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Test Coverage
package collectibles

import (



    walletCommon ""

// These events are used to notify the UI of state changes
const (
    EventCollectiblesOwnershipUpdateStarted           walletevent.EventType = "wallet-collectibles-ownership-update-started"
    EventCollectiblesOwnershipUpdatePartial           walletevent.EventType = "wallet-collectibles-ownership-update-partial"
    EventCollectiblesOwnershipUpdateFinished          walletevent.EventType = "wallet-collectibles-ownership-update-finished"
    EventCollectiblesOwnershipUpdateFinishedWithError walletevent.EventType = "wallet-collectibles-ownership-update-finished-with-error"
    EventCommunityCollectiblesReceived                walletevent.EventType = "wallet-collectibles-community-collectibles-received"
    EventCollectiblesDataUpdated                      walletevent.EventType = "wallet-collectibles-data-updated"

    EventOwnedCollectiblesFilteringDone walletevent.EventType = "wallet-owned-collectibles-filtering-done"
    EventGetCollectiblesDetailsDone     walletevent.EventType = "wallet-get-collectibles-details-done"
    EventGetCollectionSocialsDone       walletevent.EventType = "wallet-get-collection-socials-done"

type OwnershipUpdateMessage struct {
    Added   []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID `json:"added"`
    Updated []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID `json:"updated"`
    Removed []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID `json:"removed"`

type CollectionSocialsMessage struct {
    ID      thirdparty.ContractID         `json:"id"`
    Socials *thirdparty.CollectionSocials `json:"socials"`

type CollectibleDataType byte

const (
    CollectibleDataTypeUniqueID CollectibleDataType = iota

type FetchType byte

const (
    FetchTypeNeverFetch FetchType = iota

type TxHashData struct {
    Hash common.Hash
    TxID common.Hash

type FetchCriteria struct {
    FetchType          FetchType `json:"fetch_type"`
    MaxCacheAgeSeconds int64     `json:"max_cache_age_seconds"`

var (
    filterOwnedCollectiblesTask = async.TaskType{
        ID:     1,
        Policy: async.ReplacementPolicyCancelOld,
    getCollectiblesDataTask = async.TaskType{
        ID:     2,
        Policy: async.ReplacementPolicyCancelOld,

type Service struct {
    manager          *Manager
    controller       *Controller
    db               *sql.DB
    ownershipDB      *OwnershipDB
    transferDB       *transfer.Database
    communityManager *community.Manager
    walletFeed       *event.Feed
    scheduler        *async.MultiClientScheduler
    group            *async.Group

func NewService(
    db *sql.DB,
    walletFeed *event.Feed,
    accountsDB *accounts.Database,
    accountsFeed *event.Feed,
    settingsFeed *event.Feed,
    communityManager *community.Manager,
    networkManager *network.Manager,
    manager *Manager) *Service {
    s := &Service{
        manager:          manager,
        controller:       NewController(db, walletFeed, accountsDB, accountsFeed, settingsFeed, networkManager, manager),
        db:               db,
        ownershipDB:      NewOwnershipDB(db),
        transferDB:       transfer.NewDB(db),
        communityManager: communityManager,
        walletFeed:       walletFeed,
        scheduler:        async.NewMultiClientScheduler(),
        group:            async.NewGroup(context.Background()),
    return s

type ErrorCode = int

const (
    ErrorCodeSuccess ErrorCode = iota + 1

type OwnershipStatus struct {
    State     OwnershipState `json:"state"`
    Timestamp int64          `json:"timestamp"`

type OwnershipStatusPerChainID = map[walletCommon.ChainID]OwnershipStatus
type OwnershipStatusPerAddressAndChainID = map[common.Address]OwnershipStatusPerChainID

type GetOwnedCollectiblesResponse struct {
    Collectibles []Collectible `json:"collectibles"`
    Offset       int           `json:"offset"`
    // Used to indicate that there might be more collectibles that were not returned
    // based on a simple heuristic
    HasMore         bool                                `json:"hasMore"`
    OwnershipStatus OwnershipStatusPerAddressAndChainID `json:"ownershipStatus"`
    ErrorCode       ErrorCode                           `json:"errorCode"`

type GetCollectiblesByUniqueIDResponse struct {
    Collectibles []Collectible `json:"collectibles"`
    ErrorCode    ErrorCode     `json:"errorCode"`

