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5 hrs
Test Coverage
package ext

import (


    commongethtypes ""
    gethtypes ""
    gethrpc ""

    coretypes ""
    mailserversDB ""
    w_common ""

const infinityString = "∞"
const providerID = "community"

// EnvelopeEventsHandler used for two different event types.
type EnvelopeEventsHandler interface {
    EnvelopeExpired([][]byte, error)
    MailServerRequestCompleted(types.Hash, types.Hash, []byte, error)

// Service is a service that provides some additional API to whisper-based protocols like Whisper or Waku.
type Service struct {
    messenger       *protocol.Messenger
    identity        *ecdsa.PrivateKey
    cancelMessenger chan struct{}
    storage         db.TransactionalStorage
    n               types.Node
    rpcClient       *rpc.Client
    config          params.NodeConfig
    mailMonitor     *MailRequestMonitor
    server          *p2p.Server
    peerStore       *mailservers.PeerStore
    accountsDB      *accounts.Database
    multiAccountsDB *multiaccounts.Database
    account         *multiaccounts.Account

// Make sure that Service implements node.Service interface.
var _ node.Lifecycle = (*Service)(nil)

func New(
    config params.NodeConfig,
    n types.Node,
    rpcClient *rpc.Client,
    ldb *leveldb.DB,
    mailMonitor *MailRequestMonitor,
    eventSub mailservers.EnvelopeEventSubscriber,
) *Service {
    cache := mailservers.NewCache(ldb)
    peerStore := mailservers.NewPeerStore(cache)
    return &Service{
        storage:     db.NewLevelDBStorage(ldb),
        n:           n,
        rpcClient:   rpcClient,
        config:      config,
        mailMonitor: mailMonitor,
        peerStore:   peerStore,

func (s *Service) NodeID() *ecdsa.PrivateKey {
    if s.server == nil {
        return nil
    return s.server.PrivateKey

func (s *Service) GetPeer(rawURL string) (*enode.Node, error) {
    if len(rawURL) == 0 {
        return mailservers.GetFirstConnected(s.server, s.peerStore)
    return enode.ParseV4(rawURL)

func (s *Service) InitProtocol(nodeName string, identity *ecdsa.PrivateKey, appDb, walletDb *sql.DB, httpServer *server.MediaServer, multiAccountDb *multiaccounts.Database, acc *multiaccounts.Account, accountManager *account.GethManager, rpcClient *rpc.Client, walletService *wallet.Service, communityTokensService *communitytokens.Service, wakuService *wakuv2.Waku, logger *zap.Logger) error {
    var err error
    if !s.config.ShhextConfig.PFSEnabled {
        return nil

    // If Messenger has been already set up, we need to shut it down
    // before we init it again. Otherwise, it will lead to goroutines leakage
    // due to not stopped filters.
    if s.messenger != nil {
        if err := s.messenger.Shutdown(); err != nil {
            return err

    s.identity = identity

    // This directory should have already been created in loadNodeConfig, keeping this to ensure.
    dataDir := filepath.Clean(s.config.RootDataDir)

    if err := os.MkdirAll(dataDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
        return err

    envelopesMonitorConfig := &transport.EnvelopesMonitorConfig{
        MaxAttempts:                      s.config.ShhextConfig.MaxMessageDeliveryAttempts,
        AwaitOnlyMailServerConfirmations: s.config.ShhextConfig.MailServerConfirmations,
        IsMailserver: func(peer types.EnodeID) bool {
            return s.peerStore.Exist(peer)
        EnvelopeEventsHandler: EnvelopeSignalHandler{},
        Logger:                logger,
    s.accountsDB, err = accounts.NewDB(appDb)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    s.multiAccountsDB = multiAccountDb
    s.account = acc

    options, err := buildMessengerOptions(s.config, identity, appDb, walletDb, httpServer, s.rpcClient, s.multiAccountsDB, acc, envelopesMonitorConfig, s.accountsDB, walletService, communityTokensService, wakuService, logger, &MessengerSignalsHandler{}, accountManager)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    messenger, err := protocol.NewMessenger(
    if err != nil {
        return err
    s.messenger = messenger
    if s.config.ProcessBackedupMessages {

