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Test Coverage
package protocol

import (

    gocommon ""



const (
    storeNodeAvailableTimeout = 30 * time.Second

// StoreNodeRequestStats is used in tests
type StoreNodeRequestStats struct {
    FetchedEnvelopesCount int
    FetchedPagesCount     int

type storeNodeRequestID struct {
    RequestType storeNodeRequestType `json:"requestType"`
    DataID      string               `json:"dataID"`

func (r *storeNodeRequestID) getCommunityID() string {
    switch r.RequestType {
    case storeNodeCommunityRequest:
        return r.DataID
    case storeNodeShardRequest:
        return strings.TrimSuffix(r.DataID, transport.CommunityShardInfoTopicPrefix())
        return ""

type StoreNodeRequestManager struct {
    messenger *Messenger
    logger    *zap.Logger

    // activeRequests contain all ongoing store node requests.
    // Map is indexed with `DataID`.
    // Request might be duplicated in the map in case of contentType collisions.
    activeRequests map[storeNodeRequestID]*storeNodeRequest

    // activeRequestsLock should be locked each time activeRequests is being accessed or changed.
    activeRequestsLock sync.RWMutex

    onPerformingBatch func(MailserverBatch)

func NewStoreNodeRequestManager(m *Messenger) *StoreNodeRequestManager {
    return &StoreNodeRequestManager{
        messenger:          m,
        logger:             m.logger.Named("StoreNodeRequestManager"),
        activeRequests:     map[storeNodeRequestID]*storeNodeRequest{},
        activeRequestsLock: sync.RWMutex{},
        onPerformingBatch:  nil,

// FetchCommunity makes a single request to store node for a given community id/shard pair.
// When a community is successfully fetched, a `CommunityFound` event will be emitted. If `waitForResponse == true`,
// the function will also wait for the store node response and return the fetched community.
// Automatically waits for an available store node.
// When a `nil` community and `nil` error is returned, that means the community wasn't found at the store node.
func (m *StoreNodeRequestManager) FetchCommunity(community communities.CommunityShard, opts []StoreNodeRequestOption) (*communities.Community, StoreNodeRequestStats, error) {
    cfg := buildStoreNodeRequestConfig(opts)

    m.logger.Info("requesting community from store node",
        zap.Any("community", community),
        zap.Any("config", cfg))

    requestCommunity := func(communityID string, shard *shard.Shard) (*communities.Community, StoreNodeRequestStats, error) {
        channel, err := m.subscribeToRequest(storeNodeCommunityRequest, communityID, shard, cfg)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, StoreNodeRequestStats{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to create a request for community: %w", err)

        if !cfg.WaitForResponse {
            return nil, StoreNodeRequestStats{}, nil

        result := <-channel
        return, result.stats, result.err

    // if shard was not passed or nil, request shard first
    communityShard := community.Shard
    if communityShard == nil {
        id := transport.CommunityShardInfoTopic(community.CommunityID)
        fetchedShard, err := m.subscribeToRequest(storeNodeShardRequest, id, shard.DefaultNonProtectedShard(), cfg)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, StoreNodeRequestStats{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to create a shard info request: %w", err)

        if !cfg.WaitForResponse {
            go func() {
                defer gocommon.LogOnPanic()
                shardResult := <-fetchedShard
                communityShard = shardResult.shard

                _, _, _ = requestCommunity(community.CommunityID, communityShard)
            return nil, StoreNodeRequestStats{}, nil

        shardResult := <-fetchedShard
        communityShard = shardResult.shard

    // request community with on shard
    return requestCommunity(community.CommunityID, communityShard)

// FetchCommunities makes a FetchCommunity for each element in given `communities` list.
// For each successfully fetched community, a `CommunityFound` event will be emitted. Ability to subscribe
// to results is not provided, because it's not needed and would complicate the code. `FetchCommunity` can
// be called directly if such functionality is needed.
// This function intentionally doesn't fetch multiple content topics in a single store node request. For now
// FetchCommunities is only used for regular (once in 2 minutes) fetching of curated communities. If one of
// those content topics is spammed with to many envelopes, then on each iteration we will have to fetch all
// of this spam first to get the envelopes in other content topics. To avoid this we keep independent requests
// for each content topic.
func (m *StoreNodeRequestManager) FetchCommunities(communities []communities.CommunityShard, opts []StoreNodeRequestOption) error {
    m.logger.Info("requesting communities from store node", zap.Any("communities", communities))

