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Test Coverage
package router

import (

    walletCommon ""

type SendType int

const (
    Transfer SendType = iota

func (s SendType) IsCollectiblesTransfer() bool {
    return s == ERC721Transfer || s == ERC1155Transfer

func (s SendType) IsEnsTransfer() bool {
    return s == ENSRegister || s == ENSRelease || s == ENSSetPubKey

func (s SendType) IsStickersTransfer() bool {
    return s == StickersBuy

func (s SendType) FetchPrices(marketManager *market.Manager, tokenID string) (map[string]float64, error) {
    symbols := []string{tokenID, "ETH"}
    if s.IsCollectiblesTransfer() {
        symbols = []string{"ETH"}

    pricesMap, err := marketManager.FetchPrices(symbols, []string{"USD"})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    prices := make(map[string]float64, 0)
    for symbol, pricePerCurrency := range pricesMap {
        prices[symbol] = pricePerCurrency["USD"]
    if s.IsCollectiblesTransfer() {
        prices[tokenID] = 0
    return prices, nil

func (s SendType) FindToken(tokenManager *token.Manager, collectibles *collectibles.Service, account common.Address, network *params.Network, tokenID string) *token.Token {
    if !s.IsCollectiblesTransfer() {
        return tokenManager.FindToken(network, tokenID)

    parts := strings.Split(tokenID, ":")
    contractAddress := common.HexToAddress(parts[0])
    collectibleTokenID, success := new(big.Int).SetString(parts[1], 10)
    if !success {
        return nil
    uniqueID, err := collectibles.GetOwnedCollectible(walletCommon.ChainID(network.ChainID), account, contractAddress, collectibleTokenID)
    if err != nil || uniqueID == nil {
        return nil

    return &token.Token{
        Address:  contractAddress,
        Symbol:   collectibleTokenID.String(),
        Decimals: 0,
        ChainID:  network.ChainID,

// TODO: remove this function once we fully move to routerV2
func (s SendType) isTransfer(routerV2Logic bool) bool {
    return s == Transfer ||
        s == Bridge && routerV2Logic ||
        s == Swap ||

func (s SendType) needL1Fee() bool {
    return !s.IsEnsTransfer() && !s.IsStickersTransfer()

// canUseProcessor is used to check if certain SendType can be used with a given path processor
func (s SendType) canUseProcessor(p pathprocessor.PathProcessor) bool {
    pathProcessorName := p.Name()
    switch s {
    case Transfer:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorTransferName ||
            pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorBridgeHopName ||
            pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorBridgeCelerName
    case Bridge:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorBridgeHopName ||
            pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorBridgeCelerName
    case Swap:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorSwapParaswapName
    case ERC721Transfer:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorERC721Name
    case ERC1155Transfer:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorERC1155Name
    case ENSRegister:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSRegisterName
    case ENSRelease:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSReleaseName
    case ENSSetPubKey:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSPublicKeyName
    case StickersBuy:
        return pathProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorStickersBuyName
        return true

func (s SendType) isAvailableBetween(from, to *params.Network) bool {
    if s.IsCollectiblesTransfer() ||
        s.IsEnsTransfer() ||
        s.IsStickersTransfer() ||
        s == Swap {
        return from.ChainID == to.ChainID

    if s == Bridge {
        return from.ChainID != to.ChainID

    return true

func (s SendType) isAvailableFor(network *params.Network) bool {
    // Set of network ChainIDs allowed for any type of transaction
    allAllowedNetworks := map[uint64]bool{
        walletCommon.EthereumMainnet: true,
        walletCommon.EthereumGoerli:  true,
        walletCommon.EthereumSepolia: true,

    // Additional specific networks for the Swap SendType
    swapAllowedNetworks := map[uint64]bool{
        walletCommon.EthereumMainnet: true,
        walletCommon.OptimismMainnet: true,
        walletCommon.ArbitrumMainnet: true,

    // Check for Swap specific networks
    if s == Swap {
        return swapAllowedNetworks[network.ChainID]

    if s.IsEnsTransfer() || s.IsStickersTransfer() {
        return network.ChainID == walletCommon.EthereumMainnet || network.ChainID == walletCommon.EthereumSepolia

    // Check for any SendType available for all networks
    if s == Transfer || s == Bridge || s.IsCollectiblesTransfer() || allAllowedNetworks[network.ChainID] {
        return true

    return false

// TODO: remove this function once we fully move to routerV2
func (s SendType) EstimateGas(ensService *ens.Service, stickersService *stickers.Service, network *params.Network, from common.Address, tokenID string) uint64 {
    tx := transactions.SendTxArgs{
        From:  (types.Address)(from),
        Value: (*hexutil.Big)(pathprocessor.ZeroBigIntValue),
    switch s {
    case ENSRegister:
        estimate, err := ensService.API().RegisterEstimate(context.Background(), network.ChainID, tx, EstimateUsername, EstimatePubKey)
        if err != nil {
            return 400000
        return estimate

    case ENSRelease:
        estimate, err := ensService.API().ReleaseEstimate(context.Background(), network.ChainID, tx, EstimateUsername)
        if err != nil {
            return 200000
        return estimate

    case ENSSetPubKey:
        estimate, err := ensService.API().SetPubKeyEstimate(context.Background(), network.ChainID, tx, fmt.Sprint(EstimateUsername, ".stateofus.eth"), EstimatePubKey)
        if err != nil {
            return 400000
        return estimate

    case StickersBuy:
        packID := &bigint.BigInt{Int: big.NewInt(2)}
        estimate, err := stickersService.API().BuyEstimate(context.Background(), network.ChainID, (types.Address)(from), packID)
        if err != nil {
            return 400000
        return estimate

        return 0