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Test Coverage
package collectibles

import (

    walletCommon ""

const requestTimeout = 5 * time.Second
const signalUpdatedCollectiblesDataPageSize = 10

const EventCollectiblesConnectionStatusChanged walletevent.EventType = "wallet-collectible-status-changed"

// ERC721 does not support function "TokenURI" if call
// returns error starting with one of these strings
var noTokenURIErrorPrefixes = []string{
    "execution reverted",
    "abi: attempting to unmarshall",

var (
    ErrAllProvidersFailedForChainID   = errors.New("all providers failed for chainID")
    ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID = errors.New("no providers available for chainID")

type ManagerInterface interface {
    FetchAssetsByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx context.Context, uniqueIDs []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, asyncFetch bool) ([]thirdparty.FullCollectibleData, error)
    FetchCollectionSocialsAsync(contractID thirdparty.ContractID) error

type Manager struct {
    rpcClient *rpc.Client
    providers thirdparty.CollectibleProviders

    httpClient *http.Client

    collectiblesDataDB *CollectibleDataDB
    collectionsDataDB  *CollectionDataDB
    communityManager   *community.Manager
    ownershipDB        *OwnershipDB

    mediaServer *server.MediaServer

    statuses       *sync.Map
    statusNotifier *connection.StatusNotifier
    feed           *event.Feed
    circuitBreaker *circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker

func NewManager(
    db *sql.DB,
    rpcClient *rpc.Client,
    communityManager *community.Manager,
    providers thirdparty.CollectibleProviders,
    mediaServer *server.MediaServer,
    feed *event.Feed) *Manager {

    ownershipDB := NewOwnershipDB(db)
    statuses := initStatuses(ownershipDB)

    cb := circuitbreaker.NewCircuitBreaker(circuitbreaker.Config{
        Timeout:                10000,
        MaxConcurrentRequests:  100,
        RequestVolumeThreshold: 25,
        SleepWindow:            300000,
        ErrorPercentThreshold:  25,

    return &Manager{
        rpcClient: rpcClient,
        providers: providers,
        httpClient: &http.Client{
            Timeout: requestTimeout,
        collectiblesDataDB: NewCollectibleDataDB(db),
        collectionsDataDB:  NewCollectionDataDB(db),
        communityManager:   communityManager,
        ownershipDB:        ownershipDB,
        mediaServer:        mediaServer,
        statuses:           statuses,
        statusNotifier:     createStatusNotifier(statuses, feed),
        feed:               feed,
        circuitBreaker:     cb,

func mapToList[K comparable, T any](m map[K]T) []T {
    list := make([]T, 0, len(m))
    for _, v := range m {
        list = append(list, v)
    return list

func (o *Manager) doContentTypeRequest(ctx context.Context, url string) (string, error) {
    req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodHead, url, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    resp, err := o.httpClient.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    defer func() {
        if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {
            log.Error("failed to close head request body", "err", err)

    return resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), nil

func (o *Manager) getTokenBalancesByOwnerAddress(collectibles *thirdparty.CollectibleContractOwnership, ownerAddress common.Address) map[common.Address][]thirdparty.TokenBalance {
    ret := make(map[common.Address][]thirdparty.TokenBalance)

    for _, nftOwner := range collectibles.Owners {
        if nftOwner.OwnerAddress == ownerAddress {
            ret[collectibles.ContractAddress] = nftOwner.TokenBalances

    return ret

func (o *Manager) FetchCachedBalancesByOwnerAndContractAddress(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, ownerAddress common.Address, contractAddresses []common.Address) (thirdparty.TokenBalancesPerContractAddress, error) {
    ret := make(map[common.Address][]thirdparty.TokenBalance)

    for _, contractAddress := range contractAddresses {
        ret[contractAddress] = make([]thirdparty.TokenBalance, 0)

    for _, contractAddress := range contractAddresses {
        ownership, err := o.ownershipDB.FetchCachedCollectibleOwnersByContractAddress(chainID, contractAddress)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        t := o.getTokenBalancesByOwnerAddress(ownership, ownerAddress)

        for address, tokenBalances := range t {
            ret[address] = append(ret[address], tokenBalances...)

    return ret, nil

// Need to combine different providers to support all needed ChainIDs
func (o *Manager) FetchBalancesByOwnerAndContractAddress(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, ownerAddress common.Address, contractAddresses []common.Address) (thirdparty.TokenBalancesPerContractAddress, error) {
    ret := make(thirdparty.TokenBalancesPerContractAddress)

    for _, contractAddress := range contractAddresses {
        ret[contractAddress] = make([]thirdparty.TokenBalance, 0)

