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45 mins
Test Coverage
package history

import (


    statustypes ""
    statusrpc ""


const minPointsForGraph = 14 // for minimal time frame - 7 days, twice a day

// EventBalanceHistoryUpdateStarted and EventBalanceHistoryUpdateDone are used to notify the UI that balance history is being updated
const (
    EventBalanceHistoryUpdateStarted           walletevent.EventType = "wallet-balance-history-update-started"
    EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinished          walletevent.EventType = "wallet-balance-history-update-finished"
    EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinishedWithError walletevent.EventType = "wallet-balance-history-update-finished-with-error"

type ValuePoint struct {
    Value     float64 `json:"value"`
    Timestamp uint64  `json:"time"`

type Service struct {
    balance         *Balance
    db              *sql.DB
    accountsDB      *accounts.Database
    accountFeed     *event.Feed
    eventFeed       *event.Feed
    rpcClient       *statusrpc.Client
    networkManager  *network.Manager
    tokenManager    *token.Manager
    serviceContext  context.Context
    cancelFn        context.CancelFunc
    transferWatcher *Watcher
    accWatcher      *accountsevent.Watcher
    exchange        *Exchange
    balanceCache    balance.CacheIface

func NewService(db *sql.DB, accountsDB *accounts.Database, accountFeed *event.Feed, eventFeed *event.Feed, rpcClient *statusrpc.Client, tokenManager *token.Manager, marketManager *market.Manager, balanceCache balance.CacheIface) *Service {
    return &Service{
        balance:        NewBalance(NewBalanceDB(db)),
        db:             db,
        accountsDB:     accountsDB,
        accountFeed:    accountFeed,
        eventFeed:      eventFeed,
        rpcClient:      rpcClient,
        networkManager: rpcClient.NetworkManager,
        tokenManager:   tokenManager,
        exchange:       NewExchange(marketManager),
        balanceCache:   balanceCache,

func (s *Service) Stop() {
    if s.cancelFn != nil {


func (s *Service) triggerEvent(eventType walletevent.EventType, account statustypes.Address, message string) {
        Type: eventType,
        Accounts: []common.Address{
        Message: message,

func (s *Service) Start() {
    log.Debug("Starting balance history service")


    go func() {
        s.serviceContext, s.cancelFn = context.WithCancel(context.Background())

        err := s.updateBalanceHistory(s.serviceContext)
        if s.serviceContext.Err() != nil {
            s.triggerEvent(EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinished, statustypes.Address{}, "Service canceled")
        if err != nil {
            s.triggerEvent(EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinishedWithError, statustypes.Address{}, err.Error())

func (s *Service) mergeChainsBalances(chainIDs []uint64, addresses []common.Address, tokenSymbol string, fromTimestamp uint64, data map[uint64][]*entry) ([]*DataPoint, error) {
    log.Debug("Merging balances", "address", addresses, "tokenSymbol", tokenSymbol, "fromTimestamp", fromTimestamp, "len(data)", len(data))

    toTimestamp := uint64(time.Now().UTC().Unix())
    allData := make([]*entry, 0)

    // Add edge points per chain
    // Iterate over chainIDs param, not data keys, because data may not contain all the chains, but we need edge points for all of them
    for _, chainID := range chainIDs {
        // edge points are needed to properly calculate total balance, as they contain the balance for the first and last timestamp
        chainData, err := s.balance.addEdgePoints(chainID, tokenSymbol, addresses, fromTimestamp, toTimestamp, data[chainID])
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        allData = append(allData, chainData...)

    // Sort by timestamp
    sort.Slice(allData, func(i, j int) bool {
        return allData[i].timestamp < allData[j].timestamp

    log.Debug("Sorted balances", "len", len(allData))
    for _, entry := range allData {
        log.Debug("Sorted balances", "entry", entry)

    // Add padding points to make chart look nice
    if len(allData) < minPointsForGraph {
        allData, _ = addPaddingPoints(tokenSymbol, addresses, toTimestamp, allData, minPointsForGraph)

    return entriesToDataPoints(allData)

