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Test Coverage
package router

import (

    gaspriceoracle ""
    walletCommon ""
    walletToken ""

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// TODO: once new router is in place, remove this `router.go` file,
// rename and make `router_v2.go` file the main and only file
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// TODO: remove the following two consts once we fully move to routerV2
const EstimateUsername = "RandomUsername"
const EstimatePubKey = "0x04bb2024ce5d72e45d4a4f8589ae657ef9745855006996115a23a1af88d536cf02c0524a585fce7bfa79d6a9669af735eda6205d6c7e5b3cdc2b8ff7b2fa1f0b56"

type Path struct {
    BridgeName              string
    From                    *params.Network
    To                      *params.Network
    MaxAmountIn             *hexutil.Big
    AmountIn                *hexutil.Big
    AmountInLocked          bool
    AmountOut               *hexutil.Big
    GasAmount               uint64
    GasFees                 *SuggestedFeesGwei
    BonderFees              *hexutil.Big
    TokenFees               *big.Float
    Cost                    *big.Float
    EstimatedTime           TransactionEstimation
    ApprovalRequired        bool
    ApprovalGasFees         *big.Float
    ApprovalAmountRequired  *hexutil.Big
    ApprovalContractAddress *common.Address

func (p *Path) Equal(o *Path) bool {
    return p.From.ChainID == o.From.ChainID && p.To.ChainID == o.To.ChainID

type Graph []*Node

type Node struct {
    Path     *Path
    Children Graph

func newNode(path *Path) *Node {
    return &Node{Path: path, Children: make(Graph, 0)}

func buildGraph(AmountIn *big.Int, routes []*Path, level int, sourceChainIDs []uint64) Graph {
    graph := make(Graph, 0)
    for _, route := range routes {
        found := false
        for _, chainID := range sourceChainIDs {
            if chainID == route.From.ChainID {
                found = true
        if found {
        node := newNode(route)

        newRoutes := make([]*Path, 0)
        for _, r := range routes {
            if route.Equal(r) {
            newRoutes = append(newRoutes, r)

        newAmountIn := new(big.Int).Sub(AmountIn, route.MaxAmountIn.ToInt())
        if newAmountIn.Sign() > 0 {
            newSourceChainIDs := make([]uint64, len(sourceChainIDs))
            copy(newSourceChainIDs, sourceChainIDs)
            newSourceChainIDs = append(newSourceChainIDs, route.From.ChainID)
            node.Children = buildGraph(newAmountIn, newRoutes, level+1, newSourceChainIDs)

            if len(node.Children) == 0 {

        graph = append(graph, node)

    return graph

func (n Node) buildAllRoutes() [][]*Path {
    res := make([][]*Path, 0)

    if len(n.Children) == 0 && n.Path != nil {
        res = append(res, []*Path{n.Path})

    for _, node := range n.Children {
        for _, route := range node.buildAllRoutes() {
            extendedRoute := route
            if n.Path != nil {
                extendedRoute = append([]*Path{n.Path}, route...)
            res = append(res, extendedRoute)

    return res

func filterRoutes(routes [][]*Path, amountIn *big.Int, fromLockedAmount map[uint64]*hexutil.Big) [][]*Path {
    if len(fromLockedAmount) == 0 {
        return routes

    filteredRoutesLevel1 := make([][]*Path, 0)
    for _, route := range routes {
        routeOk := true
        fromIncluded := make(map[uint64]bool)
        fromExcluded := make(map[uint64]bool)
        for chainID, amount := range fromLockedAmount {
            if amount.ToInt().Cmp(pathprocessor.ZeroBigIntValue) == 0 {
                fromExcluded[chainID] = false
            } else {
                fromIncluded[chainID] = false

        for _, path := range route {
            if _, ok := fromExcluded[path.From.ChainID]; ok {
                routeOk = false
            if _, ok := fromIncluded[path.From.ChainID]; ok {
                fromIncluded[path.From.ChainID] = true
        for _, value := range fromIncluded {
            if !value {
                routeOk = false

        if routeOk {
            filteredRoutesLevel1 = append(filteredRoutesLevel1, route)

