnet(magnetlink)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    downloadTaskInfo := &HistoryArchiveDownloadTaskInfo{
        TotalDownloadedArchivesCount: 0,
        TotalArchivesCount:           0,
        Cancelled:                    false,

    m.torrentTasks[id] = ml.InfoHash
    timeout := time.After(20 * time.Second)

    m.LogStdout("fetching torrent info", zap.String("magnetlink", magnetlink))
    select {
    case <-timeout:
        return nil, ErrTorrentTimedout
    case <-cancelTask:
        m.LogStdout("cancelled fetching torrent info")
        downloadTaskInfo.Cancelled = true
        return downloadTaskInfo, nil
    case <-torrent.GotInfo():

        files := torrent.Files()

        i, ok := findIndexFile(files)
        if !ok {
            // We're dealing with a malformed torrent, so don't do anything
            return nil, errors.New("malformed torrent data")

        indexFile := files[i]

        m.LogStdout("downloading history archive index")
        ticker := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
        defer ticker.Stop()

        for {
            select {
            case <-cancelTask:
                m.LogStdout("cancelled downloading archive index")
                downloadTaskInfo.Cancelled = true
                return downloadTaskInfo, nil
            case <-ticker.C:
                if indexFile.BytesCompleted() == indexFile.Length() {

                    index, err := m.LoadHistoryArchiveIndexFromFile(m.identity, communityID)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, err

                    existingArchiveIDs, err := m.persistence.GetDownloadedMessageArchiveIDs(communityID)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, err

                    if len(existingArchiveIDs) == len(index.Archives) {
                        m.LogStdout("download cancelled, no new archives")
                        return downloadTaskInfo, nil

                    downloadTaskInfo.TotalDownloadedArchivesCount = len(existingArchiveIDs)
                    downloadTaskInfo.TotalArchivesCount = len(index.Archives)

                    archiveHashes := make(archiveMDSlice, 0, downloadTaskInfo.TotalArchivesCount)

                    for hash, metadata := range index.Archives {
                        archiveHashes = append(archiveHashes, &archiveMetadata{hash: hash, from: metadata.Metadata.From})


                        DownloadingHistoryArchivesStartedSignal: &signal.DownloadingHistoryArchivesStartedSignal{
                            CommunityID: communityID.String(),

                    for _, hd := range archiveHashes {

                        hash := hd.hash
                        hasArchive := false

                        for _, existingHash := range existingArchiveIDs {
                            if existingHash == hash {
                                hasArchive = true
                        if hasArchive {

                        metadata := index.Archives[hash]
                        startIndex := int(metadata.Offset) / pieceLength
                        endIndex := startIndex + int(metadata.Size)/pieceLength

                        downloadMsg := fmt.Sprintf("downloading data for message archive (%d/%d)", downloadTaskInfo.TotalDownloadedArchivesCount+1, downloadTaskInfo.TotalArchivesCount)
                        m.LogStdout(downloadMsg, zap.String("hash", hash))
                        m.LogStdout("pieces (start, end)", zap.Any("startIndex", startIndex), zap.Any("endIndex", endIndex-1))
                        torrent.DownloadPieces(startIndex, endIndex)

                        piecesCompleted := make(map[int]bool)
                        for i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++ {
                            piecesCompleted[i] = false

                        psc := torrent.SubscribePieceStateChanges()
                        downloadTicker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
                        defer downloadTicker.Stop()

                        for {
                            select {
                            case <-downloadTicker.C:
                                done := true
                                for i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++ {
                                    piecesCompleted[i] = torrent.PieceState(i).Complete
                                    if !piecesCompleted[i] {
                                        done = false
                                if done {
                                    break downloadLoop
                            case <-cancelTask:
                                m.LogStdout("downloading archive data interrupted")
                                downloadTaskInfo.Cancelled = true
                                return downloadTaskInfo, nil
                        err = m.persistence.SaveMessageArchiveID(communityID, hash)
                        if err != nil {
                            m.LogStdout("couldn't save message archive ID", zap.Error(err))
                            HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal: &signal.HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal{
                                CommunityID: communityID.String(),
                                From:        int(metadata.Metadata.From),
                                To:          int(metadata.Metadata.To),
                        HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal: &signal.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal{
                            CommunityID: communityID.String(),
                    m.LogStdout("finished downloading archives")
                    return downloadTaskInfo, nil

func (m *Manager) GetMessageArchiveIDsToImport(communityID types.HexBytes) ([]string, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetMessageArchiveIDsToImport(communityID)

func (m *Manager) ExtractMessagesFromHistoryArchive(communityID types.HexBytes, archiveID string) ([]*protobuf.WakuMessage, error) {
    id := communityID.String()

    index, err := m.LoadHistoryArchiveIndexFromFile(m.identity, communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    dataFile, err := os.Open(m.archiveDataFile(id))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer dataFile.Close()

    m.LogStdout("extracting messages from history archive", zap.String("archive id", archiveID))
    metadata := index.Archives[archiveID]