    // Try with account ownership providers first
    assetsContainer, err := o.FetchAllAssetsByOwnerAndContractAddress(ctx, chainID, ownerAddress, contractAddresses, thirdparty.FetchFromStartCursor, thirdparty.FetchNoLimit, thirdparty.FetchFromAnyProvider)
    if err == ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID {
        // Use contract ownership providers
        for _, contractAddress := range contractAddresses {
            ownership, err := o.FetchCollectibleOwnersByContractAddress(ctx, chainID, contractAddress)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            ret = o.getTokenBalancesByOwnerAddress(ownership, ownerAddress)
    } else if err == nil {
        // Account ownership providers succeeded
        for _, fullData := range assetsContainer.Items {
            contractAddress := fullData.CollectibleData.ID.ContractID.Address
            balance := thirdparty.TokenBalance{
                TokenID: fullData.CollectibleData.ID.TokenID,
                Balance: &bigint.BigInt{Int: big.NewInt(1)},
            ret[contractAddress] = append(ret[contractAddress], balance)
    } else {
        // OpenSea could have provided, but returned error
        return nil, err

    return ret, nil

func (o *Manager) FetchAllAssetsByOwnerAndContractAddress(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, owner common.Address, contractAddresses []common.Address, cursor string, limit int, providerID string) (*thirdparty.FullCollectibleDataContainer, error) {
    defer o.checkConnectionStatus(chainID)

    cmd := circuitbreaker.NewCommand(ctx, nil)
    for _, provider := range o.providers.AccountOwnershipProviders {
        if !provider.IsChainSupported(chainID) {
        if providerID != thirdparty.FetchFromAnyProvider && providerID != provider.ID() {

        provider := provider
        f := circuitbreaker.NewFunctor(
            func() ([]interface{}, error) {
                assetContainer, err := provider.FetchAllAssetsByOwnerAndContractAddress(ctx, chainID, owner, contractAddresses, cursor, limit)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Error("FetchAllAssetsByOwnerAndContractAddress failed for", "provider", provider.ID(), "chainID", chainID, "err", err)
                return []interface{}{assetContainer}, err
            }, getCircuitName(provider, chainID),

    if cmd.IsEmpty() {
        return nil, ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID

    cmdRes := o.circuitBreaker.Execute(cmd)
    if cmdRes.Error() != nil {
        log.Error("FetchAllAssetsByOwnerAndContractAddress failed for", "chainID", chainID, "err", cmdRes.Error())
        return nil, cmdRes.Error()

    assetContainer := cmdRes.Result()[0].(*thirdparty.FullCollectibleDataContainer)
    _, err := o.processFullCollectibleData(ctx, assetContainer.Items, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return assetContainer, nil

func (o *Manager) FetchAllAssetsByOwner(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, owner common.Address, cursor string, limit int, providerID string) (*thirdparty.FullCollectibleDataContainer, error) {
    defer o.checkConnectionStatus(chainID)

    cmd := circuitbreaker.NewCommand(ctx, nil)
    for _, provider := range o.providers.AccountOwnershipProviders {
        if !provider.IsChainSupported(chainID) {
        if providerID != thirdparty.FetchFromAnyProvider && providerID != provider.ID() {

        provider := provider
        f := circuitbreaker.NewFunctor(
            func() ([]interface{}, error) {
                assetContainer, err := provider.FetchAllAssetsByOwner(ctx, chainID, owner, cursor, limit)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Error("FetchAllAssetsByOwner failed for", "provider", provider.ID(), "chainID", chainID, "err", err)
                return []interface{}{assetContainer}, err
            }, getCircuitName(provider, chainID),

    if cmd.IsEmpty() {
        return nil, ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID

    cmdRes := o.circuitBreaker.Execute(cmd)
    if cmdRes.Error() != nil {
        log.Error("FetchAllAssetsByOwner failed for", "chainID", chainID, "err", cmdRes.Error())
        return nil, cmdRes.Error()

    assetContainer := cmdRes.Result()[0].(*thirdparty.FullCollectibleDataContainer)
    _, err := o.processFullCollectibleData(ctx, assetContainer.Items, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return assetContainer, nil

func (o *Manager) FetchERC1155Balances(ctx context.Context, owner common.Address, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, contractAddress common.Address, tokenIDs []*bigint.BigInt) ([]*bigint.BigInt, error) {
    if len(tokenIDs) == 0 {
        return nil, nil