type GetOwnedCollectiblesReturnType struct {
    collectibles    []Collectible
    hasMore         bool
    ownershipStatus OwnershipStatusPerAddressAndChainID

type GetCollectiblesByUniqueIDReturnType struct {
    collectibles []Collectible

func (s *Service) GetOwnedCollectibles(
    ctx context.Context,
    chainIDs []walletCommon.ChainID,
    addresses []common.Address,
    filter Filter,
    offset int,
    limit int,
    dataType CollectibleDataType,
    fetchCriteria FetchCriteria) (*GetOwnedCollectiblesReturnType, error) {
    err := s.fetchOwnedCollectiblesIfNeeded(ctx, chainIDs, addresses, fetchCriteria)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    ids, hasMore, err := s.FilterOwnedCollectibles(chainIDs, addresses, filter, offset, limit)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    collectibles, err := s.collectibleIDsToDataType(ctx, ids, dataType)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    ownershipStatus, err := s.GetOwnershipStatus(chainIDs, addresses)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &GetOwnedCollectiblesReturnType{
        collectibles:    collectibles,
        hasMore:         hasMore,
        ownershipStatus: ownershipStatus,
    }, err

func (s *Service) needsToFetch(chainID walletCommon.ChainID, address common.Address, fetchCriteria FetchCriteria) (bool, error) {
    mustFetch := false
    switch fetchCriteria.FetchType {
    case FetchTypeAlwaysFetch:
        mustFetch = true
    case FetchTypeNeverFetch:
        mustFetch = false
    case FetchTypeFetchIfNotCached, FetchTypeFetchIfCacheOld:
        timestamp, err := s.ownershipDB.GetOwnershipUpdateTimestamp(address, chainID)
        if err != nil {
            return false, err
        if timestamp == InvalidTimestamp ||
            (fetchCriteria.FetchType == FetchTypeFetchIfCacheOld && timestamp+fetchCriteria.MaxCacheAgeSeconds < time.Now().Unix()) {
            mustFetch = true
    return mustFetch, nil

func (s *Service) fetchOwnedCollectiblesIfNeeded(ctx context.Context, chainIDs []walletCommon.ChainID, addresses []common.Address, fetchCriteria FetchCriteria) error {
    if fetchCriteria.FetchType == FetchTypeNeverFetch {
        return nil

    group := async.NewGroup(ctx)
    for _, address := range addresses {
        for _, chainID := range chainIDs {
            mustFetch, err := s.needsToFetch(chainID, address, fetchCriteria)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if mustFetch {
                command := newLoadOwnedCollectiblesCommand(s.manager, s.ownershipDB, s.walletFeed, chainID, address, nil)
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()
    case <-group.WaitAsync():
        return nil

// GetOwnedCollectiblesAsync allows only one filter task to run at a time
// and it cancels the current one if a new one is started
// All calls will trigger an EventOwnedCollectiblesFilteringDone event with the result of the filtering
func (s *Service) GetOwnedCollectiblesAsync(
    requestID int32,
    chainIDs []walletCommon.ChainID,
    addresses []common.Address,
    filter Filter,
    offset int,
    limit int,
    dataType CollectibleDataType,
    fetchCriteria FetchCriteria) {
    s.scheduler.Enqueue(requestID, filterOwnedCollectiblesTask, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
        return s.GetOwnedCollectibles(ctx, chainIDs, addresses, filter, offset, limit, dataType, fetchCriteria)
    }, func(result interface{}, taskType async.TaskType, err error) {
        res := GetOwnedCollectiblesResponse{
            ErrorCode: ErrorCodeFailed,

        if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) || errors.Is(err, async.ErrTaskOverwritten) {
            res.ErrorCode = ErrorCodeTaskCanceled
        } else if err == nil {
            fnRet := result.(*GetOwnedCollectiblesReturnType)

            if err == nil {
                res.Collectibles = fnRet.collectibles
                res.Offset = offset
                res.HasMore = fnRet.hasMore
                res.OwnershipStatus = fnRet.ownershipStatus
                res.ErrorCode = ErrorCodeSuccess

        s.sendResponseEvent(&requestID, EventOwnedCollectiblesFilteringDone, res, err)