    _, err = dataFile.Seek(int64(metadata.Offset), 0)
    if err != nil {
        m.LogStdout("failed to seek archive data file", zap.Error(err))
        return nil, err

    data := make([]byte, metadata.Size-metadata.Padding)
    m.LogStdout("loading history archive data into memory", zap.Float64("data_size_MB", float64(metadata.Size-metadata.Padding)/1024.0/1024.0))
    _, err = dataFile.Read(data)
    if err != nil {
        m.LogStdout("failed failed to read archive data", zap.Error(err))
        return nil, err

    archive := &protobuf.WakuMessageArchive{}

    err = proto.Unmarshal(data, archive)
    if err != nil {
        // The archive data might eb encrypted so we try to decrypt instead first
        var protocolMessage encryption.ProtocolMessage
        err := proto.Unmarshal(data, &protocolMessage)
        if err != nil {
            m.LogStdout("failed to unmarshal protocol message", zap.Error(err))
            return nil, err

        pk, err := crypto.DecompressPubkey(communityID)
        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Debug("failed to decompress community pubkey", zap.Error(err))
            return nil, err
        decryptedBytes, err := m.encryptor.HandleMessage(m.identity, pk, &protocolMessage, make([]byte, 0))
        if err != nil {
            m.LogStdout("failed to decrypt message archive", zap.Error(err))
            return nil, err
        err = proto.Unmarshal(decryptedBytes.DecryptedMessage, archive)
        if err != nil {
            m.LogStdout("failed to unmarshal message archive data", zap.Error(err))
            return nil, err
    return archive.Messages, nil

func (m *Manager) SetMessageArchiveIDImported(communityID types.HexBytes, hash string, imported bool) error {
    return m.persistence.SetMessageArchiveIDImported(communityID, hash, imported)

func (m *Manager) GetHistoryArchiveMagnetlink(communityID types.HexBytes) (string, error) {
    id := communityID.String()
    torrentFile := m.torrentFile(id)

    metaInfo, err := metainfo.LoadFromFile(torrentFile)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    info, err := metaInfo.UnmarshalInfo()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return metaInfo.Magnet(nil, &info).String(), nil

func (m *Manager) createWakuMessageArchive(from time.Time, to time.Time, messages []types.Message, topics [][]byte) *protobuf.WakuMessageArchive {
    var wakuMessages []*protobuf.WakuMessage

    for _, msg := range messages {
        topic := types.TopicTypeToByteArray(msg.Topic)
        wakuMessage := &protobuf.WakuMessage{
            Sig:          msg.Sig,
            Timestamp:    uint64(msg.Timestamp),
            Topic:        topic,
            Payload:      msg.Payload,
            Padding:      msg.Padding,
            Hash:         msg.Hash,
            ThirdPartyId: msg.ThirdPartyID,
        wakuMessages = append(wakuMessages, wakuMessage)

    metadata := protobuf.WakuMessageArchiveMetadata{
        From:         uint64(from.Unix()),
        To:           uint64(to.Unix()),
        ContentTopic: topics,

    wakuMessageArchive := &protobuf.WakuMessageArchive{
        Metadata: &metadata,
        Messages: wakuMessages,
    return wakuMessageArchive

func (m *Manager) LoadHistoryArchiveIndexFromFile(myKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey, communityID types.HexBytes) (*protobuf.WakuMessageArchiveIndex, error) {
    wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto := &protobuf.WakuMessageArchiveIndex{}

    indexPath := m.archiveIndexFile(communityID.String())
    indexData, err := os.ReadFile(indexPath)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = proto.Unmarshal(indexData, wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if len(wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto.Archives) == 0 && len(indexData) > 0 {
        // This means we're dealing with an encrypted index file, so we have to decrypt it first
        var protocolMessage encryption.ProtocolMessage
        err := proto.Unmarshal(indexData, &protocolMessage)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        pk, err := crypto.DecompressPubkey(communityID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        decryptedBytes, err := m.encryptor.HandleMessage(myKey, pk, &protocolMessage, make([]byte, 0))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        err = proto.Unmarshal(decryptedBytes.DecryptedMessage, wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return wakuMessageArchiveIndexProto, nil

func (m *Manager) TorrentFileExists(communityID string) bool {
    _, err := os.Stat(m.torrentFile(communityID))
    return err == nil

func (m *Manager) torrentFile(communityID string) string {
    return m.torrentConfig.TorrentDir + "/" + communityID + ".torrent"

func (m *Manager) archiveIndexFile(communityID string) string {
    return m.torrentConfig.DataDir + "/" + communityID + "/index"

func (m *Manager) archiveDataFile(communityID string) string {
    return m.torrentConfig.DataDir + "/" + communityID + "/data"

func topicsAsByteArrays(topics []types.TopicType) [][]byte {
    var topicsAsByteArrays [][]byte
    for _, t := range topics {
        topic := types.TopicTypeToByteArray(t)
        topicsAsByteArrays = append(topicsAsByteArrays, topic)
    return topicsAsByteArrays

func findIndexFile(files []*torrent.File) (index int, ok bool) {
    for i, f := range files {
        if f.DisplayPath() == "index" {
            return i, true
    return 0, false