    backend, err := o.rpcClient.EthClient(uint64(chainID))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    caller, err := ierc1155.NewIerc1155Caller(contractAddress, backend)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    owners := make([]common.Address, len(tokenIDs))
    ids := make([]*big.Int, len(tokenIDs))
    for i, tokenID := range tokenIDs {
        owners[i] = owner
        ids[i] = tokenID.Int

    balances, err := caller.BalanceOfBatch(&bind.CallOpts{
        Context: ctx,
    }, owners, ids)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    bigIntBalances := make([]*bigint.BigInt, len(balances))
    for i, balance := range balances {
        bigIntBalances[i] = &bigint.BigInt{Int: balance}

    return bigIntBalances, err

func (o *Manager) fillMissingBalances(ctx context.Context, owner common.Address, collectibles []*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData) {
    collectiblesByChainIDAndContractAddress := thirdparty.GroupCollectiblesByChainIDAndContractAddress(collectibles)

    for chainID, collectiblesByContract := range collectiblesByChainIDAndContractAddress {
        for contractAddress, contractCollectibles := range collectiblesByContract {
            collectiblesToFetchPerTokenID := make(map[string]*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData)

            for _, collectible := range contractCollectibles {
                if collectible.AccountBalance == nil {
                    switch getContractType(*collectible) {
                    case walletCommon.ContractTypeERC1155:
                        collectiblesToFetchPerTokenID[collectible.CollectibleData.ID.TokenID.String()] = collectible
                        // Any other type of collectible is non-fungible, balance is 1
                        collectible.AccountBalance = &bigint.BigInt{Int: big.NewInt(1)}

            if len(collectiblesToFetchPerTokenID) == 0 {

            tokenIDs := make([]*bigint.BigInt, 0, len(collectiblesToFetchPerTokenID))
            for _, c := range collectiblesToFetchPerTokenID {
                tokenIDs = append(tokenIDs, c.CollectibleData.ID.TokenID)

            balances, err := o.FetchERC1155Balances(ctx, owner, chainID, contractAddress, tokenIDs)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("FetchERC1155Balances failed", "chainID", chainID, "contractAddress", contractAddress, "err", err)

            for i := range balances {
                collectible := collectiblesToFetchPerTokenID[tokenIDs[i].String()]
                collectible.AccountBalance = balances[i]

func (o *Manager) FetchCollectibleOwnershipByOwner(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, owner common.Address, cursor string, limit int, providerID string) (*thirdparty.CollectibleOwnershipContainer, error) {
    // We don't yet have an API that will return only Ownership data
    // Use the full Ownership + Metadata endpoint and use the data we need
    assetContainer, err := o.FetchAllAssetsByOwner(ctx, chainID, owner, cursor, limit, providerID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Some providers do not give us the balances for ERC1155 tokens, so we need to fetch them separately.
    collectibles := make([]*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData, 0, len(assetContainer.Items))
    for i := range assetContainer.Items {
        collectibles = append(collectibles, &assetContainer.Items[i])
    o.fillMissingBalances(ctx, owner, collectibles)

    ret := assetContainer.ToOwnershipContainer()

    return &ret, nil

// Returns collectible metadata for the given unique IDs.
// If asyncFetch is true, empty metadata will be returned for any missing collectibles and an EventCollectiblesDataUpdated will be sent when the data is ready.
// If asyncFetch is false, it will wait for all collectibles' metadata to be retrieved before returning.
func (o *Manager) FetchAssetsByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx context.Context, uniqueIDs []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, asyncFetch bool) ([]thirdparty.FullCollectibleData, error) {
    err := o.FetchMissingAssetsByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx, uniqueIDs, asyncFetch)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return o.getCacheFullCollectibleData(uniqueIDs)

func (o *Manager) FetchMissingAssetsByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx context.Context, uniqueIDs []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, asyncFetch bool) error {
    missingIDs, err := o.collectiblesDataDB.GetIDsNotInDB(uniqueIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    missingIDsPerChainID := thirdparty.GroupCollectibleUIDsByChainID(missingIDs)

