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1 day
Test Coverage
//go:build !disable_torrent
// +build !disable_torrent

// Attribution to Pascal Precht, for further context please view the below issues
// -
// -
// -
// -

package communities

import (



type archiveMDSlice []*archiveMetadata

type archiveMetadata struct {
    hash string
    from uint64

func (md archiveMDSlice) Len() int {
    return len(md)

func (md archiveMDSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
    md[i], md[j] = md[j], md[i]

func (md archiveMDSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return md[i].from > md[j].from

type EncodedArchiveData struct {
    padding int
    bytes   []byte

type ArchiveManager struct {
    torrentConfig                *params.TorrentConfig
    torrentClient                *torrent.Client
    torrentTasks                 map[string]metainfo.Hash
    historyArchiveDownloadTasks  map[string]*HistoryArchiveDownloadTask
    historyArchiveTasksWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
    historyArchiveTasks          sync.Map // stores `chan struct{}`

    logger      *zap.Logger
    persistence *Persistence
    transport   *transport.Transport
    identity    *ecdsa.PrivateKey
    encryptor   *encryption.Protocol

    publisher Publisher

// NewArchiveManager this function is only built and called when the "disable_torrent" build tag is not set
// In this case this version of NewArchiveManager will return the full Desktop ArchiveManager ensuring that the
// build command will import and build the torrent deps for the Desktop OSes.
// NOTE: It is intentional that this file contains the identical function name as in "manager_archive_nop.go"
func NewArchiveManager(amc *ArchiveManagerConfig) *ArchiveManager {
    return &ArchiveManager{
        torrentConfig:               amc.TorrentConfig,
        torrentTasks:                make(map[string]metainfo.Hash),
        historyArchiveDownloadTasks: make(map[string]*HistoryArchiveDownloadTask),

        logger:      amc.Logger,
        persistence: amc.Persistence,
        transport:   amc.Transport,
        identity:    amc.Identity,
        encryptor:   amc.Encryptor,

        publisher:          amc.Publisher,
        ArchiveFileManager: NewArchiveFileManager(amc),

func (m *ArchiveManager) SetOnline(online bool) {
    if online {
        if m.torrentConfig != nil && m.torrentConfig.Enabled && !m.torrentClientStarted() {
            err := m.StartTorrentClient()
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Error("couldn't start torrent client", zap.Error(err))

func (m *ArchiveManager) SetTorrentConfig(config *params.TorrentConfig) {
    m.torrentConfig = config
    m.ArchiveFileManager.torrentConfig = config

// getTCPandUDPport will return the same port number given if != 0,
// otherwise, it will attempt to find a free random tcp and udp port using
// the same number for both protocols
func (m *ArchiveManager) getTCPandUDPport(portNumber int) (int, error) {
    if portNumber != 0 {
        return portNumber, nil

    // Find free port
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        port := func() int {
            tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", net.JoinHostPort("localhost", "0"))
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Warn("unable to resolve tcp addr: %v", zap.Error(err))
                return 0

            tcpListener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcpAddr)
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Warn("unable to listen on addr", zap.Stringer("addr", tcpAddr), zap.Error(err))
                return 0
            defer tcpListener.Close()

            port := tcpListener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port

            udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", net.JoinHostPort("localhost", fmt.Sprintf("%d", port)))
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Warn("unable to resolve udp addr: %v", zap.Error(err))
                return 0

            udpListener, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", udpAddr)
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Warn("unable to listen on addr", zap.Stringer("addr", udpAddr), zap.Error(err))
                return 0
            defer udpListener.Close()

            return port

        if port != 0 {
            return port, nil

    return 0, fmt.Errorf("no free port found")

func (m *ArchiveManager) StartTorrentClient() error {
    if m.torrentConfig == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("can't start torrent client: missing torrentConfig")

    if m.torrentClientStarted() {
        return nil

    port, err := m.getTCPandUDPport(m.torrentConfig.Port)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    config := torrent.NewDefaultClientConfig()
    config.SetListenAddr(":" + fmt.Sprint(port))
    config.Seed = true

    config.DataDir = m.torrentConfig.DataDir

    if _, err := os.Stat(m.torrentConfig.DataDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        err := os.MkdirAll(m.torrentConfig.DataDir, 0700)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    m.logger.Info("Starting torrent client", zap.Any("port", port))
    // Instantiating the client will make it bootstrap and listen eagerly,
    // so no go routine is needed here
    client, err := torrent.NewClient(config)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    m.torrentClient = client
    return nil

