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Test Coverage
package pushnotificationserver

import (



const encryptedPayloadKeyLength = 16
const defaultGorushURL = ""

var errUnhandledPushNotificationType = errors.New("unhandled push notification type")

type Config struct {
    Enabled bool
    // Identity is our identity key
    Identity *ecdsa.PrivateKey
    // GorushUrl is the url for the gorush service
    GorushURL string

    Logger *zap.Logger

type Server struct {
    persistence   Persistence
    config        *Config
    messageSender *common.MessageSender
    // SentRequests keeps track of the requests sent to gorush, for testing only
    SentRequests int64

func New(config *Config, persistence Persistence, messageSender *common.MessageSender) *Server {
    if len(config.GorushURL) == 0 {
        config.GorushURL = defaultGorushURL

    return &Server{persistence: persistence, config: config, messageSender: messageSender}

func (s *Server) Start() error {
    if s.config.Logger == nil {
        logger, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create a logger")
        s.config.Logger = logger

    s.config.Logger.Info("starting push notification server")
    if s.config.Identity == nil {
        s.config.Logger.Debug("Identity nil")
        // Pull identity from database
        identity, err := s.persistence.GetIdentity()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if identity == nil {
            identity, err = crypto.GenerateKey()
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if err := s.persistence.SaveIdentity(identity); err != nil {
                return err
        s.config.Identity = identity

    pks, err := s.persistence.GetPushNotificationRegistrationPublicKeys()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // listen to all topics for users registered
    for _, pk := range pks {
        if err := s.listenToPublicKeyQueryTopic(pk); err != nil {
            return err

    s.config.Logger.Info("started push notification server", zap.String("identity", types.EncodeHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&s.config.Identity.PublicKey))))

    return nil

// HandlePushNotificationRegistration builds a response for the registration and sends it back to the user
func (s *Server) HandlePushNotificationRegistration(publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, payload []byte) error {
    response := s.buildPushNotificationRegistrationResponse(publicKey, payload)
    if response == nil {
        return nil
    encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(response)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
        Payload:     encodedMessage,
        MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE,
        // we skip encryption as might be sent from an ephemeral key
        SkipEncryptionLayer: true,

    _, err = s.messageSender.SendPrivate(context.Background(), publicKey, &rawMessage)
    return err

// HandlePushNotificationQuery builds a response for the query and sends it back to the user
func (s *Server) HandlePushNotificationQuery(publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, messageID []byte, query *protobuf.PushNotificationQuery) error {
    if query == nil {
        return nil

    response := s.buildPushNotificationQueryResponse(query)
    if response == nil {
        return nil
    response.MessageId = messageID
    encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(response)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
        Payload:     encodedMessage,
        MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_RESPONSE,
        // we skip encryption as sent from an ephemeral key
        SkipEncryptionLayer: true,

    _, err = s.messageSender.SendPrivate(context.Background(), publicKey, &rawMessage)
    return err

// HandlePushNotificationRequest will send a gorush notification and send a response back to the user
func (s *Server) HandlePushNotificationRequest(publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey,
    messageID []byte,
    request *protobuf.PushNotificationRequest) error {
    s.config.Logger.Debug("handling pn request", zap.Binary("message-id", messageID))

    // This is at-most-once semantic for now
    exists, err := s.persistence.PushNotificationExists(messageID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if exists {
        s.config.Logger.Debug("already handled")
        return nil

    response, requestsAndRegistrations := s.buildPushNotificationRequestResponse(request)
    if response == nil {
        return nil
    err = s.sendPushNotification(requestsAndRegistrations)
    if err != nil {
        s.config.Logger.Error("failed to send go rush notification", zap.Error(err))
        return err
    encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(response)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
        Payload:     encodedMessage,
        MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_RESPONSE,
        // We skip encryption here as the message has been sent from an ephemeral key
        SkipEncryptionLayer: true,

    _, err = s.messageSender.SendPrivate(context.Background(), publicKey, &rawMessage)
    return err