// Expects sorted data
func entriesToDataPoints(data []*entry) ([]*DataPoint, error) {
    var resSlice []*DataPoint
    var groupedEntries []*entry // Entries with the same timestamp

    type AddressKey struct {
        Address common.Address
        ChainID uint64

    sumBalances := func(balanceMap map[AddressKey]*big.Int) *big.Int {
        // Sum balances of all accounts and chains in current timestamp
        sum := big.NewInt(0)
        for _, balance := range balanceMap {
            sum.Add(sum, balance)
        return sum

    updateBalanceMap := func(balanceMap map[AddressKey]*big.Int, entries []*entry) map[AddressKey]*big.Int {
        // Update balance map for this timestamp
        for _, entry := range entries {
            if entry.chainID == 0 {
            key := AddressKey{
                Address: entry.address,
                ChainID: entry.chainID,
            balanceMap[key] = entry.balance
        return balanceMap

    // Balance map always contains current balance for each address in specific timestamp
    // It is required to sum up balances from previous timestamp from accounts not present in current timestamp
    balanceMap := make(map[AddressKey]*big.Int)

    for _, entry := range data {
        if len(groupedEntries) > 0 {
            if entry.timestamp == groupedEntries[0].timestamp {
                groupedEntries = append(groupedEntries, entry)
            } else {
                // Split grouped entries into addresses
                balanceMap = updateBalanceMap(balanceMap, groupedEntries)
                // Calculate balance for all the addresses
                cumulativeBalance := sumBalances(balanceMap)
                // Points in slice contain balances for all chains
                resSlice = appendPointToSlice(resSlice, &DataPoint{
                    Timestamp: uint64(groupedEntries[0].timestamp),
                    Balance:   (*hexutil.Big)(cumulativeBalance),

                // Reset grouped entries
                groupedEntries = nil
                groupedEntries = append(groupedEntries, entry)
        } else {
            groupedEntries = append(groupedEntries, entry)

    // If only edge points are present, groupedEntries will be non-empty
    if len(groupedEntries) > 0 {
        // Split grouped entries into addresses
        balanceMap = updateBalanceMap(balanceMap, groupedEntries)
        // Calculate balance for all the addresses
        cumulativeBalance := sumBalances(balanceMap)
        resSlice = appendPointToSlice(resSlice, &DataPoint{
            Timestamp: uint64(groupedEntries[0].timestamp),
            Balance:   (*hexutil.Big)(cumulativeBalance),

    return resSlice, nil

func appendPointToSlice(slice []*DataPoint, point *DataPoint) []*DataPoint {
    // Replace the last point in slice if it has the same timestamp or add a new one if different
    if len(slice) > 0 {
        if slice[len(slice)-1].Timestamp != point.Timestamp {
            // Timestamps are different, appending to slice
            slice = append(slice, point)
        } else {
            // Replace last item in slice because timestamps are the same
            slice[len(slice)-1] = point
    } else {
        slice = append(slice, point)

    return slice

// GetBalanceHistory returns token count balance
func (s *Service) GetBalanceHistory(ctx context.Context, chainIDs []uint64, addresses []common.Address, tokenSymbol string, currencySymbol string, fromTimestamp uint64) ([]*ValuePoint, error) {
    log.Debug("GetBalanceHistory", "chainIDs", chainIDs, "address", addresses, "tokenSymbol", tokenSymbol, "currencySymbol", currencySymbol, "fromTimestamp", fromTimestamp)

    chainDataMap := make(map[uint64][]*entry)
    for _, chainID := range chainIDs {
        chainData, err := s.balance.get(ctx, chainID, tokenSymbol, addresses, fromTimestamp) // TODO Make chainID a slice?
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if len(chainData) == 0 {

        chainDataMap[chainID] = chainData

    // Need to get balance for all the chains for the first timestamp, otherwise total values will be incorrect
    data, err := s.mergeChainsBalances(chainIDs, addresses, tokenSymbol, fromTimestamp, chainDataMap)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    } else if len(data) == 0 {
        return make([]*ValuePoint, 0), nil

    return s.dataPointsToValuePoints(chainIDs, tokenSymbol, currencySymbol, data)

func (s *Service) dataPointsToValuePoints(chainIDs []uint64, tokenSymbol string, currencySymbol string, data []*DataPoint) ([]*ValuePoint, error) {
    if len(data) == 0 {
        return make([]*ValuePoint, 0), nil