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityToken(communityID string, chainID int, address string) (*community_token.CommunityToken, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunityToken(communityID, chainID, address)

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityTokenByChainAndAddress(chainID int, address string) (*community_token.CommunityToken, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunityTokenByChainAndAddress(chainID, address)

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityTokens(communityID string) ([]*community_token.CommunityToken, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunityTokens(communityID)

func (m *Manager) GetAllCommunityTokens() ([]*community_token.CommunityToken, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetAllCommunityTokens()

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityGrant(communityID string) ([]byte, uint64, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunityGrant(communityID)

func (m *Manager) ImageToBase64(uri string) string {
    if uri == "" {
        return ""
    file, err := os.Open(uri)
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    defer file.Close()

    payload, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    base64img, err := images.GetPayloadDataURI(payload)
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    return base64img

func (m *Manager) SaveCommunityToken(token *community_token.CommunityToken, croppedImage *images.CroppedImage) (*community_token.CommunityToken, error) {

    _, err := m.GetByIDString(token.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if croppedImage != nil && croppedImage.ImagePath != "" {
        bytes, err := images.OpenAndAdjustImage(*croppedImage, true)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        base64img, err := images.GetPayloadDataURI(bytes)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        token.Base64Image = base64img
    } else if !images.IsPayloadDataURI(token.Base64Image) {
        // if image is already base64 do not convert (owner and master tokens have already base64 image)
        token.Base64Image = m.ImageToBase64(token.Base64Image)

    return token, m.persistence.AddCommunityToken(token)

func (m *Manager) AddCommunityToken(token *community_token.CommunityToken, clock uint64) (*Community, error) {
    if token == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("Token is absent in database")

    communityID, err := types.DecodeHex(token.CommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(communityID)

    community, err := m.GetByID(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !community.MemberCanManageToken(&m.identity.PublicKey, token) {
        return nil, ErrInvalidManageTokensPermission

    tokenMetadata := &protobuf.CommunityTokenMetadata{
        ContractAddresses: map[uint64]string{uint64(token.ChainID): token.Address},
        Description:       token.Description,
        Image:             token.Base64Image,
        Symbol:            token.Symbol,
        TokenType:         token.TokenType,
        Name:              token.Name,
        Decimals:          uint32(token.Decimals),
    _, err = community.AddCommunityTokensMetadata(tokenMetadata)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if community.IsControlNode() && (token.PrivilegesLevel == community_token.MasterLevel || token.PrivilegesLevel == community_token.OwnerLevel) {
        permissionType := protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_TOKEN_OWNER
        if token.PrivilegesLevel == community_token.MasterLevel {
            permissionType = protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_TOKEN_MASTER

        contractAddresses := make(map[uint64]string)
        contractAddresses[uint64(token.ChainID)] = token.Address

        tokenCriteria := &protobuf.TokenCriteria{
            ContractAddresses: contractAddresses,
            Type:              protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC721,
            Symbol:            token.Symbol,
            Name:              token.Name,
            Amount:            "1",
            AmountInWei:       "1",
            Decimals:          uint64(0),

        request := &requests.CreateCommunityTokenPermission{
            CommunityID:   community.ID(),
            Type:          permissionType,
            TokenCriteria: []*protobuf.TokenCriteria{tokenCriteria},
            IsPrivate:     true,
            ChatIds:       []string{},

        community, _, err = m.createCommunityTokenPermission(request, community)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if token.PrivilegesLevel == community_token.OwnerLevel {
            _, err = m.promoteSelfToControlNode(community, clock)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

    return community, m.saveAndPublish(community)

func (m *Manager) UpdateCommunityTokenState(chainID int, contractAddress string, deployState community_token.DeployState) error {
    return m.persistence.UpdateCommunityTokenState(chainID, contractAddress, deployState)

func (m *Manager) UpdateCommunityTokenAddress(chainID int, oldContractAddress string, newContractAddress string) error {
    return m.persistence.UpdateCommunityTokenAddress(chainID, oldContractAddress, newContractAddress)

func (m *Manager) UpdateCommunityTokenSupply(chainID int, contractAddress string, supply *bigint.BigInt) error {
    return m.persistence.UpdateCommunityTokenSupply(chainID, contractAddress, supply)

func (m *Manager) RemoveCommunityToken(chainID int, contractAddress string) error {
    return m.persistence.RemoveCommunityToken(chainID, contractAddress)