    // Be mindful of adding more initialization code, as it can easily
    // impact login times for mobile users. For example, we avoid calling
    // messenger.InitFilters here.
    return s.messenger.InitInstallations()

func (s *Service) StartMessenger() (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
    // Start a loop that retrieves all messages and propagates them to status-mobile.
    s.cancelMessenger = make(chan struct{})
    response, err := s.messenger.Start()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    s.messenger.StartRetrieveMessagesLoop(time.Second, s.cancelMessenger)
    go s.verifyTransactionLoop(30*time.Second, s.cancelMessenger)

    if s.config.ShhextConfig.BandwidthStatsEnabled {
        go s.retrieveStats(5*time.Second, s.cancelMessenger)

    return response, nil

func (s *Service) retrieveStats(tick time.Duration, cancel <-chan struct{}) {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(tick)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    for {
        select {
        case <-ticker.C:
            response := s.messenger.GetStats()
        case <-cancel:

type verifyTransactionClient struct {
    chainID *big.Int
    url     string

func (c *verifyTransactionClient) TransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, hash types.Hash) (coretypes.Message, coretypes.TransactionStatus, error) {
    signer := gethtypes.NewLondonSigner(c.chainID)
    client, err := ethclient.Dial(c.url)
    if err != nil {
        return coretypes.Message{}, coretypes.TransactionStatusPending, err

    transaction, pending, err := client.TransactionByHash(ctx, commongethtypes.BytesToHash(hash.Bytes()))
    if err != nil {
        return coretypes.Message{}, coretypes.TransactionStatusPending, err

    message, err := transaction.AsMessage(signer, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return coretypes.Message{}, coretypes.TransactionStatusPending, err
    from := types.BytesToAddress(message.From().Bytes())
    to := types.BytesToAddress(message.To().Bytes())

    if pending {
        return coretypes.NewMessage(
        ), coretypes.TransactionStatusPending, nil

    receipt, err := client.TransactionReceipt(ctx, commongethtypes.BytesToHash(hash.Bytes()))
    if err != nil {
        return coretypes.Message{}, coretypes.TransactionStatusPending, err

    coremessage := coretypes.NewMessage(

    // Token transfer, check the logs
    if len(coremessage.Data()) != 0 {
        if w_common.IsTokenTransfer(receipt.Logs) {
            return coremessage, coretypes.TransactionStatus(receipt.Status), nil
        return coremessage, coretypes.TransactionStatusFailed, nil

    return coremessage, coretypes.TransactionStatus(receipt.Status), nil

func (s *Service) verifyTransactionLoop(tick time.Duration, cancel <-chan struct{}) {
    if s.config.ShhextConfig.VerifyTransactionURL == "" {
        log.Warn("not starting transaction loop")

    ticker := time.NewTicker(tick)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    ctx, cancelVerifyTransaction := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

    for {
        select {
        case <-ticker.C:
            accounts, err := s.accountsDB.GetActiveAccounts()
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("failed to retrieve accounts", "err", err)
            var wallets []types.Address
            for _, account := range accounts {
                if account.IsWalletNonWatchOnlyAccount() {
                    wallets = append(wallets, types.BytesToAddress(account.Address.Bytes()))

            response, err := s.messenger.ValidateTransactions(ctx, wallets)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("failed to validate transactions", "err", err)

        case <-cancel:

func (s *Service) EnableInstallation(installationID string) error {
    return s.messenger.EnableInstallation(installationID)

// DisableInstallation disables an installation for multi-device sync.
func (s *Service) DisableInstallation(installationID string) error {
    return s.messenger.DisableInstallation(installationID)

// Protocols returns a new protocols list. In this case, there are none.
func (s *Service) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
    return []p2p.Protocol{}

// APIs returns a list of new APIs.
func (s *Service) APIs() []gethrpc.API {
    panic("this is abstract service, use shhext or wakuext implementation")

func (s *Service) SetP2PServer(server *p2p.Server) {
    s.server = server

// Start is run when a service is started.
// It does nothing in this case but is required by `node.Service` interface.
func (s *Service) Start() error {
    return nil

