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Test Coverage
package accounts

import (


    walletsettings ""

func NewAccountsAPI(manager *account.GethManager, config *params.NodeConfig, db *accounts.Database, feed *event.Feed, messenger **protocol.Messenger) *API {
    return &API{manager, config, db, feed, messenger}

// API is class with methods available over RPC.
type API struct {
    manager   *account.GethManager
    config    *params.NodeConfig
    db        *accounts.Database
    feed      *event.Feed
    messenger **protocol.Messenger

type DerivedAddress struct {
    Address        common.Address `json:"address"`
    Path           string         `json:"path"`
    HasActivity    bool           `json:"hasActivity"`
    AlreadyCreated bool           `json:"alreadyCreated"`

func (api *API) SaveAccount(ctx context.Context, account *accounts.Account) error {
    err := (*api.messenger).SaveOrUpdateAccount(account)
    if err != nil {
        return err

        Type:     accountsevent.EventTypeAdded,
        Accounts: []common.Address{common.Address(account.Address)},
    return nil

// Setting `Keypair` without `Accounts` will update keypair only, `Keycards` won't be saved/updated this way.
func (api *API) SaveKeypair(ctx context.Context, keypair *accounts.Keypair) error {
    err := (*api.messenger).SaveOrUpdateKeypair(keypair)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    commonAddresses := []common.Address{}
    for _, acc := range keypair.Accounts {
        commonAddresses = append(commonAddresses, common.Address(acc.Address))

        Type:     accountsevent.EventTypeAdded,
        Accounts: commonAddresses,
    return nil

func (api *API) HasPairedDevices(ctx context.Context) bool {
    return (*api.messenger).HasPairedDevices()

// Setting `Keypair` without `Accounts` will update keypair only.
func (api *API) UpdateKeypairName(ctx context.Context, keyUID string, name string) error {
    return (*api.messenger).UpdateKeypairName(keyUID, name)

func (api *API) MoveWalletAccount(ctx context.Context, fromPosition int64, toPosition int64) error {
    return (*api.messenger).MoveWalletAccount(fromPosition, toPosition)

func (api *API) UpdateTokenPreferences(ctx context.Context, preferences []walletsettings.TokenPreferences) error {
    return (*api.messenger).UpdateTokenPreferences(preferences)

func (api *API) GetTokenPreferences(ctx context.Context) ([]walletsettings.TokenPreferences, error) {
    return (*api.messenger).GetTokenPreferences()

func (api *API) UpdateCollectiblePreferences(ctx context.Context, preferences []walletsettings.CollectiblePreferences) error {
    return (*api.messenger).UpdateCollectiblePreferences(preferences)

func (api *API) GetCollectiblePreferences(ctx context.Context) ([]walletsettings.CollectiblePreferences, error) {
    return (*api.messenger).GetCollectiblePreferences()

func (api *API) GetAccounts(ctx context.Context) ([]*accounts.Account, error) {
    return api.db.GetActiveAccounts()

func (api *API) GetWatchOnlyAccounts(ctx context.Context) ([]*accounts.Account, error) {
    return api.db.GetActiveWatchOnlyAccounts()

func (api *API) GetKeypairs(ctx context.Context) ([]*accounts.Keypair, error) {
    return api.db.GetActiveKeypairs()

func (api *API) GetAccountByAddress(ctx context.Context, address types.Address) (*accounts.Account, error) {
    return api.db.GetAccountByAddress(address)

func (api *API) GetKeypairByKeyUID(ctx context.Context, keyUID string) (*accounts.Keypair, error) {
    return api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(keyUID)

func (api *API) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, address types.Address) error {
    err := (*api.messenger).DeleteAccount(address)
    if err != nil {
        return err

        Type:     accountsevent.EventTypeRemoved,
        Accounts: []common.Address{common.Address(address)},

    return nil

func (api *API) DeleteKeypair(ctx context.Context, keyUID string) error {
    keypair, err := api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = (*api.messenger).DeleteKeypair(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var addresses []common.Address
    for _, acc := range keypair.Accounts {
        if acc.Chat {
        addresses = append(addresses, common.Address(acc.Address))