func (m *Manager) SetCommunityActiveMembersCount(communityID string, activeMembersCount uint64) error {
    id, err := types.DecodeHex(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(id)

    community, err := m.GetByID(id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    updated, err := community.SetActiveMembersCount(activeMembersCount)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if updated {
        if err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community); err != nil {
            return err

        m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})

    return nil

func combineAddressesAndChainIDs(addresses []gethcommon.Address, chainIDs []uint64) []*AccountChainIDsCombination {
    combinations := make([]*AccountChainIDsCombination, 0)
    for _, address := range addresses {
        combinations = append(combinations, &AccountChainIDsCombination{
            Address:  address,
            ChainIDs: chainIDs,
    return combinations

func revealedAccountsToAccountsAndChainIDsCombination(revealedAccounts []*protobuf.RevealedAccount) []*AccountChainIDsCombination {
    accountsAndChainIDs := make([]*AccountChainIDsCombination, 0)
    for _, revealedAccount := range revealedAccounts {
        accountsAndChainIDs = append(accountsAndChainIDs, &AccountChainIDsCombination{
            Address:  gethcommon.HexToAddress(revealedAccount.Address),
            ChainIDs: revealedAccount.ChainIds,
    return accountsAndChainIDs

func (m *Manager) accountsHasPrivilegedPermission(preParsedCommunityPermissionData *PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData, accounts []*AccountChainIDsCombination) bool {
    if preParsedCommunityPermissionData != nil {
        permissionResponse, err := m.PermissionChecker.CheckPermissions(preParsedCommunityPermissionData, accounts, true)
        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Warn("check privileged permission failed: %v", zap.Error(err))
            return false
        return permissionResponse.Satisfied
    return false

func (m *Manager) saveAndPublish(community *Community) error {
    err := m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if community.IsControlNode() {
        m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})
        return nil

    if community.HasPermissionToSendCommunityEvents() {
        err := m.signEvents(community)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        err = m.persistence.SaveCommunityEvents(community)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        m.publish(&Subscription{CommunityEventsMessage: community.toCommunityEventsMessage()})
        return nil

    return nil

func (m *Manager) GetRevealedAddresses(communityID types.HexBytes, memberPk string) ([]*protobuf.RevealedAccount, error) {
    logger := m.logger.Named("GetRevealedAddresses")

    requestID := CalculateRequestID(memberPk, communityID)
    response, err := m.persistence.GetRequestToJoinRevealedAddresses(requestID)

    revealedAddresses := make([]string, len(response))
    for i, acc := range response {
        revealedAddresses[i] = acc.Address
    logger.Debug("Revealed addresses", zap.Any("Addresses:", revealedAddresses))

    return response, err

func (m *Manager) ReevaluatePrivilegedMember(community *Community, permissionsData *PreParsedCommunityPermissionsData,
    accountsAndChainIDs []*AccountChainIDsCombination, memberPubKey *ecdsa.PublicKey,
    privilegedRole protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles, alreadyHasPrivilegedRole bool) (bool, error) {

    hasPrivilegedRolePermissions := permissionsData != nil
    removeCurrentRole := false

    if hasPrivilegedRolePermissions {
        permissionResponse, err := m.PermissionChecker.CheckPermissions(permissionsData, accountsAndChainIDs, true)
        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Warn("check privileged permission failed: %v", zap.Error(err))
            return alreadyHasPrivilegedRole, err
        } else if permissionResponse.Satisfied && !alreadyHasPrivilegedRole {
            _, err = community.AddRoleToMember(memberPubKey, privilegedRole)
            if err != nil {
                return alreadyHasPrivilegedRole, err
            alreadyHasPrivilegedRole = true
        } else if !permissionResponse.Satisfied && alreadyHasPrivilegedRole {
            removeCurrentRole = true
            alreadyHasPrivilegedRole = false

    // Remove privileged role if user does not pass role permissions check or
    // Community does not have permissions but user has a role
    if removeCurrentRole || (!hasPrivilegedRolePermissions && alreadyHasPrivilegedRole) {
        _, err := community.RemoveRoleFromMember(memberPubKey, privilegedRole)
        if err != nil {
            return alreadyHasPrivilegedRole, err
        alreadyHasPrivilegedRole = false

    if alreadyHasPrivilegedRole {
        // Make sure privileged user is added to every channel
        for channelID := range community.Chats() {
            if !community.IsMemberInChat(memberPubKey, channelID) {
                _, err := community.AddMemberToChat(channelID, memberPubKey, []protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles{privilegedRole}, protobuf.CommunityMember_CHANNEL_ROLE_POSTER)
                if err != nil {
                    return alreadyHasPrivilegedRole, err

    return alreadyHasPrivilegedRole, nil

func (m *Manager) handleCommunityTokensMetadata(community *Community) error {
    communityID := community.IDString()
    communityTokens := community.CommunityTokensMetadata()