// Stop is run when a service is stopped.
func (s *Service) Stop() error {
    log.Info("Stopping shhext service")
    if s.cancelMessenger != nil {
        select {
        case <-s.cancelMessenger:
            // channel already closed
            s.cancelMessenger = nil

    if s.messenger != nil {
        if err := s.messenger.Shutdown(); err != nil {
            log.Error("failed to stop messenger", "err", err)
            return err
        s.messenger = nil

    return nil

func buildMessengerOptions(
    config params.NodeConfig,
    identity *ecdsa.PrivateKey,
    appDb *sql.DB,
    walletDb *sql.DB,
    httpServer *server.MediaServer,
    rpcClient *rpc.Client,
    multiAccounts *multiaccounts.Database,
    account *multiaccounts.Account,
    envelopesMonitorConfig *transport.EnvelopesMonitorConfig,
    accountsDB *accounts.Database,
    walletService *wallet.Service,
    communityTokensService *communitytokens.Service,
    wakuService *wakuv2.Waku,
    logger *zap.Logger,
    messengerSignalsHandler protocol.MessengerSignalsHandler,
    accountManager account.Manager,
) ([]protocol.Option, error) {
    options := []protocol.Option{
        protocol.WithENSVerificationConfig(config.ShhextConfig.VerifyENSURL, config.ShhextConfig.VerifyENSContractAddress),

    if config.ShhextConfig.DataSyncEnabled {
        options = append(options, protocol.WithDatasync())

    settings, err := accountsDB.GetSettings()
    if err != sql.ErrNoRows && err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Generate anon metrics client config
    if settings.AnonMetricsShouldSend {
        keyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(config.ShhextConfig.AnonMetricsSendID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        key, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(keyBytes)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        amcc := &anonmetrics.ClientConfig{
            ShouldSend:  true,
            SendAddress: key,
        options = append(options, protocol.WithAnonMetricsClientConfig(amcc))

    // Generate anon metrics server config
    if config.ShhextConfig.AnonMetricsServerEnabled {
        if len(config.ShhextConfig.AnonMetricsServerPostgresURI) == 0 {
            return nil, errors.New("AnonMetricsServerPostgresURI must be set")

        amsc := &anonmetrics.ServerConfig{
            Enabled:     true,
            PostgresURI: config.ShhextConfig.AnonMetricsServerPostgresURI,
        options = append(options, protocol.WithAnonMetricsServerConfig(amsc))

    if settings.TelemetryServerURL != "" {
        options = append(options, protocol.WithTelemetry(settings.TelemetryServerURL, time.Duration(settings.TelemetrySendPeriodMs)*time.Millisecond))

    if settings.PushNotificationsServerEnabled {
        config := &pushnotificationserver.Config{
            Enabled: true,
            Logger:  logger,
        options = append(options, protocol.WithPushNotificationServerConfig(config))

    var pushNotifServKey []*ecdsa.PublicKey
    for _, d := range config.ShhextConfig.DefaultPushNotificationsServers {
        pushNotifServKey = append(pushNotifServKey, d.PublicKey)

    options = append(options, protocol.WithPushNotificationClientConfig(&pushnotificationclient.Config{
        DefaultServers:             pushNotifServKey,
        BlockMentions:              settings.PushNotificationsBlockMentions,
        SendEnabled:                settings.SendPushNotifications,
        AllowFromContactsOnly:      settings.PushNotificationsFromContactsOnly,
        RemoteNotificationsEnabled: settings.RemotePushNotificationsEnabled,

    if config.ShhextConfig.VerifyTransactionURL != "" {
        client := &verifyTransactionClient{
            url:     config.ShhextConfig.VerifyTransactionURL,
            chainID: big.NewInt(config.ShhextConfig.VerifyTransactionChainID),
        options = append(options, protocol.WithVerifyTransactionClient(client))

    return options, nil

func (s *Service) ConnectionChanged(state connection.State) {
    if s.messenger != nil {

func (s *Service) Messenger() *protocol.Messenger {
    return s.messenger

func tokenURIToCommunityID(tokenURI string) string {
    tmpStr := strings.Split(tokenURI, "/")