    filteredRoutesLevel2 := make([][]*Path, 0)
    for _, route := range filteredRoutesLevel1 {
        routeOk := true
        for _, path := range route {
            if amount, ok := fromLockedAmount[path.From.ChainID]; ok {
                requiredAmountIn := new(big.Int).Sub(amountIn, amount.ToInt())
                restAmountIn := big.NewInt(0)

                for _, otherPath := range route {
                    if path.Equal(otherPath) {
                    restAmountIn = new(big.Int).Add(otherPath.MaxAmountIn.ToInt(), restAmountIn)
                if restAmountIn.Cmp(requiredAmountIn) >= 0 {
                    path.AmountIn = amount
                    path.AmountInLocked = true
                } else {
                    routeOk = false
        if routeOk {
            filteredRoutesLevel2 = append(filteredRoutesLevel2, route)

    return filteredRoutesLevel2

func findBest(routes [][]*Path) []*Path {
    var best []*Path
    bestCost := big.NewFloat(math.Inf(1))
    for _, route := range routes {
        currentCost := big.NewFloat(0)
        for _, path := range route {
            currentCost = new(big.Float).Add(currentCost, path.Cost)

        if currentCost.Cmp(bestCost) == -1 {
            best = route
            bestCost = currentCost

    return best

type SuggestedRoutes struct {
    Best                  []*Path
    Candidates            []*Path
    TokenPrice            float64
    NativeChainTokenPrice float64

func newSuggestedRoutes(
    amountIn *big.Int,
    candidates []*Path,
    fromLockedAmount map[uint64]*hexutil.Big,
) *SuggestedRoutes {
    if len(candidates) == 0 {
        return &SuggestedRoutes{
            Candidates: candidates,
            Best:       candidates,

    node := &Node{
        Path:     nil,
        Children: buildGraph(amountIn, candidates, 0, []uint64{}),
    routes := node.buildAllRoutes()
    routes = filterRoutes(routes, amountIn, fromLockedAmount)
    best := findBest(routes)

    if len(best) > 0 {
        sort.Slice(best, func(i, j int) bool {
            return best[i].AmountInLocked
        rest := new(big.Int).Set(amountIn)
        for _, path := range best {
            diff := new(big.Int).Sub(rest, path.MaxAmountIn.ToInt())
            if diff.Cmp(pathprocessor.ZeroBigIntValue) >= 0 {
                path.AmountIn = (*hexutil.Big)(path.MaxAmountIn.ToInt())
            } else {
                path.AmountIn = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Set(rest))
            rest.Sub(rest, path.AmountIn.ToInt())

    return &SuggestedRoutes{
        Candidates: candidates,
        Best:       best,

func NewRouter(rpcClient *rpc.Client, transactor *transactions.Transactor, tokenManager *token.Manager, marketManager *market.Manager,
    collectibles *collectibles.Service, collectiblesManager *collectibles.Manager, ensService *ens.Service, stickersService *stickers.Service) *Router {
    processors := make(map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor)

    return &Router{
        rpcClient:           rpcClient,
        tokenManager:        tokenManager,
        marketManager:       marketManager,
        collectiblesService: collectibles,
        collectiblesManager: collectiblesManager,
        ensService:          ensService,
        stickersService:     stickersService,
        feesManager:         &FeeManager{rpcClient},
        pathProcessors:      processors,
        scheduler:           async.NewScheduler(),

func (r *Router) AddPathProcessor(processor pathprocessor.PathProcessor) {
    r.pathProcessors[processor.Name()] = processor

func (r *Router) Stop() {

func (r *Router) GetFeesManager() *FeeManager {
    return r.feesManager

func (r *Router) GetPathProcessors() map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor {
    return r.pathProcessors

func containsNetworkChainID(chainID uint64, chainIDs []uint64) bool {
    for _, cID := range chainIDs {
        if cID == chainID {
            return true

    return false

type Router struct {
    rpcClient           *rpc.Client
    tokenManager        *token.Manager
    marketManager       *market.Manager
    collectiblesService *collectibles.Service
    collectiblesManager *collectibles.Manager
    ensService          *ens.Service
    stickersService     *stickers.Service
    feesManager         *FeeManager
    pathProcessors      map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor
    scheduler           *async.Scheduler