    if len(communityTokens) == 0 {
        return nil
    for _, tokenMetadata := range communityTokens {
        for chainID, address := range tokenMetadata.ContractAddresses {
            exists, err := m.persistence.HasCommunityToken(communityID, address, int(chainID))
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if !exists {
                // Fetch community token to make sure it's stored in the DB, discard result
                communityToken, err := m.FetchCommunityToken(community, tokenMetadata, chainID, address)
                if err != nil {
                    return err

                err = m.persistence.AddCommunityToken(communityToken)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
    return nil

func (m *Manager) HandleCommunityGrant(community *Community, grant []byte, clock uint64) (uint64, error) {
    _, oldClock, err := m.GetCommunityGrant(community.IDString())
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err

    if oldClock >= clock {
        return 0, ErrGrantOlder

    verifiedGrant, err := community.VerifyGrantSignature(grant)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err

    if !bytes.Equal(verifiedGrant.MemberId, crypto.CompressPubkey(&m.identity.PublicKey)) {
        return 0, ErrGrantMemberPublicKeyIsDifferent

    return clock - oldClock, m.persistence.SaveCommunityGrant(community.IDString(), grant, clock)

func (m *Manager) FetchCommunityToken(community *Community, tokenMetadata *protobuf.CommunityTokenMetadata, chainID uint64, contractAddress string) (*community_token.CommunityToken, error) {
    communityID := community.IDString()

    communityToken := &community_token.CommunityToken{
        CommunityID:        communityID,
        Address:            contractAddress,
        TokenType:          tokenMetadata.TokenType,
        Name:               tokenMetadata.Name,
        Symbol:             tokenMetadata.Symbol,
        Description:        tokenMetadata.Description,
        Transferable:       true,
        RemoteSelfDestruct: false,
        ChainID:            int(chainID),
        DeployState:        community_token.Deployed,
        Base64Image:        tokenMetadata.Image,
        Decimals:           int(tokenMetadata.Decimals),

    switch tokenMetadata.TokenType {
    case protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC721:
        contractData, err := m.communityTokensService.GetCollectibleContractData(chainID, contractAddress)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        communityToken.Supply = contractData.TotalSupply
        communityToken.Transferable = contractData.Transferable
        communityToken.RemoteSelfDestruct = contractData.RemoteBurnable
        communityToken.InfiniteSupply = contractData.InfiniteSupply

    case protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC20:
        contractData, err := m.communityTokensService.GetAssetContractData(chainID, contractAddress)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        communityToken.Supply = contractData.TotalSupply
        communityToken.InfiniteSupply = contractData.InfiniteSupply

    communityToken.PrivilegesLevel = getPrivilegesLevel(chainID, contractAddress, community.TokenPermissions())

    return communityToken, nil

func getPrivilegesLevel(chainID uint64, tokenAddress string, tokenPermissions map[string]*CommunityTokenPermission) community_token.PrivilegesLevel {
    for _, permission := range tokenPermissions {
        if permission.Type == protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_TOKEN_MASTER || permission.Type == protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_TOKEN_OWNER {
            for _, tokenCriteria := range permission.TokenCriteria {
                value, exist := tokenCriteria.ContractAddresses[chainID]
                if exist && value == tokenAddress {
                    if permission.Type == protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_TOKEN_OWNER {
                        return community_token.OwnerLevel
                    return community_token.MasterLevel
    return community_token.CommunityLevel

func (m *Manager) ValidateCommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage(message *protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage) error {
    if message == nil {
        return errors.New("invalid CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage message")

    if message.CommunityId == nil || len(message.CommunityId) == 0 {
        return errors.New("invalid CommunityId in CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage message")

    switch message.Type {
    case protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage_CONTROL_NODE_ACCEPT_REQUEST_TO_JOIN:
    case protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage_CONTROL_NODE_REJECT_REQUEST_TO_JOIN:
        if message.RequestToJoin == nil || len(message.RequestToJoin) == 0 {
            return errors.New("invalid request to join in CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage message")

        for _, requestToJoinProto := range message.RequestToJoin {
            if len(requestToJoinProto.CommunityId) == 0 {
                return errors.New("no communityId in request to join in CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage message")
    case protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage_CONTROL_NODE_ALL_SYNC_REQUESTS_TO_JOIN:
        if message.SyncRequestsToJoin == nil || len(message.SyncRequestsToJoin) == 0 {
            return errors.New("invalid sync requests to join in CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage message")

    return nil

func (m *Manager) createCommunityTokenPermission(request *requests.CreateCommunityTokenPermission, community *Community) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
    if community == nil {
        return nil, nil, ErrOrgNotFound

    tokenPermission := request.ToCommunityTokenPermission()
    tokenPermission.Id = uuid.New().String()
    changes, err := community.UpsertTokenPermission(&tokenPermission)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return community, changes, nil