        Type:     accountsevent.EventTypeRemoved,
        Accounts: addresses,

    return nil

func (api *API) AddKeypair(ctx context.Context, password string, keypair *accounts.Keypair) error {
    if len(keypair.KeyUID) == 0 {
        return errors.New("`KeyUID` field of a keypair must be set")

    if len(keypair.Name) == 0 {
        return errors.New("`Name` field of a keypair must be set")

    if len(keypair.Type) == 0 {
        return errors.New("`Type` field of a keypair must be set")

    if keypair.Type != accounts.KeypairTypeKey {
        if len(keypair.DerivedFrom) == 0 {
            return errors.New("`DerivedFrom` field of a keypair must be set")

    for _, acc := range keypair.Accounts {
        if acc.KeyUID != keypair.KeyUID {
            return errors.New("all accounts of a keypair must have the same `KeyUID` as keypair key uid")

        err := api.checkAccountValidity(acc)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    err := api.SaveKeypair(ctx, keypair)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if len(password) > 0 {
        for _, acc := range keypair.Accounts {
            if acc.Type == accounts.AccountTypeGenerated || acc.Type == accounts.AccountTypeSeed {
                err = api.createKeystoreFileForAccount(keypair.DerivedFrom, password, acc)
                if err != nil {
                    return err

    return nil

func (api *API) checkAccountValidity(account *accounts.Account) error {
    if len(account.Address) == 0 {
        return errors.New("`Address` field of an account must be set")

    if len(account.Type) == 0 {
        return errors.New("`Type` field of an account must be set")

    if account.Wallet || account.Chat {
        return errors.New("default wallet and chat account cannot be added this way")

    if len(account.Name) == 0 {
        return errors.New("`Name` field of an account must be set")

    if len(account.Emoji) == 0 {
        return errors.New("`Emoji` field of an account must be set")

    if len(account.ColorID) == 0 {
        return errors.New("`ColorID` field of an account must be set")

    if account.Type != accounts.AccountTypeWatch {

        if len(account.KeyUID) == 0 {
            return errors.New("`KeyUID` field of an account must be set")

        if len(account.PublicKey) == 0 {
            return errors.New("`PublicKey` field of an account must be set")

        if account.Type != accounts.AccountTypeKey {
            if len(account.Path) == 0 {
                return errors.New("`Path` field of an account must be set")

    addressExists, err := api.db.AddressExists(account.Address)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if addressExists {
        return errors.New("account already exists")

    return nil

func (api *API) createKeystoreFileForAccount(masterAddress string, password string, account *accounts.Account) error {
    if account.Type != accounts.AccountTypeGenerated && account.Type != accounts.AccountTypeSeed {
        return errors.New("cannot create keystore file if account is not of `generated` or `seed` type")
    if masterAddress == "" {
        return errors.New("cannot create keystore file if master address is empty")
    if password == "" {
        return errors.New("cannot create keystore file if password is empty")

    info, err := api.manager.AccountsGenerator().LoadAccount(masterAddress, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = api.manager.AccountsGenerator().StoreDerivedAccounts(info.ID, password, []string{account.Path})
    return err

func (api *API) AddAccount(ctx context.Context, password string, account *accounts.Account) error {
    err := api.checkAccountValidity(account)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if account.Type != accounts.AccountTypeWatch {
        kp, err := api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(account.KeyUID)
        if err != nil {
            if err == accounts.ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
                return errors.New("cannot add an account for an unknown keypair")
            return err

        // we need to create local keystore file only if password is provided and the account is being added is of
        // "generated" or "seed" type.
        if (account.Type == accounts.AccountTypeGenerated || account.Type == accounts.AccountTypeSeed) && len(password) > 0 {
            err = api.createKeystoreFileForAccount(kp.DerivedFrom, password, account)
            if err != nil {
                return err

    if account.Type == accounts.AccountTypeGenerated {
        account.AddressWasNotShown = true

    return api.SaveAccount(ctx, account)

// Imports a new private key and creates local keystore file.
func (api *API) ImportPrivateKey(ctx context.Context, privateKey string, password string) error {
    info, err := api.manager.AccountsGenerator().ImportPrivateKey(privateKey)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    kp, err := api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(info.KeyUID)
    if err != nil && err != accounts.ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
        return err

    if kp != nil {
        return errors.New("provided private key was already imported")

    _, err = api.manager.AccountsGenerator().StoreAccount(info.ID, password)
    return err