// buildGrantSignatureMaterial builds a grant for a specific server.
// We use 3 components:
// 1) The client public key. Not sure this applies to our signature scheme, but best to be conservative.
// 2) The server public key
// 3) The access token
// By verifying this signature, a client can trust the server was instructed to store this access token.
func (s *Server) buildGrantSignatureMaterial(clientPublicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, serverPublicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, accessToken string) []byte {
    var signatureMaterial []byte
    signatureMaterial = append(signatureMaterial, crypto.CompressPubkey(clientPublicKey)...)
    signatureMaterial = append(signatureMaterial, crypto.CompressPubkey(serverPublicKey)...)
    signatureMaterial = append(signatureMaterial, []byte(accessToken)...)
    a := crypto.Keccak256(signatureMaterial)
    return a

func (s *Server) verifyGrantSignature(clientPublicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, accessToken string, grant []byte) error {
    signatureMaterial := s.buildGrantSignatureMaterial(clientPublicKey, &s.config.Identity.PublicKey, accessToken)
    recoveredPublicKey, err := crypto.SigToPub(signatureMaterial, grant)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !common.IsPubKeyEqual(recoveredPublicKey, clientPublicKey) {
        return errors.New("pubkey mismatch")
    return nil


func (s *Server) generateSharedKey(publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey) ([]byte, error) {
    return ecies.ImportECDSA(s.config.Identity).GenerateShared(

func (s *Server) validateUUID(u string) error {
    if len(u) == 0 {
        return errors.New("empty uuid")
    _, err := uuid.Parse(u)
    return err

func (s *Server) decryptRegistration(publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, payload []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    sharedKey, err := s.generateSharedKey(publicKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return common.Decrypt(payload, sharedKey)

// validateRegistration validates a new message against the last one received for a given installationID and and public key
// and return the decrypted message
func (s *Server) validateRegistration(publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, payload []byte) (*protobuf.PushNotificationRegistration, error) {
    if payload == nil {
        return nil, ErrEmptyPushNotificationRegistrationPayload

    if publicKey == nil {
        return nil, ErrEmptyPushNotificationRegistrationPublicKey

    decryptedPayload, err := s.decryptRegistration(publicKey, payload)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    registration := &protobuf.PushNotificationRegistration{}

    if err := proto.Unmarshal(decryptedPayload, registration); err != nil {
        return nil, ErrCouldNotUnmarshalPushNotificationRegistration

    if registration.Version < 1 {
        return nil, ErrInvalidPushNotificationRegistrationVersion

    if err := s.validateUUID(registration.InstallationId); err != nil {
        return nil, ErrMalformedPushNotificationRegistrationInstallationID

    previousVersion, err := s.persistence.GetPushNotificationRegistrationVersion(common.HashPublicKey(publicKey), registration.InstallationId)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if registration.Version <= previousVersion {
        return nil, ErrInvalidPushNotificationRegistrationVersion

    // unregistering message
    if registration.Unregister {
        return registration, nil

    if err := s.validateUUID(registration.AccessToken); err != nil {
        return nil, ErrMalformedPushNotificationRegistrationAccessToken

    if len(registration.Grant) == 0 {
        return nil, ErrMalformedPushNotificationRegistrationGrant

    if err := s.verifyGrantSignature(publicKey, registration.AccessToken, registration.Grant); err != nil {

        s.config.Logger.Error("failed to verify grant", zap.Error(err))
        return nil, ErrMalformedPushNotificationRegistrationGrant

    if len(registration.DeviceToken) == 0 {
        return nil, ErrMalformedPushNotificationRegistrationDeviceToken

    if registration.TokenType == protobuf.PushNotificationRegistration_UNKNOWN_TOKEN_TYPE {
        return nil, ErrUnknownPushNotificationRegistrationTokenType

    return registration, nil

// buildPushNotificationQueryResponse check if we have the client information and send them back
func (s *Server) buildPushNotificationQueryResponse(query *protobuf.PushNotificationQuery) *protobuf.PushNotificationQueryResponse {

    s.config.Logger.Debug("handling push notification query")
    response := &protobuf.PushNotificationQueryResponse{}
    if query == nil || len(query.PublicKeys) == 0 {
        return response

    registrations, err := s.persistence.GetPushNotificationRegistrationByPublicKeys(query.PublicKeys)
    if err != nil {
        s.config.Logger.Error("failed to retrieve registration", zap.Error(err))
        return response

    for _, idAndResponse := range registrations {

        registration := idAndResponse.Registration

        info := &protobuf.PushNotificationQueryInfo{
            PublicKey:      idAndResponse.ID,
            Grant:          registration.Grant,
            Version:        registration.Version,
            InstallationId: registration.InstallationId,