func (m *Manager) PromoteSelfToControlNode(community *Community, clock uint64) (*CommunityChanges, error) {
    if community == nil {
        return nil, ErrOrgNotFound

    defer m.communityLock.Unlock(community.ID())

    ownerChanged, err := m.promoteSelfToControlNode(community, clock)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if ownerChanged {
        return community.RemoveAllUsersFromOrg(), m.saveAndPublish(community)

    return community.emptyCommunityChanges(), m.saveAndPublish(community)

func (m *Manager) promoteSelfToControlNode(community *Community, clock uint64) (bool, error) {
    ownerChanged := false
    if !community.ControlNode().Equal(&m.identity.PublicKey) {
        ownerChanged = true

    // Mark this device as the control node
    syncControlNode := &protobuf.SyncCommunityControlNode{
        Clock:          clock,
        InstallationId: m.installationID,

    err := m.SaveSyncControlNode(community.ID(), syncControlNode)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    community.config.ControlDevice = true

    if exists := community.HasMember(&m.identity.PublicKey); !exists {
        ownerRole := []protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles{protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_OWNER}
        _, err = community.AddMember(&m.identity.PublicKey, ownerRole)
        if err != nil {
            return false, err

        for channelID := range community.Chats() {
            _, err = community.AddMemberToChat(channelID, &m.identity.PublicKey, ownerRole, protobuf.CommunityMember_CHANNEL_ROLE_POSTER)
            if err != nil {
                return false, err
    } else {
        _, err = community.AddRoleToMember(&m.identity.PublicKey, protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_OWNER)

    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    err = m.handleCommunityEvents(community)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err


    return ownerChanged, nil

func (m *Manager) handleCommunityEventsAndMetadata(community *Community, eventsMessage *CommunityEventsMessage,
    lastlyAppliedEvents map[string]uint64) (*CommunityResponse, error) {
    err := community.processEvents(eventsMessage, lastlyAppliedEvents)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    additionalCommunityResponse, err := m.handleAdditionalAdminChanges(community)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err = m.handleCommunityTokensMetadata(community); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return additionalCommunityResponse, err

func (m *Manager) handleCommunityEvents(community *Community) error {
    if community.config.EventsData == nil {
        return nil

    lastlyAppliedEvents, err := m.persistence.GetAppliedCommunityEvents(community.ID())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = m.handleCommunityEventsAndMetadata(community, community.toCommunityEventsMessage(), lastlyAppliedEvents)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    appliedEvents := map[string]uint64{}
    if community.config.EventsData != nil {
        for _, event := range community.config.EventsData.Events {
            appliedEvents[event.EventTypeID()] = event.CommunityEventClock

    community.config.EventsData = nil // clear events, they are already applied

    err = m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = m.persistence.UpsertAppliedCommunityEvents(community.ID(), appliedEvents)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    m.publish(&Subscription{Community: community})

    return nil

func (m *Manager) shareRequestsToJoinWithNewPrivilegedMembers(community *Community, newPrivilegedMembers map[protobuf.CommunityMember_Roles][]*ecdsa.PublicKey) error {
    requestsToJoin, err := m.GetCommunityRequestsToJoinWithRevealedAddresses(community.ID())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var syncRequestsWithoutRevealedAccounts []*protobuf.SyncCommunityRequestsToJoin
    var syncRequestsWithRevealedAccounts []*protobuf.SyncCommunityRequestsToJoin
    for _, request := range requestsToJoin {
        syncRequestsWithRevealedAccounts = append(syncRequestsWithRevealedAccounts, request.ToSyncProtobuf())
        requestProtoWithoutAccounts := request.ToSyncProtobuf()
        requestProtoWithoutAccounts.RevealedAccounts = []*protobuf.RevealedAccount{}
        syncRequestsWithoutRevealedAccounts = append(syncRequestsWithoutRevealedAccounts, requestProtoWithoutAccounts)

    syncMsgWithoutRevealedAccounts := &protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage{
        Type:               protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage_CONTROL_NODE_ALL_SYNC_REQUESTS_TO_JOIN,
        CommunityId:        community.ID(),
        SyncRequestsToJoin: syncRequestsWithoutRevealedAccounts,

    syncMsgWitRevealedAccounts := &protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage{
        Type:               protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage_CONTROL_NODE_ALL_SYNC_REQUESTS_TO_JOIN,
        CommunityId:        community.ID(),
        SyncRequestsToJoin: syncRequestsWithRevealedAccounts,

    subscriptionMsg := &CommunityPrivilegedMemberSyncMessage{
        CommunityPrivateKey: community.PrivateKey(),