func (s *Service) GetCollectiblesByUniqueID(
    ctx context.Context,
    uniqueIDs []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID,
    dataType CollectibleDataType) (*GetCollectiblesByUniqueIDReturnType, error) {
    collectibles, err := s.collectibleIDsToDataType(ctx, uniqueIDs, dataType)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &GetCollectiblesByUniqueIDReturnType{
        collectibles: collectibles,
    }, err

func (s *Service) GetCollectiblesByUniqueIDAsync(
    requestID int32,
    uniqueIDs []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID,
    dataType CollectibleDataType) {
    s.scheduler.Enqueue(requestID, getCollectiblesDataTask, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
        return s.GetCollectiblesByUniqueID(ctx, uniqueIDs, dataType)
    }, func(result interface{}, taskType async.TaskType, err error) {
        res := GetCollectiblesByUniqueIDResponse{
            ErrorCode: ErrorCodeFailed,

        if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) || errors.Is(err, async.ErrTaskOverwritten) {
            res.ErrorCode = ErrorCodeTaskCanceled
        } else if err == nil {
            fnRet := result.(*GetCollectiblesByUniqueIDReturnType)

            if err == nil {
                res.Collectibles = fnRet.collectibles
                res.ErrorCode = ErrorCodeSuccess

        s.sendResponseEvent(&requestID, EventGetCollectiblesDetailsDone, res, err)

func (s *Service) RefetchOwnedCollectibles() {

func (s *Service) Start() {

func (s *Service) Stop() {


func (s *Service) sendResponseEvent(requestID *int32, eventType walletevent.EventType, payloadObj interface{}, resErr error) {
    payload, err := json.Marshal(payloadObj)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Error marshaling response: %v; result error: %w", err, resErr)
    } else {
        err = resErr

    log.Debug("wallet.api.collectibles.Service RESPONSE", "requestID", requestID, "eventType", eventType, "error", err, "payload.len", len(payload))

    event := walletevent.Event{
        Type:    eventType,
        Message: string(payload),

    if requestID != nil {
        event.RequestID = new(int)
        *event.RequestID = int(*requestID)


func (s *Service) FilterOwnedCollectibles(chainIDs []walletCommon.ChainID, owners []common.Address, filter Filter, offset int, limit int) ([]thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, bool, error) {
    ctx := context.Background()
    // Request one more than limit, to check if DB has more available
    ids, err := filterOwnedCollectibles(ctx, s.db, chainIDs, owners, filter, offset, limit+1)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, false, err

    hasMore := len(ids) > limit
    if hasMore {
        ids = ids[:limit]

    return ids, hasMore, nil

func (s *Service) GetOwnedCollectible(chainID walletCommon.ChainID, owner common.Address, contractAddress common.Address, tokenID *big.Int) (*thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, error) {
    return s.ownershipDB.GetOwnedCollectible(chainID, owner, contractAddress, tokenID)

func (s *Service) GetOwnershipStatus(chainIDs []walletCommon.ChainID, owners []common.Address) (OwnershipStatusPerAddressAndChainID, error) {
    ret := make(OwnershipStatusPerAddressAndChainID)
    for _, address := range owners {
        ret[address] = make(OwnershipStatusPerChainID)
        for _, chainID := range chainIDs {
            timestamp, err := s.ownershipDB.GetOwnershipUpdateTimestamp(address, chainID)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            ret[address][chainID] = OwnershipStatus{
                State:     s.controller.GetCommandState(chainID, address),
                Timestamp: timestamp,

    return ret, nil

func (s *Service) collectibleIDsToDataType(ctx context.Context, ids []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, dataType CollectibleDataType) ([]Collectible, error) {
    switch dataType {
    case CollectibleDataTypeUniqueID:
        return idsToCollectibles(ids), nil
    case CollectibleDataTypeHeader, CollectibleDataTypeDetails, CollectibleDataTypeCommunityHeader:
        collectibles, err := s.manager.FetchAssetsByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx, ids, true)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        switch dataType {
        case CollectibleDataTypeHeader:
            return fullCollectiblesDataToHeaders(collectibles), nil
        case CollectibleDataTypeDetails:
            return fullCollectiblesDataToDetails(collectibles), nil
        case CollectibleDataTypeCommunityHeader:
            return fullCollectiblesDataToCommunityHeader(collectibles), nil
    return nil, errors.New("unknown data type")