func (m *ArchiveManager) Stop() error {
    if m.torrentClientStarted() {
        m.logger.Info("Stopping torrent client")
        errs := m.torrentClient.Close()
        if len(errs) > 0 {
            return errors.Join(errs...)
        m.torrentClient = nil
    return nil

func (m *ArchiveManager) torrentClientStarted() bool {
    return m.torrentClient != nil

func (m *ArchiveManager) IsReady() bool {
    // Simply checking for `torrentConfig.Enabled` isn't enough
    // as there's a possibility that the torrent client couldn't
    // be instantiated (for example in case of port conflicts)
    return m.torrentConfig != nil &&
        m.torrentConfig.Enabled &&

func (m *ArchiveManager) GetCommunityChatsFilters(communityID types.HexBytes) ([]*transport.Filter, error) {
    chatIDs, err := m.persistence.GetCommunityChatIDs(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    filters := []*transport.Filter{}
    for _, cid := range chatIDs {
        filters = append(filters, m.transport.FilterByChatID(cid))
    return filters, nil

func (m *ArchiveManager) GetCommunityChatsTopics(communityID types.HexBytes) ([]types.TopicType, error) {
    filters, err := m.GetCommunityChatsFilters(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    topics := []types.TopicType{}
    for _, filter := range filters {
        topics = append(topics, filter.ContentTopic)

    return topics, nil

func (m *ArchiveManager) getOldestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics []types.TopicType) (uint64, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetOldestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics)

func (m *ArchiveManager) getLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID types.HexBytes) (uint64, error) {
    return m.persistence.GetLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID)

func (m *ArchiveManager) GetHistoryArchivePartitionStartTimestamp(communityID types.HexBytes) (uint64, error) {
    filters, err := m.GetCommunityChatsFilters(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        m.logger.Error("failed to get community chats filters", zap.Error(err))
        return 0, err

    if len(filters) == 0 {
        // If we don't have chat filters, we likely don't have any chats
        // associated to this community, which means there's nothing more
        // to do here
        return 0, nil

    topics := []types.TopicType{}

    for _, filter := range filters {
        topics = append(topics, filter.ContentTopic)

    lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, err := m.getLastMessageArchiveEndDate(communityID)
    if err != nil {
        m.logger.Error("failed to get last archive end date", zap.Error(err))
        return 0, err

    if lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp == 0 {
        // If we don't have a tracked last message archive end date, it
        // means we haven't created an archive before, which means
        // the next thing to look at is the oldest waku message timestamp for
        // this community
        lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, err = m.getOldestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics)
        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Error("failed to get oldest waku message timestamp", zap.Error(err))
            return 0, err
        if lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp == 0 {
            // This means there's no waku message stored for this community so far
            // (even after requesting possibly missed messages), so no messages exist yet that can be archived
            m.logger.Debug("can't find valid `lastArchiveEndTimestamp`")
            return 0, nil

    return lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, nil

func (m *ArchiveManager) CreateAndSeedHistoryArchive(communityID types.HexBytes, topics []types.TopicType, startDate time.Time, endDate time.Time, partition time.Duration, encrypt bool) error {
    _, err := m.ArchiveFileManager.CreateHistoryArchiveTorrentFromDB(communityID, topics, startDate, endDate, partition, encrypt)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return m.SeedHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID)

func (m *ArchiveManager) StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(community *Community, interval time.Duration) {
    id := community.IDString()
    if _, exists := m.historyArchiveTasks.Load(id); exists {
        m.logger.Error("history archive tasks interval already in progress", zap.String("id", id))

    cancel := make(chan struct{})
    m.historyArchiveTasks.Store(id, cancel)

    ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    m.logger.Debug("starting history archive tasks interval", zap.String("id", id))
    for {
        select {
        case <-ticker.C:
            m.logger.Debug("starting archive task...", zap.String("id", id))
            lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, err := m.GetHistoryArchivePartitionStartTimestamp(community.ID())
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Error("failed to get last archive end date", zap.Error(err))

            if lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp == 0 {
                // This means there are no waku messages for this community,
                // so nothing to do here
                m.logger.Debug("couldn't determine archive start date - skipping")

            topics, err := m.GetCommunityChatsTopics(community.ID())
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Error("failed to get community chat topics ", zap.Error(err))

            ts := time.Now().Unix()
            to := time.Unix(ts, 0)
            lastArchiveEndDate := time.Unix(int64(lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp), 0)

            err = m.CreateAndSeedHistoryArchive(community.ID(), topics, lastArchiveEndDate, to, interval, community.Encrypted())
            if err != nil {
                m.logger.Error("failed to create and seed history archive", zap.Error(err))
        case <-cancel:

func (m *ArchiveManager) stopHistoryArchiveTasksIntervals() {
    m.historyArchiveTasks.Range(func(_, task interface{}) bool {
        close(task.(chan struct{})) // Need to cast to the chan
        return true
    // Stoping archive interval tasks is async, so we need
    // to wait for all of them to be closed before we shutdown
    // the torrent client

func (m *ArchiveManager) StopHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(communityID types.HexBytes) {
    task, exists := m.historyArchiveTasks.Load(communityID.String())
    if exists {
        m.logger.Info("Stopping history archive tasks interval", zap.Any("id", communityID.String()))
        close(task.(chan struct{})) // Need to cast to the chan

func (m *ArchiveManager) SeedHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) error {

    id := communityID.String()
    torrentFile := torrentFile(m.torrentConfig.TorrentDir, id)

    metaInfo, err := metainfo.LoadFromFile(torrentFile)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    info, err := metaInfo.UnmarshalInfo()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    hash := metaInfo.HashInfoBytes()
    m.torrentTasks[id] = hash

    if err != nil {
        return err

    torrent, err := m.torrentClient.AddTorrent(metaInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return err


        HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal: &signal.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal{
            CommunityID: communityID.String(),

    magnetLink := metaInfo.Magnet(nil, &info).String()

    m.logger.Debug("seeding torrent", zap.String("id", id), zap.String("magnetLink", magnetLink))
    return nil

func (m *ArchiveManager) UnseedHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) {
    id := communityID.String()

    hash, exists := m.torrentTasks[id]

    if exists {
        torrent, ok := m.torrentClient.Torrent(hash)
        if ok {
            m.logger.Debug("Unseeding and dropping torrent for community: ", zap.Any("id", id))
            delete(m.torrentTasks, id)

                HistoryArchivesUnseededSignal: &signal.HistoryArchivesUnseededSignal{
                    CommunityID: id,

func (m *ArchiveManager) IsSeedingHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) bool {
    id := communityID.String()
    hash := m.torrentTasks[id]
    torrent, ok := m.torrentClient.Torrent(hash)
    return ok && torrent.Seeding()

func (m *ArchiveManager) GetHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID string) *HistoryArchiveDownloadTask {
    return m.historyArchiveDownloadTasks[communityID]

func (m *ArchiveManager) AddHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID string, task *HistoryArchiveDownloadTask) {
    m.historyArchiveDownloadTasks[communityID] = task

func (m *ArchiveManager) DownloadHistoryArchivesByMagnetlink(communityID types.HexBytes, magnetlink string, cancelTask chan struct{}) (*HistoryArchiveDownloadTaskInfo, error) {

    id := communityID.String()

    ml, err := metainfo.ParseMagnetUri(magnetlink)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    m.logger.Debug("adding torrent via magnetlink for community", zap.String("id", id), zap.String("magnetlink", magnetlink))
    torrent, err := m.torrentClient.AddMagnet(magnetlink)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    downloadTaskInfo := &HistoryArchiveDownloadTaskInfo{
        TotalDownloadedArchivesCount: 0,
        TotalArchivesCount:           0,
        Cancelled:                    false,

    m.torrentTasks[id] = ml.InfoHash
    timeout := time.After(20 * time.Second)

    m.logger.Debug("fetching torrent info", zap.String("magnetlink", magnetlink))
    select {
    case <-timeout:
        return nil, ErrTorrentTimedout
    case <-cancelTask:
        m.logger.Debug("cancelled fetching torrent info")
        downloadTaskInfo.Cancelled = true
        return downloadTaskInfo, nil
    case <-torrent.GotInfo():

        files := torrent.Files()

        i, ok := findIndexFile(files)
        if !ok {
            // We're dealing with a malformed torrent, so don't do anything
            return nil, errors.New("malformed torrent data")