    for role, members := range newPrivilegedMembers {
        if len(members) == 0 {

        subscriptionMsg.Receivers = members

        switch role {
        case protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_ADMIN:
            subscriptionMsg.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage = syncMsgWithoutRevealedAccounts
        case protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_OWNER:
        case protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_TOKEN_MASTER:
            subscriptionMsg.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage = syncMsgWitRevealedAccounts

        m.publish(&Subscription{CommunityPrivilegedMemberSyncMessage: subscriptionMsg})

    return nil

func (m *Manager) shareAcceptedRequestToJoinWithPrivilegedMembers(community *Community, requestsToJoin *RequestToJoin) error {
    pk, err := common.HexToPubkey(requestsToJoin.PublicKey)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    acceptedRequestsToJoinWithoutRevealedAccounts := make(map[string]*protobuf.CommunityRequestToJoin)
    acceptedRequestsToJoinWithRevealedAccounts := make(map[string]*protobuf.CommunityRequestToJoin)

    acceptedRequestsToJoinWithRevealedAccounts[requestsToJoin.PublicKey] = requestsToJoin.ToCommunityRequestToJoinProtobuf()
    requestsToJoin.RevealedAccounts = make([]*protobuf.RevealedAccount, 0)
    acceptedRequestsToJoinWithoutRevealedAccounts[requestsToJoin.PublicKey] = requestsToJoin.ToCommunityRequestToJoinProtobuf()

    msgWithRevealedAccounts := &protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage{
        Type:          protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage_CONTROL_NODE_ACCEPT_REQUEST_TO_JOIN,
        CommunityId:   community.ID(),
        RequestToJoin: acceptedRequestsToJoinWithRevealedAccounts,

    msgWithoutRevealedAccounts := &protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage{
        Type:          protobuf.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage_CONTROL_NODE_ACCEPT_REQUEST_TO_JOIN,
        CommunityId:   community.ID(),
        RequestToJoin: acceptedRequestsToJoinWithoutRevealedAccounts,

    // do not sent to ourself and to the accepted user
    skipMembers := make(map[string]struct{})
    skipMembers[common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey)] = struct{}{}
    skipMembers[common.PubkeyToHex(pk)] = struct{}{}

    subscriptionMsg := &CommunityPrivilegedMemberSyncMessage{
        CommunityPrivateKey: community.PrivateKey(),

    fileredPrivilegedMembers := community.GetFilteredPrivilegedMembers(skipMembers)
    for role, members := range fileredPrivilegedMembers {
        if len(members) == 0 {

        subscriptionMsg.Receivers = members

        switch role {
        case protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_ADMIN:
            subscriptionMsg.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage = msgWithoutRevealedAccounts
        case protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_OWNER:
        case protobuf.CommunityMember_ROLE_TOKEN_MASTER:
            subscriptionMsg.CommunityPrivilegedUserSyncMessage = msgWithRevealedAccounts

        m.publish(&Subscription{CommunityPrivilegedMemberSyncMessage: subscriptionMsg})

    return nil

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityRequestsToJoinWithRevealedAddresses(communityID types.HexBytes) ([]*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunityRequestsToJoinWithRevealedAddresses(communityID)

func (m *Manager) SaveCommunity(community *Community) error {
    return m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)

func (m *Manager) CreateCommunityTokenDeploymentSignature(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, addressFrom string, communityID string) ([]byte, error) {
    community, err := m.GetByIDString(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if !community.IsControlNode() {
        return nil, ErrNotControlNode
    digest, err := m.communityTokensService.DeploymentSignatureDigest(chainID, addressFrom, communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return crypto.Sign(digest, community.PrivateKey())

func (m *Manager) GetSyncControlNode(id types.HexBytes) (*protobuf.SyncCommunityControlNode, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetSyncControlNode(id)

func (m *Manager) SaveSyncControlNode(id types.HexBytes, syncControlNode *protobuf.SyncCommunityControlNode) error {
    return m.persistence.SaveSyncControlNode(id, syncControlNode.Clock, syncControlNode.InstallationId)

func (m *Manager) SetSyncControlNode(id types.HexBytes, syncControlNode *protobuf.SyncCommunityControlNode) error {
    existingSyncControlNode, err := m.GetSyncControlNode(id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if existingSyncControlNode == nil || existingSyncControlNode.Clock < syncControlNode.Clock {
        return m.SaveSyncControlNode(id, syncControlNode)

    return nil

func (m *Manager) GetCommunityRequestToJoinWithRevealedAddresses(pubKey string, communityID types.HexBytes) (*RequestToJoin, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCommunityRequestToJoinWithRevealedAddresses(pubKey, communityID)

func (m *Manager) SafeGetSignerPubKey(chainID uint64, communityID string) (string, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*3)
    defer cancel()

    return m.ownerVerifier.SafeGetSignerPubKey(ctx, chainID, communityID)

func (m *Manager) GetCuratedCommunities() (*CuratedCommunities, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetCuratedCommunities()