func (r *Router) requireApproval(ctx context.Context, sendType SendType, approvalContractAddress *common.Address, params pathprocessor.ProcessorInputParams) (
    bool, *big.Int, uint64, uint64, error) {
    if sendType.IsCollectiblesTransfer() || sendType.IsEnsTransfer() || sendType.IsStickersTransfer() {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, nil

    if params.FromToken.IsNative() {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, nil

    contractMaker, err := contracts.NewContractMaker(r.rpcClient)
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, err

    contract, err := contractMaker.NewERC20(params.FromChain.ChainID, params.FromToken.Address)
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, err

    if approvalContractAddress == nil || *approvalContractAddress == pathprocessor.ZeroAddress {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, nil

    if params.TestsMode {
        return true, params.AmountIn, params.TestApprovalGasEstimation, params.TestApprovalL1Fee, nil

    allowance, err := contract.Allowance(&bind.CallOpts{
        Context: ctx,
    }, params.FromAddr, *approvalContractAddress)

    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, err

    if allowance.Cmp(params.AmountIn) >= 0 {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, nil

    ethClient, err := r.rpcClient.EthClient(params.FromChain.ChainID)
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, err

    erc20ABI, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(ierc20.IERC20ABI))
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, err

    data, err := erc20ABI.Pack("approve", approvalContractAddress, params.AmountIn)
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, err

    estimate, err := ethClient.EstimateGas(context.Background(), ethereum.CallMsg{
        From:  params.FromAddr,
        To:    &params.FromToken.Address,
        Value: pathprocessor.ZeroBigIntValue,
        Data:  data,
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, 0, 0, err

    // fetching l1 fee
    var l1Fee uint64
    oracleContractAddress, err := gaspriceoracle.ContractAddress(params.FromChain.ChainID)
    if err == nil {
        oracleContract, err := gaspriceoracle.NewGaspriceoracleCaller(oracleContractAddress, ethClient)
        if err != nil {
            return false, nil, 0, 0, err

        callOpt := &bind.CallOpts{}

        l1FeeResult, _ := oracleContract.GetL1Fee(callOpt, data)
        l1Fee = l1FeeResult.Uint64()

    return true, params.AmountIn, estimate, l1Fee, nil

func (r *Router) getBalance(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, token *token.Token, account common.Address) (*big.Int, error) {
    client, err := r.rpcClient.EthClient(chainID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return r.tokenManager.GetBalance(ctx, client, account, token.Address)

func (r *Router) getERC1155Balance(ctx context.Context, network *params.Network, token *token.Token, account common.Address) (*big.Int, error) {
    tokenID, success := new(big.Int).SetString(token.Symbol, 10)
    if !success {
        return nil, errors.New("failed to convert token symbol to big.Int")

    balances, err := r.collectiblesManager.FetchERC1155Balances(
        []*bigint.BigInt{&bigint.BigInt{Int: tokenID}},
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if len(balances) != 1 || balances[0] == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("invalid ERC1155 balance fetch response")

    return balances[0].Int, nil

func (r *Router) SuggestedRoutes(
    ctx context.Context,
    sendType SendType,
    addrFrom common.Address,
    addrTo common.Address,
    amountIn *big.Int,
    tokenID string,
    toTokenID string,
    preferedChainIDs []uint64,
    gasFeeMode GasFeeMode,
    fromLockedAmount map[uint64]*hexutil.Big,
    testnetMode bool,
) (*SuggestedRoutes, error) {

    networks, err := r.rpcClient.NetworkManager.Get(false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    prices, err := sendType.FetchPrices(r.marketManager, tokenID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var (
        group      = async.NewAtomicGroup(ctx)
        mu         sync.Mutex
        candidates = make([]*Path, 0)

    for networkIdx := range networks {
        network := networks[networkIdx]
        if network.IsTest != testnetMode {