    // Atomic group stores the error from the first failed command and stops other commands on error
    group := async.NewAtomicGroup(ctx)
    for chainID, idsToFetch := range missingIDsPerChainID {
        group.Add(func(ctx context.Context) error {
            defer o.checkConnectionStatus(chainID)

            fetchedAssets, err := o.fetchMissingAssetsForChainByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx, chainID, idsToFetch)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("FetchMissingAssetsByCollectibleUniqueID failed for", "chainID", chainID, "ids", idsToFetch, "err", err)
                return err

            updatedCollectibles, err := o.processFullCollectibleData(ctx, fetchedAssets, asyncFetch)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("processFullCollectibleData failed for", "chainID", chainID, "len(fetchedAssets)", len(fetchedAssets), "err", err)
                return err

            return nil

    if asyncFetch {
        return group.Error()

    return nil

func (o *Manager) fetchMissingAssetsForChainByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, idsToFetch []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) ([]thirdparty.FullCollectibleData, error) {
    cmd := circuitbreaker.NewCommand(ctx, nil)
    for _, provider := range o.providers.CollectibleDataProviders {
        if !provider.IsChainSupported(chainID) {

        provider := provider
        cmd.Add(circuitbreaker.NewFunctor(func() ([]any, error) {
            fetchedAssets, err := provider.FetchAssetsByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx, idsToFetch)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("fetchMissingAssetsForChainByCollectibleUniqueID failed for", "provider", provider.ID(), "chainID", chainID, "err", err)

            return []any{fetchedAssets}, err
        }, getCircuitName(provider, chainID)))

    if cmd.IsEmpty() {
        return nil, ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID // lets not stop the group if no providers are available for the chain

    cmdRes := o.circuitBreaker.Execute(cmd)
    if cmdRes.Error() != nil {
        log.Error("fetchMissingAssetsForChainByCollectibleUniqueID failed for", "chainID", chainID, "err", cmdRes.Error())
        return nil, cmdRes.Error()
    return cmdRes.Result()[0].([]thirdparty.FullCollectibleData), cmdRes.Error()

func (o *Manager) FetchCollectionsDataByContractID(ctx context.Context, ids []thirdparty.ContractID) ([]thirdparty.CollectionData, error) {
    missingIDs, err := o.collectionsDataDB.GetIDsNotInDB(ids)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    missingIDsPerChainID := thirdparty.GroupContractIDsByChainID(missingIDs)

    // Atomic group stores the error from the first failed command and stops other commands on error
    group := async.NewAtomicGroup(ctx)
    for chainID, idsToFetch := range missingIDsPerChainID {
        group.Add(func(ctx context.Context) error {
            defer o.checkConnectionStatus(chainID)

            cmd := circuitbreaker.NewCommand(ctx, nil)
            for _, provider := range o.providers.CollectionDataProviders {
                if !provider.IsChainSupported(chainID) {

                provider := provider
                cmd.Add(circuitbreaker.NewFunctor(func() ([]any, error) {
                    fetchedCollections, err := provider.FetchCollectionsDataByContractID(ctx, idsToFetch)
                    return []any{fetchedCollections}, err
                }, getCircuitName(provider, chainID)))

            if cmd.IsEmpty() {
                return nil

            cmdRes := o.circuitBreaker.Execute(cmd)
            if cmdRes.Error() != nil {
                log.Error("FetchCollectionsDataByContractID failed for", "chainID", chainID, "err", cmdRes.Error())
                return cmdRes.Error()

            fetchedCollections := cmdRes.Result()[0].([]thirdparty.CollectionData)
            err = o.processCollectionData(ctx, fetchedCollections)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            return err


    if group.Error() != nil {
        return nil, group.Error()

    data, err := o.collectionsDataDB.GetData(ids)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return mapToList(data), nil

func (o *Manager) GetCollectibleOwnership(id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) ([]thirdparty.AccountBalance, error) {
    return o.ownershipDB.GetOwnership(id)

func (o *Manager) FetchCollectibleOwnersByContractAddress(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, contractAddress common.Address) (*thirdparty.CollectibleContractOwnership, error) {
    defer o.checkConnectionStatus(chainID)

    cmd := circuitbreaker.NewCommand(ctx, nil)
    for _, provider := range o.providers.ContractOwnershipProviders {
        if !provider.IsChainSupported(chainID) {

        provider := provider
        cmd.Add(circuitbreaker.NewFunctor(func() ([]any, error) {
            res, err := provider.FetchCollectibleOwnersByContractAddress(ctx, chainID, contractAddress)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("FetchCollectibleOwnersByContractAddress failed for", "provider", provider.ID(), "chainID", chainID, "err", err)
            return []any{res}, err
        }, getCircuitName(provider, chainID)))