    // Check if historical exchange rate for data point is present and fetch remaining if not
    lastDayTime := time.Unix(int64(data[len(data)-1].Timestamp), 0).UTC()
    currentTime := time.Now().UTC()
    currentDayStart := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
    if lastDayTime.After(currentDayStart) {
        // No chance to have today, use the previous day value for the last data point
        lastDayTime = lastDayTime.AddDate(0, 0, -1)

    lastDayValue, err :=, currencySymbol, lastDayTime)
    if err != nil {
        err :=, currencySymbol)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Error fetching exchange rates", "tokenSymbol", tokenSymbol, "currencySymbol", currencySymbol, "err", err)
            return nil, err

        lastDayValue, err =, currencySymbol, lastDayTime)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Exchange rate missing for", "tokenSymbol", tokenSymbol, "currencySymbol", currencySymbol, "lastDayTime", lastDayTime, "err", err)
            return nil, err

    decimals, err := s.decimalsForToken(tokenSymbol, chainIDs[0])
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    weisInOneMain := big.NewFloat(math.Pow(10, float64(decimals)))

    var res []*ValuePoint
    for _, d := range data {
        var dayValue float32
        dayTime := time.Unix(int64(d.Timestamp), 0).UTC()
        if dayTime.After(currentDayStart) {
            // No chance to have today, use the previous day value for the last data point
            if lastDayValue > 0 {
                dayValue = lastDayValue
            } else {
                log.Warn("Exchange rate missing for", "dayTime", dayTime, "err", err)
        } else {
            dayValue, err =, currencySymbol, dayTime)
            if err != nil {
                log.Warn("Exchange rate missing for", "dayTime", dayTime, "err", err)

        // The big.Int values are discarded, hence copy the original values
        res = append(res, &ValuePoint{
            Timestamp: d.Timestamp,
            Value:     tokenToValue((*big.Int)(d.Balance), dayValue, weisInOneMain),

    return res, nil

func (s *Service) decimalsForToken(tokenSymbol string, chainID uint64) (int, error) {
    network := s.networkManager.Find(chainID)
    if network == nil {
        return 0, errors.New("network not found")
    token := s.tokenManager.FindToken(network, tokenSymbol)
    if token == nil {
        return 0, errors.New("token not found")
    return int(token.Decimals), nil

func tokenToValue(tokenCount *big.Int, mainDenominationValue float32, weisInOneMain *big.Float) float64 {
    weis := new(big.Float).SetInt(tokenCount)
    mainTokens := new(big.Float).Quo(weis, weisInOneMain)
    mainTokenValue := new(big.Float).SetFloat64(float64(mainDenominationValue))
    res, accuracy := new(big.Float).Mul(mainTokens, mainTokenValue).Float64()
    if res == 0 && accuracy == big.Below {
        return math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64
    } else if res == math.Inf(1) && accuracy == big.Above {
        return math.Inf(1)

    return res

// updateBalanceHistory iterates over all networks depending on test/prod for the s.visibleTokenSymbol
// and updates the balance history for the given address
// expects ctx to have cancellation support and processing to be cancelled by the caller
func (s *Service) updateBalanceHistory(ctx context.Context) error {
    log.Debug("updateBalanceHistory started")

    addresses, err := s.accountsDB.GetWalletAddresses()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    areTestNetworksEnabled, err := s.accountsDB.GetTestNetworksEnabled()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    onlyEnabledNetworks := false
    networks, err := s.networkManager.Get(onlyEnabledNetworks)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, address := range addresses {
        s.triggerEvent(EventBalanceHistoryUpdateStarted, address, "")

        for _, network := range networks {
            if network.IsTest != areTestNetworksEnabled {

            entries, err := s.balance.db.getEntriesWithoutBalances(network.ChainID, common.Address(address))
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Error getting blocks without balances", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)
                return err

            log.Debug("Blocks without balances", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "entries", entries)

            client, err := s.rpcClient.EthClient(network.ChainID)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Error getting client", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)
                return err

            err = s.addEntriesToDB(ctx, client, network, address, entries)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        s.triggerEvent(EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinished, address, "")

    log.Debug("updateBalanceHistory finished")
    return nil

func (s *Service) addEntriesToDB(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, network *params.Network, address statustypes.Address, entries []*entry) (err error) {
    for _, entry := range entries {
        var balance *big.Int
        // tokenAddess is zero for native currency
        if (entry.tokenAddress == common.Address{}) {
            // Check in cache
            balance = s.balanceCache.GetBalance(common.Address(address), network.ChainID, entry.block)
            log.Debug("Balance from cache", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "block", entry.block, "balance", balance)

            if balance == nil {
                balance, err = client.BalanceAt(ctx, common.Address(address), entry.block)
                if balance == nil {
                    log.Error("Error getting balance", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err, "unwrapped", errors.Unwrap(err))
                    return err
                time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) // TODO Remove this sleep after fixing exceeding rate limit
            entry.tokenSymbol = network.NativeCurrencySymbol
        } else {
            // Check token first if it is supported
            token := s.tokenManager.FindTokenByAddress(network.ChainID, entry.tokenAddress)
            if token == nil {
                log.Warn("Token not found", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "tokenAddress", entry.tokenAddress.String())
                // TODO Add "supported=false" flag to such tokens to avoid checking them again and again
                continue // Skip token that we don't have symbol for. For example we don't have tokens in store for goerli optimism
            } else {
                entry.tokenSymbol = token.Symbol