        indexFile := files[i]

        m.logger.Debug("downloading history archive index")
        ticker := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
        defer ticker.Stop()

        for {
            select {
            case <-cancelTask:
                m.logger.Debug("cancelled downloading archive index")
                downloadTaskInfo.Cancelled = true
                return downloadTaskInfo, nil
            case <-ticker.C:
                if indexFile.BytesCompleted() == indexFile.Length() {

                    index, err := m.ArchiveFileManager.LoadHistoryArchiveIndexFromFile(m.identity, communityID)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, err

                    existingArchiveIDs, err := m.persistence.GetDownloadedMessageArchiveIDs(communityID)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, err

                    if len(existingArchiveIDs) == len(index.Archives) {
                        m.logger.Debug("download cancelled, no new archives")
                        return downloadTaskInfo, nil

                    downloadTaskInfo.TotalDownloadedArchivesCount = len(existingArchiveIDs)
                    downloadTaskInfo.TotalArchivesCount = len(index.Archives)

                    archiveHashes := make(archiveMDSlice, 0, downloadTaskInfo.TotalArchivesCount)

                    for hash, metadata := range index.Archives {
                        archiveHashes = append(archiveHashes, &archiveMetadata{hash: hash, from: metadata.Metadata.From})


                        DownloadingHistoryArchivesStartedSignal: &signal.DownloadingHistoryArchivesStartedSignal{
                            CommunityID: communityID.String(),

                    for _, hd := range archiveHashes {

                        hash := hd.hash
                        hasArchive := false

                        for _, existingHash := range existingArchiveIDs {
                            if existingHash == hash {
                                hasArchive = true
                        if hasArchive {

                        metadata := index.Archives[hash]
                        startIndex := int(metadata.Offset) / pieceLength
                        endIndex := startIndex + int(metadata.Size)/pieceLength

                        downloadMsg := fmt.Sprintf("downloading data for message archive (%d/%d)", downloadTaskInfo.TotalDownloadedArchivesCount+1, downloadTaskInfo.TotalArchivesCount)
                        m.logger.Debug(downloadMsg, zap.String("hash", hash))
                        m.logger.Debug("pieces (start, end)", zap.Any("startIndex", startIndex), zap.Any("endIndex", endIndex-1))
                        torrent.DownloadPieces(startIndex, endIndex)

                        piecesCompleted := make(map[int]bool)
                        for i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++ {
                            piecesCompleted[i] = false

                        psc := torrent.SubscribePieceStateChanges()
                        downloadTicker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
                        defer downloadTicker.Stop()

                        for {
                            select {
                            case <-downloadTicker.C:
                                done := true
                                for i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++ {
                                    piecesCompleted[i] = torrent.PieceState(i).Complete
                                    if !piecesCompleted[i] {
                                        done = false
                                if done {
                                    break downloadLoop
                            case <-cancelTask:
                                m.logger.Debug("downloading archive data interrupted")
                                downloadTaskInfo.Cancelled = true
                                return downloadTaskInfo, nil
                        err = m.persistence.SaveMessageArchiveID(communityID, hash)
                        if err != nil {
                            m.logger.Error("couldn't save message archive ID", zap.Error(err))
                            HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal: &signal.HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal{
                                CommunityID: communityID.String(),
                                From:        int(metadata.Metadata.From),
                                To:          int(metadata.Metadata.To),
                        HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal: &signal.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal{
                            CommunityID: communityID.String(),
                    m.logger.Debug("finished downloading archives")
                    return downloadTaskInfo, nil

func (m *ArchiveManager) TorrentFileExists(communityID string) bool {
    _, err := os.Stat(torrentFile(m.torrentConfig.TorrentDir, communityID))
    return err == nil

func topicsAsByteArrays(topics []types.TopicType) [][]byte {
    var topicsAsByteArrays [][]byte
    for _, t := range topics {
        topic := types.TopicTypeToByteArray(t)
        topicsAsByteArrays = append(topicsAsByteArrays, topic)
    return topicsAsByteArrays

func findIndexFile(files []*torrent.File) (index int, ok bool) {
    for i, f := range files {
        if f.DisplayPath() == "index" {
            return i, true
    return 0, false

func torrentFile(torrentDir, communityID string) string {
    return path.Join(torrentDir, communityID+".torrent")