func (s *Service) onOwnedCollectiblesChange(ownedCollectiblesChange OwnedCollectiblesChange) {
    // Try to find a matching transfer for newly added/updated collectibles
    switch ownedCollectiblesChange.changeType {
    case OwnedCollectiblesChangeTypeAdded, OwnedCollectiblesChangeTypeUpdated:
        // For recently added/updated collectibles, try to find a matching transfer
        hashMap := s.lookupTransferForCollectibles(ownedCollectiblesChange.ownedCollectibles)
        s.notifyCommunityCollectiblesReceived(ownedCollectiblesChange.ownedCollectibles, hashMap)

func (s *Service) onCollectiblesTransfer(account common.Address, chainID walletCommon.ChainID, transfers []transfer.Transfer) {
    for _, transfer := range transfers {
        // If Collectible is already in the DB, update transfer ID with the latest detected transfer
        id := thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID{
            ContractID: thirdparty.ContractID{
                ChainID: chainID,
                Address: transfer.Log.Address,
            TokenID: &bigint.BigInt{Int: transfer.TokenID},
        err := s.manager.SetCollectibleTransferID(account, id, transfer.ID, true)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Error setting transfer ID for collectible", "error", err)

func (s *Service) lookupTransferForCollectibles(ownedCollectibles OwnedCollectibles) map[thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID]TxHashData {
    // There are some limitations to this approach:
    // - Collectibles ownership and transfers are not in sync and might represent the state at different moments.
    // - We have no way of knowing if the latest collectible transfer we've detected is actually the latest one, so the timestamp we
    // use might be older than the real one.
    // - There might be detected transfers that are temporarily not reflected in the collectibles ownership.
    // - For ERC721 tokens we should only look for incoming transfers. For ERC1155 tokens we should look for both incoming and outgoing transfers.
    // We need to get the contract standard for each collectible to know which approach to take.

    result := make(map[thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID]TxHashData)

    for _, id := range ownedCollectibles.ids {
        transfer, err := s.transferDB.GetLatestCollectibleTransfer(ownedCollectibles.account, id)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Error fetching latest collectible transfer", "error", err)
        if transfer != nil {
            result[id] = TxHashData{
                Hash: transfer.Transaction.Hash(),
                TxID: transfer.ID,
            err = s.manager.SetCollectibleTransferID(ownedCollectibles.account, id, transfer.ID, false)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Error setting transfer ID for collectible", "error", err)
    return result

func (s *Service) notifyCommunityCollectiblesReceived(ownedCollectibles OwnedCollectibles, hashMap map[thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID]TxHashData) {
    ctx := context.Background()

    firstCollectibles, err := s.ownershipDB.GetIsFirstOfCollection(ownedCollectibles.account, ownedCollectibles.ids)
    if err != nil {

    collectiblesData, err := s.manager.FetchAssetsByCollectibleUniqueID(ctx, ownedCollectibles.ids, false)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Error fetching collectibles data", "error", err)

    communityCollectibles := fullCollectiblesDataToCommunityHeader(collectiblesData)

    if len(communityCollectibles) == 0 {

    type CollectibleGroup struct {
        contractID thirdparty.ContractID
        txHash     string

    groups := make(map[CollectibleGroup]Collectible)
    for _, localCollectible := range communityCollectibles {
        // to satisfy gosec: C601 checks
        collectible := localCollectible
        txHash := ""
        for key, value := range hashMap {
            if key.Same(&collectible.ID) {
                collectible.LatestTxHash = value.TxID.Hex()
                txHash = value.Hash.Hex()

        for id, value := range firstCollectibles {
            if value && id.Same(&collectible.ID) {
                collectible.IsFirst = true

        group := CollectibleGroup{
            contractID: collectible.ID.ContractID,
            txHash:     txHash,
        _, ok := groups[group]
        if !ok {
            collectible.ReceivedAmount = float64(0)
        collectible.ReceivedAmount = collectible.ReceivedAmount + 1
        groups[group] = collectible

    groupedCommunityCollectibles := make([]Collectible, 0, len(groups))
    for _, collectible := range groups {
        groupedCommunityCollectibles = append(groupedCommunityCollectibles, collectible)

    encodedMessage, err := json.Marshal(groupedCommunityCollectibles)
    if err != nil {

        Type:    EventCommunityCollectiblesReceived,
        ChainID: uint64(ownedCollectibles.chainID),
        Accounts: []common.Address{
        Message: string(encodedMessage),