            // Check balance for token
            balance, err = s.tokenManager.GetTokenBalanceAt(ctx, client, common.Address(address), entry.tokenAddress, entry.block)
            log.Debug("Balance from token manager", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "block", entry.block, "balance", balance)

            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Error getting token balance", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "tokenAddress", entry.tokenAddress.String(), "err", err)
                return err

        entry.balance = balance
        err = s.balance.db.add(entry)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Error adding balance", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)
            return err

    return nil

func (s *Service) startTransfersWatcher() {
    if s.transferWatcher != nil {

    transferLoadedCb := func(chainID uint64, addresses []common.Address, block *big.Int) {
        log.Debug("Balance history watcher: transfer loaded:", "chainID", chainID, "addresses", addresses, "block", block.Uint64())

        client, err := s.rpcClient.EthClient(chainID)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Error getting client", "chainID", chainID, "err", err)

        network := s.networkManager.Find(chainID)
        if network == nil {
            log.Error("Network not found", "chainID", chainID)

        transferDB := transfer.NewDB(s.db)

        for _, address := range addresses {
            transfers, err := transferDB.GetTransfersByAddressAndBlock(chainID, address, block, 1500) // 1500 is quite arbitrary and far from real, but should be enough to cover all transfers in a block
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Error getting transfers", "chainID", chainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)

            if len(transfers) == 0 {
                log.Debug("No transfers found", "chainID", chainID, "address", address.String(), "block", block.Uint64())

            entries := transfersToEntries(address, block, transfers) // TODO Remove address and block after testing that they match
            unique := removeDuplicates(entries)
            log.Debug("Entries after filtering", "entries", entries, "unique", unique)

            err = s.addEntriesToDB(s.serviceContext, client, network, statustypes.Address(address), unique)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Error adding entries to DB", "chainID", chainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)

            // No event triggering here, because noone cares about balance history updates yet

    s.transferWatcher = NewWatcher(s.eventFeed, transferLoadedCb)

func removeDuplicates(entries []*entry) []*entry {
    unique := make([]*entry, 0, len(entries))
    for _, entry := range entries {
        found := false
        for _, u := range unique {
            if reflect.DeepEqual(entry, u) {
                found = true
        if !found {
            unique = append(unique, entry)

    return unique

func transfersToEntries(address common.Address, block *big.Int, transfers []transfer.Transfer) []*entry {
    entries := make([]*entry, 0)

    for _, transfer := range transfers {
        if transfer.Address != address {
            panic("Address mismatch") // coding error

        if transfer.BlockNumber.Cmp(block) != 0 {
            panic("Block number mismatch") // coding error
        entry := &entry{
            chainID:      transfer.NetworkID,
            address:      transfer.Address,
            tokenAddress: transfer.Receipt.ContractAddress,
            block:        transfer.BlockNumber,
            timestamp:    (int64)(transfer.Timestamp),

        entries = append(entries, entry)

    return entries

func (s *Service) stopTransfersWatcher() {
    if s.transferWatcher != nil {
        s.transferWatcher = nil

func (s *Service) startAccountWatcher() {
    if s.accWatcher == nil {
        s.accWatcher = accountsevent.NewWatcher(s.accountsDB, s.accountFeed, func(changedAddresses []common.Address, eventType accountsevent.EventType, currentAddresses []common.Address) {
            s.onAccountsChanged(changedAddresses, eventType, currentAddresses)

func (s *Service) stopAccountWatcher() {
    if s.accWatcher != nil {
        s.accWatcher = nil

func (s *Service) onAccountsChanged(changedAddresses []common.Address, eventType accountsevent.EventType, currentAddresses []common.Address) {
    if eventType == accountsevent.EventTypeRemoved {
        for _, address := range changedAddresses {
            err := s.balance.db.removeBalanceHistory(address)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Error removing balance history", "address", address, "err", err)