    // Community NFTs have a tokenURI of the form "compressedCommunityID/tokenID"
    if len(tmpStr) != 2 {
        return ""
    compressedCommunityID := tmpStr[0]

    hexCommunityID, err := multiformat.DeserializeCompressedKey(compressedCommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    pubKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(hexCommunityID)
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    communityID := types.EncodeHex(crypto.CompressPubkey(pubKey))

    return communityID

func (s *Service) GetCommunityID(tokenURI string) string {
    if tokenURI != "" {
        return tokenURIToCommunityID(tokenURI)
    return ""

func (s *Service) FillCollectiblesMetadata(communityID string, cs []*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData) (bool, error) {
    if s.messenger == nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("messenger not ready")

    community, err := s.fetchCommunityInfoForCollectibles(communityID, collectibles.IDsFromAssets(cs))
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    if community == nil {
        return false, nil

    for _, collectible := range cs {
        err := s.FillCollectibleMetadata(community, collectible)
        if err != nil {
            return true, err

    return true, nil

func (s *Service) FillCollectibleMetadata(community *communities.Community, collectible *thirdparty.FullCollectibleData) error {
    if s.messenger == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("messenger not ready")

    if collectible == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("empty collectible")

    id := collectible.CollectibleData.ID
    communityID := collectible.CollectibleData.CommunityID

    if communityID == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("invalid communityID")

    tokenMetadata, err := s.fetchCommunityCollectibleMetadata(community, id.ContractID)

    if err != nil {
        return err

    if tokenMetadata == nil {
        return nil

    communityToken, err := s.fetchCommunityToken(communityID, id.ContractID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    permission := fetchCommunityCollectiblePermission(community, id)

    privilegesLevel := token.CommunityLevel
    if permission != nil {
        privilegesLevel = permissionTypeToPrivilegesLevel(permission.GetType())

    imagePayload, _ := images.GetPayloadFromURI(tokenMetadata.GetImage())

    collectible.CollectibleData.ContractType = w_common.ContractTypeERC721
    collectible.CollectibleData.Provider = providerID
    collectible.CollectibleData.Name = tokenMetadata.GetName()
    collectible.CollectibleData.Description = tokenMetadata.GetDescription()
    collectible.CollectibleData.ImagePayload = imagePayload
    collectible.CollectibleData.Traits = getCollectibleCommunityTraits(communityToken)
    collectible.CollectibleData.Soulbound = !communityToken.Transferable

    if collectible.CollectionData == nil {
        collectible.CollectionData = &thirdparty.CollectionData{
            ID:          id.ContractID,
            CommunityID: communityID,
    collectible.CollectionData.ContractType = w_common.ContractTypeERC721
    collectible.CollectionData.Provider = providerID
    collectible.CollectionData.Name = tokenMetadata.GetName()
    collectible.CollectionData.ImagePayload = imagePayload

    collectible.CommunityInfo = communityToInfo(community)

    collectible.CollectibleCommunityInfo = &thirdparty.CollectibleCommunityInfo{
        PrivilegesLevel: privilegesLevel,

    return nil

func permissionTypeToPrivilegesLevel(permissionType protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_Type) token.PrivilegesLevel {
    switch permissionType {
    case protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_TOKEN_OWNER:
        return token.OwnerLevel
    case protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_TOKEN_MASTER:
        return token.MasterLevel
        return token.CommunityLevel

func communityToInfo(community *communities.Community) *thirdparty.CommunityInfo {
    if community == nil {
        return nil

    return &thirdparty.CommunityInfo{
        CommunityName:         community.Name(),
        CommunityColor:        community.Color(),
        CommunityImagePayload: fetchCommunityImage(community),

func (s *Service) fetchCommunityFromStoreNodes(communityID string) (*communities.Community, error) {
    community, err := s.messenger.FetchCommunity(&protocol.FetchCommunityRequest{
        CommunityKey:    communityID,
        TryDatabase:     false,
        WaitForResponse: true,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return community, nil

// Fetch latest community from store nodes.
func (s *Service) FetchCommunityInfo(communityID string) (*thirdparty.CommunityInfo, error) {
    if s.messenger == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("messenger not ready")

    community, err := s.messenger.FindCommunityInfoFromDB(communityID)
    if err != nil && err != communities.ErrOrgNotFound {
        return nil, err

    // Fetch latest version from store nodes
    if community == nil || !community.IsControlNode() {
        community, err = s.fetchCommunityFromStoreNodes(communityID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return communityToInfo(community), nil