        if containsNetworkChainID(network.ChainID, disabledFromChainIDs) {

        if !sendType.isAvailableFor(network) {

        token := sendType.FindToken(r.tokenManager, r.collectiblesService, addrFrom, network, tokenID)
        if token == nil {

        var toToken *walletToken.Token
        if sendType == Swap {
            toToken = sendType.FindToken(r.tokenManager, r.collectiblesService, common.Address{}, network, toTokenID)

        nativeToken := r.tokenManager.FindToken(network, network.NativeCurrencySymbol)
        if nativeToken == nil {

        group.Add(func(c context.Context) error {
            gasFees, err := r.feesManager.SuggestedFeesGwei(ctx, network.ChainID)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            // Default value is 1 as in case of erc721 as we built the token we are sure the account owns it
            balance := big.NewInt(1)
            if sendType == ERC1155Transfer {
                balance, err = r.getERC1155Balance(ctx, network, token, addrFrom)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
            } else if sendType != ERC721Transfer {
                balance, err = r.getBalance(ctx, network.ChainID, token, addrFrom)
                if err != nil {
                    return err

            maxAmountIn := (*hexutil.Big)(balance)
            if amount, ok := fromLockedAmount[network.ChainID]; ok {
                if amount.ToInt().Cmp(balance) == 1 {
                    return errors.New("locked amount cannot be bigger than balance")
                maxAmountIn = amount

            nativeBalance, err := r.getBalance(ctx, network.ChainID, nativeToken, addrFrom)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            maxFees := gasFees.feeFor(gasFeeMode)

            estimatedTime := r.feesManager.TransactionEstimatedTime(ctx, network.ChainID, gweiToWei(maxFees))
            for _, pProcessor := range r.pathProcessors {
                // Skip processors that are added because of the Router V2, to not break the current functionality
                if pProcessor.Name() == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSRegisterName ||
                    pProcessor.Name() == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSReleaseName ||
                    pProcessor.Name() == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSPublicKeyName ||
                    pProcessor.Name() == pathprocessor.ProcessorStickersBuyName {

                if !sendType.canUseProcessor(pProcessor) {

                for _, dest := range networks {
                    if dest.IsTest != testnetMode {

                    if !sendType.isAvailableFor(network) {

                    if !sendType.isAvailableBetween(network, dest) {

                    if len(preferedChainIDs) > 0 && !containsNetworkChainID(dest.ChainID, preferedChainIDs) {
                    if containsNetworkChainID(dest.ChainID, disabledToChainIDs) {

                    processorInputParams := pathprocessor.ProcessorInputParams{
                        FromChain: network,
                        ToChain:   dest,
                        FromToken: token,
                        ToToken:   toToken,
                        ToAddr:    addrTo,
                        FromAddr:  addrFrom,
                        AmountIn:  amountIn,

                    can, err := pProcessor.AvailableFor(processorInputParams)
                    if err != nil || !can {
                    if maxAmountIn.ToInt().Cmp(pathprocessor.ZeroBigIntValue) == 0 {

                    bonderFees, tokenFees, err := pProcessor.CalculateFees(processorInputParams)
                    if err != nil {
                    if bonderFees.Cmp(pathprocessor.ZeroBigIntValue) != 0 {
                        if maxAmountIn.ToInt().Cmp(amountIn) >= 0 {
                            if bonderFees.Cmp(amountIn) >= 0 {
                        } else {
                            if bonderFees.Cmp(maxAmountIn.ToInt()) >= 0 {
                    gasLimit := uint64(0)
                    if sendType.isTransfer(false) {
                        gasLimit, err = pProcessor.EstimateGas(processorInputParams)
                        if err != nil {
                    } else {
                        gasLimit = sendType.EstimateGas(r.ensService, r.stickersService, network, addrFrom, tokenID)

                    approvalContractAddress, err := pProcessor.GetContractAddress(processorInputParams)
                    if err != nil {
                    approvalRequired, approvalAmountRequired, approvalGasLimit, l1ApprovalFee, err := r.requireApproval(ctx, sendType, &approvalContractAddress, processorInputParams)
                    if err != nil {

                    var l1GasFeeWei uint64
                    if sendType.needL1Fee() {
                        txInputData, err := pProcessor.PackTxInputData(processorInputParams)
                        if err != nil {