// Creates all keystore files for a keypair and mark it in db as fully operable.
func (api *API) MakePrivateKeyKeypairFullyOperable(ctx context.Context, privateKey string, password string) error {
    info, err := api.manager.AccountsGenerator().ImportPrivateKey(privateKey)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    kp, err := api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(info.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if kp == nil {
        return errors.New("keypair for the provided private key is not known")

    _, err = api.manager.AccountsGenerator().StoreAccount(info.ID, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return (*api.messenger).MarkKeypairFullyOperable(info.KeyUID)

func (api *API) MakePartiallyOperableAccoutsFullyOperable(ctx context.Context, password string) (addresses []types.Address, err error) {
    profileKeypair, err := api.db.GetProfileKeypair()
    if err != nil {

    if !profileKeypair.MigratedToKeycard() && !api.VerifyPassword(password) {
        err = errors.New("wrong password provided")

    keypairs, err := api.db.GetActiveKeypairs()
    if err != nil {

    for _, kp := range keypairs {
        for _, acc := range kp.Accounts {
            if acc.Operable != accounts.AccountPartiallyOperable {
            err = api.createKeystoreFileForAccount(kp.DerivedFrom, password, acc)
            if err != nil {
            err = api.db.MarkAccountFullyOperable(acc.Address)
            if err != nil {
            addresses = append(addresses, acc.Address)

// Imports a new mnemonic and creates local keystore file.
func (api *API) ImportMnemonic(ctx context.Context, mnemonic string, password string) error {
    mnemonicNoExtraSpaces := strings.Join(strings.Fields(mnemonic), " ")

    generatedAccountInfo, err := api.manager.AccountsGenerator().ImportMnemonic(mnemonicNoExtraSpaces, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    kp, err := api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(generatedAccountInfo.KeyUID)
    if err != nil && err != accounts.ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
        return err

    if kp != nil {
        return errors.New("provided mnemonic was already imported, to add new account use `AddAccount` endpoint")

    _, err = api.manager.AccountsGenerator().StoreAccount(generatedAccountInfo.ID, password)
    return err

// Creates all keystore files for a keypair and mark it in db as fully operable.
func (api *API) MakeSeedPhraseKeypairFullyOperable(ctx context.Context, mnemonic string, password string) error {
    mnemonicNoExtraSpaces := strings.Join(strings.Fields(mnemonic), " ")

    generatedAccountInfo, err := api.manager.AccountsGenerator().ImportMnemonic(mnemonicNoExtraSpaces, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    kp, err := api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(generatedAccountInfo.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if kp == nil {
        return errors.New("keypair for the provided seed phrase is not known")

    _, err = api.manager.AccountsGenerator().StoreAccount(generatedAccountInfo.ID, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var paths []string
    for _, acc := range kp.Accounts {
        paths = append(paths, acc.Path)

    _, err = api.manager.AccountsGenerator().StoreDerivedAccounts(generatedAccountInfo.ID, password, paths)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return (*api.messenger).MarkKeypairFullyOperable(generatedAccountInfo.KeyUID)

// Creates a random new mnemonic.
func (api *API) GetRandomMnemonic(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
    return account.GetRandomMnemonic()

func (api *API) VerifyKeystoreFileForAccount(address types.Address, password string) bool {
    _, err := api.manager.VerifyAccountPassword(api.config.KeyStoreDir, address.Hex(), password)
    return err == nil

func (api *API) VerifyPassword(password string) bool {
    address, err := api.db.GetChatAddress()
    if err != nil {
        return false
    return api.VerifyKeystoreFileForAccount(address, password)

func (api *API) MigrateNonProfileKeycardKeypairToApp(ctx context.Context, mnemonic string, password string) error {
    mnemonicNoExtraSpaces := strings.Join(strings.Fields(mnemonic), " ")

    generatedAccountInfo, err := api.manager.AccountsGenerator().ImportMnemonic(mnemonicNoExtraSpaces, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    kp, err := api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(generatedAccountInfo.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if kp.Type == accounts.KeypairTypeProfile {
        return errors.New("cannot migrate profile keypair")

    if !kp.MigratedToKeycard() {
        return errors.New("keypair being migrated is not a keycard keypair")

    profileKeypair, err := api.db.GetProfileKeypair()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !profileKeypair.MigratedToKeycard() && !api.VerifyPassword(password) {
        return errors.New("wrong password provided")