// Fetch latest community from store nodes only if any collectibles data is missing.
func (s *Service) fetchCommunityInfoForCollectibles(communityID string, ids []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) (*communities.Community, error) {
    community, err := s.messenger.FindCommunityInfoFromDB(communityID)
    if err != nil && err != communities.ErrOrgNotFound {
        return nil, err

    if community == nil {
        return s.fetchCommunityFromStoreNodes(communityID)

    if community.IsControlNode() {
        return community, nil

    contractIDs := func() map[string]thirdparty.ContractID {
        result := map[string]thirdparty.ContractID{}
        for _, id := range ids {
            result[id.HashKey()] = id.ContractID
        return result

    hasAllMetadata := true
    for _, contractID := range contractIDs {
        tokenMetadata, err := s.fetchCommunityCollectibleMetadata(community, contractID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if tokenMetadata == nil {
            hasAllMetadata = false

    if !hasAllMetadata {
        return s.fetchCommunityFromStoreNodes(communityID)

    return community, nil

func (s *Service) fetchCommunityToken(communityID string, contractID thirdparty.ContractID) (*token.CommunityToken, error) {
    if s.messenger == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("messenger not ready")

    return s.messenger.GetCommunityToken(communityID, int(contractID.ChainID), contractID.Address.String())

func (s *Service) fetchCommunityCollectibleMetadata(community *communities.Community, contractID thirdparty.ContractID) (*protobuf.CommunityTokenMetadata, error) {
    tokensMetadata := community.CommunityTokensMetadata()

    for _, tokenMetadata := range tokensMetadata {
        contractAddresses := tokenMetadata.GetContractAddresses()
        if contractAddresses[uint64(contractID.ChainID)] == contractID.Address.Hex() {
            return tokenMetadata, nil

    return nil, nil

func tokenCriterionContainsCollectible(tokenCriterion *protobuf.TokenCriteria, id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) bool {
    // Check if token type matches
    if tokenCriterion.Type != protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC721 {
        return false

    for chainID, contractAddressStr := range tokenCriterion.ContractAddresses {
        if chainID != uint64(id.ContractID.ChainID) {

        contractAddress := commongethtypes.HexToAddress(contractAddressStr)
        if contractAddress != id.ContractID.Address {

        if len(tokenCriterion.TokenIds) == 0 {
            return true

        for _, tokenID := range tokenCriterion.TokenIds {
            tokenIDBigInt := new(big.Int).SetUint64(tokenID)
            if id.TokenID.Cmp(tokenIDBigInt) == 0 {
                return true

    return false

func permissionContainsCollectible(permission *communities.CommunityTokenPermission, id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) bool {
    // See if any token criterion contains the collectible we're looking for
    for _, tokenCriterion := range permission.TokenCriteria {
        if tokenCriterionContainsCollectible(tokenCriterion, id) {
            return true
    return false

func fetchCommunityCollectiblePermission(community *communities.Community, id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) *communities.CommunityTokenPermission {
    // Permnission types of interest
    permissionTypes := []protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_Type{

    for _, permissionType := range permissionTypes {
        permissions := community.TokenPermissionsByType(permissionType)
        // See if any community permission matches the type we're looking for
        for _, permission := range permissions {
            if permissionContainsCollectible(permission, id) {
                return permission

    return nil

func fetchCommunityImage(community *communities.Community) []byte {
    imageTypes := []string{

    communityImages := community.Images()

    for _, imageType := range imageTypes {
        if pbImage, ok := communityImages[imageType]; ok {
            return pbImage.Payload

    return nil

func boolToString(value bool) string {
    if value {
        return "Yes"
    return "No"

func getCollectibleCommunityTraits(token *token.CommunityToken) []thirdparty.CollectibleTrait {
    if token == nil {
        return make([]thirdparty.CollectibleTrait, 0)

    totalStr := infinityString
    availableStr := infinityString
    if !token.InfiniteSupply {
        totalStr = token.Supply.String()
        // TODO: calculate available supply. See services/communitytokens/api.go
        availableStr = totalStr

    transferableStr := boolToString(token.Transferable)

    destructibleStr := boolToString(token.RemoteSelfDestruct)

    return []thirdparty.CollectibleTrait{
            TraitType: "Symbol",
            Value:     token.Symbol,
            TraitType: "Total",
            Value:     totalStr,
            TraitType: "Available",
            Value:     availableStr,
            TraitType: "Transferable",
            Value:     transferableStr,
            TraitType: "Destructible",
            Value:     destructibleStr,