        // if instructed to only allow from contacts, send back a list
        if registration.AllowFromContactsOnly {
            info.AllowedKeyList = registration.AllowedKeyList
        } else {
            info.AccessToken = registration.AccessToken
        response.Info = append(response.Info, info)

    response.Success = true
    return response

func (s *Server) contains(list [][]byte, chatID []byte) bool {
    for _, list := range list {
        if bytes.Equal(list, chatID) {
            return true
    return false

type reportResult struct {
    sendNotification bool
    report           *protobuf.PushNotificationReport

// buildPushNotificationReport checks the request against the registration and
// returns whether we should send the notification and what the response should be
func (s *Server) buildPushNotificationReport(pn *protobuf.PushNotification, registration *protobuf.PushNotificationRegistration) (*reportResult, error) {
    response := &reportResult{}
    report := &protobuf.PushNotificationReport{
        PublicKey:      pn.PublicKey,
        InstallationId: pn.InstallationId,

    if pn.Type == protobuf.PushNotification_UNKNOWN_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {
        s.config.Logger.Warn("unhandled type")
        return nil, errUnhandledPushNotificationType

    if registration == nil {
        s.config.Logger.Warn("empty registration")
        report.Error = protobuf.PushNotificationReport_NOT_REGISTERED
    } else if registration.AccessToken != pn.AccessToken {
        s.config.Logger.Debug("invalid token")
        report.Error = protobuf.PushNotificationReport_WRONG_TOKEN
    } else if (s.isMessageNotification(pn) && !s.isValidMessageNotification(pn, registration)) || (s.isMentionNotification(pn) && !s.isValidMentionNotification(pn, registration)) || (s.isRequestToJoinCommunityNotification(pn) && !s.isValidRequestToJoinCommunityNotification(pn, registration)) {
        s.config.Logger.Debug("filtered notification")
        // We report as successful but don't send the notification
        // for privacy reasons, as otherwise we would disclose that
        // the sending client has been blocked or that the registering
        // client has not joined a given public chat
        report.Success = true
    } else {
        response.sendNotification = true
        s.config.Logger.Debug("sending push notification")
        report.Success = true
    } = report

    return response, nil

// buildPushNotificationRequestResponse will build a response
func (s *Server) buildPushNotificationRequestResponse(request *protobuf.PushNotificationRequest) (*protobuf.PushNotificationResponse, []*RequestAndRegistration) {
    response := &protobuf.PushNotificationResponse{}
    // We don't even send a response in this case
    if request == nil || len(request.MessageId) == 0 {
        s.config.Logger.Warn("empty message id")
        return nil, nil

    response.MessageId = request.MessageId

    // collect successful requests & registrations
    var requestAndRegistrations []*RequestAndRegistration

    for _, pn := range request.Requests {
        registration, err := s.persistence.GetPushNotificationRegistrationByPublicKeyAndInstallationID(pn.PublicKey, pn.InstallationId)
        var report *protobuf.PushNotificationReport
        if err != nil {
            report = &protobuf.PushNotificationReport{
                PublicKey:      pn.PublicKey,
                Error:          protobuf.PushNotificationReport_UNKNOWN_ERROR_TYPE,
                InstallationId: pn.InstallationId,
        } else {
            response, err := s.buildPushNotificationReport(pn, registration)
            if err != nil {
                s.config.Logger.Warn("unhandled type")

            if response.sendNotification {
                requestAndRegistrations = append(requestAndRegistrations, &RequestAndRegistration{
                    Request:      pn,
                    Registration: registration,
            report =


        response.Reports = append(response.Reports, report)

    s.config.Logger.Debug("built pn request")
    if len(requestAndRegistrations) == 0 {
        s.config.Logger.Warn("no request and registration")
        return response, nil

    return response, requestAndRegistrations

func (s *Server) sendPushNotification(requestAndRegistrations []*RequestAndRegistration) error {
    if len(requestAndRegistrations) == 0 {
        return nil
    goRushRequest := PushNotificationRegistrationToGoRushRequest(requestAndRegistrations)
    return sendGoRushNotification(goRushRequest, s.config.GorushURL, s.config.Logger)