    if cmd.IsEmpty() {
        return nil, ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID

    cmdRes := o.circuitBreaker.Execute(cmd)
    if cmdRes.Error() != nil {
        log.Error("FetchCollectibleOwnersByContractAddress failed for", "chainID", chainID, "err", cmdRes.Error())
        return nil, cmdRes.Error()
    return cmdRes.Result()[0].(*thirdparty.CollectibleContractOwnership), cmdRes.Error()

func (o *Manager) fetchTokenURI(ctx context.Context, id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) (string, error) {
    if id.TokenID == nil {
        return "", errors.New("empty token ID")
    backend, err := o.rpcClient.EthClient(uint64(id.ContractID.ChainID))
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    caller, err := collectibles.NewCollectiblesCaller(id.ContractID.Address, backend)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    tokenURI, err := caller.TokenURI(&bind.CallOpts{
        Context: ctx,
    }, id.TokenID.Int)

    if err != nil {
        for _, errorPrefix := range noTokenURIErrorPrefixes {
            if strings.Contains(err.Error(), errorPrefix) {
                // Contract doesn't support "TokenURI" method
                return "", nil
        return "", err

    return tokenURI, err

func isMetadataEmpty(asset thirdparty.CollectibleData) bool {
    return asset.Description == "" &&
        asset.ImageURL == ""

// Processes collectible metadata obtained from a provider and ensures any missing data is fetched.
// If asyncFetch is true, community collectibles metadata will be fetched async and an EventCollectiblesDataUpdated will be sent when the data is ready.
// If asyncFetch is false, it will wait for all community collectibles' metadata to be retrieved before returning.
func (o *Manager) processFullCollectibleData(ctx context.Context, assets []thirdparty.FullCollectibleData, asyncFetch bool) ([]thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, error) {
    fullyFetchedAssets := make(map[string]*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData)
    communityCollectibles := make(map[string][]*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData)
    processedIDs := make([]thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, 0, len(assets))

    // Start with all assets, remove if any of the fetch steps fail
    for idx := range assets {
        asset := &assets[idx]
        id := asset.CollectibleData.ID
        fullyFetchedAssets[id.HashKey()] = asset

    // Detect community collectibles
    for _, asset := range fullyFetchedAssets {
        // Only check community ownership if metadata is empty
        if isMetadataEmpty(asset.CollectibleData) {
            // Get TokenURI if not given by provider
            err := o.fillTokenURI(ctx, asset)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("fillTokenURI failed", "err", err)
                delete(fullyFetchedAssets, asset.CollectibleData.ID.HashKey())

            // Get CommunityID if obtainable from TokenURI
            err = o.fillCommunityID(asset)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("fillCommunityID failed", "err", err)
                delete(fullyFetchedAssets, asset.CollectibleData.ID.HashKey())

            // Get metadata from community if community collectible
            communityID := asset.CollectibleData.CommunityID
            if communityID != "" {
                if _, ok := communityCollectibles[communityID]; !ok {
                    communityCollectibles[communityID] = make([]*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData, 0)
                communityCollectibles[communityID] = append(communityCollectibles[communityID], asset)

                // Community collectibles are handled separately, remove from list
                delete(fullyFetchedAssets, asset.CollectibleData.ID.HashKey())

    // Community collectibles are grouped by community ID
    for communityID, communityAssets := range communityCollectibles {
        if asyncFetch {
            o.fetchCommunityAssetsAsync(ctx, communityID, communityAssets)
        } else {
            err := o.fetchCommunityAssets(communityID, communityAssets)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("fetchCommunityAssets failed", "communityID", communityID, "err", err)
            for _, asset := range communityAssets {
                processedIDs = append(processedIDs, asset.CollectibleData.ID)

    for _, asset := range fullyFetchedAssets {
        err := o.fillAnimationMediatype(ctx, asset)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("fillAnimationMediatype failed", "err", err)
            delete(fullyFetchedAssets, asset.CollectibleData.ID.HashKey())

