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package sqlite

import (

    _ "" // We require go sqlcipher that overrides default implementation

const communitiesMigrationVersion uint = 1605075346

// FixCommunitiesMigration fixes an issue with a released migration
// In some instances if it was interrupted the migration would be skipped
// but marked as completed.
// What we do here is that we check whether we are at that migration, if
// so we check that the communities table is present, if not we re-run that
// migration.
func FixCommunitiesMigration(version uint, dirty bool, m *migrate.Migrate, db *sql.DB) error {
    // If the version is not the same, ignore
    if version != communitiesMigrationVersion {
        return nil

    // If it's dirty, it will be replayed anyway
    if dirty {
        return nil

    // Otherwise we check whether it actually succeeded by checking for the
    // presence of the communities_communities table

    var name string

    err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='communities_communities'`).Scan(&name)

    // If the err is nil, it means the migration went through fine
    if err == nil {
        return nil

    // If any other other, we return the error as that's unexpected
    if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to find the communities table")

    // We replay the migration then
    return ReplayLastMigration(version, m)

func ReplayLastMigration(version uint, m *migrate.Migrate) error {
    // Force version if dirty so it's not dirty anymore
    if err := m.Force(int(version)); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to force migration")

    // Step down 1 and we retry
    if err := m.Steps(-1); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to step down")

    return nil

func ApplyAdHocMigrations(version uint, dirty bool, m *migrate.Migrate, db *sql.DB) error {
    return FixCommunitiesMigration(version, dirty, m, db)