// listenToPublicKeyQueryTopic listen to a topic derived from the hashed public key
func (s *Server) listenToPublicKeyQueryTopic(hashedPublicKey []byte) error {
    if s.messageSender == nil {
        return nil
    encodedPublicKey := hex.EncodeToString(hashedPublicKey)
    _, err := s.messageSender.JoinPublic(encodedPublicKey)
    return err

// buildPushNotificationRegistrationResponse will check the registration is valid, save it, and listen to the topic for the queries
func (s *Server) buildPushNotificationRegistrationResponse(publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, payload []byte) *protobuf.PushNotificationRegistrationResponse {

    s.config.Logger.Debug("handling push notification registration")
    response := &protobuf.PushNotificationRegistrationResponse{
        RequestId: common.Shake256(payload),

    registration, err := s.validateRegistration(publicKey, payload)

    if err != nil {
        if err == ErrInvalidPushNotificationRegistrationVersion {
            response.Error = protobuf.PushNotificationRegistrationResponse_VERSION_MISMATCH
        } else {
            response.Error = protobuf.PushNotificationRegistrationResponse_MALFORMED_MESSAGE
        s.config.Logger.Warn("registration did not validate", zap.Error(err))
        return response

    if registration.Unregister {
        s.config.Logger.Debug("unregistering client")
        // We save an empty registration, only keeping version and installation-id
        if err := s.persistence.UnregisterPushNotificationRegistration(common.HashPublicKey(publicKey), registration.InstallationId, registration.Version); err != nil {
            response.Error = protobuf.PushNotificationRegistrationResponse_INTERNAL_ERROR
            s.config.Logger.Error("failed to unregister ", zap.Error(err))
            return response

    } else if err := s.persistence.SavePushNotificationRegistration(common.HashPublicKey(publicKey), registration); err != nil {
        response.Error = protobuf.PushNotificationRegistrationResponse_INTERNAL_ERROR
        s.config.Logger.Error("failed to save registration", zap.Error(err))
        return response

    if err := s.listenToPublicKeyQueryTopic(common.HashPublicKey(publicKey)); err != nil {
        response.Error = protobuf.PushNotificationRegistrationResponse_INTERNAL_ERROR
        s.config.Logger.Error("failed to listen to topic", zap.Error(err))
        return response

    response.Success = true

    s.config.Logger.Debug("handled push notification registration successfully")

    return response

func (s *Server) isMentionNotification(pn *protobuf.PushNotification) bool {
    return pn.Type == protobuf.PushNotification_MENTION

// isValidMentionNotification checks:
// this is a mention
// mentions are enabled
// the user joined the public chat
// the author is not blocked
func (s *Server) isValidMentionNotification(pn *protobuf.PushNotification, registration *protobuf.PushNotificationRegistration) bool {
    return s.isMentionNotification(pn) && !registration.BlockMentions && s.contains(registration.AllowedMentionsChatList, pn.ChatId) && !s.contains(registration.BlockedChatList, pn.Author)

func (s *Server) isMessageNotification(pn *protobuf.PushNotification) bool {
    return pn.Type == protobuf.PushNotification_MESSAGE

// isValidMessageNotification checks:
// this is a message
// the chat is not muted
// the author is not blocked
func (s *Server) isValidMessageNotification(pn *protobuf.PushNotification, registration *protobuf.PushNotificationRegistration) bool {
    return s.isMessageNotification(pn) && !s.contains(registration.BlockedChatList, pn.ChatId) && !s.contains(registration.MutedChatList, pn.ChatId) && !s.contains(registration.BlockedChatList, pn.Author)

func (s *Server) isRequestToJoinCommunityNotification(pn *protobuf.PushNotification) bool {
    return pn.Type == protobuf.PushNotification_REQUEST_TO_JOIN_COMMUNITY

// isValidRequestToJoinCommunityNotification checks:
// this is a request to join a community
// the author is not blocked
func (s *Server) isValidRequestToJoinCommunityNotification(pn *protobuf.PushNotification, registration *protobuf.PushNotificationRegistration) bool {
    return s.isRequestToJoinCommunityNotification(pn) && !s.contains(registration.BlockedChatList, pn.Author)