    // Save successfully fetched data to DB
    collectiblesData := make([]thirdparty.CollectibleData, 0, len(assets))
    collectionsData := make([]thirdparty.CollectionData, 0, len(assets))
    missingCollectionIDs := make([]thirdparty.ContractID, 0)

    for _, asset := range fullyFetchedAssets {
        id := asset.CollectibleData.ID
        processedIDs = append(processedIDs, id)

        collectiblesData = append(collectiblesData, asset.CollectibleData)
        if asset.CollectionData != nil {
            collectionsData = append(collectionsData, *asset.CollectionData)
        } else {
            missingCollectionIDs = append(missingCollectionIDs, id.ContractID)

    err := o.collectiblesDataDB.SetData(collectiblesData, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = o.collectionsDataDB.SetData(collectionsData, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if len(missingCollectionIDs) > 0 {
        // Calling this ensures collection data is fetched and cached (if not already available)
        _, err := o.FetchCollectionsDataByContractID(ctx, missingCollectionIDs)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return processedIDs, nil

func (o *Manager) fillTokenURI(ctx context.Context, asset *thirdparty.FullCollectibleData) error {
    id := asset.CollectibleData.ID

    tokenURI := asset.CollectibleData.TokenURI
    // Only need to fetch it from contract if it was empty
    if tokenURI == "" {
        tokenURI, err := o.fetchTokenURI(ctx, id)

        if err != nil {
            return err

        asset.CollectibleData.TokenURI = tokenURI
    return nil

func (o *Manager) fillCommunityID(asset *thirdparty.FullCollectibleData) error {
    tokenURI := asset.CollectibleData.TokenURI

    communityID := ""
    if tokenURI != "" {
        communityID = o.communityManager.GetCommunityID(tokenURI)

    asset.CollectibleData.CommunityID = communityID
    return nil

func (o *Manager) fetchCommunityAssets(communityID string, communityAssets []*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData) error {
    communityFound, err := o.communityManager.FillCollectiblesMetadata(communityID, communityAssets)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("FillCollectiblesMetadata failed", "communityID", communityID, "err", err)
    } else if !communityFound {
        log.Warn("fetchCommunityAssets community not found", "communityID", communityID)

    // If the community is found, we update the DB.
    // If the community is not found, we only insert new entries to the DB (don't replace what is already there).
    allowUpdate := communityFound

    collectiblesData := make([]thirdparty.CollectibleData, 0, len(communityAssets))
    collectionsData := make([]thirdparty.CollectionData, 0, len(communityAssets))

    for _, asset := range communityAssets {
        collectiblesData = append(collectiblesData, asset.CollectibleData)
        if asset.CollectionData != nil {
            collectionsData = append(collectionsData, *asset.CollectionData)

    err = o.collectiblesDataDB.SetData(collectiblesData, allowUpdate)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("collectiblesDataDB SetData failed", "communityID", communityID, "err", err)
        return err

    err = o.collectionsDataDB.SetData(collectionsData, allowUpdate)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("collectionsDataDB SetData failed", "communityID", communityID, "err", err)
        return err

    for _, asset := range communityAssets {
        if asset.CollectibleCommunityInfo != nil {
            err = o.collectiblesDataDB.SetCommunityInfo(asset.CollectibleData.ID, *asset.CollectibleCommunityInfo)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("collectiblesDataDB SetCommunityInfo failed", "communityID", communityID, "err", err)
                return err

    return nil

func (o *Manager) fetchCommunityAssetsAsync(_ context.Context, communityID string, communityAssets []*thirdparty.FullCollectibleData) {
    if len(communityAssets) == 0 {

    go func() {
        err := o.fetchCommunityAssets(communityID, communityAssets)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("fetchCommunityAssets failed", "communityID", communityID, "err", err)

        // Metadata is up to date in db at this point, fetch and send Event.
        ids := make([]thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, 0, len(communityAssets))
        for _, asset := range communityAssets {
            ids = append(ids, asset.CollectibleData.ID)

func (o *Manager) fillAnimationMediatype(ctx context.Context, asset *thirdparty.FullCollectibleData) error {
    if len(asset.CollectibleData.AnimationURL) > 0 {
        contentType, err := o.doContentTypeRequest(ctx, asset.CollectibleData.AnimationURL)
        if err != nil {
            asset.CollectibleData.AnimationURL = ""
        asset.CollectibleData.AnimationMediaType = contentType
    return nil

func (o *Manager) processCollectionData(_ context.Context, collections []thirdparty.CollectionData) error {
    return o.collectionsDataDB.SetData(collections, true)

func (o *Manager) getCacheFullCollectibleData(uniqueIDs []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) ([]thirdparty.FullCollectibleData, error) {
    ret := make([]thirdparty.FullCollectibleData, 0, len(uniqueIDs))

    collectiblesData, err := o.collectiblesDataDB.GetData(uniqueIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    contractIDs := make([]thirdparty.ContractID, 0, len(uniqueIDs))
    for _, id := range uniqueIDs {
        contractIDs = append(contractIDs, id.ContractID)