    _, err = api.manager.AccountsGenerator().StoreAccount(generatedAccountInfo.ID, password)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, acc := range kp.Accounts {
        err = api.createKeystoreFileForAccount(kp.DerivedFrom, password, acc)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // this will emit SyncKeypair message
    return (*api.messenger).DeleteAllKeycardsWithKeyUID(ctx, generatedAccountInfo.KeyUID)

// If keypair is migrated from keycard to app, then `accountsComingFromKeycard` should be set to true, otherwise false.
// If keycard is new `Position` will be determined and set by the backend and `KeycardLocked` will be set to false.
// If keycard is already added, `Position` and `KeycardLocked` will be unchanged.
func (api *API) SaveOrUpdateKeycard(ctx context.Context, keycard *accounts.Keycard, accountsComingFromKeycard bool) error {
    if len(keycard.AccountsAddresses) == 0 {
        return errors.New("cannot migrate a keypair without accounts")

    kpDb, err := api.db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(keycard.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == accounts.ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
            return errors.New("cannot migrate an unknown keypair")
        return err

    err = (*api.messenger).SaveOrUpdateKeycard(ctx, keycard)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !accountsComingFromKeycard {
        // Once we migrate a keypair, corresponding keystore files need to be deleted
        // if the keypair being migrated is not already migrated (in case user is creating a copy of an existing Keycard)
        // and if keypair operability is different from non operable (otherwise there are not keystore files to be deleted).
        if !kpDb.MigratedToKeycard() && kpDb.Operability() != accounts.AccountNonOperable {
            for _, acc := range kpDb.Accounts {
                if acc.Operable != accounts.AccountFullyOperable {
                err = api.manager.DeleteAccount(acc.Address)
                if err != nil {
                    return err

            err = api.manager.DeleteAccount(types.Address(common.HexToAddress(kpDb.DerivedFrom)))
            if err != nil {
                return err

        err = (*api.messenger).MarkKeypairFullyOperable(keycard.KeyUID)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

func (api *API) GetAllKnownKeycards(ctx context.Context) ([]*accounts.Keycard, error) {
    return api.db.GetAllKnownKeycards()

func (api *API) GetKeycardsWithSameKeyUID(ctx context.Context, keyUID string) ([]*accounts.Keycard, error) {
    return api.db.GetKeycardsWithSameKeyUID(keyUID)

func (api *API) GetKeycardByKeycardUID(ctx context.Context, keycardUID string) (*accounts.Keycard, error) {
    return api.db.GetKeycardByKeycardUID(keycardUID)

func (api *API) SetKeycardName(ctx context.Context, keycardUID string, kpName string) error {
    return (*api.messenger).SetKeycardName(ctx, keycardUID, kpName)

func (api *API) KeycardLocked(ctx context.Context, keycardUID string) error {
    return (*api.messenger).KeycardLocked(ctx, keycardUID)

func (api *API) KeycardUnlocked(ctx context.Context, keycardUID string) error {
    return (*api.messenger).KeycardUnlocked(ctx, keycardUID)

func (api *API) DeleteKeycardAccounts(ctx context.Context, keycardUID string, accountAddresses []types.Address) error {
    return (*api.messenger).DeleteKeycardAccounts(ctx, keycardUID, accountAddresses)

func (api *API) DeleteKeycard(ctx context.Context, keycardUID string) error {
    return (*api.messenger).DeleteKeycard(ctx, keycardUID)

func (api *API) DeleteAllKeycardsWithKeyUID(ctx context.Context, keyUID string) error {
    return (*api.messenger).DeleteAllKeycardsWithKeyUID(ctx, keyUID)

func (api *API) UpdateKeycardUID(ctx context.Context, oldKeycardUID string, newKeycardUID string) error {
    return (*api.messenger).UpdateKeycardUID(ctx, oldKeycardUID, newKeycardUID)

func (api *API) AddressWasShown(address types.Address) error {
    return api.db.AddressWasShown(address)

func (api *API) GetNumOfAddressesToGenerateForKeypair(keyUID string) (uint64, error) {
    return api.db.GetNumOfAddressesToGenerateForKeypair(keyUID)

func (api *API) ResolveSuggestedPathForKeypair(keyUID string) (string, error) {
    return api.db.ResolveSuggestedPathForKeypair(keyUID)