func (m *Manager) SetCuratedCommunities(communities *CuratedCommunities) error {
    return m.persistence.SetCuratedCommunities(communities)

func (m *Manager) encryptCommunityDescriptionImpl(groupID []byte, d *protobuf.CommunityDescription) (string, []byte, error) {
    payload, err := proto.Marshal(d)
    if err != nil {
        return "", nil, err

    encryptedPayload, ratchet, newSeqNo, err := m.encryptor.EncryptWithHashRatchet(groupID, payload)
    if err == encryption.ErrNoEncryptionKey {
        _, err := m.encryptor.GenerateHashRatchetKey(groupID)
        if err != nil {
            return "", nil, err
        encryptedPayload, ratchet, newSeqNo, err = m.encryptor.EncryptWithHashRatchet(groupID, payload)
        if err != nil {
            return "", nil, err

    } else if err != nil {
        return "", nil, err

    keyID, err := ratchet.GetKeyID()
    if err != nil {
        return "", nil, err

    m.logger.Debug("encrypting community description",
        zap.Any("community", d),
        zap.String("groupID", types.Bytes2Hex(groupID)),
        zap.String("keyID", types.Bytes2Hex(keyID)))

    keyIDSeqNo := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", hex.EncodeToString(keyID), newSeqNo)

    return keyIDSeqNo, encryptedPayload, nil

func (m *Manager) encryptCommunityDescription(community *Community, d *protobuf.CommunityDescription) (string, []byte, error) {
    return m.encryptCommunityDescriptionImpl(community.ID(), d)

func (m *Manager) encryptCommunityDescriptionChannel(community *Community, channelID string, d *protobuf.CommunityDescription) (string, []byte, error) {
    return m.encryptCommunityDescriptionImpl([]byte(community.IDString()+channelID), d)

// TODO: add collectiblesManager to messenger intance
func (m *Manager) GetCollectiblesManager() CollectiblesManager {
    return m.collectiblesManager

type DecryptCommunityResponse struct {
    Decrypted   bool
    Description *protobuf.CommunityDescription
    KeyID       []byte
    GroupID     []byte

func (m *Manager) decryptCommunityDescription(keyIDSeqNo string, d []byte) (*DecryptCommunityResponse, error) {
    const hashHexLength = 64
    if len(keyIDSeqNo) <= hashHexLength {
        return nil, errors.New("invalid keyIDSeqNo")

    keyID, err := hex.DecodeString(keyIDSeqNo[:hashHexLength])
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    seqNo, err := strconv.ParseUint(keyIDSeqNo[hashHexLength:], 10, 32)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    decryptedPayload, err := m.encryptor.DecryptWithHashRatchet(keyID, uint32(seqNo), d)
    if err == encryption.ErrNoRatchetKey {
        return &DecryptCommunityResponse{
            KeyID: keyID,
        }, err

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var description protobuf.CommunityDescription
    err = proto.Unmarshal(decryptedPayload, &description)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    decryptCommunityResponse := &DecryptCommunityResponse{
        Decrypted:   true,
        KeyID:       keyID,
        Description: &description,
    return decryptCommunityResponse, nil

func ToLinkPreveiwThumbnail(image images.IdentityImage) (*common.LinkPreviewThumbnail, error) {
    thumbnail := &common.LinkPreviewThumbnail{}

    if image.IsEmpty() {
        return nil, nil

    width, height, err := images.GetImageDimensions(image.Payload)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get image dimensions: %w", err)

    dataURI, err := image.GetDataURI()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get data uri: %w", err)

    thumbnail.Width = width
    thumbnail.Height = height
    thumbnail.DataURI = dataURI
    return thumbnail, nil

func (c *Community) ToStatusLinkPreview() (*common.StatusCommunityLinkPreview, error) {
    communityLinkPreview := &common.StatusCommunityLinkPreview{}
    if image, ok := c.Images()[images.SmallDimName]; ok {
        thumbnail, err := ToLinkPreveiwThumbnail(images.IdentityImage{Payload: image.Payload})
        if err != nil {
            c.config.Logger.Warn("unfurling status link: failed to set community thumbnail", zap.Error(err))
        communityLinkPreview.Icon = *thumbnail

    if image, ok := c.Images()[images.BannerIdentityName]; ok {
        thumbnail, err := ToLinkPreveiwThumbnail(images.IdentityImage{Payload: image.Payload})
        if err != nil {
            c.config.Logger.Warn("unfurling status link: failed to set community thumbnail", zap.Error(err))
        communityLinkPreview.Banner = *thumbnail

    communityLinkPreview.CommunityID = c.IDString()
    communityLinkPreview.DisplayName = c.Name()
    communityLinkPreview.Description = c.DescriptionText()
    communityLinkPreview.MembersCount = uint32(c.MembersCount())
    communityLinkPreview.Color = c.Color()

    return communityLinkPreview, nil