    collectionsData, err := o.collectionsDataDB.GetData(contractIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    for _, id := range uniqueIDs {
        collectibleData, ok := collectiblesData[id.HashKey()]
        if !ok {
            // Use empty data, set only ID
            collectibleData = thirdparty.CollectibleData{
                ID: id,
        if o.mediaServer != nil && len(collectibleData.ImagePayload) > 0 {
            collectibleData.ImageURL = o.mediaServer.MakeWalletCollectibleImagesURL(collectibleData.ID)

        collectionData, ok := collectionsData[id.ContractID.HashKey()]
        if !ok {
            // Use empty data, set only ID
            collectionData = thirdparty.CollectionData{
                ID: id.ContractID,
        if o.mediaServer != nil && len(collectionData.ImagePayload) > 0 {
            collectionData.ImageURL = o.mediaServer.MakeWalletCollectionImagesURL(collectionData.ID)

        communityInfo, _, err := o.communityManager.GetCommunityInfo(collectibleData.CommunityID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        collectibleCommunityInfo, err := o.collectiblesDataDB.GetCommunityInfo(id)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        ownership, err := o.ownershipDB.GetOwnership(id)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        fullData := thirdparty.FullCollectibleData{
            CollectibleData:          collectibleData,
            CollectionData:           &collectionData,
            CommunityInfo:            communityInfo,
            CollectibleCommunityInfo: collectibleCommunityInfo,
            Ownership:                ownership,
        ret = append(ret, fullData)

    return ret, nil

func (o *Manager) SetCollectibleTransferID(ownerAddress common.Address, id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, transferID common.Hash, notify bool) error {
    changed, err := o.ownershipDB.SetTransferID(ownerAddress, id, transferID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if changed && notify {
    return nil

// Reset connection status to trigger notifications
// on the next status update
func (o *Manager) ResetConnectionStatus() {
    o.statuses.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
        return true

func (o *Manager) checkConnectionStatus(chainID walletCommon.ChainID) {
    for _, provider := range o.providers.GetProviderList() {
        if provider.IsChainSupported(chainID) && provider.IsConnected() {
            if status, ok := o.statuses.Load(chainID.String()); ok {

    // If no chain in statuses, add it
    statusVal, ok := o.statuses.Load(chainID.String())
    if !ok {
        status := connection.NewStatus()
        o.statuses.Store(chainID.String(), status)
    } else {

func (o *Manager) signalUpdatedCollectiblesData(ids []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) {
    // We limit how much collectibles data we send in each event to avoid problems on the client side
    for startIdx := 0; startIdx < len(ids); startIdx += signalUpdatedCollectiblesDataPageSize {
        endIdx := startIdx + signalUpdatedCollectiblesDataPageSize
        if endIdx > len(ids) {
            endIdx = len(ids)
        pageIDs := ids[startIdx:endIdx]

        collectibles, err := o.getCacheFullCollectibleData(pageIDs)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Error getting FullCollectibleData from cache: %v", err)

        // Send update event with most complete data type available
        details := fullCollectiblesDataToDetails(collectibles)

        payload, err := json.Marshal(details)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Error marshaling response: %v", err)

        event := walletevent.Event{
            Type:    EventCollectiblesDataUpdated,
            Message: string(payload),


func (o *Manager) SearchCollectibles(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, text string, cursor string, limit int, providerID string) (*thirdparty.FullCollectibleDataContainer, error) {
    defer o.checkConnectionStatus(chainID)

    anyProviderAvailable := false
    for _, provider := range o.providers.SearchProviders {
        if !provider.IsChainSupported(chainID) {
        anyProviderAvailable = true
        if providerID != thirdparty.FetchFromAnyProvider && providerID != provider.ID() {

        // TODO (#13951): Be smarter about how we handle the user-entered string
        collections := []common.Address{}

        container, err := provider.SearchCollectibles(ctx, chainID, collections, text, cursor, limit)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("FetchAllAssetsByOwner failed for", "provider", provider.ID(), "chainID", chainID, "err", err)

        _, err = o.processFullCollectibleData(ctx, container.Items, true)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return container, nil

    if anyProviderAvailable {
        return nil, ErrAllProvidersFailedForChainID
    return nil, ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID

func (o *Manager) SearchCollections(ctx context.Context, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, query string, cursor string, limit int, providerID string) (*thirdparty.CollectionDataContainer, error) {
    defer o.checkConnectionStatus(chainID)

    anyProviderAvailable := false
    for _, provider := range o.providers.SearchProviders {
        if !provider.IsChainSupported(chainID) {
        anyProviderAvailable = true
        if providerID != thirdparty.FetchFromAnyProvider && providerID != provider.ID() {

