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Test Coverage
syntax = "proto3";

option go_package = "./;protobuf";
package protobuf;

import "enums.proto";
import "profile_showcase.proto";

// ChatIdentity represents the user defined identity associated with their public chat key
message ChatIdentity {
  // Lamport timestamp of the message
  uint64 clock = 1;

  // ens_name is the valid ENS name associated with the chat key
  string ens_name = 2;

  // images is a string indexed mapping of images associated with an identity
  map<string, IdentityImage> images = 3;

  // display name is the user set identity
  string display_name = 4;

  // description is the user set description
  string description = 5;

  string color = 6;

  string emoji = 7;

  repeated SocialLink social_links = 8 [deprecated = true];

  // first known message timestamp in seconds (valid only for community chats for now)
  // 0 - unknown
  // 1 - no messages
  uint32 first_message_timestamp = 9;

  ProfileShowcase profile_showcase = 10;

  uint32 customization_color = 11;

// ProfileImage represents data associated with a user's profile image
message IdentityImage {

  // payload is a context based payload for the profile image data,
  // context is determined by the `source_type`
  bytes payload = 1;

  // source_type signals the image payload source
  SourceType source_type = 2;

  // image_format signals the image format and method of parsing the payload
  ImageFormat image_format = 3;

  // encryption_keys is a list of encrypted keys that can be used to decrypted an encrypted payload
  repeated bytes encryption_keys = 4;

  // encrypted signals the encryption state of the payload, default is false.
  bool encrypted = 5;

  // SourceType are the predefined types of image source allowed
  enum SourceType {

    // RAW_PAYLOAD image byte data
    RAW_PAYLOAD = 1;

    // ENS_AVATAR uses the ENS record's resolver get-text-data.avatar data
    // The `payload` field will be ignored if ENS_AVATAR is selected
    // The application will read and parse the ENS avatar data as image payload data, URLs will be ignored
    // The parent `ChatMessageIdentity` must have a valid `ens_name` set
    ENS_AVATAR = 2;

// SocialLinks represents social link assosiated with given chat identity (personal/community)
message SocialLink {
  string text = 1;
  string url = 2;