    // when fetching multiple communities we don't wait for the response
    opts = append(opts, WithWaitForResponseOption(false))

    var outErr error

    for _, community := range communities {
        _, _, err := m.FetchCommunity(community, opts)
        if err != nil {
            outErr = fmt.Errorf("%sfailed to create a request for community %s: %w", outErr, community.CommunityID, err)

    return outErr

// FetchContact - similar to FetchCommunity
// If a `nil` contact and a `nil` error are returned, it means that the contact wasn't found at the store node.
func (m *StoreNodeRequestManager) FetchContact(contactID string, opts []StoreNodeRequestOption) (*Contact, StoreNodeRequestStats, error) {

    cfg := buildStoreNodeRequestConfig(opts)

    m.logger.Info("requesting contact from store node",
        zap.Any("contactID", contactID),
        zap.Any("config", cfg))

    channel, err := m.subscribeToRequest(storeNodeContactRequest, contactID, nil, cfg)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, StoreNodeRequestStats{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to create a request for community: %w", err)

    if !cfg.WaitForResponse {
        return nil, StoreNodeRequestStats{}, nil

    result := <-channel
    return, result.stats, result.err

// subscribeToRequest checks if a request for given community/contact is already in progress, creates and installs
// a new one if not found, and returns a subscription to the result of the found/started request.
// The subscription can then be used to get the result of the request, this could be either a community/contact or an error.
func (m *StoreNodeRequestManager) subscribeToRequest(requestType storeNodeRequestType, dataID string, shard *shard.Shard, cfg StoreNodeRequestConfig) (storeNodeResponseSubscription, error) {
    // It's important to unlock only after getting the subscription channel.
    // We also lock `activeRequestsLock` during finalizing the requests. This ensures that the subscription
    // created in this function will get the result even if the requests proceeds faster than this function ends.
    defer m.activeRequestsLock.Unlock()

    requestID := storeNodeRequestID{
        RequestType: requestType,
        DataID:      dataID,

    request, requestFound := m.activeRequests[requestID]

    if !requestFound {
        // Create corresponding filter
        var err error
        var filter *transport.Filter
        filterCreated := false

        filter, filterCreated, err = m.getFilter(requestType, dataID, shard)
        if err != nil {
            if filterCreated {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create community filter: %w", err)

        request = m.newStoreNodeRequest()
        request.config = cfg
        request.pubsubTopic = filter.PubsubTopic
        request.requestID = requestID
        request.contentTopic = filter.ContentTopic
        if filterCreated {
            request.filterToForget = filter

        m.activeRequests[requestID] = request

    return request.subscribe(), nil

// newStoreNodeRequest creates a new storeNodeRequest struct
func (m *StoreNodeRequestManager) newStoreNodeRequest() *storeNodeRequest {
    return &storeNodeRequest{
        manager:       m,
        subscriptions: make([]storeNodeResponseSubscription, 0),

// getFilter checks if a filter for a given community is already created and creates one of not found.
// Returns the found/created filter, a flag if the filter was created by the function and an error.
func (m *StoreNodeRequestManager) getFilter(requestType storeNodeRequestType, dataID string, shard *shard.Shard) (*transport.Filter, bool, error) {
    // First check if such filter already exists.
    filter := m.messenger.transport.FilterByChatID(dataID)
    if filter != nil {
        //we don't remember filter id associated with community because it was already installed
        return filter, false, nil

    switch requestType {
    case storeNodeShardRequest, storeNodeCommunityRequest:
        // If filter wasn't installed we create it and
        // remember for uninstalling after response is received
        filters, err := m.messenger.transport.InitPublicFilters([]transport.FiltersToInitialize{{
            ChatID:      dataID,
            PubsubTopic: shard.PubsubTopic(),

        if err != nil {
            m.logger.Error("failed to install filter for community", zap.Error(err))
            return nil, false, err

        if len(filters) != 1 {
            m.logger.Error("Unexpected number of filters created")
            return nil, true, fmt.Errorf("unexepcted number of filters created")