        // TODO (#13951): Be smarter about how we handle the user-entered string
        container, err := provider.SearchCollections(ctx, chainID, query, cursor, limit)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("FetchAllAssetsByOwner failed for", "provider", provider.ID(), "chainID", chainID, "err", err)

        err = o.processCollectionData(ctx, container.Items)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return container, nil

    if anyProviderAvailable {
        return nil, ErrAllProvidersFailedForChainID
    return nil, ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID

func (o *Manager) FetchCollectionSocialsAsync(contractID thirdparty.ContractID) error {
    go func() {
        defer o.checkConnectionStatus(contractID.ChainID)

        socials, err := o.getOrFetchSocialsForCollection(context.Background(), contractID)
        if err != nil || socials == nil {
            log.Debug("FetchCollectionSocialsAsync failed for", "chainID", contractID.ChainID, "address", contractID.Address, "err", err)

        socialsMessage := CollectionSocialsMessage{
            ID:      contractID,
            Socials: socials,

        payload, err := json.Marshal(socialsMessage)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Error marshaling response: %v", err)

        event := walletevent.Event{
            Type:    EventGetCollectionSocialsDone,
            Message: string(payload),


    return nil

func (o *Manager) getOrFetchSocialsForCollection(_ context.Context, contractID thirdparty.ContractID) (*thirdparty.CollectionSocials, error) {
    socials, err := o.collectionsDataDB.GetSocialsForID(contractID)
    if err != nil {
        log.Debug("getOrFetchSocialsForCollection failed for", "chainID", contractID.ChainID, "address", contractID.Address, "err", err)
        return nil, err
    if socials == nil {
        return o.fetchSocialsForCollection(context.Background(), contractID)
    return socials, nil

func (o *Manager) fetchSocialsForCollection(ctx context.Context, contractID thirdparty.ContractID) (*thirdparty.CollectionSocials, error) {
    cmd := circuitbreaker.NewCommand(ctx, nil)
    for _, provider := range o.providers.CollectibleDataProviders {
        if !provider.IsChainSupported(contractID.ChainID) {

        provider := provider
        cmd.Add(circuitbreaker.NewFunctor(func() ([]interface{}, error) {
            socials, err := provider.FetchCollectionSocials(ctx, contractID)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("FetchCollectionSocials failed for", "provider", provider.ID(), "chainID", contractID.ChainID, "err", err)
            return []interface{}{socials}, err
        }, getCircuitName(provider, contractID.ChainID)))

    if cmd.IsEmpty() {
        return nil, ErrNoProvidersAvailableForChainID // lets not stop the group if no providers are available for the chain

    cmdRes := o.circuitBreaker.Execute(cmd)
    if cmdRes.Error() != nil {
        log.Error("fetchSocialsForCollection failed for", "chainID", contractID.ChainID, "err", cmdRes.Error())
        return nil, cmdRes.Error()

    socials := cmdRes.Result()[0].(*thirdparty.CollectionSocials)
    err := o.collectionsDataDB.SetCollectionSocialsData(contractID, socials)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Error saving socials to DB: %v", err)
        return nil, err

    return socials, cmdRes.Error()

func (o *Manager) updateStatusNotifier() {
    o.statusNotifier = createStatusNotifier(o.statuses, o.feed)

func initStatuses(ownershipDB *OwnershipDB) *sync.Map {
    statuses := &sync.Map{}
    for _, chainID := range walletCommon.AllChainIDs() {
        status := connection.NewStatus()
        state := status.GetState()
        latestUpdateTimestamp, err := ownershipDB.GetLatestOwnershipUpdateTimestamp(chainID)
        if err == nil {
            state.LastSuccessAt = latestUpdateTimestamp
        statuses.Store(chainID.String(), status)

    return statuses

func createStatusNotifier(statuses *sync.Map, feed *event.Feed) *connection.StatusNotifier {
    return connection.NewStatusNotifier(

// Different providers have API keys per chain or per testnet/mainnet.
// Proper implementation should respect that. For now, the safest solution is to use the provider ID and chain ID as the key.
func getCircuitName(provider thirdparty.CollectibleProvider, chainID walletCommon.ChainID) string {
    return provider.ID() + chainID.String()