                        l1GasFeeWei, _ = r.feesManager.GetL1Fee(ctx, network.ChainID, txInputData)
                        l1GasFeeWei += l1ApprovalFee

                    gasFees.L1GasFee = weiToGwei(big.NewInt(int64(l1GasFeeWei)))

                    requiredNativeBalance := new(big.Int).Mul(gweiToWei(maxFees), big.NewInt(int64(gasLimit)))
                    requiredNativeBalance.Add(requiredNativeBalance, new(big.Int).Mul(gweiToWei(maxFees), big.NewInt(int64(approvalGasLimit))))
                    requiredNativeBalance.Add(requiredNativeBalance, big.NewInt(int64(l1GasFeeWei))) // add l1Fee to requiredNativeBalance, in case of L1 chain l1Fee is 0

                    if nativeBalance.Cmp(requiredNativeBalance) <= 0 {

                    // Removed the required fees from maxAMount in case of native token tx
                    if token.IsNative() {
                        maxAmountIn = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Sub(maxAmountIn.ToInt(), requiredNativeBalance))

                    ethPrice := big.NewFloat(prices["ETH"])

                    approvalGasFees := new(big.Float).Mul(gweiToEth(maxFees), big.NewFloat((float64(approvalGasLimit))))

                    approvalGasCost := new(big.Float)
                    approvalGasCost.Mul(approvalGasFees, ethPrice)

                    l1GasCost := new(big.Float)
                    l1GasCost.Mul(gasFees.L1GasFee, ethPrice)

                    gasCost := new(big.Float)
                    gasCost.Mul(new(big.Float).Mul(gweiToEth(maxFees), big.NewFloat(float64(gasLimit))), ethPrice)

                    tokenFeesAsFloat := new(big.Float).Quo(
                        big.NewFloat(math.Pow(10, float64(token.Decimals))),
                    tokenCost := new(big.Float)
                    tokenCost.Mul(tokenFeesAsFloat, big.NewFloat(prices[tokenID]))

                    cost := new(big.Float)
                    cost.Add(tokenCost, gasCost)
                    cost.Add(cost, approvalGasCost)
                    cost.Add(cost, l1GasCost)
                    candidates = append(candidates, &Path{
                        BridgeName:              pProcessor.Name(),
                        From:                    network,
                        To:                      dest,
                        MaxAmountIn:             maxAmountIn,
                        AmountIn:                (*hexutil.Big)(pathprocessor.ZeroBigIntValue),
                        AmountOut:               (*hexutil.Big)(pathprocessor.ZeroBigIntValue),
                        GasAmount:               gasLimit,
                        GasFees:                 gasFees,
                        BonderFees:              (*hexutil.Big)(bonderFees),
                        TokenFees:               tokenFeesAsFloat,
                        Cost:                    cost,
                        EstimatedTime:           estimatedTime,
                        ApprovalRequired:        approvalRequired,
                        ApprovalGasFees:         approvalGasFees,
                        ApprovalAmountRequired:  (*hexutil.Big)(approvalAmountRequired),
                        ApprovalContractAddress: &approvalContractAddress,
            return nil


    suggestedRoutes := newSuggestedRoutes(amountIn, candidates, fromLockedAmount)
    suggestedRoutes.TokenPrice = prices[tokenID]
    suggestedRoutes.NativeChainTokenPrice = prices["ETH"]
    for _, path := range suggestedRoutes.Best {
        processorInputParams := pathprocessor.ProcessorInputParams{
            FromChain: path.From,
            ToChain:   path.To,
            AmountIn:  path.AmountIn.ToInt(),
            FromToken: &token.Token{
                Symbol: tokenID,
            ToToken: &token.Token{
                Symbol: toTokenID,

        amountOut, err := r.pathProcessors[path.BridgeName].CalculateAmountOut(processorInputParams)
        if err != nil {
        path.AmountOut = (*hexutil.Big)(amountOut)

    return suggestedRoutes, nil