        filter = filters[0]
    case storeNodeContactRequest:
        publicKeyBytes, err := types.DecodeHex(dataID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode contact id: %w", err)

        publicKey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(publicKeyBytes)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal public key: %w", err)

        filter, err = m.messenger.transport.JoinPrivate(publicKey)

        if err != nil {
            return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("failed to install filter for contact: %w", err)

        return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("invalid store node request type: %d", requestType)

    filter.Ephemeral = true

    return filter, true, nil

// forgetFilter uninstalls the given filter
func (m *StoreNodeRequestManager) forgetFilter(filter *transport.Filter) {
    err := m.messenger.transport.RemoveFilters([]*transport.Filter{filter})
    if err != nil {
        m.logger.Warn("failed to remove filter", zap.Error(err))

type storeNodeRequestType int

const (
    storeNodeCommunityRequest storeNodeRequestType = iota

// storeNodeRequest represents a single store node batch request.
// For a valid storeNodeRequest to be performed, the user must set all the struct fields and call start method.
type storeNodeRequest struct {
    requestID storeNodeRequestID

    // request parameters
    pubsubTopic      string
    contentTopic     types.TopicType
    minimumDataClock uint64
    config           StoreNodeRequestConfig

    // request corresponding metadata to be used in finalize
    filterToForget *transport.Filter

    // internal fields
    manager       *StoreNodeRequestManager
    subscriptions []storeNodeResponseSubscription
    result        storeNodeRequestResult

// storeNodeRequestResult contains result of a single storeNodeRequest
// Further by using `data` we mean community/contact, depending on request type.
// If any error occurs during the request, err field will be set.
// If data was successfully fetched, data field will contain the fetched information.
// If data wasn't found in store node, then a data will be set to `nil`.
// stats will contain information about the performed request that might be useful for testing.
type storeNodeRequestResult struct {
    err   error
    stats StoreNodeRequestStats
    // One of data fields (community or contact) will be present depending on request type
    community *communities.Community
    contact   *Contact
    shard     *shard.Shard

type storeNodeResponseSubscription = chan storeNodeRequestResult

func (r *storeNodeRequest) subscribe() storeNodeResponseSubscription {
    channel := make(storeNodeResponseSubscription, 100)
    r.subscriptions = append(r.subscriptions, channel)
    return channel

func (r *storeNodeRequest) finalize() {
    defer r.manager.activeRequestsLock.Unlock()

    r.manager.logger.Info("request finished",
        zap.Any("requestID", r.requestID),
        zap.Bool("communityFound", != nil),
        zap.Bool("contactFound", != nil),
        zap.Bool("shardFound", r.result.shard != nil),

    // Send the result to subscribers
    // It's important that this is done with `activeRequestsLock` locked.
    for _, s := range r.subscriptions {
        s <- r.result

    if != nil {

    delete(r.manager.activeRequests, r.requestID)

    if r.filterToForget != nil {

func (r *storeNodeRequest) shouldFetchNextPage(envelopesCount int) (bool, uint32) {
    logger := r.manager.logger.With(
        zap.Any("requestID", r.requestID),
        zap.Int("envelopesCount", envelopesCount))

    r.result.stats.FetchedEnvelopesCount += envelopesCount

    // Force all received envelopes to be processed

    // Try to get community from database
    switch r.requestID.RequestType {
    case storeNodeCommunityRequest:
        communityID, err := types.DecodeHex(r.requestID.DataID)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error("failed to decode community ID",
                zap.String("communityID", r.requestID.DataID),
            r.result = storeNodeRequestResult{
                community: nil,
                err:       fmt.Errorf("failed to decode community ID: %w", err),
            return false, 0 // failed to decode community ID, no sense to continue the procedure

        // check if community is waiting for a verification and do a verification manually
        _, err = r.manager.messenger.communitiesManager.ValidateCommunityByID(communityID)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error("failed to validate community by ID",
                zap.String("communityID", r.requestID.DataID),
            r.result = storeNodeRequestResult{
                community: nil,
                err:       fmt.Errorf("failed to validate community by ID: %w", err),
            return false, 0 // failed to validate community, no sense to continue the procedure

        community, err := r.manager.messenger.communitiesManager.GetByID(communityID)

        if err != nil && err != communities.ErrOrgNotFound {
            logger.Error("failed to read community from database",
                zap.String("communityID", r.requestID.DataID),
            r.result = storeNodeRequestResult{
                community: nil,
                err:       fmt.Errorf("failed to read community from database: %w", err),
            return false, 0 // failed to read from database, no sense to continue the procedure

        if community == nil {
            // community not found in the database, request next page
            logger.Debug("community still not fetched")
            return true, r.config.FurtherPageSize

