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syntax = "proto3";
package cbridge;

option go_package = "../cbridge";

// ========== x/cbridge kv value types
// for src transfer id
// normal status flow: after sgn applied user's Send event, status is OK_TO_RELAY. then after apply Relay event
// status is SUCCESS
// can't relay flow: after apply send, status will be BAD_xxx, and there'll be no relay. so user need to InitWithdraw, status becomes
// refund_requested when sgn apply withdrawDone event, status becomes REFUND_DONE
enum XferStatus {
  UNKNOWN = 0;  // use as default for unknown xfer
  // normal flow only has ok then success
  OK_TO_RELAY = 1;  // x/cbridge emit relay, waiting for sgn nodes to send sig, then sgn will submit relay tx onchain
  SUCCESS = 2;      // applied onchain relay event

  // can't relay flow status
  BAD_LIQUIDITY = 3;  // can't complete xfer due to low dst chain liquidity or equal value dest amount is 0
  BAD_SLIPPAGE = 4;   // slippage larger than user specified max
  BAD_TOKEN = 5;      // src or dest token are not supported

  // refund, using withdraw flow
  REFUND_REQUESTED = 6;   // user/gateway called InitWithdraw, XferRefundKey has withdraw seq num
  REFUND_DONE = 7;        // applied onchain WithdrawDown event
  BAD_XFER_DISABLED = 8;  // asset is in config, but it is xfer_disabled, so this asset should not be used for transfer. If any transfer
                          // come, we should go to refund flow.
  BAD_DEST_CHAIN = 9;     // dest chain is same to src chain, relayer will ignore it.

  EXCEED_MAX_OUT_AMOUNT = 10;  // amount larger than max out allowance
  XFER_DELAYED = 11;  // relayer has successfully called onchain relay() but the onchain contract decides that the amt is greater than its
                      // delayThreshold