        // We check here if the community was fetched actually fetched and updated, because it
        // could be that the community was already in the database when we started the fetching.
        // Would be perfect if we could track that the community was in these particular envelopes,
        // but I don't think that's possible right now. We check if clock was updated instead.

        if community.Clock() <= r.minimumDataClock {
            logger.Debug("local community description is not newer than existing",
                zap.Any("existingClock", community.Clock()),
                zap.Any("minimumDataClock", r.minimumDataClock),
            return true, r.config.FurtherPageSize

        logger.Debug("community found",
            zap.String("displayName", community.Name())) = community

    case storeNodeShardRequest:
        communityIDStr := strings.TrimSuffix(r.requestID.DataID, transport.CommunityShardInfoTopicPrefix())
        communityID, err := types.DecodeHex(communityIDStr)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error("decode community ID failed",
                zap.String("communityID", communityIDStr),
            return false, 0
        shardResult, err := r.manager.messenger.communitiesManager.GetCommunityShard(communityID)
        if err != nil {
            if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
                logger.Error("failed to read from database",
                    zap.String("communityID", communityIDStr),
                r.result = storeNodeRequestResult{
                    shard: nil,
                    err:   fmt.Errorf("failed to read from database: %w", err),
                return false, 0 // failed to read from database, no sense to continue the procedure

        logger.Debug("shard found",
            zap.String("community", communityIDStr),
            zap.Any("shard", shardResult),

        r.result.shard = shardResult

    case storeNodeContactRequest:
        contact := r.manager.messenger.GetContactByID(r.requestID.DataID)

        if contact == nil {
            // contact not found in the database, request next page
            logger.Debug("contact still not fetched")
            return true, r.config.FurtherPageSize

        logger.Debug("contact found",
            zap.String("displayName", contact.DisplayName)) = contact

    return !r.config.StopWhenDataFound, r.config.FurtherPageSize

func (r *storeNodeRequest) routine() {
    r.manager.logger.Info("starting store node request",
        zap.Any("requestID", r.requestID),
        zap.String("pubsubTopic", r.pubsubTopic),
        zap.Any("contentTopic", r.contentTopic),

    // Return a nil community and no error when request was
    // performed successfully, but no community/contact found.
    r.result = storeNodeRequestResult{
        err:       nil,
        community: nil,
        contact:   nil,
        shard:     nil,

    defer func() {

    communityID := r.requestID.getCommunityID()

    if r.requestID.RequestType != storeNodeCommunityRequest || !r.manager.messenger.communityStorenodes.HasStorenodeSetup(communityID) {
        if !r.manager.messenger.waitForAvailableStoreNode(storeNodeAvailableTimeout) {
            r.result.err = fmt.Errorf("store node is not available")

    storeNode := r.manager.messenger.getActiveMailserver(communityID)

    // Check if community already exists locally and get Clock.
    if r.requestID.RequestType == storeNodeCommunityRequest {
        localCommunity, _ := r.manager.messenger.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(communityID)
        if localCommunity != nil {
            r.minimumDataClock = localCommunity.Clock()

    // Start store node request
    from, to := r.manager.messenger.calculateMailserverTimeBounds(oneMonthDuration)

    _, err := r.manager.messenger.performMailserverRequest(storeNode, func(ms mailservers.Mailserver) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
        batch := MailserverBatch{
            From:        from,
            To:          to,
            PubsubTopic: r.pubsubTopic,
            Topics:      []types.TopicType{r.contentTopic},
        r.manager.logger.Info("perform store node request", zap.Any("batch", batch))
        if r.manager.onPerformingBatch != nil {

        return nil, r.manager.messenger.processMailserverBatchWithOptions(ms, batch, r.config.InitialPageSize, r.shouldFetchNextPage, true)

    r.result.err = err

func (r *storeNodeRequest) start() {
    go r.routine()